Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 13

by T. E. Ridener

  “Mmm...later,” Louisa promised breathlessly as she gently pushed him away. “We’ve got to find Amber.”

  Damn it. She was right. Greg sucked cold air into his lungs and focused on the men again as they stopped near the bank and he saw the limp body they were carrying. That had to be Amber.

  “For such a tiny thing she sure is heavy.” Ray muttered as he removed his ball cap to scratch at his balding scalp.

  “Maybe you’re just getting old,” Murray teased as he pulled a blade from his coat pocket and stared at it. “So how are we going to do this?”

  Greg’s eyes zoned in on the blade and his blood began to boil. Just what the hell did they intend to do with that knife?

  “He said to make it messy,” Ray nodded. “So I say we take out her innards and spread ‘em around. Make it look real ugly, you know? He said to get the message across.”

  “Message?” Louisa asked in a low whisper.

  “Shhh.” Greg pressed his index finger to his lips as his eyes fell upon Amber’s body again. She had to be alive. He strained to hear her heartbeat over the rushing water of the river, but to no avail.

  “Well I guess we just open up her stomach and take out what we can manage. Do you need some gloves? I think I brought some.” Ray spoke casually. He said that as if he’d done this before. Had he?

  “Nah. She seems like a clean girl. Real purty too, ain’t she? It’s a shame she’s gotta go out like that.”

  Greg heard the small scoff that left Louisa’s lips and when he glanced at her he couldn’t help but to wonder what was going through her mind.

  Soon enough. He told himself. We’ll be connected and I’ll be able to hear everything that runs through her mind.

  What a wonderful thought that was. Greg had been waiting patiently for the day when he could finally have a mate and he couldn’t imagine anyone more fitting for him than Louisa. She was everything he’d ever wanted and more. It was hard to keep the smile off his face as he tried to keep focused on what they needed to do; saving a girl’s life was a pretty damn important thing, wasn’t it?

  “We can’t do it while she’s still breathing,” Murray mumbled quietly as he crouched by Amber’s body. “I don’t feel right fileting a girl while she’s alive.”

  Greg heard Louisa’s sigh of relief and he realized in that moment she was grateful to learn his ex-girlfriend was still alive. No matter what, Louisa was glad to gain this knowledge despite what had happened the day before. To anyone else it would’ve made things complicated, but Greg was only falling deeper by the second. She truly was perfect.

  “Well fine then. Just choke her already. I ain’t got all day.” Ray grumbled as he turned and walked a few paces away from his friend. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one between his lips.

  “We have to do something!” Louisa whispered more loudly as she nudged Greg with her shoulder. “We can’t let them finish the job!”

  “I know that,” Greg nodded. “Wait here.”

  He didn’t give Louisa time to protest as the bones in his body began to break. He’d never given his wolf the opportunity to play yet and now was a perfect opportunity. He didn’t want to risk shifting into a bear. His bear form was too massive and would alert the men he was coming; hopefully his wolf would be stealthier and capable of tearing the bastards to shreds. A message was going to be sent all right, but not the message Breslin Connor was expecting.


  “Presley, will you sit down already? You’re making me nervous.” Lorcan said as his eyes followed her from one side of the living room to the other.

  “Something’s not right,” Presley murmured as she ran her fingers through her long golden hair. “I can feel it, Lorcan. Can’t you feel it? Something’s going on.....”

  Pursing his lips together briefly and releasing a deep breath, Lorcan shrugged his shoulders. To be honest he never picked up on things like that. Only she-bears were capable of that sixth sense and his mother used to drive him mad with it. He was actually grateful he didn’t have such sensitive....well, senses.

  “What are you feeling now, baby?” He asked as he pushed himself up from the couch and approached her. His hands fell to rest against her shoulders as their gazes connected. He could see the anxiety written all over her face; he could feel it escaping her body and absorbing into his like a sponge. She was going to drive herself insane with everything happening and it wasn’t healthy for her or their cub. Lorcan didn’t like it.

  “I feel like....” She huffed and shook her head. “I don’t know how to explain it but someone is doing something we haven’t been made aware of yet.”

  “And who is this ‘someone’?” Lorcan quirked an eyebrow as he squeezed her shoulders. “An ursithrope?”

  “Yes,” she nodded eagerly. “Yes and it’s just something very dangerous, Lorcan. Are you sure Louisa went to work?”

  “I’m fairly sure,” he answered honestly. Uh oh. He didn’t like the glare she gave him. “She was supposed to go straight to my parents to change and then go straight work, I swear it.” He added quickly. Urseth he didn’t want Presley to be mad at him.

  Presley pulled away from him suddenly and turned to go into the kitchen. He already knew what she was going to do before she even grabbed the phone.

  “Baby, I’m sure if Louisa was in trouble she would reach out to somebody,” he offered as he stepped up behind her and leaned down to kiss her shoulder. “You’re too tense. That dream about Liam got you really worked up. Why don’t you try to relax?”

  “I don’t have time to relax right now,” Presley replied as she dialed Mrs. Bamey’s number and held the receiver to her ear. It only rang once before Lorcan heard his mother’s voice. She seemed to be concerned too. “Hello, Charlotte. Yes. Uh huh. Yes.”

  He was straining to hear their conversation as Presley pulled away from him and made her way down the hallway. Just what the hell was she doing besides what he’d asked her to? He followed her into their bedroom and crossed his arms over his chest once he realized she was getting dressed.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked curiously.

  “Your mother feels it too,” Presley glanced at him briefly as she shoved her foot down into her boot and frowned. “Something is happening and we’re going to investigate.”

  He opened his mouth to say something else but immediately closed it when she held up her hand.

  “Now you can either come with us, or,” she batted her eyelashes. “You can stay here and we’ll talk about it when I get back.”

  Oh hell no. He wasn’t going to fall for that. This was a test and he wasn’t going to fail. Ursithropes didn’t allow their mates to go off on dangerous missions alone. He couldn’t help it as a snicker escaped his lips and then Lorcan shook his head.

  “You should know something about me by now, Presley Goult,” he stated as he knelt down before her and helped her lace up her boots. “Where you go, I go. If you truly feel that Louisa may be in trouble then I am behind you one hundred percent. Forever and for always.”


  The best thing about growing up in Kadenburg was that every little girl-bear learned how to drive in every type of weather imaginable. Some of the human residents didn’t dare leave their homes when so many inches of snow were on the ground, but Natalie Carroll was not one of those humans.

  The radio was blaring one of her favorite songs and she wasn’t afraid to press her foot down against the gas pedal as she sped down Jessen Bend Road. She just needed to find someone to talk to and if she couldn’t talk to Nadine Kress then she’d find someone else. Why couldn’t Charlotte be home when she needed her most?

  Why aren’t I being a normal person and doing Christmas shopping like everyone else?

  She’d managed a few small gifts here and there, but Natalie just couldn’t seem to get into the Christmas spirit. Who could when they were only getting accustomed to being home again?

; The chirping of her cellphone distracted her from belting out the chorus and she slowed down slightly. Keeping one hand on the wheel and fumbling for her cellphone with the other, Natalie cursed softly.

  “Hello?” She said as she managed to flip it open and press it to her ear.

  “Oh, Natalie! Thank goodness you answered.”

  “Hey, Charlotte. I was just thinking about you.....”

  “Were you? Well heavens that must mean you felt it too.”

  “Felt what?” Natalie frowned as the speedometer continued to drop. She glanced towards the line of trees on her left before speaking again. “What’s going on?”

  “Something is happening. Presley just called me and we both felt it. She’s certain that Louisa is in trouble but it could be any number of things. We’re going to meet up at Nana Hettie’s and go from there. Do you want to join us?”

  Ouch. Nana Hettie’s. She’d called in all week. That woman was going to kill her.


  “Natty, we need you,” Charlotte nearly pouted. “I’m sorry I missed your call earlier, by the way. I was...busy.”

  Busy, huh? The way she worded it made Natalie lift an eyebrow. Was there a hint of a blush in Charlotte’s tone?

  “It’s fine,” Natalie shrugged her shoulders and rolled her car to a stop before putting it into reverse. “I was on my way to see you but I can just meet you at Hettie’s.”

  “Oh, great!” Charlotte seemed more excited about it than a person ought to be over investigating danger; it was sort of an ursithrope thing. “I’ll see you soon, Natty. Drive safely.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’m driving safely.” She hung up the phone and tossed it back into the passenger’s side seat as she placed both hands on the wheel. So this was what the weekend before Christmas would consist of, huh? Staying the hell out of Arnold Goult’s way and saving little panda-shifters from trouble. Just another day in the life she supposed.

  She’d barely turned her car back towards town when it hit her. It was hard and fast and damn near painful as the scent of blood and a frightened heartbeat paralyzed her system.

  Something was definitely wrong.


  It was the relentless banging against the front door that made Dimitri cuss like a sailor as he got out of bed and trudged down the hallway. He watched as Rutley stuck his head out of his bedroom door and they exchanged glances.

  “What’s going on?” Rutley asked as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. Naptime had sounded appealing for the two werewolves given their night had been pretty rough. Whoever was disturbing them was going to get a piece of his mind.

  “Somebody better be dead.” Was all Dimitri said as he raked his fingers through his messy auburn hair and unlocked the front door. He jerked it open with hostility, but his facial features immediately softened when he saw a wide eyed Mrs. Bamey standing there.

  “Oh, Dimitri,” she whispered as she stepped inside. “I am so very sorry to disturb you so late this evening, but we have a problem.”

  “What’s wrong, Mrs. Bamey?” He asked. His tone lightened immensely as he reached out to touch her arm. She was trembling. He could smell the fear and anxiety she was trying to hide from him. He wasn’t sure he liked the thought of Mrs. Bamey being frightened. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart.” Her face paled as she glanced towards the door. Dimitri could smell the injured human before she even entered his house. Greg was carrying a crumpled form in his arms and Louisa followed closely behind him. It looked like they’d just come from battle. Louisa’s hair was a mess with twigs and leaves; Greg’s face was covered in mud and dried blood; and holy shit, Natalie Carroll was trailing behind them both with her sweater torn to shreds and...was she missing a shoe?

  “What the...” Dimitri blinked in confusion as Greg placed the human on his couch and wiped the sweat from his brow. Their eyes met and Dimitri knew something terrible had just taken place. “Somebody want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Lorcan Bamey said as he entered the apartment hand in hand with Presley. Dimitri wasn’t sure why but his eyes immediately did a thorough examination of the blonde to ensure she wasn’t hurt. She seemed to be in one piece. “That fu—” he glanced at his mother and cleared his throat. “Breslin Connor hired two punks to do his dirty business. This girl was their next victim. We intervened.”

  “What the fuck?!” Rutley muttered as he appeared in the hallway. He seemed to be just as surprised as Dimitri as his eyes wandered from one person to the next. “Did I miss something?”

  “We don’t have time to explain it right now,” Louisa whispered as her bottom lip quivered. “She’s dying and we cannot save her. Beau isn’t here,” her big tearful eyes met Dimitri’s and he felt the tug at his heart. “Can you please help her?”

  All eyes landed on him and Dimitri felt the pressure being placed on his shoulders. He knew what Louisa was asking for when she requested his ‘help’, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to do it. His jawline tightened as he glanced at Lorcan.

  “Do I look like a build-a-werewolf workshop to you?”

  “No,” Lorcan frowned. “But this girl’s dying and it’s our fault she was placed in danger. We can’t just let her die, Dimitri. We don’t have any other options.”

  ‘You don’t have to do it,’ Rutley’s voice sounded in his head. ‘You’re allowed to say no.’

  ‘I can’t say no,’ Dimitri replied as his eyes swept over the girl’s colorless face once more. She was fading fast and he knew it would only be a matter of moments until she took her final breath. ‘Breslin caused this, Rut. I can’t let her die.’

  “Please,” Mrs. Bamey echoed as a tear slid down her cheek. “I know it’s an awful lot of responsibility to be an alpha, Dimitri, but you’re her only hope.”

  Dimitri’s chest tightened and fluttered as he weighed out his options. They were depending on him for something. Had anyone ever depended on him before? Rutley depended on him. He was a good alpha, wasn’t he? Somehow he’d earned the right to give people second chances. He could save her. It was the right thing to do.

  “Close the door.” Dimitri instructed as he moved to the couch and knelt down beside the unconscious female. She was so young-practically a child. Who tried to harm someone so helpless?

  Lorcan moved to shut the front door but stopped when Mr. Bamey placed a palm against the wood. He stepped inside and kicked it shut with his foot before clearing his throat.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he mumbled with a frown. “Tried to park the car among the excitement. Is he going to do it?”

  “Shh!” Mrs. Bamey quieted her husband as they watched Dimitri get to work. It didn’t take much, really. All he had to do was give her the bite and even that made him feel bad. She was already in so much pain from internal bleeding. Did they beat her? Those bastards. He could only hope Lorcan and Greg gave them the punishment they deserved. He would find out later.

  Once all was said and done, Dimitri stood to his full height and sighed. “Just give her about an hour,” he said quietly. “She’ll start healing and will be good as new before morning.”

  “Thank you so much, Dimitri,” Mrs. Bamey whispered as she wrapped her arms around him. “You are such a good boy. You’ve saved her from a most terrible fate.”

  He couldn’t help but to smile as Mrs. Bamey touched his cheek in a loving manner. He leaned into her touch and then patted her hand lightly with his own. He really did try to be a good person and to feel her gratitude made it so much better.

  “She won’t be able to go home for a while. You guys realize that, don’t you?” Rutley asked from his spot near the doorway that led into the hallway. His arms were crossed over his chest and his blue eyes were dim. Uh oh. Something was wrong with him.

  “I do,” Louisa said as she pulled a few leaves from her hair and wrinkled her nose. “But surely you will be able to teach her the ways of wolf life, won’t you?”

��That won’t be a problem,” Dimitri shrugged. “If I can teach Rutley then I’m pretty sure I can teach anyone.”

  Mr. Bamey snorted.


  The evening had quieted significantly after the Bameys, Presley, Greg, Louisa, and Natalie left. Dimitri was waiting for the girl, Amber, to wake up and Rutley decided he needed to go outside so he could clear his head.

  He didn’t mind the bitter cold or the staggering temperatures as he planted himself on the top step of the stairs that led to the second floor of the apartment complex. In fact, the cold weather didn’t seem to bother him anymore. Had he grown numb? Had he adjusted? Did his wolf abilities allow him to tolerate any type of weather?

  He still had a lot of questions that needed to be answered, but now Dimitri had a brand new beta to take care of. Rutley didn’t want to be a bother.

  Just be cool about it. He told himself as he traced his thumb over the faded bite marks on his wrist. She’s a girl and Dimitri has made it clear he’s not into girls like that.

  Why did he even care? They’d been playing this game for months now; friends. They were JUST friends. Rutley didn’t have any right to get upset over what Dimitri chose to do with his life. As Liam’s best friend Rutley knew he had to keep the line drawn and never crossed it.

  Yet I’ve crossed it a million times by now. It was a really depressing thought. He couldn’t stay away from Dimitri and it was going to get him into a lot of trouble. Why did he have to have feelings for his dead best friend’s mate? Why did life seem to hate him so much?

  ‘You think too much,’ Dimitri’s voice said gently in his mind. ‘Why don’t you come back inside and I’ll put on a pot of coffee?’

  ‘Don’t you have a beta to take care of?’ Rutley replied sullenly.

  ‘She’s still sleeping. And just a little FYI-she’s not a beta. She’s just a member of my pack now. You are my beta, Rut. You’re my second-in-command.’

  Like that was supposed to make him feel better? Rutley rolled his eyes and shook his head as he contemplated going inside. Did he really want to?


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