Nugent, Patrick, 282, 319, 355, 358, 382, 439n
Nugent, Patrick Lyndon “Lyn,” 355, 358, 359, 382, 439n
Nugent, Rebekah Johnson, 439n
Nureyev, Rudolf, 376
Obama, Barack, 303
Obama, Michelle, 224, 303
O’Brien, Chilton, 54
O’Connell, Kenneth, 228
O’Daniel, Wilbert Lee “Pappy,” 118–20
Odlum, Floyd, 155
O’Donnell, Kenny, 254, 257
Oltorf, Frank, 177
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, see Kennedy, Jacqueline
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 221
Outdoor Advertising Association of America, 300–301
Pakistan, 206
Paley, William, 137
Panama, 230
Paris, 210, 223, 311
Parish, Mrs. Henry “Sister,” 240
Parmet, Herbert, 193
Patman, Wright, 39
Pattillo, Claude, 10, 19, 125, 146
Pattillo, Effie, 9, 50, 53, 78, 89, 95–96, 110, 134, 141, 146
in Alabama, 25, 26
dependence of, 27
Lady Bird cautioned by, 79–80
in move to Karnack to care for Lady Bird, 19–21, 23
Pattillo, Luther, 9, 11, 13, 20
death of, 14
family dynamic of, 9–10, 14
Pattillo, Sarah, 9
death of, 14
Paul VI, Pope, 282
Pearl Harbor, 42, 121, 125, 131, 141
Pearsall, Tex., 48, 58
Pearson, Drew, 209
Peck, Mary, 333
Pedernales, Tex., 38
Pedernales River, 32
Pennsylvania, 216
Pentagon, marches on, 322–23
People magazine, 341
Perry, David B., 434n
Perry, James, 295
Peterson, Esther, 337
Philippines, 25, 323
Phillips, Carrie, 333
Phipps, Joe, 153, 327
Pickle, Jake, 133, 138, 345–46
pipelines, 51
politicians, gifts in kind to, 39
poll tax, 107, 188
populism, 135
Portland Oregonian, 193
Potomac River, 277, 314
poverty, 106, 149–50, 248, 360
Head Start and, 270–71
LBJ’s five-state tour and, 241
in Washington, D.C., 292
see also War on Poverty
Powell, Dorris, 55, 82
President’s Committee on Mental Retardation, 343
President’s Country, 317
President’s Lady (Smith), 217
Lady Bird and, 228–29, 279–80
Lady Bird as first lady and, 217–19, 238
on LBJ and Vietnam, 308
LBJ on, 285
LBJ’s press secretaries and, 348–50
LBJ’s wariness of, 229–31
Lynda’s wedding and, 4
Reedy and, 349
on Vietnam, 343
price controls, 147
Princeton University, 310
Prohibition, 54, 82
Project Head Start, 270–71
protective tariffs, 83
Provensen, Hester, 193
public housing, 173
Pulitzer Prize, 111
Quiet Crisis (Udall), 292
Quill, Dan, 80–81
race riots, 246–47
Radcliffe College, 242–43
radio stations, Lady Bird’s ownership of, 106, 124, 135–39, 142, 143, 144–46, 165, 171, 174, 385
Radziwill, Lee, 199
Ragsdale, Jerome T., 341
Railroad Commission, Gene Boehringer at, 51, 58
railroad workers, 238
Raleigh, N.C., 255
Randolph Field Medical School, 154
Rankin, John, 151
Rather, Mary, 86, 129, 158, 161, 168, 183, 185, 367
Rayburn, Sam, 96–97, 139, 148, 150, 151, 161, 163, 185, 366
Reagan, Nancy, 368, 393
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 105
Ree, Otha, 128
Reedy, George, 180–81, 183–84, 186, 203, 212, 236, 242, 276, 309, 327, 348–49
Reinhardt, Paul, 289
Republican National Convention of 1964, 239
Republican Party, 104, 150, 155, 197, 248
in election of 1964, 252, 260
Highway Act and, 302
House won by, 147–48
protests among, 195–96
in South, 244
Reston, James, 389
Rhode Island, 175
Richard Gray Gallery, 348
Richardson, Sid, 112, 153
Rio Grande Valley, 172
in New York State, 246–47
in wake of King assassination, 362–64
in Watts, 276–78
Ripley, S. Dillon, 298, 300
RKO, 155
Robb, Catherine Lewis, 382, 384, 439n
Robb, Charles “Chuck,” 356, 382, 384, 417n, 439n
Lynda’s wedding to, 1–5, 319, 356–58
in Virginia lieutenant governor race, 392
Robb, Jennifer Wickliffe, 439
Robb, Lucinda Desha, see Florio, Lucinda Robb
Robb, Lynda Bird Johnson, 103, 158, 159, 178–79, 185, 192, 208, 222, 237, 241, 249, 266, 275, 314, 316, 317, 320, 359, 360, 364, 382, 384, 392, 398, 417n, 439n
acceptance of parents’ priorities by, 178–80
birth of, 139
character of, 318
childhood of, 140, 142, 165–68
foreign travel by, 361–62, 395
George Hamilton dated by, 319, 321, 356
health problems of, 167–68
on LBJ’s decision not to run, 360–62
on LBJ’s dependence on Lady Bird, 389–90
in 1964 campaign, 255
parenting by, 319
split school year for, 166–67, 179–80
transformation of, 321
travel by, 376–77
wedding of, 1–5, 65–66, 356–58
in the White House, 224–26
Roberts, Juanita, 186, 340, 367
Robertson, Nan, 261–62
Rochester, Minn., 155
Rochester, N.Y., 246–47
Rock Creek Park, 109
Rockefeller, Laurance, 294–95, 298, 354
Rockefeller, Nelson, 246–47, 299
Rockwell, Norman, 347, 348
Rodin, Auguste, 299
Rodney (Sam Houston’s illegitimate son), see Moss, Rodney
Roman Catholicism, 206
Irish, 113
Luci’s conversion to, 282, 318–19
in presidential elections, 197, 201
Rome, 311, 320
Roosevelt, Edith, 180
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 150, 208, 368
FDR’s campaigns and, 120
after FDR’s death, 393
and FDR’s infidelity, 333–34, 335
independent opinions of, 162, 289, 335
involvement in FDR’s policy by, 216, 218, 262
on LBJ, 290–91
press and, 228–29, 296, 368, 398
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 104, 110, 114, 120, 121, 131, 150, 187, 197, 289, 310, 378
death of, 141–42, 151, 393
infidelity of, 333–34
LBJ and, 95, 142
as LBJ’s hero, 142, 260, 285
Roosevelt, Jimmy, 104
Roosevelt, Theodore, 21, 180
Rostow, Walt, 358, 361
Rowe, Elizabeth “Libby,” 102–5, 111, 219
in beautification project, 292–93
Rowe, Jim, 102–5, 111, 184, 189, 203
Ruby, Jack, 221, 434n
Rural Electrification Administration, 98–99
Rusk, Dean, 260, 274, 306, 336–37
Russell, Jan Jarboe, 326, 331, 385
Russell, Richard, 115, 161, 163, 189, 196
furd, Lucy Mercer, 333–34
St. Andrews school, 168
St. Ann’s Catholic Church, 328
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, 357
St. John island, 313
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 80–81
St. Mary’s College, 26, 60, 75, 368
Salinger, Nancy, 227–28
Salinger, Pierre, 227–28, 348
Salzburg, 113
San Antonio, Tex., 40, 80, 82, 88, 137, 154, 157, 214, 373, 384
San Marcos, Tex., 43, 44, 46–48, 61, 138
Saragat, Giuseppe, 231
Saturday Evening Post, 173–74
Scheer, Gene, 306
Schiff, Dorothy, 290–91
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 351
Scott & White medical center, 167
Secret Service, 103, 210, 211, 272, 313, 319, 374, 384, 395, 396, 397, 398
Securities and Exchange Commission, 104, 108, 114
Segni, Antonio, 231–32
segregation, 189, 287–88
Seguin, Tex., 156
Senate, U.S., 244, 285, 328
filibusters in, 160–62
Highway Act and, 301–2
LBJ as Democratic majority leader in, 162, 175–76, 182, 185, 197, 208, 290
LBJ’s early years in, 123, 124, 160–63, 172–76, 194, 198
LBJ’s first run for, 118–21, 126
LBJ’s return to, 187–88
LBJ’s second campaign for, 152–56
McCarthy in, 167
Senate Commerce Committee, LBJ on, 138, 171
Senate Finance Committee, 232
Senate Wives’ Club, 158, 189–90, 219, 293, 364
Shaffer, Samuel, 421n
Shaw, Frank, 424n
Shaw, Rollin, 215–16, 424n
Sheppard, Morris, 118
Shoumatoff, Elizabeth, 356
Shreveport, La., 11, 16, 27, 50, 52, 57
Shriver, Eunice, 201
Shriver, Sargent, 271
Silent Spring (Carson), 292
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 377
slum clearance, 173
Smith, Jean, 210
Smith, Margaret Chase, 364
Smith, Marie, 217
Smith, Sally Bedell, 333
Smith, Stephen, 210
Smith, Warrie Lynn, 224
Smithsonian Museum, 298–300
socialism, 83
Social Security, Truman’s proposed national health insurance under, 275
Sorensen, Theodore, 227–28, 331
South, 120
Democratic Party in, 160–61, 203, 244, 252
in election of 1964, 260
Lady Bird’s 1964 campaign in, 252–57
opposition to LBJ in, 200
South China Sea, 210
Southeast Asia, 285, 305, 352
Southern Manifesto, 189
South Pacific, 128
South Vietnam, 306, 323
Southwest Texas State Teachers College, 43–48
Soviet Union, 324, 361
Stafford, Jean, 371
states’ rights, 110
Stegall, Mildred, 340
Stevenson, Adlai, 185, 187, 242, 331
Stevenson, Coke, 153, 156–57
Stonewall, Tex., 34
Stucky, Steven, 306
Stuff (playmate), 15
Sugar (possible half-brother), 17
Summers, Albertine, 169
Summersby, Kay, 334
Supreme Court, U.S., 104, 105–6, 111, 114, 189, 303
Swanson, Gloria, 148
Swift, Will, 270
Symington, Evelyn, 194
Symington, Stuart, 154
Taconic Parkway, 291
Taft, Helen, 368
Taft, William Howard, 368
Tallahassee, Fla., 256
Task Force on the Preservation of Natural Beauty, 289
Tate Gallery, 299
Taylor, Antonio “Tony,” 12, 13, 14, 21, 50, 94, 100, 133, 202, 299, 313
at boarding school, 16, 18
distance from T.J. by, 56–57
T.J.’s violence towards, 17
at White House, 281
Taylor, Beulah Wisdom, 24–25, 26, 49, 56, 57
Taylor, Buck, 144
Taylor, Claudia Alta, see Johnson, Lady Bird
Taylor, Matianna, 133, 313
Taylor, Minnie Pattillo, 20, 21, 24, 57, 304
death of, 17–19, 23
divorce proceedings between T.J. and, 12–14, 15
erasure of, 18–19
as heiress, 14–15
minimal maternal instincts of, 16
pregnancies and childbirth by, 12, 15, 16
T.J.’s courtship of, 10–11
T.J.’s disagreements on, 16–17
T.J.’s marriage to, 8–12, 14–17
T.J.’s reuniting with, 14, 15, 17
travel and activities of, 16–17
as unhappy in Texas, 8–9, 11–12, 15–16, 50
Taylor, Ruth Scroggins, 100, 132, 170–71, 192, 202, 316, 423n
Taylor, Susan, 423n
Taylor, Thomas Jefferson “T.J.,” 24, 49, 67, 89, 92, 94, 125, 128, 136, 144, 146, 173–74, 192, 394
Beulah divorced by, 56
business ventures of, 10–11, 12, 22–23, 27, 132–33
as conservative Democrat, 110–11
death of, 200, 202
divorce proceedings between Minnie and, 12–14, 15
dynamic and manipulative personality of, 8, 10
as ladies’ man, 12, 14, 17, 56, 115–16
Lady Bird’s relationship with, 21–22, 27, 50
landholdings of, 20
and LBJ’s courtship of Lady Bird, 63–64, 78, 80, 82
LBJ’s similarities to, 78
marriages of, see Taylor, Beulah Wisdom; Taylor, Minnie Pattillo; Taylor, Ruth Scroggins
in wake of Minnie’s death, 19
wealth of, 15
will of, 170–71, 423n
womanizing by, 330–31
working by, 16–17
Taylor, Thomas “Tommy,” 12, 13, 14, 21, 50, 100, 133, 423n
at boarding school, 16, 18
death of, 191–92, 202
T.J.’s relationship with, 56–57
Taylor, T. J., III, 423n
Taylor, Willie Day, 165, 180, 244
television stations, Lady Bird’s ownership of, 123–25, 171, 172
Tempelsman, Maurice, 396
Tennessee, 108
Terkel, Studs, 414n
Texan Looks at Lyndon, A: A Study in Illegitimate Power (Haley), 247
Texas, 30, 178
conservatives in, 110–11
defense plants in, 132–33
Hill Country of, 110, 164, 294
Johnsons’ return to, 364–65
Minnie as unhappy in, 8–9
1960 election in, 195
10th District of, 85, 91–96, 98–100, 107, 109–11, 118, 126, 130, 132, 137, 144–46, 158
T.J.’s move to, 10–11
woman suffrage in, 16
Texas, University of, 42, 51, 76, 94, 111, 117, 160, 166, 243, 318, 327, 393
Lady Bird at, 52–56, 60–61, 130, 133–34
Lady Bird on Board of Regents of, 381
LBJ Presidential Library at, 378–79
Lynda’s withdrawal from, 224
Texas A & M University, 136
Texas Broadcasting company, 190, 221, 396
Texas Christian University, 112
Texas in the Morning (Brown), 340–41
Texas Trails, 362–63
Thailand, Gulf of, 211
Thomas, Helen, 335, 387
Thompson, Llewellyn “Tommy,” 294
Thornberry, Eloise, 315
Time magazine, 114, 115, 238, 279–80, 284, 330, 347
Tomorrow Is Now (E. Roosevelt), 242
Town Lake, 394
Truman, Bess, 204, 216, 262, 275, 368, 381, 388–89
Truman, Harry, 161–62, 253, 274–75, 334, 381
of, 388–89
Truman Presidential Library, 274–75, 378
Turkey, 212
Turner, Lana, 174
Twenty-first Amendment, 82
Udall, Lee, 296
Udall, Stewart, 289, 291–93, 294, 297
United Mine Workers, 104
United Nations, 283
twentieth birthday celebration of, 273–74
University of Virginia Hospital, 384
U.S. News & World Report, 174, 295
Valenti, Courtenay Lynda, 233, 317, 328, 382
Valenti, Jack, 228, 233, 267, 277, 279, 316, 317, 327–29, 343, 358, 429n
Valenti, Mary Margaret Wiley, 210, 233, 267, 277, 316, 317, 328–30, 343
LBJ’s relationship with, 192–93, 327–30
Vanderbilt, Jeanne Murray, 273
Vantage Point (Lyndon Johnson), 245, 323, 371–72, 381
Vatican, 328
Veterans Administration, 100
North, 306
South, 306, 323
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 311
Vietnam War, 66, 267, 284, 305–12, 316–17, 323–24, 356, 362, 371
bombing halt in, 360
domino theory and, 323
Nixon and end of, 388
opposition to, 66, 103, 272, 285, 311, 316, 322–23, 349, 352, 353, 360, 361
Robb in, 360
in State of the Union address, 359–60
talks on, 358
Village People, 393
Virginia, 232, 260, 392
Virgin Islands, University of the, 313
voting rights, 106–7, 189
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 275, 276, 288
Waldon, Bob, 327
Wallace, Ilo, 204
Wall Street Journal, 172, 247
Walters, Barbara, 7–8, 391
War on Poverty, 216–17, 242, 276
Warren, Earl, 263, 303
Washington, Bennetta Bullock, 297, 353
Washington, D.C., 18, 26, 35, 64, 87, 92, 95, 107, 110, 111, 112, 115, 121, 127, 128, 134, 166, 167, 174, 178, 232, 281, 296, 314, 320, 335, 359
antiwar protests in, 322–23
beautification of, 104–5, 292, 295–96, 300, 363
as divided city, 295
King assassination rioting in, 362, 363
Lady Bird’s first visit to, 55–56
Lady Bird’s move to, 84
LBJ’s coffin at Capitol in, 388
LBJ’s move to, 59–60, 61
Washington, George, 250
Washington, Martha, 250
Washington, Walter, 297–98, 353, 429n
Washington Post, 231, 258, 308, 317, 347
Weizmann Institute, 342
“We Shall Overcome,” 287
Weslaco broadcasting station, 172
West, Neva, 164
West Branch, Iowa, 378
West Germany, 206
Westmoreland, William, 356, 361
Wheeler, Keith, 250
White, E. B., 272
White, June, 102, 111, 267, 343
White, Patsy, 158
White, Roy, 355
White, Theodore, 285
White, William S. “Bill,” 60, 87–88, 102, 111, 187–88, 267, 276, 343
White House, 299
Lady Bird and Lyndon Page 51