“I said”: Ibid.
“the record”: Ibid.
“Sheldon Vogel”: Ibid.
“It would”: Ibid.
“It wasn’t”: Grubman.
“a brilliant”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“If you”: Ibid.
“I’m not”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“This is”: Grubman.
“Now, do”: Ibid.
“In those”: Ibid.
“What Steve”: Author Interview.
“I want”: Crowder and Dower, Once in a Lifetime.
“for anybody”: Vecsey, “New Mission for Kissinger.”
“a big”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“Steve told”: Ibid.
“completely hands-on”: Newsham, Once in a Lifetime.
“My God”: Ibid.
“anticorporate”: Ibid.
“with the”: Ibid.
“Ahmet brought”: Ibid.
“and the”: Ibid.
“I knew”: Marsh.
“real job”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“to play”: Ibid.
“There’s a”: Ibid.
“set the”: Ibid.
“slipped badly”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“I listen”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Why should”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Noreen”: Ibid.
“I was”: Grubman.
“Atlantic Records”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“You couldn’t really”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“When we”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“We were”: Ibid.
“A courtesy”: Ibid.
“approached”: Ibid.
“He said”: Ibid.
“if the”: Ibid.
“We want”: Ibid.
“But you’re an old man”: Suzan Hochberg Evans, Author Interview.
“really didn’t”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Ahmet was so”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“I’ve got it”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“a lot of”: Ibid.
“the forms”: Dr. Lori, “Masters of Architecture.”
“large walkways”: Ibid.
“travel from”: Ibid.
“off-centered”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I._M._Pei.
“a sense”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was delighted”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Ahmet was the”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“deputized”: Ibid.
“Okay, I’ll be”: Ibid.
“In the record”: Ibid.
“nonplussed”: Ibid.
“had changed”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Some years”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“mightily resisted”: Ibid.
“it was wrong”: Ibid.
“Ahmet wanted”: Krasnow.
“I get”: Ibid.
“And Ross”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: Begle.
“A big”: Begle.
“laid herself”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“entitled to more”: Ibid.
“I truly”: Begle.
“So I”: Ibid.
“I was”: Ibid.
“the smoking”: Ibid.
“We did”: Ibid.
“What they”: Ibid.
“these people”: Ibid.
“awful, terrible”: Ibid.
“I’d spoken”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Ahmet loved”: Begle.
“We went”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“The gala”: Ibid.
“Ahmet could”: Marsh.
“pushing to”: Begle
“a really”: Ibid.
“In a”: Ibid.
“We were”: Marsh.
“The guys”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Ahmet was”: Ibid.
“to what”: Ibid.
“No, they”: Ibid.
“Jerry claimed”: Burke.
“I showed”: King.
“Ahmet had”: Ibid.
“failed stock”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Is it”: Ibid.
“vicious and”: Ibid.
“There is”: Landau.
“Ahmet was”: Jon Landau e-mail, 6/30/09.
“I really”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“The only”: Ibid.
“Many tried”: Ibid.
“good-natured”: Ibid.
“It was”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“Ruth was”: Begle.
“a little”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“It’s Ahmet”: Jeske, “Ruth Brown.”
“I just”: Ibid.
“You know, Ruth”: Ibid.
“You know that”: Collins, RS staff interview.
“Ahmet was”: Ibid.
“On more”: Ibid.
“who did”: Pond, “Atlantic’s Birthday Bash.”
“I got”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“Tell Ray”: Ibid.
“I won’t”: Ibid.
“Don’t”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Kissinger, RS staff interview.
“It was”: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“I tried”: Kissinger, RS staff interview.
“I didn’t”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“had no”: Kissinger, Author Interview.
“Henry, this”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Henry Kissinger”: Ibid.
“Mr. Pickett”: Ibid.
“How do”: Shelley Lazar e-mail, 7/27/10.
“I luff”: Ibid.
“I’m a happy man”: Pond, “Atlantic’s Birthday Bash.”
“Dear Jerry”: Document, AE Archive.
“I declined”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“He went”: Greenberg.
“You get”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“all the”: Moran.
“let over”: Ibid.
“The music”: Smith, Author Interview.
“imperially”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“Ahmet stood”: Ibid.
“area of”: Ibid.
“a euphemism”: Ibid.
“Nesuhi put”: Moran.
“loose, undirected”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“With all”: Ibid.
“I don’t”: Ostin.
“be fully”: Letter from Nesuhi Ertegun to Jerry Wexler, 3/20/89.
“some peace”: Ibid.
“Frankly”: Ibid.
“Elegant and”: Anderson, “Nesuhi Ertegun.”
“mother’s favorite”: AE, Eulogy for Nesuhi Ertegun, www.youtube.com.
“Nesuhi was”: Ibid.
“the most”: Morris.
“I’m the”: Greenberg.
“I learned”: Morris.
“amazing”: Ibid.
“Wow, what”: Ibid.
“Ahmet then”: Ibid.
“They had”: Ibid.
“I said”: Ibid.
“So help”: Ibid.
“Oh, here’s”: Ibid.
“Doug and”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“If you”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“Like all”: Ibid.
“genius for”: Ibid.
“Atlantic isn’t”: Ibid.
“I felt”: Ibid.
“Ahmet worked”: Moran.
$600,000: Official Memorandum, Time Warner, September 13, 1991, AE Archive.
“Okay”: Morris.
“the junior”: Ibid.
“not at”: Ibid.
“Tell them”: Ibid.
“What do”: Ibid.
“Well”: Ibid.
“In the”: Ibid.
“George Bailey”: Bruck, Master of the Game.
/> “his full”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“appeared to”: Ibid.
“questioned it”: Morris.
“actually made”: Horowitz.
“the label heads”: Ibid.
“The Clash”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“The Showdown”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“an unprecedented”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“We have”: Mica Ertegun.
“was then”: Ibid.
“a reputation”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“blown way”: Ibid.
“merely speculation”: Ibid.
“without merit”: Ibid.
“chairman and CEO”: Ibid.
“Morgado had”: Ibid.
“This isn’t”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“We’re coming”: Smith, Author Interview.
“Us bandits”: Ibid.
“DOUG MORRIS”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“I was”: Morris.
“Of all”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“When Morgado”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“Doug wanted”: Moran.
“bumping into”: Morris.
“I talked”: Ibid.
“the most”: Ibid.
“I’m not”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“Ahmet was”: Hughes.
“before the”: Berman, Naples Museum of Art.
“Ahmet had”: Ibid.
“When Ahmet”: Mica Ertegun.
“corporate in”: Berman, Naples Museum of Art.
“reflect his”: Ibid.
“If Ertegun”: Ibid.
“to assemble”: Ibid.
“he enjoyed”: Ibid.
“with strong”: Ibid.
“compatible”: Ibid.
“the hottest”: “Turkey Trot,” Vanity Fair.
“bread, honey”: Ibid.
“one of”: Ibid.
“later in”: Ibid.
“After dinner”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: Simon.
“Cher loved”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“He was”: Joseph.
“His thing”: Carvello.
“the local mayor”: Jenni Trent Hughes, Author Interview.
“cleaner”: Confidential Author Interview.
“The only person”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“I don’t think”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“Ahmet had”: Mica Ertegun.
“young Elvis”: Flom.
“that white”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Rock.
“When Twisted”: Flom.
“It was”: Ibid.
“I dragged”: Ibid.
“all sat”: Ibid.
“We did”: Kid Rock.
“proceeded to”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Rock.
“he fell”: Ibid.
“I’ll never”: Ibid.
“ ‘I don’t’ ”: Ibid.
“I had”: Ibid.
“I arrived”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet sort”: Landeau.
“They wanted”: Fine.
“running back”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“an incredible”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“Kid was”: Ibid.
“Ya boys”: Ibid.
“Hot dogs”: Ibid.
“wiped out”: Ibid.
“another”: Ibid.
“I never”: Kid Rock.
“We’re by”: Ibid.
“The villa”: Simon.
“Ahmet hung”: Kid Rock.
“Winston”: Ibid.
“Bette Midler”: Ibid.
“a convention of”: Bennets, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“I’ve never been”: Bette Midler, Author Interview.
“It was”: Ibid.
“Ahmet always”: Robinson, Author Interview, McCormick, “The Gold Lamé Dream of Bette Midler.”
“at this”: Kid Rock.
“and everybody”: Ibid.
“a pretty”: Mica Ertegun.
“to puncture”: Ibid.
“It’s my”: Marsh.
“Ahmet wanted”: Mica Ertegun.
“brilliant and”: Ibid.
“Up to”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“I know”: Ibid.
“no withdrawal”: Ibid.
“He must”: “The Man From Atlantic,” The Tatler.
“wisteria”: Mica Ertegun.
“It was”: Ibid.
“He said”: Chantly.
“To me”: Kallman.
“We’re going”: Ibid.
“nappy haircut”: Evangelista, “How Napster Made an Industry Change Its Tune.”
“It was”: Curbishley.
“The Titanic”: Sisario, “Retailing Era Closes with Music Megastore.”
“What made”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“There’s a”: Sisario, “Retail Era Closes with Music Megastore.”
“The basic”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“Little Lansky”: Rich Cohen, “Little Lansky and the Big Check.”
“because I”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“to right-size”: Ibid.
“many, many”: Ibid.
“no one”: Ibid.
“the previous”: Ibid.
“What Ahmet”: Ibid.
“made me”: Ibid.
“not getting”: Flom.
“When Edgar”: Kallman.
“It’s a”: AE, The Charlie Rose Show, 2/21/05, AE Archive.
“made a”: Bardach, “Interrogating Ahmet Ertegun.”
“absolutely crazed”: Howar.
“Mica said”: Ibid.
“Ray was”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“The best”: Hackford, Author Interview.
“Eventually”: Ibid.
“Ahmet Ertegun”: 200 Motels.
“When Ahmet”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“He was”: Joseph.
“It was”: Kid Rock.
“in this”: Ibid.
“I’ve never”: Ibid.
“the last”: Kaus.
“Ahmet didn’t”: Ibid.
“at that”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, we”: Ibid.
“They put”: Ibid.
“I knew”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet was”: Pigozzi.
“We spent”: Simon.
“Ahmet came”: Kaus.
“Ahmet was”: Kallman.
“we were”: Landeau.
“I said”: Ibid.
“hometown wedding”: Kid Rock.
“I’m so”: Ibid.
“a well-done”: Kallman.
“sex, drugs”: Ibid.
“could get”: Ibid.
“a full-blown”: Ibid.
“Make sure”: Ibid.
“ ‘Listen’ ”: Ibid.
“The chosen”: www.woodlawncemetery.org.
“made this”: Chantly.
“talk about”: Morris.
“Well, we”: Mica Ertegun.
“Because we”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: The Charlie Rose Show.
“I was”: Ibid.
“Feel the”: Richards, Author Interview.
“He asked”: Richards, RS staff interview.
“Ahmet said”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet was”: Dunn.
“Alan Dunn”: Shelley Lazar e-mail, June 19, 2010.
“When I”: The Charlie Rose Show.
“A few”: Mica Ertegun.
“The doctors”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“Mica c
ame”: Ibid.
“We tried”: Landeau.
“The way”: Ibid.
“Dear Ahmet”: Photo, AE Archive.
“ghostly”: Richards, Author Interview.
“Ahmet, never”: Photo, AE Archive.
“beloved boss”: Frances Chantly e-mail, 5/11/10.
“was alone”: Chantly, Author Interview.
“a kind”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“I did”: Bardach, “Interrogating Ahmet Ertegun.”
“It’s suitable”: Young, RS staff interview.
“described some”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“What I”: Ibid.
“We stopped”: Ibid.
“The Islamic tradition”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“Muslims believe”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“It was the”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“The chauffeur missed”: Mica Ertegun.
“Mica was incredibly”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“When Ahmet”: Landeau.
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