Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 25

by T. E. Ridener

  Natalie’s sharp intake of breath made Arnold long to hold her, to comfort her. He knew that her brother would always be a tender subject for her.

  “We have to trust Urseth,” Mrs. Bamey said softly. “It is no coincidence that Anthony Buchanan has returned to us at precisely this time. It is by fate that this cub surpasses us on every level. Why shouldn’t he arrive quickly? We haven’t much time, I fear. Breslin will make his move soon enough.”

  “You’re damn right he will,” Dimitri spoke lowly. “Breslin’s twisted and sadistic, but he’s also smart. He has a plan and we need to stay two steps ahead of him.”

  “He’s coming back in February.” Natalie whispered. Arnold turned his head towards her voice and frowned.

  “How do you know that, Natty?” He asked gently.

  “Because Anthony told me so. Presley isn’t the only one having dreams. He’s coming for us in February and that gives us a full month to prepare.”

  “A full month to prepare for kicking his ass.” Richard Bamey chuckled.

  “February,” Mrs. Bamey echoed gently. “That means we need to be planning a wedding for January, now doesn’t it?”

  Thank you for reading Kadenburg Revealed!

  Other books by T.E. Ridener:

  The Kadenburg Shifters Series

  The Truth about Kadenburg (Book #1)

  Return to Kadenburg (Book #2)

  The Siege of Kadenburg (Book #3)

  Kadenburg Revealed (Book #4)

  Reclaiming Kadenburg (Book #5) Coming soon!

  The Descendants Series

  The Fire King’s Daughter (Book #1)

  The Water King’s Bride (Book #2)

  The Ice King’s Heart (Book #3) Coming soon!

  The Blood Betrayal Series

  Blood Betrayal (Book #1)

  Mirela and Her Vampire (Book #1.5)

  Blood Revelations (Book #2)

  Blood Resurrection (Book #3) Coming soon!

  Divine Sacrifice Trilogy

  Guarding Abigail (Book #1)

  Saving Maureen (Book #2) Coming soon!

  Please like my fan page www.facebook.com/TERidener

  Or feel free to send me an email at [email protected]!

  Reviews are sincerely appreciated.

  Keep reading for an exclusive sneak peek at book 5 in the Kadenburg Shifters Series entitled “Reclaiming Kadenburg”.

  Reclaiming Kadenburg

  Book 5 of the Kadenburg Shifters Series



  “Wake up, blondie.”

  She forced her fierce green eyes to open and glared into those venomous hues that were only capable of displaying malice and hate. What she wouldn’t give to claw his eyeballs out and tear his belly open. One day she would. She would make him pay for everything he’d ever done to her.

  “Go away.” She said in a hoarse voice. Her throat hurt so badly. Everything always hurt these days. When was the last time she’d had a sip of clean water? When was the last time she’d bathed? Too long.

  “You know I can’t do that, sweetheart. We’ve danced this dance so many times in the past, gorgeous. You have no choice but to look at me and answer when I speak, or have you forgotten that so quickly? I’ve only been away for six months. Did you miss me?”

  She wanted to spit in his face.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he growled and he pulled her up from the dirt floor roughly. His claws dug into the flesh of her arms as his rancid breath fanned against her lips. “Don’t be difficult now, blondie. We have a lot to talk about and little time to do so. I need a favor.”

  “I’m not doing a damn thing for you!” She cried and pulled away from his grasp. “Keep your hands off me, you filthy wolf.”

  “Tut tut, beautiful,” he clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as his eyes darkened. “I can touch you if I want to, remember? You are mine. Besides,” he smirked. “No one is coming to rescue you. You’re dead and forgotten in their world.”

  “No!” Tears stung at her eyes and the pain was unbearable as she turned her head away from him. He was lying. She wasn’t forgotten. She was very much alive and soon they would find her. They had to find her.

  “I do have some good news for you. Do you want to hear it?”

  “No.” She growled. Her skin tingled and became hotter than the surface of the sun as she reached out to grip the nearest wall of the cave. She had no interest in hearing what he had to say. He was a liar.

  “But you’ll want to hear this news, my sweet mama bear,” he grinned. “You’ll soon be a grandmother.”

  Her heart stopped. Her face paled. Very slowly, she turned around to peer at him. How could she believe anything he had to say?

  “That’s right. Your little one is going to have a little one of her own. At least that’s what my little birds have told me. A wedding is happening soon and it’s a shame the mother of the bride will not be able to attend. Shall I send your regards?”

  My Presley is pregnant? She dropped her gaze to her trembling hands and felt her heart break all over again. What she wouldn’t give to see her daughter.....

  “I am thinking of attending the wedding myself, but I have never a big fan of bullshit festivities. You bears and your need to participate in human affairs. I can’t believe you still do your god’s bidding when he’s only forsaken you. Do you think your friends ever get tired of living like sheep? Where is the fun in obeying a creature who doesn’t exist?”

  “He does exist,” she replied weakly. “Just because you were never gifted enough to see your god does not mean we have not seen ours.”

  “Oh? Are you telling me you’ve seen this mighty Urseth before?”

  “No,” she shook her head slowly. “But my mate saw him many times and I know that you will pay dearly for every sin you’ve committed against my kind and yours. The day is coming, Breslin. It’s only a matter of time.”

  She should have been prepared for the blunt force of his fist against her jaw, but it still hurt just the same. Her back hit the floor and the air rushed from her lungs as he towered over her.

  “Don’t get brave with me, Caroline,” he said through clenched teeth. “The only day I look forward to is when I finally take that piece of shit town away from your furry little fucks and make it mine. It will bring me more joy than the night I killed your mate and dare I say I’ll be more satisfied than when I had that little ursithrope boy gutted in his own territory?” He laughed. “Mmm. It’s only a matter of time, Pooh Bear.”

  As he turned to leave, she pushed herself up from the floor and cried out in frustration. “They’ll kill you for this, you bastard!”

  Breslin stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to gaze at her. “Will they?” He asked. “I’d like to know who will be left to kill me after I’m done with them. I’m going to cover that town with ursithrope blood. I’m going to bathe in it. If you’re lucky, I may even bend you over and fuck you senseless in it.”

  His laughter echoed through the tunnel of the cave as he left her in the darkness. Her chest tightened as tears cascaded down her filthy cheeks. What was she supposed to do? How was she going to warn her brother and the others about what was going to happen?

  “It’s best not to provoke him like that,” another voice said softly in the darkness. “You know that he only lashes out at us when we say things to anger him. Are you okay?”

  “No, I am not,” she replied. “I will not be okay until I am home with my daughter in my arms. I can’t believe she’s getting married....”

  “I love weddings.” The voice replied sadly.

  “I need to escape from here,” she wiped at her eyes. “I need to get home. I can’t let him do this.”

  “How will you escape?” The voice asked curiously. “Look at the iron surrounding your ankle and tell me how you plan to break it without your strength. You cannot break that chain any more than I can break this silver binding me. He knows our weaknesses. He knows how to keep us he

  “I don’t care if I have to bite my foot off,” she snapped her teeth and growled. “I’m getting out of here one way or another. My child needs me.”

  “And you think mine does not?” The other voice questioned angrily. “I am tortured every moment of every day, wondering if Dimitri is all right. I can feel him in my heart and soul, but I have no way of knowing if he’s whole and well. It drives me mad.”

  “I have been mad for many years, Naomi,” she whispered tiredly. “For twenty five years I have lived in misery and hell because of Breslin Connor. He is sorely mistaken if he thinks I will not do whatever I must to get back to my daughter.”

  Naomi was silent for several long moments before she finally spoke again. “Tell me how I can help.”



  Presley Goult – A 26 year old female ursithrope who returns to Kadenburg after experiencing a harsh breakup with her very human boyfriend. She is mated to Lorcan Bamey and they are expecting a baby together that will change the world as they know it. It has been revealed that she is an empath and delegate. Her last name means “gold”.

  Lorcan Bamey – A 28 year old male ursithrope residing in Kadenburg. His first name means ‘little fierce one’ and his last means ‘brave as a bear’. Lorcan is Presley’s mate and he will soon be a father.

  Arnold Goult – Presley’s uncle. He raised her as his own after his twin sister abandoned her. He is an ursithrope.

  Richard Bamey – Lorcan’s father. He’s an ursithrope.

  Charlotte Bamey – Lorcan’s mother. She’s an ursithrope.

  Liam Bamey- Lorcan’s older brother. He was an ursithrope murdered by werewolves because he was mated to one of their kind. Liam was 29 when he died. It has been revealed that he was a delegate.

  Jim Proffitt – The owner of Jimbo’s. He’s a human.

  Alma Proffitt – Jim’s wife. She’s a human.

  Dimitri Fridolf – Liam’s lycanthrope mate. He’s been on the run from Breslin ever since Liam’s death and he becomes an ally to the ursithropes in hopes of destroying Breslin for good. He is now an alpha and has added one member to his pack: Rutley Holter. He’s 28 years old. It is said that people with the name Dimitri have a great desire to help humanity. His last name, Fridolf, means ‘peaceful wolf’.

  Sheriff Holter- The Sheriff of Kadenburg. He is also a werewolf hunter and has been trying to keep Kadenburg wolf-free for some thirty years, if not longer. His relationship with his son has been strained ever since he discovered Rutley was bisexual and is further strained by his son’s association with Dimitri Fridolf.

  Renee Holter- Rutley’s mother. She was also a werewolf hunter and died while trying to pursue Naomi Fridolf.

  Rutley Holter- A 29 year old werewolf. He was best friends with Liam Bamey during their childhood and adolescence, and things become personal when he decides to hunt down Liam’s killer. He was trained to be a werewolf hunter from birth, but his allegiance to the code weakened significantly when he found himself becoming attracted to Liam’s mate who is now an alpha. Dimitri turned him in order to save his life. Rutley’s name means “Red Hunter”.

  Beau Xiong- Beau is a 28 year old ursithrope from China. His entire village was destroyed by Breslin Connor, and his people were ruthlessly slaughtered before his very eyes. He was able to save his younger cousin, Louisa, and a handful of panda-shifters from the devastation. Beau is an extremely skilled warrior and he has a strong hatred for lycanthropes. No matter how brutal he may seem, however, he does have a passion for saving lives and managed to earn his medical degree before his life changed forever.

  Louisa Xiong- A 19 year old ursithrope from China. After her village’s destruction, she fled to America with her older cousin Beau and they arrived in Kadenburg after receiving a desperate ‘call’ from Natalie Carroll. Louisa is a gifted ursithrope and she possesses the ability to sense others’ emotions, as well as project emotions into the people she comes into contact with. Louisa’s mate-to-be was murdered by Breslin Connor. She is a delegate, but it’s quite possible she doesn’t realize it yet.

  Julian Buchanan/Barcenas-Julian is an elder from the 80’s. He and his son Antonio “Anthony” have returned to Kadenburg for the final battle. They are the last of their clan, the Spectacled Bear.

  Antonio Barcenas/Anthony Buchanan- Anthony is one of last of his kind. He is a spectacled bear-shifter and has lived in Peru for the better part of his life. He has returned to Kadenburg with his elderly father in hopes of helping defeat Breslin Connor. Anthony is a delegate and can dream of the past, present, and future. His family is incredibly wealthy and was very powerful during their time in Kadenburg during the 80’s.

  Thomas – Breslin Connor’s Beta. Dimitri killed him when he tried to attack Presley, thus proving where his true loyalty lies.

  Breslin Connor – An ambitious, cold-blooded lycanthrope who wants to claim Kadenburg as his territory. He murdered Pierce Carroll before Presley was born, and he is seemingly determined to abduct her and force her to breed hybrids-a mix between ursithropes and lycanthropes. He is also responsible for the deaths of many ursithropes, including Liam Bamey. His age is unknown.

  Pierce Carroll – Presley’s father. A male ursithrope killed by Breslin Connor in the late 80’s. It is believed by many that he willingly sacrificed himself so that his daughter could live. He may be the starting point in which Kadenburg can finally be restored to its former glory. He was a delegate which means he was a chosen one of Urseth.

  Caroline Goult – Arnold Goult’s twin sister. Presley’s mother. A female ursithrope. It has been said she was used as a breeder for hybrids, though the results were unsuccessful. Her whereabouts are unknown.

  Natalie Carroll – Pierce’s older sister. Presley’s aunt. A female ursithrope. Her loyalty swiftly changes once she realizes her niece is pregnant. Her change of heart is still somewhat confusing for her fellow ursithropes, but Mrs. Bamey believes in giving her a second chance. She is also a delegate of Urseth.

  Naomi Fridolf- Dimitri’s mother. She was a lycanthrope. She died when he was very young. According to Natalie Carroll, she was used in an attempt to breed hybrids.

  Nana Hettie – Owner of the local diner who presumably has a personal vendetta against Presley for her behavior as a teen. She’s a human.

  Clint Harrison- A human who works with Natalie at Nana Hettie’s.

  Davey Berdine – An elder male ursithrope.

  Gregory Kress – An 18 year old male ursithrope-turned-hybrid. He’s a firefighter from Virginia. He seems to have strong feelings for Louisa Xiong.

  Colin Grimes – A male ursithrope-turned-hybrid. He was 30 years of age and was said to be a professional football player. Once his alliance shifted to the wrong side, he was ultimately taken out by Greg Kress.

  Parson Downing – A male ursithrope.

  Kyle Frey – A male ursithrope.

  Gabby Kress – Greg’s little sister. A female ursithrope.

  Samantha ‘Sammy’ Calder- Sammy is a daughter of Yliana who moved to Kadenburg to solve her parents’ murder. She works for the local sheriff’s department. She recently celebrated her 30th birthday and discovered that her birth father is Arnold Goult. Her last name means “stony river”.

  Joy- A human nurse’s aide who works with Beau.

  Kia Fallon- Kia is a young female werewolf who moved into town and coincidentally became neighbors with Rutley and Dimitri. She accidentally mated herself to the wolves while doing recon for Breslin Connor. Her loyalties have changed. Kia’s age is unknown.

  Tim- Presley’s ex-boyfriend from Florida who makes a deal with the devil himself. He presumably becomes a werewolf under false pretenses. His fate is unknown at this time.

  Kevin Rogers- A sheriff’s deputy who meets an unfortunate end at the hands of Sheriff Holter after he’s bitten by a werewolf.

  Amber- A newly created werewolf. Greg’s ex-girlfriend. She is in Dimitri’s pack.

  Carl and Harold-
Two humans hired by Breslin Connor to leave ‘messages’ for the Kadenburg shifters. It is assumed they are deceased.

  Yliana- The goddess of swans. She is the reason female ursithropes came into existence with the promise their male counterparts will love and cherish them always.

  Tessa- Yliana’s sister. She is the one who made werewolves vulnerable to silver.

  The Season Witch- The Season Witch is rumored to be the person responsible for taking immortality away from the lycanthropes. Legend has it that she’s still very much alive.

  Urseth –The Russian god of the bears. When a young Russian man serving as a soldier during the Civil War pleaded to Urseth to save his life, Urseth sent aid in the form of fierce bear warriors. He then granted the bears a peaceful existence among the humans, as long as they followed his laws.




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