Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 4

by T. E. Ridener

  “I’m sure we can go in shifts,” Dimitri responded, having once again read his thoughts. He held a glass of freshly made chocolate milk out for him to take. “Besides, we have to go to the dinner because I sort of volunteered our services for the cleanup afterwards.”

  “Oh, God,” Rutley groaned. “I am not doing dishes. I hate dishes. Why couldn’t you have just told her we were going to a play or something afterwards?”

  “Because the play is happening on the evening before Christmas Eve-everybody knows that. I’m not even from here, but I knew it.”

  Dimitri seemed awful proud of himself for being so knowledgeable on the community events of Kadenburg. What a doofus. Rutley wrinkled his nose before taking a sip of his milk. He hummed in approval.

  “Good?” Dimitri asked as he moved to the microwave as it beeped. Rutley’s eyes were glued to his bare flesh as he bent slightly. The muscles in his lower back flexed and rippled, causing the younger wolf to release an odd noise in the back of his throat.

  Stop staring, his mind hissed as he tried his very best to pry his eyes away. God, we’ve been over this, you idiot. JUST. FRIENDS.

  But we like him very much, his wolf decided to chime as Rutley’s eye twitched. Sometimes, he didn’t like that his wolf had an opinion. That stupid beast got him into more trouble than anything else. If it wasn’t bad enough that his wolf liked to think about Dimitri in inappropriate ways......add on the thoughts of Kia and a man would realize what torment Rutley went through on a daily basis.

  ‘I knew it’, Dimitri’s voice sounded in his head as he turned around to stare at him. ‘You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?’

  Rutley’s expression became one of helplessness as he shrugged his broad shoulders. “We haven’t seen her in weeks. I’m a little worried.”

  “We can still hear her heartbeat. She’s fine. It’s not my fault she’s suddenly a recluse, Rut.” He muttered as he poured some more pizza rolls onto a plate and stuck them in the microwave.

  Uh oh. He was mad again. When would Rutley learn? He released a heavy sigh as he pushed away from the counter and returned to the living room. His appetite vanished as he eased onto the couch and grabbed for the remote. Maybe he’d just watch some TV and try to ignore the urge to check on Kia.

  He’d already tried several times. He stopped by her apartment religiously for a week straight, only to knock on her door and never receive a response. Maybe Dimitri was right after all; maybe all she wanted from them was a good wham, bam, thank ya, ma’am. Was he really that stupid?

  “You’re not stupid,” Dimitri said softly as he sat down beside of him. “I’m a dick sometimes, okay? I don’t mean to get upset over it....I just feel like she pulled a fast one on us and I’m not a fan of being manipulated.”

  “And you think I am?” Rutley frowned, turning his head to peer at him with big blue eyes. “I don’t remember everything that happened that night...but I remember enough to know it made me feel something. It was confusing and fucking amazing at the same time, Dim. A part of me thinks that we wanted it just as much as she did.”

  “Mm,” Dimitri pursed his lips together as he leaned forward, resting his elbows against his thighs. His hazel hues remained focused on the coffee table as his dark eyebrows knitted together in thought. “I’m not going to lie,” he said under his breath. “My wolf liked what happened, but you need to understand that me, as a person....I’m not straight. I don’t like women in that way. Besides....”

  “Besides....?” Rutley tilted his head to the side, listening intently.

  And just like the cluster-fuckery the universe liked to throw at them, Dimitri’s ringtone blared through the air. Rutley released a whine from the high pitched tune and covered his ears. He would never get used to his sensitive hearing.

  “Sorry,” Dimitri mouthed as he fished the small device from his pocket, glancing at the caller ID. Judging by the small smile on his lips, Rutley knew it had to be Presley. Those two were getting awfully close lately. “Hey, Presley,” Dimitri said in a softer voice as he stood up from the couch. “What? Yeah. We’ll be there in a bit.”

  He turned around to glance at Rutley, quirking an eyebrow. “Uh..no. We haven’t had anything to eat yet,” He made a small face, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah, that sounds great. I’d love to,” His crooked grin returned as he gazed at Rutley in a way that made the younger wolf’s heart stop. “I’ll bring him, yeah. No problem. We’ll see you soon.”

  When he hung up, Rutley smirked. “Let me guess...dinner at the Bamey house tonight as well?”

  “Well, duh,” Dimitri winked. He fucking winked. That bastard. “What better way to end an evening of putting up Christmas decorations, huh?”


  The original Bamey house was full of laughter and cheer as everyone helped put up various decorations around the home. Mr. Bamey, Davey Berdine, and Dimitri were trying to get the star on the tip-top of the tree while Mrs. Bamey ‘supervised’. Lorcan and Rutley were outside, attempting to put up a slew of candy canes that would line the driveway from one end to the other.

  Presley managed to land the job as the official stocking putter-upper. She enlisted Louisa for assistance as they hunted down the thumbtacks and slew of beautifully crafted red stockings.

  “These are so pretty!” Louisa exclaimed as she admired the glitter-glued names on each one. “Does she make them herself?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Presley smiled as she grabbed for the one that said ‘LIAM’. A pang of sadness throbbed in her heart as she glanced briefly to Mrs. Bamey. She would never understand how the woman knew when she was thinking of her, but she saw the small nod the older ursithrope gave her. She still wanted it to be hung among the others.

  “Maybe I should start doing this for Beau and me,” Louisa said thoughtfully as she held out another stocking for Presley to hang above the fireplace. “It would be nice to be more familiarized with American traditions.”

  “You don’t really celebrate Christmas in China?” Presley asked curiously as she placed Lorcan’s stocking beside his brother’s.

  “Not really, no,” Louisa shrugged, gazing at the next stocking in her hands. “Oh, Presley, this one’s yours,” she smiled.

  “One for me?” Presley’s smile was ridiculously big as she accepted the soft velvet stocking from her friend. Sure enough, her name sparkled in shimmering silver glitter. It was a new stocking; Lorcan’s and Liam’s seemed aged in comparison. But of course they would, right? They’d probably had them since birth.

  Warmth radiated through her body as she made her way from one side of the fireplace to the other. Mr. Bamey, Mrs. Bamey, Liam, Lorcan, and herself; they all had stockings.

  “That should do it.” She sighed, resting a hand against her stomach.

  “There’s four more.” Louisa said in surprise.

  “Really? For who?”

  Neither female could believe it as they stared at the names on the remaining four brand new stockings.





  Upon hearing Louisa’s sharp intake of breath, Presley’s green eyes snapped up to her face. Was she crying? Yes. The tears rolled down Louisa’s cheeks as she clutched her stocking against her chest and smiled.

  “This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” she whispered. “I’ve never had a stocking before.”

  “Well now you do,” Mrs. Bamey interrupted as she wrapped her arms around her from behind, squeezing her in an infamous Mama Bamey hug. “Now, come on, my girls. I’m pretty sure Arnie is in my kitchen drinking up all my egg nog. I need you to help me send his butt back outside to help with the lights.”

  Presley frowned at the mention of her uncle Arnold drinking all the egg nog. He’d been acting awfully strange since he’d arrived at the house. She could feel the stress that surrounded him and it was beginning to make her stressed. She needed to find out what was

  “Where’s Natalie?” She asked as they entered the kitchen together.

  Her uncle was nursing a bottle of egg nog, apparently ignoring her as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down quickly. He was chugging that thing as if there were no tomorrow.

  “Uncle Arnold,” she said more firmly. “Where’s Natalie?”

  He set the bottle down rather hard and wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. His head turned in her direction before he shrugged his shoulders lazily. “Maybe she got ran over by a reindeer.”

  Oh, Urseth. He’s drunk, Presley wrinkled her nose. The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree on that one. She’d had a minor drinking problem herself as a teenager-that was why Nana Hettie disliked her so much in the first place-but to see her uncle Arnold allowing himself to fall back into an old habit was unnerving.

  “I think you’ve had enough,” Mrs. Bamey stated in disdain. “Why don’t I get you something to eat, Arnie?”

  “I don’t want anything,” he grunted. “I’m doin’ all right with this here bottle of egg nog. The bourbon is sublime.”

  Oh, crap. He was really drunk if he was trying to use fancy words. Presley sighed and placed her hands on her hips, glancing back and forth between Mrs. Bamey, Louisa, and her uncle.

  “Well, why don’t you give the bottle a break and go see if you can lend a hand to Lorcan outside? I’m pretty sure Rutley might break his neck if anybody trusts him with a ladder,” Presley laughed. She was being completely serious, however. Rutley was quite clumsy sometimes and there was no way his new wolfy abilities would override his natural attraction for the ground.

  “They’re grown men. They can handle it,” Arnold replied grumpily as he cast his marred eyes towards the floor. “A blind man won’t be of much use anyway.”

  Ouch. Presley felt a jab of pain in her lungs as she gazed at Mrs. Bamey helplessly. What was she supposed to do?

  “All right then,” Mrs. Bamey huffed. “You just be that way, Arnold Goult. See if I make you any honeysuckle delight for Christmas morning.”

  Oh, Urseth! Presley’s mouth watered at the thought of honeysuckle delight. It was only the best pie in the world and it finally made sense why she loved it so much after all these years. The caramel and butter flavored custards drenched with honey was the sweetest dessert a person could ever hope for. Maybe it was an acquired taste though...maybe not everyone in the world liked it as much as the ursithropes. Presley would have to try that theory out on Dimitri come Christmas Day.

  “What’s the problem in here?” Mr. Bamey asked as he appeared behind his wife. He peered over her shoulder, immediately releasing a low breath when he saw the state his friend was in. “Aw, hell, Arnie. Did you drink all my egg nog?”

  Her uncle Arnold replied with a loud belch. Attractive.

  “Take me home,” Arnold frowned after a few seconds. “I don’t reckon I’m feeling so festive and bed might be best for me.”

  Presley opened her mouth to protest, but Mrs. Bamey lifted a hand to stop her.

  “That might be for the best right now,” she said in that undeniable maternal voice. “Just get some rest, Arnold and maybe tomorrow you’ll feel like going Christmas caroling.”

  Everyone was silent as Arnold pushed himself up from his seat, staggering back and forth on unstable legs as he reached his hand out blindly. Presley immediately stepped forward, allowing her fingers to close around her uncle’s.

  He tensed for a few seconds, and then his bottom lip revealed the slightest hint of a quiver.

  “I’m sorry I’m ruinin’ your Christmas, Pretz.” He whispered, squeezing her hand.

  “You’re not, Uncle Arnold....” She whispered in shock. How could he think such a thing? What she wouldn’t give to see him smile again.....

  “Go get some rest, Dear,” Mrs. Bamey urged as she nodded to her husband. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” Arnold mumbled as he allowed Presley to guide him out of the house. He said it very lowly, but every ursithrope could hear the words he said as he exited the house. It didn’t hurt anyone as much as it hurt Presley. “I won’t see a damn thing.”


  December 19th

  I honestly don’t know why Rutley Holter won’t take the hint. If a person doesn’t answer their door after multiple knocks, doesn’t that mean they don’t want company? He’s frustrating the crap out of me.

  On the other hand, he did a really nice thing and left a plate of cookies on my doorstep. I really don’t know what to make of that. Well, actually I do. I’m a horrible little bitch and I deserve to be hit by a train. Does this town even get trains? I’ve never heard one pass through.....

  Anyway, the depression is starting to overwhelm me and I’m not sure if I can go through with this. I’ve never felt so guilty over anything in my life—and I’ve done a lot of bad things. A part of me just wanted to make my father proud, but I’m not proud of this. Rutley and Dimitri are too kind to have something like this happen to them.....but it’s too late.

  I wish I could warn them. I wish I could tell the ursithropes to run far, far away and never look back, but this is their home and they’re not going to give it up without a fight. My father is going to destroy the very few decent shifters left in this world.

  I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I have this strange urge to slip a note beneath the door of Rutley and Dimitri’s apartment and pray they decipher it before the New Year arrives....but if my father found out, he would kill me.

  I deserve death for what I have done. I am not worthy of taking another breath. Maybe I should end this before it has a chance to begin.

  Maybe I will.



  The sun was too bright as it flooded through the bedroom window and awoke Natalie. She rolled onto her side and buried her face against the pillow, groaning. Sleep didn’t come easily for her the night before, and she knew that things were only going to get worse.

  She felt like she was sixteen all over again. Arnold Goult had imbedded himself in her brain once more and she was helpless to push him out. His face, his voice, and his touch invaded her dreams all throughout the night, causing her to toss and turn and touch herself. She was going to be driven mad before Christmas morning had the chance to arrive. He was ruining her Christmas already.

  After showering and brushing out her long mane of dark hair, she gazed at herself in the mirror. Dark circles were evident beneath her light eyes and a frown tugged at her lips. She couldn’t go out in public like this.

  “Damn you, Arnold Goult.” She mumbled as she all but stomped into her kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. The steady tick tock of the clock on the living room mantel helped her keep up with the time as the morning hours rolled by. She did have places to be today.

  I should be taking care of him, she thought as she shook her head slowly. He doesn’t need to be alone. He can’t take care of himself in his shape.

  Why did she even care so much? He was a pompous dickhead and had made her life hell during her last days in Kadenburg. She left because of him. He tore her heart into a million pieces and she ran straight into the arms of Breslin Connor.

  Her stomach churned at the thought of Breslin. Why had she been with him again? He was a monster. He tried to kill her niece. He succeeded in killing her brother-that bastard! Her fingers trembled around the handle of her mug as she lifted it for another quick sip. Not even the strong taste of honey could soothe her troubled soul.

  “What am I going to do?” She whispered aloud as her eyes lifted to peer out the window.

  The sad truth was she was going to go back to Arnold’s house and make sure he was okay. He needed her.

  .....Or maybe she just needed him.


  “Rise and shine, Sugar Britches!” Mrs. Bamey exclaimed as she pushed open the bedroom door. It hit the wall with a loud thud and Louisa nearly fell out of bed.
/>   Whoa. She’d been having such a nice dream, too. About Greg.

  “What time is it?” She asked tiredly, raking her fingers through her thick black hair, attempting to push it away from her sleepy eyes as her vision focused in on the bright green numbers on her alarm clock. 10:23.

  “Oh my god!” She yelped, stumbling out of bed and nearly tripping over her sheets. She’d overslept! How did she oversleep?!

  “Morning,” Mr. Bamey mumbled from his usual spot at the head of the table as Louisa bounded in after a quick shower. “Coffee’s ready to go if y’ant some.”

  He talks so funny, Louisa thought while pouring herself a quick cup of java. She lifted it to her lips, blowing lightly while gazing at him over the rim of her mug. He was too busy reading the newspaper to pay any proper attention to her. It was probably for the best; she looked a lot like the crypt keeper at the moment.

  “Ah, there you are!” Mrs. Bamey chimed as she appeared in the doorway with a basket full of laundry. “I was wondering when you’d join the land of the living, dear. Did you rest well?”

  “Oh,” Louisa swallowed down the mouthful of honey flavored coffee she had, nodding. “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.”

  Mrs. Bamey glared at her. “What have I told you about calling me that?”

  “Sorry,” Louisa laughed nervously, placing her cup on the countertop. “It’s a habit, Mrs....erm...Charlotte. I’ve only just woken up. My brain hasn’t quite caught up with me yet.”

  Mrs. Bamey’s expression softened as she smiled, shaking her head before continuing towards the living room.

  “No need to fret, dear. You slept like a rock all night. Oh,” she reappeared a few seconds later, holding a small note in her hand. “Beau called this morning. He said the trip is going well and he’ll be back in time for Christmas. This is for you.”

  Placing her cup of coffee onto the countertop, Louisa eagerly accepted the piece of paper and unfolded it. It was definitely Mrs. Bamey’s penmanship, but the words were her cousin’s.


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