Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 13

by Ashton Blackthorne

  “Congratulations! I guess that means you’ll be leaving us?”

  “Well, Hal said I could come back and work on the weekends. I don’t have quite enough for the tuition yet.”

  “After we’re finished here write your name down for me. I will see to it you have everything you need.”

  “What? Are you serious?” Her mouth fell open.

  I nodded.

  “Of course. Ask any of the girls here—I’m here to help you all out in any way I can. I’m a man of extraordinary means and

  I like to help people whenever I can. All I ask is that you remember me when you start making blockbuster movies.”

  She smiled broadly as she swam over to me. She began kissing me passionately.

  Placing my cigar down, I gestured to Kyrie and the others to join us.

  I turned my attention to the gorgeous brunette whose name was Tammi. My hands found her large tits, squeezing them. I was surprised to find they were natural. They were so big and firm and she was so small everywhere else. Her lips were soft and tasted of strawberries and champagne. She began stroking my cock beneath the water feeling its’ full size.

  “Oh, my God, Mr. Blackthorne.”

  I smiled to myself. Of course, I’d heard it before, but I sometimes suspected the girls played that up more than they needed to. It was still nice to hear. A man could never be stroked too much.

  My lips teased her ear, kissing the lobe of it in time to her rotating wrist.

  “Do you want to feel it inside your tight, little pussy?” I whispered throatily, imagining just that myself.

  She nodded with wide eyes as she kept stroking, her fingers tightening in response.

  She said nothing though, eying me from beneath heavily lidded eyes until suddenly her head disappeared underneath the water. I wasn’t prepared for her lips, opening beneath the water and swallowing my cock in just a few short gulps. Her throat worked expertly against me, caressing me with each swallow.

  I’d had a few girls do that before, but Tammi surprised me. She didn’t seem like the type to do something like that.

  I leaned back, feeling Tammi take my shaft into her mouth. She kept bobbing up every few minutes for air. I watched the other girls kissing and caressing each other while she sucked me. Kyrie had Ginger lying back on the edge of the hot tub, her face buried in Ginger’s pussy as Ginger cried out softly.

  Suddenly, my phone vibrated. Who the hell was calling me now? It was 1 AM on a Friday night.

  Ash, I need to see you ASAP. Are you around?

  Shit. It was Veronica! What the hell would make her text me at this hour? What could she possibly want?

  Dozens of scenarios flashed through my mind. Maybe she was hurt. Maybe someone died. Maybe she wanted…

  I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I decided to text back.

  I’m in Vegas for the weekend. What’s up?

  Then she came back with another text.

  Sorry. I just need to see you, Ash. I miss you. I want to talk you.

  Then she sent a picture of herself. All I could see was her face. Her amazing blue eyes were pleading with me.

  I’m flying back Sunday night. I will see Monday evening for dinner.

  Then she ended with a final text.

  Can’t wait. Xoxo.

  Looking around at the Caligulan orgy going on around me, I froze. It seemed so decadent, so excessive, it was almost ludicrous. I don’t know why, but what had seemed so appealing a few moments ago wasn’t anymore. All I wanted was Veronica. These women were absolutely sexy and beautiful, but I didn’t want them.

  I pulled Tammi up from under the water.

  “Are you going to fuck me now, Mr. Blackthorne?” She asked as she ran her hands over my muscular chest.

  I shook my head.

  “Ladies, it’s been amazing, but I have to get going. I’ve got an early flight tomorrow.”

  The girls all stared at me. Kyrie and Kayla looked stunned.

  “Why, Mr. B.? Did we do something wrong? Was it Tammi? She’s a newbie, give her a break.” Kyrie pleaded with me as I grabbed a fluffy towel and began drying off.

  “No, Tammi was terrific. I just need to get going. Ladies, you are all lovely and thank you for allowing me to enjoy the pleasure of your company.”

  Bewildered, the girls began to slip into luxurious bathrobes to dry off. They were all looking at each other not knowing what to do. My parties in the hot tub room were legendary and usually went on for many, many hours.

  It was Veronica. I couldn’t be in the room with these women a minute longer. I grabbed my bottle of Macallan and my clothes. Before reaching the door, I pulled a huge wad of cash out for the ladies.

  “A bonus for each of you. Tammi, be sure to have Hal contact me with your information. I will take care of your tuition for you. And you have a job with me as long as you like.”

  Tammi smiled and nodded. The women simply gazed at me with wonder.

  Kyrie took the cash and quickly counted it.

  “Mr. B, there’s almost $40,000.00 here!”

  “I know. Five thousand for each of you.”

  The girls gasped their eyes wide.

  “Until next time.” I kissed both Kyrie and Kayla quickly as I left the room.

  I took the limo back to the penthouse suite at the Mandarin. I couldn’t stop thinking about Veronica. Even though we hadn’t made any type of commitment, I just couldn’t stand to be with anyone else. I had never felt this way before about any woman. All I wanted was her. Maybe this was what love felt like. This overwhelming aching for another person. This gnawing pain in my gut like I was going to be sick. Was this love?

  Whatever it was, I had never felt it before. I couldn’t stop thinking of her. The way she felt in my arms, the way her eyes sparkled up at me as we were making love….

  She was exquisite and she was everything I’d ever wanted.

  I stood in front of the large window staring out at the view of the Vegas skyline. The twinkling lights made me think of her eyes.

  I pressed my forehead against the glass and I sipped my Macallan directly from the bottle. I was in one of my favorite cities in the world, here to be celebrate the most lucrative deal I’d ever made in my career and I couldn’t wait to return to New York.

  My God.

  I love you, Veronica.



  Deciding to skip my morning jog, I arrived at the office earlier than usual Monday morning. I needed to talk to Amber before I spoke to Veronica.

  Amber was already at her desk typing away as I walked in.

  “Well, Ash, don’t you look nice this morning.” She grinned slyly.

  I glanced down. I was wearing the usual style suit and tie I always did.

  “I’m wearing a suit same as always, Amber.”

  She chuckled.

  “That’s not what I meant. You’re glowing. Either you had a great weekend or you got a facial. Somehow I don’t think it’s the latter.”

  “A facial? Are you kidding me? That’s Jeremy who goes in for all that girly crap not me.”

  Amber smiled. She handed me my coffee.

  “It’s not so girly. Christian Bale did it in American Psycho.”

  “That was a movie. No, I think I’ll obtain my glow the natural way, thank you.”

  Laughing, she followed me into my office.

  “So, how did you spend your celebratory weekend? You took off in a flash Friday. You must’ve had a hot date. Veronica?”

  I sat my coffee down on the desk as I gestured for Amber to take a seat across from me.

  “No. I went to Vegas to check out my club.”

  Amber smoothed her pencil skirt over her shapely legs.

  “So how’s it going out there?”

  “Very well.”

  Amber had accompanied me to my club once when I first bought it. I thought she may not be comfortable in a place like that, but she surprised me by getting a lap dance from Kyrie. That was one of the hottes
t things I’d ever seen.

  “So that’s why you’re glowing! Kyrie!”

  I shook my head.

  “Actually, no.”

  “You didn’t see her? Come on, Ash, you went to your club in Vegas for the weekend. That had to have been fun.”

  “It was fine, Amber. But that’s not it.”

  Amber looked at me puzzled. She sipped her coffee then set it down on the desk.

  “Then what?”

  I sighed deeply. That gnawing feeling had returned to my stomach.

  “Veronica. She texted while I was there. Ever since then, I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  Amber clapped her hands together and beamed.

  “That’s it! Oh my God, Ash, you’re in love with her!”

  I looked at her with a pained expression. So it was love. Ugh, was I going to feel this sick forever?

  “I don’t know what it is, Amber, but I feel sick deep in the pit of my stomach. I can’t stop thinking about her. After she texted, I couldn’t even finish partying in the hot tub room. That’s not like me at all.”

  Amber nodded still beaming.

  “Face it, you love her.”

  I sighed again.

  “How do I tell her? What does this mean? I’m not getting married anytime soon that’s for sure.”

  “Who said anything about marriage, Ash? This is wonderful! Just be in a relationship with her and see where it goes.”

  “Do I tell her?”

  Amber rolled her eyes.

  “Of course. If she still loves you, she’ll be thrilled.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  “Then….” Amber trailed off.

  I nodded.

  “I’ll go to dinner tonight and talk to her.” I finished my coffee feeling a bit better. Amber always knew how to smooth things over with me.

  Amber smacked her hands on her thighs.

  “Okay. Now, what’s our next big project?”

  I templed my fingers beneath my chin.

  “I’m not sure, Amber. I think I might have an idea.”

  “What is that?”

  “I’m not sure Jeremy will go for it though.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Not just yet.” I winked at her.

  Amber gaze me a quizzical look.

  “What happens if he doesn’t?”

  “Then we might have to start Blackthorne International after all.”

  Amber’s face broke into a huge grin.

  “I’m so ready for that.”

  I nodded my head. Excitement was coursing through my veins. Popping open my crystal decanter, I poured myself a glass of scotch.

  Amber grinned eyeing my glass.

  “Scotch this early in the morning, Ash?”

  “It’s gonna be that kind of day, Amber.”

  Racing down the hall to Jeremy’s office, I had never felt better. I had a fantastic new project and I was going to have dinner with Veronica tonight. This was turning out to be a fabulous day.

  That is until I told Jeremy about my proposal.

  “Books, Ash? Are you serious?” He glared at me.

  “Who the fuck reads books anymore? Don’t people just use apps to get their news?”

  “Who said anything about the news, Jeremy? I’m talking about books—you know, books that people read for pleasure?”

  Jeremy wrinkled his nose. As far as I knew, Jeremy hadn’t read anything since college other than the news and the Journal.

  “Lots of people read, Jeremy. Book publishing is a multi-billion dollar a year industry!”

  “What kind of books?” He sighed glancing at the documents I’d printed.

  “Well, romance and thrillers are the hottest selling genres these days particularly those with an erotic element.”

  “Like Fifty Shades? Ugh, that movie was awful. I mean the sex scenes! Give me something I can use!” Jeremy looked at me with disgust.

  “Not Fifty Shades. I’m talking about indie authors. Undiscovered talent.”

  Rolling his eyes, he stared at me. I glared back at him. I hadn’t anticipated such a struggle.

  “By undiscovered you mean unpublished as in ‘couldn’t get published’?”

  Rage began building inside me. How dare he question me?

  “No, I don’t, Jeremy. There are many undiscovered self pubbed authors who are amazing. Just because you’re too fucking ignorant to read doesn’t mean that others don’t enjoy it. This is a multi-billion dollar industry!”

  Jeremy sighed and leaned back in his chair.

  “How so?”

  “Ever hear the name Jay Banks? The owner of the biggest online retailer in the world? He makes a fortune off indie authors.”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened.

  “Really? Jay Banks? He owns Congo. They sell more than just books. They sell everything!”

  “I know that. But take a look at these figures. Over two thirds of their revenue comes from books. I’m telling you the numbers don’t lie.”

  Jeremy scanned the documents carefully.

  “You want to buy Congo? Are you kidding? That would cost billions.”

  I smirked at him. After all these years, Jeremy still underestimated me.

  “Really, Jeremy, I think I know that. I want to start by buying S & G first.”

  Jeremy’s mouth dropped open.

  “S & G Publishing? They’re the biggest publisher in the world! How the hell do you expect to do that?”

  “I just made this firm over $800 million dollars. I think you can back me on this one.”

  “Ash, I don’t know what to say. I just don’t buy this. I don’t think my dad will either.” He shook his head.

  I gritted my teeth. What an asshole. God, I wanted to smack the smarmy look off of his face. Jeremy wouldn’t know a good investment if it came up and sucked his cock. I’d had enough of his shit for the day. I was ready to finish my afternoon meetings and shift my focus to Veronica.

  “Think about it, Jeremy. This is a great investment.” I left the documents on his desk and walked out of his office.

  “We’ll see, Ash.”

  Sitting at the best table in the restaurant, I waited for Veronica to arrive. My palms were actually sweating. I wiped them several times on the cloth napkin. I’d ordered a bottle of the finest champagne but was sipping my usual scotch until she arrived.

  “Can I get you anything else, Mr. Blackthorne?” The gorgeous waitress smiled at me. I looked up as her cleavage was on my eye level. While I admired her beauty, she didn’t interest me.

  All I could think of was Veronica.

  “I’m good right now, thank you. I’m waiting for my date to arrive.”

  “Lucky lady.” The waitress winked at me as she walked away.

  I glanced at my phone. It was 7:10. Veronica was never late. I started to worry about her when suddenly I caught a glimpse of her gleaming blonde hair as she walked into the restaurant.

  Her dress was crimson red and fit her perfectly. Her deep cleavage was accentuated. Her hair laid softly curled over her shoulders and her ruby and diamond earrings glittered in the light.

  I stood up as she approached the table. I pulled her chair out for her.

  “Hello, beautiful.” I pressed my lips to hers.

  “How was your weekend?” Veronica sat down across from me her eyes sparkling.

  “It was good. Vegas is Vegas. So what had you all hot and bothered that you had to text me in the middle of the night?”

  She paused a moment as the waitress uncorked the champagne and poured us two glasses.

  “You, of course. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

  “Of course.” I finished my champagne quickly.

  “Seriously, Ash, I was thinking about what you said to me. I know it took a lot for you to open up like that. Even if you say you don’t love me now...maybe the feelings will come later.”

  I reached across the table to clasp her hand.

  “I’m so glad you feel that way. T
o be honest, after you texted on Friday, I couldn’t stop thinking about you either.”

  Downing the rest of her champagne, she gazed at me thoughtfully. The clank of silverware from the other diners surrounded us, but I couldn’t hear anything but her voice.

  “So where does that leave us?”

  Two hours later, Veronica and I burst through my apartment door, shoving the books and papers on my dining room table to the floor. I couldn’t get enough of her! I couldn’t stop. I buried my face in her perfumed, silky hair as I tore her dress from her body, the sound of the fabric ripping ignored by the both of us. Her long earrings tickled my face as I kissed her all around her neck and down to her cleavage, burying my facec in her. Reaching behind her back, I popped the clasp on her black lace bra impatiently. There were no games, I could barely keep my hands off of her. I couldn’t have stopped even if someone had walked through that door. Her breasts spilled out into my face as her bra hit the floor, her erect nipples beguiling. My lips immediately gravitated to them, closing around the peaks and teasing them with my tongue.

  Veronica moaned and squirmed in my arms, her back arching to push herself more into my face. Her hands gripped my back, her long nails digging in deep as they slid down my skin. I slid my hand up her thighs, feeling how wet she was between her legs. Tracing that warm, wet heat back to its source, greedily palming her before I shifted my grip again. I wrapped her legs around my waist and hauled her onto me, carrying her off to my dungeon.

  Throwing open the door, I put her down as I quickly whipped off my shirt, tossing it to the floor. It was manic, desperate movements now. Veronica tugged down her panties and stood there in her red high heels waiting for my next move. Waiting for my orders like the good little submissive that she was.


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