The Dragon Slayer (Dragon Prince Series Book 1)

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The Dragon Slayer (Dragon Prince Series Book 1) Page 22

by Marie Daye

  He whispered in her ear, “I will not allow anyone else to hear your delectable cries either.”

  Libelle blushed, stepping away from him with a mildly disappointed smile. “A walk it is then.”

  She took his hand and began walking down one of the main roads of the city. The majority of the town folk were crowding the square, so the streets were anything but busy. A few citizens wandered the streets, making their way back to their homes or to the inn. They smiled and waved as they passed, with more than half the townsfolk being drunk on ale and she was not afraid to remain holding his hand.

  “Hic! I spoke with the king this afternoon.”


  She stepped up onto one of the stone block walls, carefully tip toeing down its narrow path. Eskil still held her hand, balancing her as she wobbled side to side. “Yes, hic! I told him about you.”

  “Was that a good idea?”

  She stared up into the stars for a moment before she answered. “Yes, I believe so. He’s agreed to leave you and I be, hic!”

  Eskil pulled her back onto the wall as she nearly stumbled off of it. “May I ask how much you told him?”

  “Nothing really. I told him you and I are lifemate’s.” She smiled.

  He paused mid step, “Wait, you what?!”

  She giggled, “Heh, I am only joking. Hic! I told him about the magic I discovered with the help of the gods, and that you're now in the form of a mortal. I explained that people no longer have to fear you.”

  He rolled his eyes and grumbled.

  “Well, not fear you, I mean that you can't… you know.”

  “I understand what you mean, beloved. However I hope you understand that it's a bit of a blow to my self-worth that ‘no one has to fear me anymore’.” He chuckled.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just, I don't want to worry about the king or guards mistaking you for a demon that someone summoned, or something of the sort. I felt that if I did not explain the whole situation to him, that things could end very badly.”

  “I understand Libelle.”

  “For now, you're just a stranger who has, pointy, pointy horns.” She smiled teasingly, then tripped as her heel caught a loose stone, and fell forward. Eskil caught her with another laugh, for the first time he was seeing Libelle like this; although she was a handful, she was comical and made them both chuckle.

  She giggled again and steadied herself, then became serious. “He seemed okay with everything I explained to him. He understood why I am safe-guarding you and keeping my eye on you. Despite only seeing the priests during the pilgrimage, he respects the priest’s decisions very much. He said that if I feel you’re not a threat, then he won't treat you as one. He wants the war with the dragons to end just as much as I do.”

  Playfully growling he lifted her head, “I’ll have to have a word with my brother about that I hope you know. I haven’t been, very happy with him for some time. Now there’s this nonsense of being a priest of Uppsala? Hah!”

  Libelle smiled at his teasing, then covered her mouth as she had another fit of hiccups. She turned away from him with an embarrassed blush before speedily walking away from him. He watched as she disappeared into the crowd they had fled from minutes before, then she returned holding two leather bound pitchers. She stopped in front of him, handing him one with a polite smile.

  “It’s best to keep drinking at this point I think. I am already, hic, done for.” She took a drink. “Besides, it will help with my hiccups.”

  Eskil laughed, deciding to at least try the beverage. He held his breath, raising the pint to his mouth and took a large gulp. To his surprise, it was actually good. He looked back at her while she just smiled at him.

  “It’s wine, you turned your nose up at ale so I thought you may like this better.”

  He kissed her forehead, leading her by her hand to walk down the dark streets again.

  “So tell me my lady,” He said mocking her retainer. “I really am curious at whose aid you had in all of our battles, as well as in your discovery of this spell of yours.”

  “Theron.” She hiccupped. “Oh, and Berodach.”

  He waited until two stumbling nord’s passed by them. “I’ll have to punish my insubordinate lieutenant, heh Theron. I should have known it was him.”

  She playfully walked into him, “Don’t be mad, if it weren't for him would we be here now?”

  “I suppose not. I’d probably be still aiming for your head.” He playfully nipped her neck when they passed through the shadows of a building. “Berodach? I feel as though I’ve heard that name, however I do not believe I have ever met him.”

  She sheepishly smiled, taking another drink. “I met him in the southern isles.”

  “The what?! What in oblivion were you doing there?”

  “I was, helping a friend.”

  He snorted, nearly spilling his drink. “Must have been a good friend to visit the southern isles for. Do you realize you could have been killed going there? Those lands are plagued beyond belief.”


  “So who is this Berodach?”

  “A dragon.”

  “I guessed that much.”

  She giggled, “You can meet him some day.”

  They turned another corner, beginning to approach the crowded streets nearing the square. They spun around and began walking the other direction.

  “So tell me about your gray skinned manservant?”

  Another giggle, “Gaalin? Oh my goodness, that’s a short story.”

  She sighed, sitting down on a bench and plucking a mature branch of lavender from the plant. Twisting it between her fingers while chewing on her lip. Eskil sat beside her, resting his arm on the back of the stone bench and she leaned into his side.

  “I met Gaalin around the time I first discovered I was a slayer. He was assigned as my retainer by the King here in Edinburgh, I believe at the time he was around, hmmm twenty-two years old? I was still barely sixteen, just a kid myself.”

  “How did a teenager find herself on a chopping block in Grimsby?”

  She shrugged. “Wrong place, wrong time. Anyways, he’s basically been by my side since then. He swore his allegiance to me, and vowed to forever be by my side. He’s almost thirty now, so he should be leaving to find a bride for himself soon: it's about time anyways.”

  Eskil snorted and took another gulp of the wine. “I don't believe that’s all. He's quite the… character.”

  “Hrm, well how do I explain it without upsetting you?” She asked herself. “In appearances, Gaalin is my servant. He’s also my friend, a protector, and someone who takes good care of me. He kind of reminds me of a brother, he's the only thing I have to compare a brother to at least. He’s always been pushy when it comes to me, always wanting to be involved with whatever I am doing and wants to go where I go. Sometimes it becomes an argument when I want to do something by myself.”

  “It’s been a little over seven years since you first returned to these lands and in those years I know he's gotten more attached to me. I think he sees me as more than a friend, and more than just his ‘lord.’ I’m not sure, but sometimes… the way he stares at me, it's just something more than what a friend or ally would do.”

  Eskil stared down into his empty pint, realizing he had drank the entire thing while listening to her. He took hers from her hands, “Believe me when I tell you, your suspicions are not wrong. Gray skin cares for you more than I am comfortable with.”

  She shrugged, “He will never act on his feelings though. He’s too prideful, he is my servant and friend, his pride is worth too much for him to act otherwise.”

  “Oh I wonder about that.” Eskil said under his breath, then realizing he had said the words aloud.

  “What do you mean by that?” Libelle asked tilting her head to the side.

  “Ah, ehm, well he just seemed a bit… off to me.”

  She stared at him confused, oblivious to the situation involving her old friend. He shook his head, “Let�
�s change the sub-!”

  Eskil’s eyes widened and he quickly stood up, dropping the half full pint of wine and rushing towards the shadows of a nearby house before the contents of his stomach emptied into a bush.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Gaalin laughed as Brynhild clung to his bicep while he lifted her feet from the ground and spun her in a circle. The young girl reminded him of fond memories with Libelle, and her childish antics brought smiles to his face. Ingrid and Vigdis danced together, laughing at Gaalin who was acting as their sitter. The girls had been dancing for nearly an hour, keeping him on his toes and making him dance with them individually while also pulling him in different directions.

  He set Brynhild down with an exhausted sigh at the end of the bard's song, walking over to an empty bench. The girls followed him giggling, fanning themselves with their hands and stealing drinks from his ale. Grumbling, he took the alcohol from them and handed them a flask of water instead.

  “Vigdis, can we go to the inn? I heard they are cooking a whole hog!” Brynhild asked her eldest sister, rubbing her stomach in hunger.

  Vigdis chuckled and patted her head, “Of course we can. Ingrid are you hungry? Would you like to join us?”

  The blonde haired middle child shook her head. “No, I’ll stay here and keep lord Gaalin company.”

  He took several gulps of his now half empty ale, “Go join your sisters if you're hungry, I’ll be fine resting here.”

  “I’m not hungry.” She said smiling at him.

  Her sisters nodded, turning and walking through the crowd towards the inn down the street. He felt Ingrid’s hand on his shoulder, then she whispered in his ear. “Meet me at the city gates in five minutes.”

  Gaalin turned his head to ask why, but she was already darting through the crowd in her pale yellow dress. He leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees and sipping his ale. The teenage girl had been enjoying playing games with him the entire evening, what she wanted now by calling him out had him guessing.

  He waited several minutes, telling himself that he shouldn't go after her. However, the thought of a young girl by herself at night, in a town full of drunkards... Did have him concerned for her safety. He groaned, rolling his head back before standing and finishing his ale. He turned and headed towards the city gates.

  Weaving through the crowds, he pushed his way out of the city square, and into the darkness of the streets. He walked slowly, looking around for Ingrid when he heard Libelle’s laughter. He looked down another street, seeing Libelle laughing at Eskil who was hunched over vomiting into the bushes. She held two pints, and could only assume she had forced the man-beast to drink with her. She was intolerable when drunk, she would encourage others around her to drink with her until someone passed out.

  He shrugged, the dragon scum’s pain was nothing he would concern himself about. He turned back down the main road, approaching the dark heavy wood doors of the city. He looked around, but didn't see Ingrid.

  “Lord Gaalin! Over here!”

  Through the darkness, his vision searched out Ingrid’s voice and found her standing between the cracked open doorway. As he approached her she giggled, darting from the gates and down the stone path. Gaalin growled, pushing through the gate and following her as she skipped past a crumbling stone wall and into the grassy plain that surrounded the city of Edinburgh.

  “Ingrid, you shouldn't be out here!” Gaalin barked at her.

  He heard her laugh, spreading her arms and spinning in a circle, her fingertips touching the blades of grass. He stomped through the small and shallow creek that she had gracefully crossed by jumping onto the rocks that were large enough they were still dry.

  “Ingrid, there are wolves and bandits out here. You really should return to your sisters.”

  He tripped in the dew covered grass and dropped down onto a knee with a grunt. He looked up at her when she stopped, turning towards him with a smile. She brushed her waving blonde hair from her face.

  “I'm not afraid. You're here with me lord Gaalin.”

  He rolled his eyes, finally catching up to her. “That’s not the point-”

  “You know lord Gaalin, you are really lucky.” Ingrid interrupted. “You’re strong, and you are close to lady Libelle who’s also very strong… and brave… and beautiful.”

  Gaalin stared at her silently while she walked beside him, her hands clasped behind her back and she stared at the moon.

  “I wish I was strong and brave. Perhaps I could have done something when the bandit’s attacked our home, maybe things would have ended differently. I suppose I shouldn't dwell on it should I? Sadly my sisters and I are now orphans, and nothing I do is going to change that. Lady Libelle was so kind to us, she had been so generous by letting us stay in her home here in the city.”

  Ingrid smiled as she turned to look at Gaalin, she pushed her hair behind her ears. “I wish I could be like Lady Libelle.”

  Gaalin stared at the teenage girl, listening as she spoke with mild interest. In the moonlight, her plain looks were attractive. She was shorter than him, the top of her head almost reaching his chin. Her brown eyes sparkled, light freckles on her sun kissed skin, her body was still maturing and she hardly filled out her yellow dress.

  Ingrid sighed, “Thank you for listening to me lord Gaalin, I really wanted to talk to someone and you're so… kind.”

  For a moment, Gaalin saw a resemblance between Ingrid and Libelle when he had first met her. When she was a young girl, she looked just as thin as Ingrid did now. Staring into her brown eyes, he felt as if her were looking at a younger version of Libelle.

  Gaalin took a step towards Ingrid, his dark hand reaching out and touching her chin. He lifted her head up, slowly bending down over her, his face hovering above hers. Ingrid gasped and blushed, quickly taking a step back from him.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean…” She looked down at her feet. “I, I should go.”

  Ingrid turned around and took a step back in the direction of the city gates, suddenly realizing how dark and secluded it was in the grass plains outside the city walls. The land became even darker when thick clouds blocked the moonlight. Gaalin’s large hand clamped down around her wrist, yanking her backwards and pulling her up against his chest.

  Her eyes widened as she felt panic rise in herself, Gaalin’s gentle expression had vanished and he now looked down at her menacingly. Stuttering, she forced out her words.

  “L-lo-lord G-Gaalin, w-we should go back.”

  He smirked, and instead of responding to her, he forced his lips onto hers. Ingrid gasped, her palms pushing on his chest while she tried to get away. His strong grip around her waist held her close, his kiss becoming more aggressive the more she tried to get away. Taking her hand in his, he held her small hand over his bulging groin, his cock hard and needy. Ingrid shrieked, clawing at the scabbed cut on his cheek.

  Gaalin snarled, releasing her to cup his once again bleeding cheek. Ingrid began to run away, holding her dress up and darting through the grass. She screamed again, her long blonde hair suddenly twisted in Gaalin’s hand as he yanked her back hard. He threw her to the ground, her head cracking against a rock with an audible thud. She whimpered, trying to push herself up to crawl away.

  The innocent’s eyes widened, full with terror and tears, her thin lip quivering. Gaalin drooped down onto his knees over her, slowly unbuckling his pants as his expression turned cold-blooded. He slid his pants down, gripping his hard member in his hand and the other lightly stroking her cheek. She screeched, flipping over and clawing at the soil to get away.

  Gaalin’s hands twisted into her dress, pulling her back underneath him. “You're not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A loud series of knocks sounded on the thin wooden door, echoing into the small room of the inn. “Libelle! Lady Libelle!” A young voiced called.

  Libelle rolled over in the bed, grumbling in her slumber. “Eskil, get that will you?”

bsp; She heard a throaty groan, and in the chair across the room her companion stirred in his sleep. She looked up at Eskil who was rubbing his aching head, with a sigh he pushed himself up and walked towards the door and opened it. Vigdis and Brynhild stood in the doorway crying.

  Libelle sat up in the bed, rubbing her eyes. “Girls? What is it?”

  Vigdis sniffed, “its Ingrid. She didn't come home last night!”

  “We can't find her anywhere!” Brynhild said.

  Libelle stood up, standing beside Eskil who glanced at her curiously. “Have you asked around?”

  They both nodded. “No one has seen her, not since last night by the fire.”

  “Could she have gone elsewhere? I mean, with a man?” She doubted it, but felt it needed to be asked.

  The girls glanced between each other and then shook their heads. “No, I don't believe so. Not after… everything that happened.” Vigdis said.

  Libelle motioned for them to come into the room, and they walked past them to sit on the bed. She shut the door, Eskil returning to his chair to close his eyes as he felt the ill side effects of the alcohol. “Tell me what happened last night.”

  Vigdis took a slow breath, “After you two left, we danced together with Lord Gaalin for quite some time. Eventually we exhausted him, and he sat down for a drink. Brynhild wanted to eat in the inn, but Ingrid said she would stay with Lord Gaalin. When we came back, Lord Gaalin was still sitting but Ingrid couldn't be found. He told us she came looking for us, but other than that he didn't know where she went off too.”

  Brynhild cried loudly. “I’m worried something happened to her.”

  Libelle sighed heavily. “I’ll help you look for her. I’ll speak with Gaalin as he is the last one to have seen her by the sounds of things. Wait here with Eskil please.”

  The girls nodded at her.

  “Eskil, keep an eye on them.”

  He gave her a weak wave, and she exited the room. Her manservant had rented a room down the hall, and he better still be there she cursed. She knocked heavily on the door, a sleepy groan came from the opposite side. She knocked again, this time the shuffle of bed linens was heard and a pair of footsteps moved to the door.


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