What Happens in Vegas…After Dark

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What Happens in Vegas…After Dark Page 18

by Jodi Lynn Copeland, Anya Bast, Lauren Dane

  For half a second, he hesitated. Then, with a nod, he pushed down the straps of her dress. “Whatever you want, love. Whatever you want.”

  “Just you.” She tossed back her head as the dress inched lower. “Only you.”

  Chapter Two

  If anyone realized or cared what they were doing, there was no indication. Devi drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for the moment when the dress would pool around her waist and bare her nipples. Mal stroked the skin around the straps as he pushed them lower, until the bodice started to droop. He froze, a small gasp escaping him. She looked down with a frown. How could she have forgotten? “It’s my port-a-cath.” Her attempted nonchalance didn’t seem to end his hesitation.

  “Should I…?” He trailed off, clearly not sure what to do.

  Devi experienced a moment of pity for him. She hadn’t thought to warn him about the catheter, and there hadn’t been time to introduce her medical history in their short date thus far. Previous sexual encounters with men had been confined to established relationships, so her partners had been forewarned. This was a downside to one-night stands, she decided with a sigh. “It’s not a problem. Really,” she said more insistently at his frown. “I have it there because I need weekly blood transfusions. Just ignore it. Please.”

  He nuzzled her neck, his mouth close to her ear. He still seemed intent on making love to her, but she could feel the air hum with his unasked questions. Devi put a hand under his chin to encourage him to lift his head. Mal stopped kissing her throat and raised his head to look down at her. “I guess I should explain a bit more.”

  “If you want to.”

  No, she didn’t, but did she want him to change his mind about sleeping with her because of whatever he might be imagining was wrong with her, either? “I have a genetic disorder, so my condition isn’t contagious. I could only pass it to my offspring.” She hid a pang of regret as she uttered the words, having long ago decided she would never risk passing this curse to a child, even if she were strong enough to bear one. “Oh, and it doesn’t have a name.”

  “Why do you need blood?” He asked the question with interest, but a strange light in his eyes suggested he already knew the answer.

  She opened her mouth to ask about that, but he blinked, and the glint was gone. Devi shook her head, deciding she was imagining things. “It’s part of my condition. My blood doesn’t properly replace itself, so I need a fresh supply every few days. I’m also allergic to sunlight.” When his eyes widened, she added with a trace of self-deprecating humor. “Before you ask, crosses and holy water don’t repel me, though I am allergic to garlic. I’m a quasi-vampire, I guess.”

  That strange, knowing glint flickered in and out of his eyes as Mal laughed. “Do you bite?”

  All the heat coursing through Devi must have reflected from her eyes when she met his gaze. There was no way to hide the intensity of her desire. “Only if you ask me to.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” In a smooth motion, he lowered his head to kiss her once again. His tongue plunged into her mouth, and he paid special attention to her canines, as if verifying for himself that they were no pointier than they should be.

  Soon, they were immersed in each other again, and Devi reveled in his hands roaming her body. As if the previous interruption hadn’t occurred, once again Mal pushed down the bodice of her dress, not stopping until it fell at her waist. The design of the dress allowed for no bra, and her bare breasts swelled when he cupped them. His thumbs provided perfect friction as he circled them in concert. Her lower body had a mind of its own, surging against him as close as it could. There was no space between them aside from a few layers of clothing. The fabric was an intolerable barrier separating her from the feel of his hot skin against hers. Devi whimpered her frustration, and his mouth swallowed the sound.

  Surprisingly steady in light of how exhilarated his touch had her feeling, Devi peeled off his jacket, letting it fall to a heap on the floor. Next, she attacked the black shirt underneath. The silk was soft against her fingertips and provided little resistance to her fingernails when she raked them over his nipples. Breath hissed from him, into her mouth, and he retaliated by pinching the firm buds between his fingers. She arched her back, eager for more of the pleasure/pain of his touch.

  Devi gasped when Mal suddenly lifted her by the waist. Instinctively, she locked her legs around his hips as he carried her through the club, negotiating the writhing bodies in the shadows. The cool desert air washed over her, sending a shiver throughout her body, when he stepped onto the balcony. The artificial lights of the club offered a backdrop for their tryst. A few other couples were in various stages of the same activity, and they paid little attention to Devi when she looked around before returning her focus to Mal.

  Instead of setting her on her feet, Mal propped her buttocks on the railing. The cold metal was a delicious contrast to the heat consuming her, making Devi wetter than ever. As if aware of that, Mal slipped a hand under her dress, expertly honing in on her pussy. She arched against the fingers stroking her through the thin scrap of her panties. “Please touch me.”

  He pulled her closer. “I am.” Slowly, he breached the silk, and she gasped when his finger stroked around her opening, teasing her clit as he pushed his thumb against her slit. “You’re so hot and wet. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock.”

  Devi couldn’t seem to breathe as he hovered on the brink of entering her with his fingers. A moan of protest left her when he withdrew his hand. “Please.” Never had she needed a man so urgently. More than desire compelled her to fuse with Mal, though she couldn’t identify what it was.

  “Shush.” He brushed a kiss against her eyebrow. “We have all night, love.”

  Mal lifted her from the railing, and she wound her legs around him again. This time, he lifted her higher, bringing her breasts to the level of his mouth. She buried a hand in his hair, the other clutching his shoulder for support. The sight of him leaning closer to catch one puckered bud into his mouth was erotic, exciting and artistic. Briefly, she entertained the thought of them taking up performance art with their lovemaking, but the silly musing left her as he sucked her nipple fiercely, causing her to go rigid in his arms. He applied pressure until the bead swelled to the point of pain with each touch of his tongue.

  As Mal laved her nipple, she arched her shoulders to push her breast deeper into his mouth. Unable to reach any of his more tempting areas, she stroked his hair and gyrated her hips against his stomach. She longed to stroke him the same way he was stroking her. At the same time, she didn’t want him to stop sucking her, ever. Was Mal feeling the same powerful drive, the pressure to join with her, that she was? They were more like wild animals compelled to mate than two civilized human beings—or was that more of her passion-induced flights of fancy? She didn’t care.

  His tongue forged a wide swath down her skin as he licked her from nipple to navel. Devi clung to him as he somehow managed to divest her of the dress with one hand. It was as though he had more than two hands as he pulled the underwear from her, leaving her only in black heels. “This isn’t fair.”

  “What isn’t fair?” asked Mal as he lowered her bottom to the railing again.

  It was colder than before, without even the layers of the dress and underwear to protect her, but the sensation didn’t distract her from her intentions. “I’m practically naked, and you’re still fully clothed.”

  “Not practically.” In a lazy motion, he cupped her mound, squeezing gently. “Completely naked.”

  She wiggled a foot. “I’m wearing my shoes.” Sticking out her tongue at him earned a nip, and she yelped in surprise. Mal’s hands anchored her to the railing, leaving her free to lean forward precariously in order to unbutton his shirt. He made no attempt to deflect her efforts, and she soon had him bared to the waist. “Beautiful.” To her artist’s eye, he was a study in perfection. Each ripple and bulge was proportioned and symmetrical. His pale skin shone like silver in the neon
lighting, and it spasmed as she ran her fingers down his stomach. Devi smiled when his stomach muscles tensed as she neared his waistband.

  Fumbling in her impatience, it took longer than she wanted to undo his pants. Apparently, Mal felt the same, because he put one of his hands over hers, stilling her movements. “Let me.” In seconds, he had unfastened the button and zipper. From there, Devi took over again, pushing the pants to midthigh. She couldn’t get them lower without toppling off the metal railing. The position of his pants served to limit his mobility while still allowing her full access. He wore silky black briefs. “Black must be your color.”

  “It’s sexy and dramatic. Good for performances.” If he planned to say more, her actions prevented it. He lapsed into silence after a single grunt as she took his shaft in her hand. He was long and thick, with a generous head. Hard and straight, his penis seemed to be straining to reach her.

  “I don’t think you need any stage props, Mal. You’re damned impressive all on your own.”

  “And you’re stunning.” He cupped her chin to bring her closer for a long kiss. Devi licked his lips, enjoying his taste and the sense of anticipation.

  When he lifted his mouth, she was unsurprised when he took a step back. She gripped the rail on either side of her thighs to prop herself up as Mal finished removing his shoes and clothing. “I appreciate a man who comes prepared.”

  “I’m ready for any eventuality.” He crooked his lips into a half grin as he ripped open the condom he had taken from his pocket. In seconds, he was covered, and he lifted her from the rail. Devi wrapped her legs around him as his erection nudged her opening. She arched against him, taking in most of his head, and Mal met her efforts with equal fervor. Shivers coursed through her as his cock filled her. Her sheath expanded to accommodate him. They were perfect together, as if two parts of the same machine.

  He thrust into her, pressing Devi against the rail. She pushed forward, matching his pace. Mal’s hands squeezed and caressed her buttocks as he held her against him, and her skin contracted with each stroke. Heat suffused her, burning from the inside out, and she gasped for air. Every feeling Mal inspired seemed magnified beyond what it should be. Never before had a man had her so excited, so passionately turned on.

  With a small shout that she couldn’t contain, Devi came. Her pussy clenched around Mal, and she tightened her legs around him. Stars danced behind her eyes as she climaxed, and she arched harder against him, riding the wave to a new level of arousal. Another orgasm overtook her, followed by a third. She was gasping with the onslaught, unaccustomed to multiple orgasms. Each one seemed to build on the previous one, bringing her to new heights. She lost count after four, and it seemed like ages before Mal finally gave in to his own release. His hoarse cry and rigid posture betrayed his climax as his cock convulsed inside her. She came again as he did so and couldn’t tell where his tremors ended and hers began.

  When the passion storm passed, she sagged against him, feeling wrung out. Devi didn’t think she would be more exhausted if she had run a marathon. At the same time, she was elated and somehow renewed. “How do you feel about encores?” she asked in a raspy voice.

  Mal stared down at her, completely serious. “I never do them. It’s always best to leave the audience wanting more.”

  Devi grinned. “You’ve certainly done that.”

  “An encore is out of the question, but I can offer a new performance with a change of venue.” With obvious reluctance, he separated himself from her, easing her to her feet. “Should I see about booking a private room?”

  Impulsively, she shook her head. “Skip the room and come back to my place.”

  He nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Honey, that’s just one of many things I want tonight.”

  Divine Inspirations did well, aided by both its location in the Liege casino and Devi’s renown as a tattooist. She had a healthy bottom line each year, but her income wasn’t nearly enough to finance living on the Strip. Instead, she had a quiet little house just ten minutes’ drive from her reserved spot in the Liege’s parking garage to her driveway. The first tendrils of dawn were streaking the sky as she parked her Saturn in the garage, and she was relieved to make it home before sunrise. The burning, itching sensation that accompanied any sun exposure was the last thing she wanted to deal with when Mal was hers for the taking.

  As though it was the most natural thing in the world, he took her hand as they walked to the door to the laundry room. Devi’s heart rate sped up just from the casual touch of his fingers entwined with hers. She led him through the nondescript laundry room, utilitarian kitchen, and average living room. Her bedroom waited down the hall, and there was no reason to pretend that she had brought him into her home for any other reason.

  She flipped on the light, relieved she had taken time to tidy up that morning. The bed linens were fresh, as if she’d known she would be bringing home company. Of course, she hadn’t, but was pleased with how it had all turned out.

  Was turning out, she amended while turning to Mal. She wondered if she looked as disheveled as he did. His hair was wild, and the buttons on his shirt didn’t match up properly. The jacket he’d worn earlier was long gone, as was her underwear, both abandoned at Darkness. It was a simple matter for her to strip. She took off the dress in seconds and kicked off the heels. Mal followed suit, and they were both naked again.

  In the light of her bedroom, he was even more perfect. She marveled at his male beauty as she grasped his fingers to take him to the bed. Devi lay down first, and he came down atop her. She buried her fingers into the light hair on his chest as he framed his hands on both sides of her face to support his weight. His mouth was sweet, his lips pure temptation as they stroked hers. Devi nibbled on his lower lip before sucking the spot. Mal’s chest vibrated when he groaned. She reveled in the proof that he was just as affected by this intense passion as she was. Devi doubted the sex was filling a void for Mal the same way it was for her, but he was definitely enjoying it. So was she, so much that it scared her. If she thought too much about how physically and emotionally satisfying their coupling was, she might be tempted to stop, just to regain some sense of reality. Instead, she suppressed the thoughts and returned her attention to seducing Mal again.

  Mal cooperated when she shoved against his chest, making him sit up more. She slid her foot across his thigh and naked ass. “Roll over.” His brow quirked, but he complied. Once he was on his back, Devi shifted positions so that she was straddling him. His fair skin was a delicious contrast to her dark hands as she explored his chest, arms and stomach. “You’re so strong.” She squeezed his bicep. “All big and manly.” Her other hand cupped his shaft. “Everywhere.” A grin of satisfaction passed her lips when he grunted in response to her stroking his length. Leisurely, she moved her hand lower to cup his testicles. She caressed them in her palm while flirting with his shaft by rubbing the base with her thumb. With a twitch that made his entire body jump, his erection hardened further. “I wonder if you taste as good as you feel?”

  “You can find out later.” Mal seemed to be gritting his teeth as he grasped her waist to lift her up his chest.

  “What are you doing?” Devi wasn’t sure if she liked Mal’s ability to easily lift her and put her where he wanted. It was heady to be at his sensual mercies, but slightly annoying when she was intent on being in control this time.

  “Ladies first,” was his explanation as he settled her into a new position astride his face.

  She gasped when his breath warmed her clit a scant second before his tongue invaded her slit. The appendage seemed to be everywhere at once, tracing the contours of her pussy while filling each recess. Abandoning the idea of directing this encounter, she gave herself up to the pleasure his mouth evoked. Mal licked and sucked her expertly. Her hips seemed to have a mind of their own, forcing her to buck and arch against his mouth with abandon. Devi’s hands found purchase on her thighs, and she dug in her nails in an attempt to main
tain her balance.

  “Come for me, love,” he said. The words disappeared into her slick heat, but she heard them. His breath stirred up all kinds of sensations as he deliberately breathed in and exhaled heavily. She came undone when he sucked her clit into his mouth, his tongue feathering around the most sensitive areas with light perfection, making her scream. Devi let the orgasm wash over her, able to ignore the accompanying wave of fatigue in the heat of the moment.

  Before she had even finished coming, Devi found herself astride Mal’s cock, poised to welcome him inside. He lifted his hands, and she grasped them for support. Their gazes locked above their joined hands as she sank onto him. A trick of the light made his eyes glow silvery-green, with a brilliant intensity that wasn’t physically possible. She tightened her hold on his hands. When she blinked, his eyes were back to normal.

  “You feel so good around me, Devi.” The cords in his neck stood out as he thrust into her. Other evidence of his exertion was the way his temple pulse beat visibly, and his ragged breathing.

  She was in a similar state, with her heart racing in her ears. Her lungs seemed coated in syrup as she struggled to draw breath, and she was hot everywhere. Devi knew her physical state was a combination of the amazing sex and her fragile health, but refused to end their encounter in order to sort out which symptom came from what. Instead, she blocked out everything except riding Mal, concentrating on his gaze, grasping his hands, and matching his thrusts. Her first orgasm literally took her breath for a long second, and she had just regained the ability to draw air when another washed over her.

  Shuddering, Devi tightened her sheath around Mal’s cock as he came, milking him for each drop of satisfaction. The glow was back, and she lost herself in the depths of his eyes, vaguely aware of another orgasm as they came together. His eyes were tantalizing and mesmerizing, making it difficult to look away until he eased her off him. Only when Devi curled against his side did she find herself able to look away. When she glanced at his eyes again, they were the light green they had been at their first meeting. She blinked in confusion, certain the odd chameleon quality of his irises had been more than the way the light fell.


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