Dragon's Keep: The Complete Dracengard Series

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Dragon's Keep: The Complete Dracengard Series Page 27

by Christopher Vale

  “I’m very glad you did. Will I ever see you again?” he asked.

  “Perhaps,” she replied.

  “Thank you for rescuing me,” Erec said. “I am forever in your debt.”

  She placed the palm of her hand softly upon his cheek. “No, Erec. You are not.” She then smiled brightly. “Farewell, Prince Erec,” she said as her hand dropped and she took a couple of steps back.

  “Farewell, My Lady.”

  Aura flapped her wings and disappeared into the afternoon sky. Erec stood there for a long moment staring into the sky after her. He could not see her, but he did not want to leave.

  Chapter 15

  The small fox ran and the dogs gave chase, yapping and howling. Prince Tythan galloped onward, leading the hunting party after the dogs. Tythan was a ruggedly handsome prince in his early thirties. He had curly, dark brown hair and a stubbled cleft chin. Add to his good looks, the fact that he was a widower and heir to the throne of Talisaria, and Tythan became the most sought after prize of all of the unwed ladies in the Kingdom. His wife died a decade ago while giving birth to a son. The infant also passed. Tythan’s father, King Baltus, had been urging Tythan to remarry for years. The King claimed that this year would be his last and he desperately wanted to ensure his family’s legacy was secure. Of course, King Baltus had claimed every one of the past fifteen years would be his last and yet he still sat upon the throne.

  Tythan’s step mother, Queen Ariana, galloped beside the Prince. Ariana was ten years younger than Tythan and thirty-one years younger than the King. She had married King Baltus less than a year after Tythan’s mother, Queen Fysee, had died of the fever. Ariana was the eldest daughter of Lord Teigan, commander of the King’s military, and Baltus had watched her blossom from an awkward little girl into a beautiful woman. Baltus had married her out of a deep desire to bed her. He had ceased sleeping with his first wife as soon as Tythan was born. Baltus was not particularly attracted to Fysee and once he had a male heir, he saw no reason to continue what had become a chore. Of course, as irony would have it, the King was unable to perform in bed with Ariana as he had hoped and she remained a virgin on their wedding night.

  Ariana sat sidesaddle upon her brown gelding, her red riding cloak draped elegantly over the horse’s flanks. She laughed excitedly as they chased after the fox. She greatly enjoyed these outings with Tythan. It was lonely and cold in the castle and she loved the freedom she felt riding across the fields, her long, raven-colored hair blowing in the wind. She glanced over at Tythan and saw that he was grinning from ear to ear as he rode. “The fun is not in killing the fox,” he had explained to Ariana before her first hunt, “it is in the chase.” Tythan was right. In fact, Ariana disliked it when the fox was killed, but she found the chase extremely exciting. As she looked at Tythan, she could not help but think how handsome he was in his red jacket, black trousers, and knee high riding boots.

  Tythan felt Ariana’s eyes on him and turned to look at her. She was smiling giddily and he gave her a wink. The fox led the dogs up a grassy hill and the hunters chased after them. As they topped the hill, Ariana glanced out over the kingdom. One could see for miles from that height. Then she noticed a caravan traveling south along the road toward the castle. She glanced at Tythan and realized he had seen it too. He reined his horse to a halt and watched the caravan. Ariana reined in beside him and the remainder of the party halted behind. Ten knights in gold armor rode upon white chargers followed by a beautiful white coach. Scores of lancers followed the coach. The procession was led by a red banner emblazoned with a golden sun.

  “What is it?” Ariana asked.

  “That caravan is flying the colors of Caerwynspire,” he said. He then turned to look at Ariana, a broad smile spread across his face. “It’s my sister.” Tythan spun his horse to face the master of the hunt. “Gather the hounds,” he commanded. “The rest of us shall return to the castle to greet Gwyndalin.” Tythan turned back to Ariana. “Come, it is high time you met her.” The Prince squeezed his legs tightly against the horse’s flanks urging it to gallop down the hill toward the castle. Ariana galloped after him.

  “Tythan, wait!” Ariana shouted. Tythan glanced back over his shoulder to see Ariana lagging behind. The guardsmen that had accompanied them were even further behind. Tythan slowed his horse to a canter so that the Queen could catch up. “Shouldn’t we allow your sister to settle in before crowding her?”

  “I’m sure she is as excited about seeing me as I am her,” Tythan responded.

  “Undoubtedly, but she has had a very long journey. A lady enjoys a moment to freshen up.” Tythan looked at the Queen and tilted his head. “There is a stand of trees over there,” she said pointing. “Perhaps we could rest there for a few moments to give your sister some time.”

  Tythan smiled at his step mother. “Very well, Your Majesty,” he said with a dramatic bow, leaning over deeply in his saddle. As he was doing so the guards caught up to the two of them. Tythan turned to face the guards. “Ride ahead and ensure that the guardsmen at the gate know that my sister is returning,” Tythan commanded. “The Queen is tired and needs to rest. I shall escort her back to the castle later.” The guardsmen nodded their understanding and galloped off toward the castle leaving Tythan and Ariana alone.

  At Ariana’s urging, her gelding leapt forward, galloping toward the stand of trees. Ariana gave a playful shout causing Tythan to smile to himself as he gave chase. He galloped just behind Ariana, watching as she would occasionally glance back over her shoulder to see if he were gaining on her. She reached the stand of trees first, but he was only a few yards behind. He reined his horse in beside hers and leapt to the ground before it had completely come to a stop. He walked around the front of the animal to stand beside Ariana’s mount. He looked up at her as she smiled down at him. He reached up toward her and she fell into his arms and he lowered her to the ground.

  Once on the ground, Ariana took Tythan by the hand and led him into the trees. She ran and Tythan had to move quickly to keep up with her. Ariana suddenly stopped and spun around to face the Prince. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. He looked around nervously. “We must be careful,” he cautioned.

  “Alright,” she agreed, but then pulled his head down to hers and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her in close. “I could not wait any longer,” she said. “It has been too long since I had you.” She began unbuttoning his jacket.

  “Wait,” Tythan said as he pulled away. “Here?” he asked.

  “Yes, here,” Ariana said with a laugh. She bit her bottom lip and stepped close to him and began unbuttoning his jacket again.

  “I do not think that is a good idea,” he said.

  Ariana grabbed his crotch in her right hand, giving it a little squeeze and looked into his eyes. “You would disobey your Queen?” she asked.

  Tythan smiled at her. “I guess when you put it that way, I really have no choice.”

  Ariana laughed and then stepped back. She straightened, standing tall, regal and looking at him as she might the lowliest servant. “Remove your clothes,” she commanded with a snap of her fingers and Tythan obeyed.


  Queen Gwyndalin stared out of the window of her coach at the passing countryside. Little had changed in her home country since she had last visited Talisaria some years ago. It was certainly a change from the rocky mountains of Caerwynspire. Talisaria’s capital city of Bien sat near the coast of the Infinite Ocean. Bien was not really a city, not as Avonvale or Riversmeet would be considered a city. It was really just the royal castle and a surrounding village made primarily of wooden buildings with thatched roofs. Fisheries and trade posts stood a little way down the coast, but farmland primarily surrounded the castle. The castle stood tall over the surrounding countryside. The green fields and rolling hills that framed it were stunning. Gwyndalin smiled to herself. It was good to be home.

sp; She traveled with two ladies-in-waiting and a royal guard of one hundred lancers, including ten Paladin under the command of Sir Rodrick. She brought none of her daughters along despite most of them begging to accompany her. With drakmere conquering kingdoms throughout the realm, she did not believe it was the best time for her daughters to abandon the safety of the White Fortress. It was troubling enough that Ashleen was braving unknown perils on her journey to Dracengard and Gwyndalin did not wish to risk any of her other daughters. After all, the last time Gwyndalin left Caerwynspire, she and Ashleen had been captured by pirates. Being captured by drakmere would be far worse. Draks did not capture people for ransom, but for food.

  As her coach rolled through the castle gates, Gwyndalin began to get excited. She had not seen her father and brother in years—not since her mother’s funeral—and missed them very much. She had been hesitant to return once she learned that her father had remarried a girl thirteen years Gwyndalin’s junior. She was not sure how she would handle the sight of her father with the girl, but she had to push that concern aside for the moment. She had more important matters to worry about now, and her family’s safety was chief among them.

  The coach rolled to a stop in the castle courtyard and Gwyndalin smiled at her ladies sitting across from her. A moment later the door to the coach opened and the ladies scrambled out. Then Gwyndalin saw Sir Roderick’s gloved hand appear in the doorway, and placed her delicate fingers in it. She stepped out of the coach with Sir Roderick’s assistance and glanced around the courtyard. It was all still as it had been when she last saw it. The carriage sat upon a circular, pebbled drive, surrounded by lush green grass. The walls that surrounded the courtyard stood high above, eclipsed only by the walls of the castle keep.

  Gwyndalin heard a familiar voice and turned to see Lady Becca rushing down the steps of the castle toward her, followed by an army of stewards. Lady Becca had been Gwyndalin’s mother’s lady-in-waiting for many years, and Gwyndalin had known her since she was a child. Lady Becca wrapped her arms around Gwyndalin’s neck and pulled her close. Gwyndalin returned the embrace. “It is so good to see you, my dear,” Becca said. The lady pulled away and looked at Gwyndalin. “You are as beautiful as the day you left us,” she smiled.

  “A more mature beauty for sure,” Gwyndalin laughed. At thirty-six Gwyndalin was hardly old, but birthing eleven daughters in seventeen years had taken its toll on her body and she was well aware of that fact.

  Lady Becca chuckled. “I always find it amusing when the young believe they are old,” she said with a smile. “See to Her Majesty’s things,” Lady Becca said over her shoulder to the stewards who waited stone faced for the command. “Come, Gwyn,” Lady Becca said as she took Gwyndalin’s arm and led her up the steps. Gwyndalin’s ladies-in-waiting followed closely behind and Sir Roderick followed them. Before disappearing into the castle, he turned and made a circular motion with his index finger pointing upward. The signal instructed the Paladin to perform a search of the perimeter to make sure everything was secure.

  Inside, Becca led Gwyndalin along a long stone corridor. She leaned close so that none but Gwyndalin could hear her. “Who is the handsome knight in the golden armor?” Gwyndalin turned to peek over her right shoulder. She saw Sir Roderick was walking a respectful ten paces behind.

  “Sir Roderick, my personal bodyguard,” Gwyndalin whispered back.

  “I wouldn’t mind him guarding my body,” Becca chuckled and Gwyndalin slapped her playfully on the back of the hand.

  The Queen had to admit that Sir Roderick was indeed handsome. At forty, he had been a Paladin for over twenty years. He had curly, black hair which he kept cropped close to his scalp. He allowed no facial hair upon his chiseled chin and block jaw. His skin was a golden brown from years spent outdoors. He was one of Caerwynspire’s most valiant warriors. He had no wife or children and often professed, seriocomically, to be married to the Paladin.

  “Where is Ty?” Gwyndalin asked about her little brother.

  Becca smiled. “Fox hunting with the Queen.”


  “She is a nice girl,” Becca volunteered.

  “I have no doubt,” Gwyndalin said.

  Lady Becca led Gwyndalin to her room. “I thought you would like some time to freshen up from your long journey before seeing the King,” Becca said as she opened the door.

  “Yes, thank you.” Gwyndalin stepped inside and looked around. It was just as it had always been. The carpet was a deep purple and the draperies were light. A large mirror dominated the vanity in the corner of the room. In the center, Becca had arranged for an iron tub, which sat near the foot of the bed. Water was already bubbling in a kettle on the hearth.

  “Well, I shall see you later,” Becca said. “It is so nice to have you home.” Becca turned and walked from the room, past the ladies-in-waiting. She passed Sir Roderick who stood just outside the door and gave him a sly wink. Roderick chuckled to himself, but then looked up at the Queen and their eyes met briefly, just before one of the ladies closed the door.


  Tythan was dressing quickly. There were several reasons to do so—the possibility of getting caught being high on the list. Ariana did not dress as quickly. She sat on the dead leaves of the forest floor casually placing the bare toes of her right foot into her stocking.

  “Do you think your sister will like me?” she asked as she pulled the stocking up over her calf ever so slowly.

  “What? I don’t know. Please hurry,” Tythan responded.

  “I do so want her to like me,” Ariana said, ignoring Tythan’s impatience.

  “If your infidelity causes her father to behead her brother, I am fairly certain she will not think highly of you. So, why don’t we hurry this along so as not to get caught.”

  Ariana laughed out loud. “Do you think your father cares?” she asked.

  This took Tythan by surprise. “I would assume so,” he replied.

  “Baltus is a tired old man. You took my virginity. He and I still have not…” she let it trail off.

  “Just because he can’t do it doesn’t mean he wants his son doing it,” Tythan said.

  “Better you than someone else. That would be humiliating.”

  “What in the Three Realms are you talking about?” He shook his head. He did not have time for her to explain. “Can we please have this conversation some other time? Whether my father cares or not—I certainly do. Please…Your Majesty.” He added that last part with a punch. She frowned at him, but quickened her pace.

  “Very well, Prince Tythan. I shall acquiesce,” she responded as if she had agreed to wear the blue dress instead of the green.

  Tythan was fully dressed now and shook his head as he watched her. She could be snotty sometimes, but he did not believe a more beautiful woman existed anywhere in the Middle Realm. Ariana finally finished dressing and he took her by the hand and led her from the woods the same way she had led him in. They found their horses still standing in the tree line. Tythan assisted Ariana in mounting and then climbed up into the saddle of his own horse.

  “Let us hurry,” he said and urged his horse away from the trees quickly. The Queen followed galloping up beside him. “Seriously, do you think Gwyndalin will like me?” she asked.

  “Why would she not like you? You are smart and beautiful.”

  “I took her mother’s place in her father’s bed.”

  “She was my mother too and I like you,” Tythan replied playfully.

  “Yes, but I am not sleeping with Gwyndalin,” she laughed.

  “Why are you so concerned with Gwyn’s opinion of you?”

  “She is a queen,” Ariana responded.

  “You’re a queen.”

  “She’s also your sister. I would like your sister to like me.”

  Tythan looked at Ariana. “You are not concerned with your husband’s daughter liking you? Only my sister.”

  Ariana looked away. “I suppose a man would not understand,” she said softly and
then galloped ahead. Tythan watched her for a moment before chasing after her.


  With the assistance of her ladies-in-waiting, Gwyndalin had changed her clothes before meeting her father, but she had not taken the time to bathe. Such a luxury could wait until later. She needed to see her father and brother. When she entered the throne room and saw Baltus sitting upon the throne, she was astounded by how old he looked. He seemed so tired and half asleep, leaning on his right arm, the hand covered by the King’s long white beard. Then he saw her and his face brightened immediately. He stood and began descending the steps of the dais before she had even been announced.

  “Father,” she said as she walked to him, her arms open wide.

  “There is my little girl,” the King smiled and embraced Gwyndalin.

  “I have missed you so,” she said.

  “I have missed you as well, my darling.” He pulled himself away. “Let me look at you,” he said as his eyes moved up and down. “Lovely as always,” he smiled.

  “I appreciate that, Father,” she laughed.

  “Enough about you,” he said looking past her. “Where are my sweet granddaughters? You brought all of them I hope?”

  Gwyndalin shook her head. “I brought none,” she said as her smile evaporated. “This is not a social visit.”

  “Oh?” the King said as the excitement disappeared from his face. His son had not produced any grandchildren and he did not get to see Gwyndalin’s girls very often. In fact, Gwyndalin had at least two girls that Baltus had never even met and the way she and Artur popped baby girls out, she was liable to birth a dozen more before her next visit. “I keep telling you to send a couple of your girls down to stay with us for a while. The boys here would love Ashleen. I wish she were with you.”


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