Dragon's Keep: The Complete Dracengard Series

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Dragon's Keep: The Complete Dracengard Series Page 37

by Christopher Vale

  “The pleasure is mine, Princess Ashleen. Thank you.”

  Terrwyn guided her horse alongside Ashleen’s. Dillan and Willem fell in behind and the Paladin rode in two columns behind them.

  “Were you and Dillan able to wed before Avonvale fell?” Ashleen asked.

  “No,” Terrwyn replied. “The Wizard’s forces saw to that.”

  “I am sorry. But fear not, you can marry when we reach the Island of Avalon. There will be plenty of priests to perform the ceremony.”

  “Yes,” Terrwyn said somewhat uncomfortably. “So, how do you know Dillan?” she asked wanting to quickly change the subject.

  “Two years ago my mother and I were captured by pirates. They tried to hold us for ransom, but Dillan and his crew rescued us,” Ashleen said summarizing quickly, hoping to avoid further inquiries about the experience. Terrwyn turned to look at Dillan, but he refused to meet her gaze. (See the FREE novella Ashleen and the Pirates).

  Chapter 9

  The curtains were unable to keep the dust out of the carriage as over a thousand men—some on horseback, others on foot—marched along the road. Queen Ariana and her two ladies-in-waiting did their best to fan the dust away from their faces with little success. The long caravan was a combination of the lancers Prince Tythan was taking north to Caerwynspire and the guard escorting Ariana south toward Avonvale. King Baltus had commanded that his wife deliver their Dracenstone to Avonvale to appease the Wizard, and that his son ride north to Caerwynspire with one thousand men to appease King Artur. It was a dangerous game and Tythan did not like it at all, especially since it involved sending Ariana into hostile, drak controlled country.

  Tythan loved Ariana despite the fact that she was his father’s wife and he was angry that King Baltus would risk her safety in such a way. Tythan had insisted on escorting her to the small port on the Dracen River where Ariana would take a ship south to Avonvale. From there, Tythan and his army would turn northward to Caerwynspire.

  Night was approaching quickly and the port was still another half day’s ride. Tythan had predetermined a location to camp for the evening near an old, now abandoned, cottage. It was small, but had quarters for the priest that had resided there many years ago, when belief in the seraph had been much stronger. It would be acceptable for the Queen for one evening. Tythan had sent a couple of maids out to tidy up earlier in the day and to bring fresh linens to make the bed for the Queen’s comfort.

  They soon arrived at the cottage and Tythan ordered his men to make camp in a field a half mile further along the road. He dismounted his horse and handed the reins to the groomer who would take care of the animals for the evening. He then walked around the Queen’s carriage and opened the door, offering his hand. The ladies accepted first and stepped out of the carriage one at a time, thanking His Highness, before moving quickly into the cottage to make sure the accommodations would be acceptable for the Queen.

  After the ladies had exited the carriage, Tythan offered his hand to Ariana who accepted it with a warm smile. She stood beside the carriage and looked up at the humble cottage. It was a small stone building with a thatched roof. The roof had remained under repair, however, as this was a typical resting point for travelers, merchants, and tradesmen, and each would do his part to keep things in order. Tythan watched her, a slight smile on his face, as she gazed at the cottage. She was so young and beautiful, filled with such life. She wore a soft violet riding dress and long mulberry cloak, while her raven hair was braided behind her head and intertwined with golden lace and crowned with a golden tiara. Tythan was the one with seraph blood running through his veins, but as he stood staring at her he thought she was the one that looked like an angel.

  The Queen’s guard of ten lancers dismounted and formed a perimeter around the cottage as Tythan followed the Queen inside. She glanced around and noticed her ladies were already unpacking her things. She ran a gloved finger over the mantle and looked at it, seeing only a small amount of dirt. “It’s clean enough, I suppose,” she said as she smirked at Tythan who could not help but chuckle to himself. He knew she was simply playing the part. He had laid her down upon the ground many times with nothing between her bare skin and the dirt but tree leaves.

  Ariana walked over to the small bed and sat upon it. A small, yet soft, feather mattress had already replaced the usual straw one to increase the Queen’s comfort. “Is there another room?” she asked and the ladies nodded.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” they said in unison.

  Ariana smiled at Tythan. “Good,” she said. “The two of you shall spend the night there. Now go and set it up, I need to discuss some matters of state with His Highness.”

  The ladies looked at each other slyly. They both knew of the affair between the Queen and her stepson, as did her guards, but discretion was always advisable in matters such as these. No one wanted to lose their job…or head for that matter. The ladies exited the room quickly, bowing respectfully to both the Queen and Prince.

  As soon as the door to the other room was closed, Ariana turned her attention to her lover. “I am very tired from my journey, Prince Tythan. Would you be so kind as to assist me in getting undressed?”

  “It would be an honor, Your Majesty,” he said with a smile and a gentle bow, then stepped over to stand beside the bed.

  “You may start with my boots,” she said as she crossed her right leg over her left knee, elevating the right boot for him. Tythan dropped to one knee and unlaced her right boot and slowly pulled it off, setting it gently upon the floor of the cottage. He then slid his fingers up her shapely calf to grab the top of her stockings, which hit just below the knee. He slowly slid the stocking over her leg and foot, removing it completely. He admired her delicate ankle for just a moment before folding the stocking neatly and lying it on top of the boot.

  Ariana uncrossed her legs, changing positions by swinging her left leg over her right knee. Tythan repeated the process, unlacing and removing her boot and then pulling her stocking off. She then lowered her left foot to the ground and sat forward pressing her lips against his before standing. He stood as well as she turned so that he might unlace her dress. He delicately pulled each lace until the dress fell to the floor. He then began to work the laces on her corset and soon had that untied as well and he assisted her as she pushed it to the floor and stepped out of it.

  She then turned to face him, kissed him gently on the lips and whispered, “I want you so much.” She lowered herself to the bed and lay back against the pillow.

  Tythan smiled at her. “Aren’t you going to help me undress?” he asked.

  Ariana shook her head. “I am the Queen,” she said and then snapped her fingers. “Hurry with you, before I tire and fall asleep.” Tythan laughed, but did hurry, undressing himself as quickly as he could.


  An hour later Tythan and Ariana lay in bed, she with her head upon his chest as her slender fingers combed through the dark brown hair on his chest. They lay in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company and knowing that this would be the last time that they would see each other for quite some time. Neither wanted their time together to come to an end. Finally, Tythan broke the silence, his words expressing what his mind had been mulling over and over.

  “I cannot believe Father is sending you south, straight into the arms of the Wizard,” he said.

  “I will be quite safe, Tythan. As your father said, why would the Wizard harm me when I come to submit and hand over the Dracenstone?”

  “Even if that is true, it is a long, perilous journey and he should send more than ten guards with you,” Tythan grumbled.

  Ariana laughed. “My father is commander of His Majesty’s military forces,” she reminded him. “He personally selected my guard. They are the best and most loyal lancers in the kingdom. I shall be quite safe.”

  Tythan huffed. He was not willing to let go of his anger as he felt his father was being too flippant with Ariana’s safety. To Tythan, his father’s decision wa
s just further evidence that the King did not love his Queen. Tythan, however, did.

  “If you are so concerned with my safety, why don’t you come with me?”

  Tythan turned to look at her. “And disobey Father?” he asked. She simply shrugged. “Even so, I have no intention of surrendering to this so-called wizard.”

  Ariana rolled over on top of him. “That is enough of this talk,” she said. “I don’t want to remember you angry and sad.”

  Tythan smiled and pulled her lips down to his, kissing her deeply. They had little time left together and Tythan was determined to leave his lover with many fond memories before he bid her farewell.


  The next morning, Tythan rode beside Ariana’s carriage as they made their way to the river port. It was not as large a port as would be found in Riversmeet or Avonvale because most of Talisaria’s trade took place at the coastal port. In fact, there was only one ship docked, the small double masted ship waiting to take Ariana down the river to Avonvale.

  Tythan dismounted and assisted Ariana and her ladies in exiting the carriage. He then escorted the Queen up the gangplank and onto the royal ship where he met the captain and a crew of less than twenty sailors. There on the deck he said his goodbyes. He hugged her, in a way appropriate for a stepson, kissed her hand lightly and then bid her farewell. Tythan waited on the dock watching as the ship sailed away, down the river, Ariana waving to him. He remained on the dock until the ship was out of sight, then mounted his horse and joined his men for the long journey north to the White Fortress.

  Chapter 10

  The sun was beginning to set and Ashleen noticed Terrwyn was fighting to stay awake. Terrwyn continuously nodded off and would catch herself just prior to falling from her horse. Ashleen had to remind herself that with all she had been through, Terrwyn had been through even more. After all, Ashleen’s family was safe and sound in the White Fortress. For all Terrwyn knew, she was the last living member of hers.

  “Sir Auberon,” Ashleen shouted and saw Terrwyn jar awake out of the corner of her eye.

  “Yes, Commander?” the old Paladin asked.

  “Let us make camp,” Ashleen ordered.

  “As you say, Commander,” Auberon replied and then held up a hand signaling the columns to halt.

  It was not long before a tent had been erected for Ashleen and she led Terrwyn inside.

  “I am sorry the accommodations are not more desirable,” she said.

  Terrwyn smiled at Ashleen. “I have not exactly been living in high style of late,” she said. “It will be very nice to have a roof over my head and a bed to lie on instead of the cold, hard ground.” Terrwyn looked down at the mattress which had been stuffed with straw and laid upon the ground for her. She smiled to see that there were even blankets. It was quite fascinating how one’s view of luxury could change so rapidly.

  Terrwyn sat down on the soft straw mattress and began to unlace her boots. She chuckled silently to herself as she remembered how spoiled she had been. Not that long ago her hands would not even have had to touch her shoes as she would have had a lady kneeling at her feet pulling her boots on and off. Now, she was thrilled to get a tent over her head and a cloth sack stuffed with straw so as not to sleep directly on the ground.

  After she removed her boots and stockings, she set them at the foot of the bed and then glanced up at Ashleen who she noticed was struggling to unbuckle her armor. Seeing her dressed as a knight made it difficult to remember that Ashleen was a princess born to privilege just as she was. This was all fairly new to her as well. Terrwyn stood and stepped over to Ashleen.

  “Let me help you,” she said.

  Ashleen smiled at her. “Thank you,” she said, lifting her arm so that Terrwyn could unbuckle the golden breastplate. After all three straps had been released on the right side, Terrwyn helped Ashleen slide the armor off over her left side. They set the armor down upon the ground together and caught each other’s eye. They both began laughing, realizing how strange all of this would have seemed just a month ago.

  They both straightened, still smiling at one another. Terrwyn’s smile faded as she looked at the scars on Ashleen’s cheek. She knew it was rude, but could not will herself to look away. Ashleen realized it and her hand instinctively flew to the scars as she turned away.

  “I am sorry,” Terrwyn said. “I did not mean to stare.”

  “It is alright. I’m used to it. My men always look at it.”

  “That’s so cruel.”

  “No,” Ashleen said. “It makes them proud of me. They know that I am strong enough to be one of them.”

  “Did a drak do it?” Terrwyn asked.

  “No, a cave bear,” Ashleen said. She herself had been proud of those scars, because it was a constant reminder to herself and everyone else that she had completed the Paladin Quest and had earned the golden armor she wore, the same as any man. It had not bothered her when her men looked at them, or even her sisters, but for some reason she did not want Terrwyn to see them. “I’m going to go sit by a fire for a while and clean my sword,” Ashleen said without looking at Terrwyn. “You should probably get some rest. You almost fell out of your saddle today.”

  Terrwyn nodded. She felt awful about having embarrassed Ashleen. Why had she been so rude? She was a lady and a princess at that. She knew better. Her mother would have skinned her alive had she seen the way she had gawked at this poor girl’s scars. “Thank you so much, Ashleen. You have been so kind, I really do appreciate it.”

  “You are quite welcome,” Ashleen said as she ducked out of the tent carrying a bundle wrapped in a blanket.

  Terrwyn removed her shirt and skirt and carefully folded each before lying down on the straw mattress, pulling the blanket up over her head. Between the tent, the bed, and the safety of thirty Paladin guarding the camp, she fell asleep almost instantly.


  Terrwyn was flying. The Princess soared high above the sea, then dipped down to feel the cool, salty mist on her face. She knew that she was in the midst of a dream and it terrified her, because she had dreamed the same dream many times before, or at least some variation of it. It always began with her flying over the sea and always ended with her transforming into a large red dragon, but what happened in the middle was often different and always horrible.

  She flew north to Avonvale. All of the land between the sea and her home was scorched, black, and burnt. As she flew over Avonvale, she noticed that the blue waters of the Ehren River had turned blood red. She saw her father, thrashing about in the river and drowning in the blood that flowed there. She flew lower. She had to save him. Just as she was about to reach down and grab his hand, she felt a sharp pain in her back. She turned her head and saw her cousin, Anne, riding on her back, stabbing her with a twisted dagger. Anne was dressed completely in black, including a flowing black cloak. Her skin was snow white except for her lips which were black like her clothing.

  “Anne!” Terrwyn shouted. “What are you doing?” She heard her cousin cackle as she twisted the dagger. Terrwyn spun around dumping Anne toward the ground and certain death, but Anne did not fall all of the way. Instead she sprouted large black wings and flew up toward Terrwyn.

  Terrwyn grew very angry. Why was Anne doing this to her? As her nightmare grew darker, Terrwyn began to transform physically. Her soft white skin turned to rough, garnet-colored scales. She glanced down at her hands and saw black talons instead of her well-kept fingernails and her delicate fingers extended outward into large claws. She felt her teeth grow longer, sharpening into large fangs as her mouth and nose elongated, morphing into a long snout. As her arms lengthened out to her sides, she grew enormous leathery wings the size of great sails from her father’s warships. She squeezed her eyes tight through the pain when her back wrenched as her spine extended into a long tail and grew tall black spikes which ripped through her skin. The pain ceased once the metamorphosis was complete. Terrwyn caught her breath and opened her eyes. She looked down at the ground passi
ng by below her and saw the shadow of a winged dragon where the shadow of a woman had once been. As Anne flew into view flapping her own great wings, Terrwyn heard a fierce roar echoing in her ears and realized it was she who had made the sound. She opened her giant mouth and could taste the fire as flames leapt forth.


  Terrwyn awoke screaming. She could still taste the fire; a charred smoky flavor filled her mouth. She glanced around frantically, at first unsure of where she was as the tent was foreign to her. Then she remembered she was sharing a tent with Princess Ashleen of Caerwynspire and felt herself relax. She pushed the blankets off of her and sat up on the straw mattress swinging her feet to the ground. She glanced over at Ashleen’s mattress and blankets and saw them empty. Terrwyn stood and found her shirt and skirt, both folded neatly where she had left them at the foot of her mattress. She dressed quickly, pulling on her stockings and boots before she left the tent.

  Terrwyn did not have to go far to find Ashleen. The young princess was sitting on a log by a fire, Dillan and Willem sitting on either side of her. Terrwyn watched Ashleen laugh at a comment of Dillan’s. Terrwyn approached the fire and Dillan and Willem both stood when they saw her. She smiled at Ashleen who smiled back at her. Terrwyn sat down on a log across the fire from Ashleen.

  “Trouble sleeping?” Dillan asked.

  Terrwyn nodded. “I had a bad dream,” she said as she tried to push the memory of it from her mind, the taste of smoke and fire still evident in her mouth. Terrwyn turned her attention to Ashleen. Ashleen was no longer wearing her armor, but was still dressed as a man in a man’s tunic, pants, and high boots. She held something across her lap wrapped in a blanket. Terrwyn looked at it and her curiosity got the better of her. “What do you have in the blanket?” she asked.

  Ashleen looked down with a smile. She unwrapped the blanket revealing a sword in a brilliant golden sheath. She grasped the sword by the hilt and drew it. The blade of the sword shone brightly in the dark night as if emitting its own light. She had not yet used it in battle, fearful of losing it, but she still pulled the sword out every night and wiped down the blade, though there was no reason to. It could neither dull nor rust. Dillan stared at the sword in awe.


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