Wronged: A Story of the Dark (Alexis Carew Book 301)

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Wronged: A Story of the Dark (Alexis Carew Book 301) Page 5

by J. A. Sutherland

More than sup with the devil, I’d bend over for Lucifer himself if it would harm the Marchants.

  He took Eades’ hand.

  “I expect it’ll be neither simple nor a bargain, Mister Eades, but it is a deal.”

  Chapter 11

  Jon clenched his jaw and resisted the urges that were running through him.

  This section of the Greater Sibward quay had been his family’s docks. He’d grown up running through them, dodging crates and men as they loaded and unloaded ships. The logo of Bartlett Shipping had graced a dozen docking hatches here.

  Now it was all Marchant.

  “Watch yerself!” a stevedore yelled and Jon skipped aside to allow the man’s load to pass.

  The move put him next to one of the docks, its hatch screen bright with the Marchant logo. Jon stared at it for a moment, thinking about all he’d lost. His father, his mother, every member of his family scattered to far systems, and everything they’d worked for, five generations of Bartletts … gone. Gone to Marchant, the men who’d engineered his woes to begin with.

  It wasn’t right that they should win. It wasn’t right that they should profit.

  They needed to pay.

  He forced his fist to unclench so that he wouldn’t punch the screen before him. His father’s voice echoed in his mind.


  Know your enemy. Learn everything you can about him. His habits, his loves, his hatreds, and his desires — then use all that to crush him.

  He knew what Marchant loved. Their ships, their cargoes, the money that came from them.

  He’d learn as much as he could about the company, pass what he thought best on to Eades — perhaps the man was serious about harming Marchant as well, perhaps not. Either way he’d use Eades as well as he could.

  And when I know it all, I’ll crush them. Destroy them as they did us, Father. I’ll see they pay.

  There was a recruiting table set up a few hatches down and another three docks after that. Some new Marchant ships, it seemed, had need of more hands, and that worked to Jon’s purpose. He approached the first table, struggling to keep a charming, friendly smile on his face and show none of his true feelings.

  “Looking for a berth?” the man behind the table asked.

  Jon nodded and scanned the woman’s rank tabs, then the docking information.

  Second mate on … the Elizabeth.

  A former Bartlett ship they’d taken with the rest of the company and not bothered to rename.

  The very ship my father named for Mother.

  All of the Bartlett ships had been named for the wives and daughters of the family. A five-generation tradition, fouled by the Marchants.

  Jon clenched his jaw tightly, shook his head, and moved on. He couldn’t stand to sail on a former Bartlett ship, but, more importantly, it would be dangerous to do so. Marchant would have replaced the officers, but if Bartlett hands had stayed on they might recognize him.

  He made his way down the corridor until he found a recruiting table for a Marchant ship that hadn’t come from their takeover of Bartlett.

  A smiling woman greeted him. She nodded to the bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Between berths?” she asked. “Looking for another?”

  “I am,” Jon said, “if the bargain’s right.”

  The woman raised an eyebrow, as though unused to anyone suggesting there was a bargain to be made instead of simply accepting Marchant’s terms.

  “Ordinary spacer,” she said. “One and twelve the month. Two-year contract.”

  Jon nodded. “I’m rated Able,” he said, “and struck for master’s mate on my last ship.”

  The documents Eades had supplied would back that up.

  “You look young for Able.”

  The woman looked at him oddly and Jon realized he wasn’t behaving as a merchant spacer.

  Play the part, he told himself. Hide the hatred and play the part.

  He forced a grin and leaned down to rest his elbows on the table.

  “I’ve skills and more skills,” he said. “Perhaps if we’re not to be shipmates I could show you some of my others over a pint?”

  The woman looked him over and chuckled. “You’re a bit young for me, lad, and haven’t nearly the parts I prefer.”

  Jon straightened and gave her a sheepish look. “Sorry, then … but about a berth?”

  “Able’s two and seven, if the bosun approves you. You strike for master’s mate if there’s an opening, for we’ve none now.”

  “Fair enough.”

  The woman tapped on her tablet for a moment.

  “You’ve your ratings?” she asked. “And your name?”

  Jon nodded. He swiped his finger across his own tablet to send her his forged papers and ratings. He’d have to get used to the new name Eades had provided, as well. He forced his face into his best grin.

  “Name’s Dansby,” he said. “Avrel Dansby.”

  A Note from the Author

  I hope you enjoyed Wronged. If you did, a short review on Amazon or Goodreads would be appreciated.

  If you purchased Wronged, you should know that this story is offered free to those who subscribe to my mailing list at www.alexiscarew.com. In fact, most of the short works in the Alexis Carew universe will be offered free to mailing list subscribers. I typically send out no more than one or two emails a month, with updates on new releases or special offers and book recommendations.

  If Wronged was the first thing you’ve read in the Alexis Carew series, it would probably be better to start with Into the Dark (Alexis Carew #1) – the short works are intended more for fans of the series who are already familiar with the universe. Wronged certainly makes a lot more sense if you’ve read The Little Ships (Alexis Carew #3), as it’s the origin story for a character from that work.

  Really, the short works are a “thank you” to those fans for the wonderful support and interest they’ve shown.

  J.A. Sutherland

  Orlando, FL

  November 21, 2015

  Also by J.A. Sutherland

  To be notified when new releases are available, follow J.A. Sutherland on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/alexiscarewbooks), Twitter (https://twitter.com/JASutherlandBks), or subscribe to the author’s newsletter (http://bit.ly/sutherlandlist).

  Into the Dark

  (Alexis Carew #1)


  (Alexis Carew #2)

  The Little Ships

  (Alexis Carew #3)


  (An Alexis Carew Novella)

  Coming soon.

  About the Author

  J.A. Sutherland spends his time sailing the Bahamas on a 43' 1925 John G. Alden sailboat called Little Bit ...

  Yeah ... no. In his dreams.

  Reality is a townhouse in Orlando with a 90 pound huskie-wolf mix who won't let him take naps.

  When not reading or writing, he spends his time on roadtrips around the Southeast US searching for good barbeque.

  Mailing List:http://bit.ly/sutherlandlist

  To contact the author:




  [email protected]




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