Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 24

by Ashton Blackthorne

  He was very good looking with light brown hair that spilled over one eye. He kept flipping his head back to keep the hair out of his eye. He was tall and well built. His brows flashed upward as I winked at him to follow me.

  “Hi!” I smiled at him. He was even more handsome close up.

  “Hi, what’s your name? I thought you girls weren’t supposed to talk to us.” He stared down at my breasts. His British accent was evident in his deep voice.

  “I’m Veronica. No, I will get into terrible trouble if they catch me, but I couldn’t help but notice you.”

  He laughed still eying my body with interest.

  “I’m Graeme. So what did a pretty girl like you do to get sent here? I’ve heard it’s awful in there.”

  I nodded.

  “You don’t want to know how bad it is, Graeme.” I kept peering around the corner to ensure that Sister Cathleen was still preoccupied.

  “Good to meet you, Veronica. You’re American, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m from New York. Have you ever been to America?”

  He shook his head leaning against his rake.

  “I’ve always wanted to. I’ve heard the girls there are beautiful.”

  “There are pretty girls everywhere, Graeme.”

  He shuffled his feet on the ground kicking some leaves.

  “Not as pretty as you. How old are you, Veronica? I don’t want to get in even more trouble talking to an underage girl.”

  That was an odd question, I thought. I folded my arms beneath my breasts.

  “I just turned eighteen. What about you?”

  He smiled broadly.

  “I’m eighteen too. So why are you here, Veronica? My uncle tells me that this is a school for bad girls. Are you bad, Veronica?” He asked with a teasing grin.

  I laughed. If he only knew…

  “Not really, Graeme. My father sent me here.”

  He looked around to see if anyone noticed us. His uncle was out of sight. Sister Cathleen was still screaming at the other poor girls.

  “She’s a right strict one, aye?” He nodded in Sister Cathleen’s direction. His hair fell back over his eye.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “She’s not as bad as some of the other sisters.”

  As we made small talk, a plan began to formulate in my mind. He kept staring at my body and I knew he had the keys to the gate. Perhaps if I flirted a bit more I could get him to sneak me out of here.

  Subtly, I arched my back thrusting my tits against my blouse. A button popped open as his eyes widened.

  “So, Veronica, do you think you could meet me sometime after you get out of here?” Graeme’s gaze remained focused on my swollen tits. The popped button revealed a lot more flesh to his hungry eyes.

  “I don’t think so, Graeme. My father will be coming for me soon.”

  He looked sad.

  “So you will go home to America?”

  I nodded. He seemed a bit slow on the pickup.

  “So, if you want to see me, Graeme, it will have to be while I’m here. Maybe we could meet up later.”

  His uncle gazed in his direction.

  Graeme bent his head down and began raking the leaves quickly.

  “My uncle’s looking over here. How can I meet you?”

  “You have a key, don’t you?”

  He nodded, still raking the leaves.

  “If you come back after dark and get me out of here maybe we could do something together.” I emphasized ‘together’ stepping closer to him to press my breasts against his arm, I was ready to do anything to escape.

  Graeme looked at me. His eyes burned with desire as he cupped my swollen breasts through my uniform. Due to the heavy uniform, my pregnancy wasn’t quite as visible.

  He licked his lips as he squeezed my tits.

  “Maybe. What’s in it for me?”

  My eyes darted around. Any moment Sister Cathleen would be looking for me.

  “I could—”

  He grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock.

  “—suck my cock?”

  I nodded quickly. The thought sickened me, but I would do anything to leave this hellhole.


  “Tonight after lights out. You have the key to unlock this gate. Be here at 10 PM. I will sneak down here. I suck you off then you let me go. No one will know.”

  Graeme scratched the back of his neck.

  “I don’t know. If the nuns catch us and my uncle finds out, he’ll be really mad at me. He might fire me.”

  Quickly, I unbuttoned my top and flashed him my tits.

  “Wow.” His eyes bulged.

  I nodded.

  “Whatever you want. Come on, no one will know. I just need your help please.”

  Graeme tentatively reached up to squeeze my tits together. He felt the full weight of them in his hands. His thumbs flicked my hardening nipples back and forth.

  “Your tits are huge! Yeah, sure, I’ll be here. But I want more than a blowjob.”

  Biting my lip, I quickly buttoned my top. Any minute now Sister Cathleen could appear around the corner.

  “What?” I whispered impatiently.

  “Can I come on your tits?”

  I waved my hand. That was all?

  “Sure. Please, please just be here at ten!”

  I raced off around the corner casting one final glance at the handsome gardener. He was still gazing after me his cock rock hard poking through his pants.

  Later, that night, I was poised at my window. It was nine-fifty and all was quiet. Slipping out of my room, I tiptoed down the long corridor. Suddenly, I heard a noise from Sister Bridget’s room. It was the sound of laughter from her TV. What a hypocrite, I thought. She denied all of us the ‘luxury’ of television stating how sinful it was, but she herself could watch all she wanted.

  I walked quickly down the hall my long nightgown whipping at my bare legs. Just then, I caught a glimpse of another white nightgown. It was Serena, a British girl who was nearly eight months pregnant. She was sneaking food from the kitchen.

  “Serena!” I whispered.

  She spun around and nearly dropped the piece of roast chicken in her hand.

  “Veronica! What are you doing?”

  “I’m leaving, Serena! I’m getting out of here,” I whispered back.


  “The gardener’s assistant, Graeme is coming. Please don’t say anything.” I pleaded with her.

  Serena stood looking at me. I could tell she was weighing her options. She finished her chicken leg and tossed it into the trashcan.

  Licking her fingers, she walked over to me. I bounced back and forth on my feet. I had to be outside the door by ten!

  “What will you give me to keep quiet?”


  “I could scream right now and every nun in the place would be down here. Or I could quietly go back to my room. It’s up to you.”

  I sighed.

  “What do you want?”

  “Your crucifix.”

  My hand fluttered up to my neck. The beautiful antique gold cross had been my mother’s.

  Anything but that.

  “It was my mother’s. Please, Serena, anything but that.”

  “Okay, Veronica, have it your way.” Serena opened her fat mouth to scream.

  I clamped my hand over her mouth.

  “Okay, Serena.” Reluctantly, I unclasped the necklace and dropped it into her hand.

  Forgive me, Mother, but I was prepared to do anything to escape this horrid place.

  Serena smiled and tiptoed back down the hall. I reached the front door and slipped out.

  I raced around the front of the building to hide behind a set of shrubs near the front gate. It had to be past ten. I wondered if I’d missed him.

  Suddenly, a flashlight shone in my face. I started to scream.

  “Veronica! It’s Graeme.” I sighed with relief as his handsome face became visible. The night air was cold, but I wore my u
niform beneath my nightgown. Graeme gestured to my clothing.

  “Hurry up, Veronica. It’s cold out here.”

  “Hurry up with what?”

  “Show me your tits again.”

  “We can’t do this out here. Don’t you have a car?”

  Graeme shook his head.

  “No, I took the bus.”

  “How about in the gardener’s shed?”

  Graeme thought a moment and nodded his head.

  He took my hand and we raced to the back of the building. I was so hoping he would’ve had a car.

  Quickly, Graeme unlocked the gardener’s shed. It was damp and cold inside. The odor of petrol was strong.

  “Come on, I have to catch the eleven pm bus back. Show me your tits again, baby.” I whipped off my nightgown to reveal my uniform.

  “More clothes?” He groaned.

  “Just a second.” I unbuttoned my blouse. I hadn’t worn the clunky, ill-fitting white bra they’d given me so I could easily access what he wanted.

  As soon as I opened my blouse, he grabbed my breasts squeezing them and tugging on my nipples.

  He groaned as he continued massaging them. I merely closed my eyes hoping he would be finished soon. I didn’t particularly trust Serena. Graeme’s hands released my breasts reaching beneath my skirt. His fingers found their way into my panties probing inside me. I squirmed slightly as he stood up.

  “You promised you would suck it.” He reached into his pants pulling out his erect cock.

  I swallowed hard. I really didn’t want to do this. He was handsome, but I just wanted to get out of here.

  Graeme grabbed the back of my head pulling it toward his cock. As I parted my lips, the door to the shed swung open.

  A collective sharp intake of breath could be heard in the silence of the night. We both spun around toward the door.

  “Veronica! You wicked, wicked girl!” It was the awful voice of Sister Bridget.

  “See I told you!” Serena was standing there her arms folded beneath her swollen breasts.

  “Young man, leave these premises immediately.”

  Graeme quickly zipped up his pants and raced from the shed.

  Sister Bridget nodded to the other nuns.

  “Leave us.”

  The other nuns began to walk back to the main building. Serena stood there a moment.

  Before Sister Bridget could say another word, I walked over to Serena and slapped her hard across the face.

  “You bitch.” I spat at her. Reaching up, I snatched my mother’s necklace from her stuffing it into my pocket.

  “That will be enough, girl.” Sister Bridget nodded for Serena to leave. She glared at me as she rubbed her cheek.

  Sister Bridget turned back to me.

  “Dress yourself. Follow me.”

  My eyes were filling with tears. I knew this was going to be bad. Following her back into the building, I thought about just making a run for it. But I was seven months pregnant and the school was surrounded by a tall iron fence.

  “Inside my office. Now!” she ordered. Her face was bright red and a small vein in her temple bulged.

  I huddled inside the office clutching my nightgown like a security blanket.

  “Drop that gown. Pull up your skirt.” Slowly, I released the security of nightgown. I pulled my skirt up around my waist.

  “Bend over and remove your underpants.”

  Terrified and shaking, I did as she commanded. Tears coursed down my face.

  “Please, Sister, I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Sorry? You’ve disgraced yourself and this institution! You’re nothing more than a common whore. You filthy, disgusting girl.” She spat her words at me so angrily she shook.

  “Please, Sister, I just wanted to go home.”

  “So you had to fornicate with a stranger? You sicken me! I suppose it will be up to me to act as God’s agent and serve you with the punishment you so richly deserve.”

  With that, she removed a long willow switch from her behind her desk. It was long and thick.

  I’d heard about the beatings with the switch from Hannah and the other girls. I’d seen Hannah’s bleeding, lacerated thighs.

  “Please, Sister, I’ll do all my chores. I’ll do extra chores.” I began to plead. I don’t know if I could take a beating being so far along in my pregnancy.

  “Shut up, girl,” she commanded, her lilting Irish voice echoing throughout the room.

  I gripped the chair in front of me.


  She lashed the backs of my legs over and over. Sharp, stinging pain exploded throughout my body. I could feel liquid running down my legs. I didn’t know if it was blood or my water breaking. Sharp pains reverberated in my stomach. I let go of the chair and clutched my stomach.

  “I can’t…I can’t take it. Please, Sister, think of the baby!”

  “What? Don’t you dare use the excuse of being pregnant to avoid your punishment! Accusing me of trying to harm an innocent child. How dare you!”

  After several more lashes, she relented with the switch. I collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood and fluid. There was fluid leaking from my vagina!

  “Sister, please.” I held up my hand soaked in blood and fluid.

  “You did this to yourself. Get up and clean up this mess!” Sweat was beaded on her brow dripping down to her neck.

  Scrambling to my knees shaking with agonizing pain, I looked up at her. She stood over me with a long handled scrub brush in her hands.

  The pain in my abdomen was so bad I knew that something was wrong with the baby. I placed my hand between my legs and it was covered in blood. I was now bleeding from my vagina as well.

  “Sister, please, I think I’m miscarrying.” I reached my bloodied hand up to her.

  She swatted my hand away.

  “Get up now! Clean this mess up.”

  I struggled to stand, but slipped in the blood and fell back to the floor. The pain in my abdomen was excruciating.

  “I can’t, Sister.” I reached for her foot.

  “Are you defying me, girl?”

  “No, I need help. Please call the doctor,” I begged, clutching my stomach. I felt severely nauseated and about to pass out.

  “One more time. Get up.”

  “I can’t!” I screamed.

  “What did you say, girl? How dare you speak to me that way!” She screamed wielding the brush over my head.

  “Fuck you,” I mumbled. Still on the floor I rolled over on my side.

  “What?” She peered down closer to me.

  “FUCK YOU!” I screamed with all my might.

  My reward for that outburst was a belting whack against the side of my head with the brush. Everything went black.

  “My God, Ronnie, I had no idea.” Ash shook his head his mouth agape. His eyes reflected love, compassion, and understanding.

  I collapsed in his arms tears blurring my eyes.

  “What happened to the baby?” He stroked my head sympathetically.

  “Oh, God, Ash.” I covered my face with my hands. He pulled me tightly into his arms trying to still my shaking body.

  “Where’s the baby, Ronnie?” He whispered.

  I shuddered the bitter memory still so vivid.

  When I woke up, I was alone back in that horrible, tiny room. My head ached terribly. I reached up to touch the top of my head and felt a huge lump. My right arm was bandaged and I pulled the bandage aside to look beneath. There was a bright red pin prick that resembled an injection mark.

  My stomach still ached terribly. Something felt different though. I peered down beneath the covers and was horrified to see the blood soaked sheets.

  What the hell had happened?

  I felt my stomach which was diminished. Oh God, had I miscarried?

  I tried to stand up and wobbled slightly. Suddenly, the door swung open. There stood Sister Hazel Marie.

  “Child, what are you doing out of bed? You need to lie down.” Sister
Hazel Marie rushed to help me back to bed. She was one of the kinder nuns.

  “What happened, Sister Hazel Marie?”

  She looked distressed. Her eyes looked at me so kindly with tears in them.

  “The baby is gone, child.”

  “Where, Sister? Did I give birth early and you sent her to her new family?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, child. You lost the baby. I’m so sorry.” She crossed herself.

  “Lost the baby? How?” My voice began to rise.

  “When you ran off with that gardening fellow, you must’ve fallen down in the shed. Sister Bridget said that you began bleeding and she called the doctor, but it was too late.” She crossed herself again as she tucked the covers around my body.

  “My baby’s dead?” I screamed.

  “Please, child, don’t upset yourself. You’ve been through so much.”

  “I demand to see Sister Bridget! She killed my baby!”

  “Hush, now, child. Don’t say such things. Sister Bridget would never—”

  I screamed pulling my hair.

  “She fucking killed my baby! That bitch! She beat me…look at my head!” I parted my hair showing her the huge lump.

  Sister Hazel Marie backed away.

  “That was from the fall, child. Please just calm down. I’ll send for the doctor.”

  “NO! I want to see Sister Bridget!” I threw the glass of water next to my bed against the wall.

  Her face went white as the glass shattered. She turned and ran from my room.

  I was seething with rage. Fucking murderer! She’d killed my baby! I screamed as loudly as I could. A doctor in a white coat arrived in my room. Several nuns walked in with him.

  “Veronica, you need to relax. Your baby was stillborn. The trauma of the fall caused you to go into early labor. Sister Bridget called me because you were bleeding. I had to take the baby early and I’m sorry to say that the baby wasn’t breathing.”

  “How? How is that possible? My tests all showed a healthy baby!”

  He shook his head sadly.

  “I know what your tests showed, but apparently the trauma of the fall was only part of it. You have a genetic abnormality in your uterus as well. The baby’s oxygen was cut off.”

  I felt faint. What the hell had that bitch done to me?

  “It was Sister Bridget. She beat me with a switch and hit me on the head with a brush.”


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