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Alicia's Folly

Page 8

by C A Vincent

  Nate waited to see what kind of reception Alicia’s former boss would receive. At first sight, she was looking defensive and angry. He heaved a frustrated sigh. Despite his feelings toward the self-important jerk, the nice guy in him knew damn well he should let the two of them talk. From the conversation he and Alicia were having before Liz interrupted, he knew she wanted an explanation for what happened yesterday. No, as much as he wanted to be with her, he wasn’t going to stand in the way of her getting one. It wouldn’t be fair.

  His steps were slow as he started walking again, this time not so much toward Alicia as alongside. A slightly different shade of guilt poked really hard at his conscience. He felt like he was eavesdropping, even though he couldn’t hear them. He crushed the feeling and kept going. He justified his actions by telling himself someone had to be there for her if Ostlund pulled any stunts.

  Alicia had no problem speaking her mind, if her wild gesturing and angry expression were any indication. Nate watched as Ostlund answered. Before he knew it, she was yelling and her gestures were almost violent. A few other beachgoers turned to look at them, curious to watch what probably appeared to be a lovers’ spat. The thought make him growl low in his throat.

  Thankfully, he realized he was being foolish before he decided to storm up to them and stick his two cents in. He knew damn well it wasn’t a couple’s quarrel. She was probably giving Ostlund heck for trying to steamroll her life. That was another thing Nate didn’t like about the guy; the fact he’d tried to play matchmaker the way he had. Alicia was quite capable of taking care of herself.

  As suddenly as it began, the argument was over. Nate’s gut twisted as Ostlund pulled her into his arms. They hugged, which, in and of itself, didn’t bother him. He was all for reconciliation and mending fences with friends, but it was dragging on and on, much too long for his liking. Sure, the man was dying and Alicia had a huge, soft heart. It didn’t mean they had to stay like that for so long. He watched and waited as time slowly ticked by. His blood pressure rose with each passing second.

  After what felt like ten or more minutes, but was likely only five, Alicia and Ostlund finally broke apart and continued walking. She was directing them now and it looked like they were headed toward the boardwalk. Nate followed at a discreet pace, feeling more and more like a stalker as they made their way to a nearby hotel. Blood roared in his ears as he saw them both headed for the front doors. Just as he was about to approach them, they stopped and started talking again.

  Ostlund shaking his head “no” made Nate stand at attention. The stubborn set of Alicia’s shoulders and the gesture she made toward the doors to the hotel made him uneasy. He wished like hell he could hear them. He wanted to know if she’d decided to be more than just his former employee during his final days, weeks or months. After all, she did mention how they were “once upon a time” attracted to one another, but had decided to keep things strictly business. Was this it now, the end of “business only”? He stood there, feeling both angry and helpless at the same time as he waited to see what would happen.

  His head and shoulders slowly went up as he saw Phillip walk into the hotel alone. Alicia looked – worried – sad – uneasy? This last emotion gave him pause for thought. What could she have to be uneasy about? Then she was walking ever so slowly away, her shoulders hunched forward slightly and her neck rigid. Her beautiful face was flushed with emotion. He didn’t have to be Einstein to see she was struggling to stay composed as she headed back to their hotel. All of a sudden, he wanted nothing more than to comfort her and ease her pain.

  Neither of them saw James until they were right on top of him. She started, surprised. He stopped short, just before reaching her. He heard James say he’d stay with Phillip and understanding dawned. Alicia didn’t want to leave Phillip, but her former boss didn’t want her to stay. That’s what the shaking of the head had been about. Nate felt like a shit for thinking she was going to suddenly change the status of their relationship. Even though he didn’t know her that well, he should have realized she would want to help in any way she could, not throw herself at the man.

  James acknowledged his presence as he passed but Alicia was oblivious to it. Nate followed for about half a block more before calling out to her. When he saw she was full-on crying, despite her efforts to stay in control, he felt the urge to take her into his arms and never let go. The intensity of the emotion scared him a little and he was slow to react as a result. Thankfully she was too upset to notice.

  * *

  Alicia noticed the panic in Nate’s eyes when he saw she was crying. She saw, too, the hitch in his step as he closed the distance between them. For the briefest of moments, she considered turning and walking away. They really didn’t know each other well enough to make her being a wreck in front of him okay. But then he was holding her and telling her everything would be all right and nothing besides the comfort he was offering her mattered.

  “I don’t want to be out in public right now, Nate,” she hiccoughed into his shirt. He stepped back and offered her a hankie. The fact he had one on him, even though he was dressed in cargo shorts and a t-shirt tickled her funny bone. She gave him a watery smile as she cleaned herself up.

  “Do you what you have to,” he said when she only dabbed at her nose. She started to shake her head “no” but he took the cloth from her and held it to her face. His other hand was bracing the back of her head so she couldn’t move away. “Blow,” he ordered. Embarrassed, she did as she was told.

  “Have you had breakfast?” he asked. The thought of pretending to be happy and carefree in a restaurant didn’t appeal to her. She started to say as much and he cut her off. “We’ll order room service and talk. I promise to be a perfect gentleman.”

  “I know, Nate. And thank you. That sounds nice. I’ll try not be a sad-sack. I think he’s – he’s – ” Alicia turned away as a fresh wave of tears washed over her. It was too much. She couldn’t shake the feeling Phillip would be dead before the day was done.

  “Come on. Let’s get you to the hotel,” Nate whispered, tucking her under his arm. She leaned into him, grateful for his support and understanding. As they walked, she wondered how on earth she’d managed to find the one man on earth who not only didn’t run screaming at the sight of a woman’s tears, but took the time to comfort her. The fact he didn’t know her from Eve only served to elevate her “nice guy” opinion of him.

  * *

  Nate came awake suddenly at the sound of a door clicking softly shut. He didn’t open his eyes immediately. Something was off. For starters, he wasn’t in his room. He could tell by the smell. This one smelled fresh and feminine, like – Alicia. Oh God. I conked out on her. She’s probably pissed.

  “Hey? You awake?” she asked, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. The fact she could, and comfortably, brought home the fact he was sprawled out across the middle of it. This meant she wouldn’t have been able to lie down and take a nap whether she wanted to or not.

  “Yeah. What time is it? I didn’t sleep last night. I – ”

  “Seven. I ran into Liz. She – ”

  “Oh God. I am sorry for her freak out. She’s – ”

  “ – apologized for everything. She told me how she kept you up all night, trying to tell you something very important. She’s – and I quote – ‘not sure if I managed to finally tell him through all of the crying I did’. She would like you to call her to confirm yea or nay. Then, because we were both bored and tired of shopping, we went for a run. I think I could get into it, even with the minus forty wind chill Winnipeg winters. Are you hungry? I need to shower first, but – ”

  “Alicia,” Nate said, stopping her short. She stopped speaking and looked down at him. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears. Either she was still upset about Phillip or her time with Liz bothered her and she wouldn’t admit it. He hoped like hell her mood had to do with Phillip. Just in case, he decided to clarify a few things.

  “Elizabeth and I are done, no matter what she
has to say. She has moved on. She ended things between us. I was going to bring her out here to propose, thinking that might prove once and for all I was willing to stay with her, no matter what our issues in the bedroom were. She found the receipt for the ring though, and apparently proposing would have been absolutely the wrong thing to do. She freaked out and started hurling her crystal pieces at me.” He snorted in disgust. “It was damned expensive crystal, too.”

  He watched Alicia’s face for her reaction. He could see there was still a question in her eyes and he gave her time to ask it. When she didn’t, he put himself in her place and tried to figure out what it could be. There was only one thing he could think of and it made him frown.

  “We haven’t had sex, made love, bumped nasties – whatever you want to call it – for six months or more. I already told you. Is that what’s bothering you? Are you thinking her big news is that she’s pregnant?”

  Judging by Alicia’s blush, he’d guessed right. He sat up, which brought him practically nose to nose with her. An electric charge ran through his body as he smelled her sweet scent mixed with dried sweat from her run. He thought he would have been turned off by the sweat part but he wasn’t. He wanted her just as bad now as he ever had. It seemed she was noticing him too, if her beautiful eyes going round as saucers was any indication. He reached up to run his fingers over her arm and she jumped up.

  “I – ah – ” she warbled. There was a pause while she pulled the neck of her t-shirt up and sniffed exaggeratedly at it. The scrunched up face she pulled was over the top yet still absolutely adorable. Nate found himself swallowing a grin and nodding solemnly in understanding as she shuddered, turned and bolted for the bathroom. A heartbeat and a half later, when he didn’t hear the lock click into place, he got up slowly and followed. He stripped his own shirt off as he went.

  Right beside the entrance to the bathroom was the main door to the suite. He put out the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign, wishing there was some way he could highlight or flag it so anyone wanting to interrupt would definitely see it and back the hell off.

  “Not this time, please,” he whispered, wondering if it was wrong to ask God for the opportunity to make love. Nate actually felt himself blush as he considered this. Then he pushed the thought from his mind. After all of the back-and-forth and waiting, it wouldn’t do to let his upbringing get in the way. If he was still bothered by the whole thing when he got home, he would ask his very devout mother for her opinion.

  Nate waited patiently for the shower to start, along with the little sigh of happiness Alicia mentioned she always let out when she first stepped under the hot water. They’d been talking about the little things that made them smile and just the mention of showers made his cock jump. He thought she’d brought it up to tease him, but she was actually serious.

  Finally, after what seemed like way too long, the water turned on. Instead of a sigh, Nate heard a chuckle and realized Alicia had deliberately taken her sweet time, just to torment him. He swallowed a snort of laughter.

  I’ll tease you, woman! he thought, waiting for her to step under the spray. When she finally did, she gave out a small gasp instead of a sigh. This was followed by a sexy moan that made his blood run hot. All of a sudden, he was worried she was would take matters into her own hands. Just as he started to open the door, she said the words which were music to his ears.

  “If you don’t get in here right away, Nate, it could very well be over before you begin.”

  Chapter 14

  Who knew the feel of the water on her already sensitized skin would be so damn erotic? Then there was the fact Nate had incited a riot of need in her, just by bringing himself close enough for her to inhale his scent. Stetson cologne, his own manly musk and a hint of dried sweat from their walk this morning made her want to press in close, bury her hands in his short, thick hair and plunge her tongue into his mouth. That image, of course, sent her hormones into overdrive. It was time. Even if she never saw him again, she had to know what it was like to be with him.

  “If you don’t look at me, my over-sensitive ego will be crushed,” he said quietly. His voice was strained as he stood on the other side of the glass shower door.

  “If I look at you, I might combust,” she answered, risking a peek sideways. Her brain stuttered to a stop as her eyes popped fully open and her head swivelled. She bit down hard on her bottom lip as she drank him in from the top of his mussed hair to his very masculine and strong-looking feet. Every last inch of him was fit and trim. For the briefest moment, she felt chubby. Then she saw the look on his face. It was a wholly appreciative, hungry, male look that made her tingle all over.

  “Yummy?” he asked, opening the door and stepping into the shower. The decent-sized space suddenly seemed crowded as he backed her into the corner. He wasn’t quite touching her and it was all she could do to keep from moving forward a fraction of an inch to feel his skin against hers. Belatedly, her brain registered what he’d said.

  Alicia felt her eyes go round. Had she really said that? Judging by the satisfied, wolfish grin Nate was wearing, she had. Color flooded her face as he dipped his head down for a kiss. When she reached up to wrap her arms around him, he paused and shook his head. His face was barely a breath from hers as he whispered, “No hands.”

  Oh. My. God! she thought, sagging against the shower wall. That didn’t deter him as he brushed his lips over hers. Memories of his masterful, passionate kisses on the beach had her knees going weak. Alicia barely managed to keep them from buckling as he sucked her bottom lip gently into his mouth. When he released it, he nipped at it, making her moan. Their bodies were so close, just barely touching. Did “no hands” mean no contact at all? She whimpered.

  Nate let loose a frustrated growl and stepped in close. The feel of his chest against hers, of his hips pinning her against the shower wall, sent spikes of need shooting through her. As delicious as the nearness was, she wanted more. She pushed up on tiptoe, crushing her breasts against his chest. He cried out at the contact and his cock pulsed against her hip.

  “To hell with this. I need you,” he moaned. All of a sudden, “no hands” wasn’t what he wanted after all. Alicia wrapped her arms around his neck as he took hold of her hips and raised her. Her legs circled his waist as his cock nudged her opening.

  “Yes, please!” she begged as he slowly pushed into her. Nate didn’t need any further encouragement as he thrust upward and brought her down onto him, both at the same time. A surprised shout escaped her as he filled her in one swift stroke, stretching her wider than she’d ever been. His mouth came down on hers in a frenzied mix of tasting, biting and exploring. He couldn’t decide what he wanted as his arms closed around her, crushing her to him. She shifted her bottom against him, moaning when he pulsed inside her.

  “Please,” he rasped. “I don’t want this to be over too fast. It has to be – ” Nate began. Alicia shook her head.

  “Take what you need, Nate. We have all night,” she whispered, looking into his stormy eyes. She rocked her hips again and he groaned helplessly. Then, in powerful surges which took her breath away, he pulled back and thrust into her, hard and fast. The pleasure-pain was so erotic, she found herself quickly reaching a precipice and hanging there as he continued to slam into her. Alicia threw her head back, crying out for release.

  “Here. I. Come,” Nate groaned, each word punctuated by a forceful thrust which would have pushed her into the wall if he weren’t holding her. Those three syllables were like permission for her own orgasm and she tumbled over the edge.

  She might have screamed his name at that point, she wasn’t certain. What she did know was that she was so tight around him, she could feel him pulse and jerk inside her as he filled her. The power and pleasure that feeling evoked set her off again. Nate yelled her name as her muscles clenched and released around him, taking everything he had to give.

  * *

  Nate gently smoothed the hair from Alicia’s face as he watched her sleep. Soft, tender
feelings were making his chest swell and breathing become difficult. He’d never felt this way before, not even with Elizabeth, during the beginning of their relationship when she wasn’t afraid to be with him. He tried to tell himself it was simply the incredible sex and nothing more; that after nearly three years of second-guessing himself and practically begging to be touched, finding a woman who wanted him and craved contact was making him needy and emotional.

  Of course, his ego rebelled. He was a man. Men didn’t “need”. At least not the way he seemed to be. He huffed a sardonic laugh.

  I’m lying in bed with a beautiful naked woman, in a hotel on a tropical island, and I’m becoming all emotional and over-sensitive, he thought to himself. Best way to put an end to that is to make love to said beautiful, naked woman again.

  No sooner did the words pass through his mind than Alicia half-opened her eyes and looked up at him. In her barely awake state, she made a small noise and her arm lifted slightly, as if to say “Come here. I have what you need.”

  Needing the comfort of her body, he covered her with his and slid slowly into her slick sheath. Like a soft, sexy flower, she blossomed sweetly beneath him, taking him all the way in.

  Nate brushed gentle kisses over Alicia’s face as he ever-so-slowly started to move. Unlike the three or four other times tonight, there was no rush, no burning hunger to fulfil. This time was all about tenderness, about making her body sing. He was going to start by creating a low hum of pleasure inside her, essentially awakening her from the inside out. And judging by the way her breath kept hitching after every inhale, she was already feeling it. Of course, the need to increase his tempo, to bring them both to orgasm, was strong. He resisted, keeping his pace slow and even.

  The next phase was to have Alicia beg with her body for release. He doubted she even realized she was doing it. Her kisses became short, frantic pecks as her hips began to move. Then, when her body’s response became too much for her mind to overcome, she turned her head to the side, her beautiful pale skin flushing a sweet shade of pink. His heart hammered painfully in his chest as everything within urged him to move faster. He continued to hold himself in check as she bit down hard on her lower lip. The cry that would have escaped her came out as a strangled whimper.


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