Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 69

by Ashton Blackthorne

  It was an interesting story, but what did it have to do with Amelia I wondered. “Ma’am—”

  “My name is Estra.”

  “Estra, I appreciate what you must have gone through, but what does this—”

  “—have to do with Amelia? I was getting to that, boy. My people believe in curses, supernatural things if you will. That girl, Amelia, she had powers.”

  “What kind of powers?”

  Her eyes widened as she leaned forward. “The power to hurt people. I saw it with my own eyes. There was another girl who lived here. She was the Morettis’ real daughter. She and Amelia didn’t get along. One day, I saw Amelia staring at her then the girl falls down the stairs and breaks her leg.”

  Ayden stifled a laugh. “That doesn’t mean she was cursed. Sounds like a gift to me.” Ayden winked at me.

  Estra grabbed Ayden’s arm.

  He jumped feeling her gnarled hand on his flesh.

  “Don’t bullshit me, boy. The girl had power. I steered clear of her.”

  “So what happened to Amelia? The rest of the family?”

  She shrugged grabbing another cigarette. “Mr. Moretti….he was a very bad man. I’ve seen a lot of evil in my life, but that man—he was the devil himself.”

  Hairs began to stand up on the back of my neck. “Why?”

  Her eyes misted with tears. “Those poor little girls….Mr. Moretti-he did things to them. Oh God, I tried to stop him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know until I left here how bad things had been.”

  I swallowed hard. “So, he forced himself on them?”

  She nodded tears spilling down her face. “I faced Dr. Mengele, one of the most evil men who ever lived, but Mr. Moretti was almost as bad.”

  “Wow,” Ayden whispered. He dragged on his cigarette.

  She grabbed a tissue from the pocket of her dress. “I don’t think anyone knew how bad he was until Mrs. Moretti died. He would have men in here to be with the girls. I had my suspicions, but I told myself I was overreacting.”

  “Amelia too?”

  She nodded breaking into sobs. “Yes. I don’t like to think of these things. I should’ve done more to protect them.”

  “So what happened?”

  She waved her hand trying to compose herself. “One day, I guess Amelia had decided she’d had enough. She took off in the middle of the night. No one ever saw her again. Mr. Moretti searched high and low for her, but she was gone. She was 18, so I suspect there wasn’t anything the authorities could do. Soon after, Mrs. Moretti died of a heart attack.”

  “And the rest of the family?”

  “Mr. Moretti had a son. He left around the same time Amelia did. Their daughter left a few years later. It was rumored she committed suicide. Mr. Moretti sold this house to another family, the Steinbergs and they asked me to stay on as a housekeeper. I was glad to be rid of Mr. Moretti, so I did.”

  I sighed. “So is Mr. Moretti—”

  “Dead? Yes, they found pieces of his body near the Chicago River—”


  She waved her hand. “He had dealings with the Sicilian Mafia. They did all sorts of illegal activities. Perhaps they just decided to get rid of him. I was glad to hear he was gone. Evil, just evil.”

  Stunned, we both sat back. I was saddened to hear that our sister had been subjected to abuse. Both my brother and my sister had been abused. Maybe we were all cursed just like Estra said. But then why had I escaped unscathed? “Estra, do you have any idea where Amelia might have gone?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Do you have any pictures of her?”

  She thought a moment and nodded. “I kept some pictures of the children. I cared for them so long it seemed as though they were my own. Stay here and I’ll see if I can find it.” She waddled off.

  “My God, Ash, I had no idea.” Ayden ran his hands through his hair.

  My mind was reeling. Who knew where Amelia could be now? Was she even still alive?

  Estra came shuffling back into the room. In her hand, she carried a small red box. “I think they might be in here. Let me look.” She thumbed through the contents of the box finally retrieving a small photo. “Here you go. This is the Moretti children. That’s Amelia right there.” She handed us the picture.

  She looked exactly like I imagined she would. Her hair was long and dark cascading down her shoulders. She appeared to be around fifteen or sixteen years old. Her eyes still that penetrating icy blue stared at whomever was taking her picture. She was tall maybe around 5’8 wearing a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top. The Moretti’s son had his arm around her and was smiling. Another girl I assumed was their daughter was much shorter than Amelia and quite stout. She stood a few inches away from Amelia scowling.

  “Ash, what do you think?” Ayden asked after a few moments.

  “It’s her, all right.” I took my phone out to take a picture of the photo.

  “What are you doing, boy? You can take the picture.” Estra pushed the photo towards me.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. I hope you both find her. Maybe nice boys like you will be a good influence on her. I wish I could be of more help.”

  “You’ve been a huge help. Thank you.” Both of us were eager to get out of there.

  Jumping back into the car, I glanced over at Ayden.

  He looked stricken. His face was white as a sheet.

  “What’s wrong, Ayden? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  He shook his head. “Just that story—Estra, Amelia—my God, she might’ve been assaulted by that asshole Moretti.”

  I nodded glumly. “But at least we have a more recent photo. I’m going to take it to Andrews. He may be able to help.”

  Ayden looked out the window as we drove away. He was so quiet.

  “Ayden, what’s going on? This isn’t just about Moretti.”

  His hands shook as he opened a bottle of water. “Amelia—I think I know who she is, Ash.”


  Before he could answer, there was a huge bang as the car rammed into the back of a stopped vehicle. The air bag exploded into my face and all went black.

  Eighty Four


  Bright light streamed into my eyes forcing me to close them. I heard the scream of sirens all around me. Terrible pain exploded in my arm as I tried to raise my right hand to shield my eyes. I realized I was hanging upside down in the car. The only thing holding me in was my seatbelt. My head throbbed painfully as I touched my left hand to my forehead. Something wet trickled down my face. I forced my eyes open to see all the windows in the car were shattered. My hand was covered in blood from a cut on my head.

  Oh my God, Ash!

  I looked to the side to see him slumped over. He was unconscious with a huge gash on his forehead. The only thing holding him upright was his seatbelt. I could see from the terrible cut he needed help immediately.

  Bracing myself with my left hand on the bottom of the car, I tried using my right hand to undo my seatbelt. At first, I couldn’t make my right hand do anything. It must be broken, I thought. Then, slowly, despite excruciating pain I managed to undo the seatbelt. I crashed to the bottom of the car, cutting my hands on the shards of glass scattered everywhere.

  Crawling over to Ash, I pressed my hand against his bleeding head trying to stop the flow. Quickly, I pulled my t-shirt off and pressed it to his head. He needed to get out of that seat. Hanging upside down was making him bleed more. Taking him under my arm, I tried reaching with my right hand to undo his seatbelt. The pain was unbearable as I pushed with all my might on the latch of the seatbelt.

  Finally, it gave way and his full weight came down in my arms. I fell back hitting my head on the car door. Since all the windows were shattered, it wasn’t hard to crawl out of the car. I pulled Ash out as he started to moan.

  Immediately, we were surrounded by EMTs.

  “He’s hurt bad. Help him!” I cried.

  They qui
ckly loaded him on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

  “Come here, sir.” One EMT tried putting me on a stretcher.

  “No, I can walk. I’m okay.”

  “No, sir, you’re not. Your hand might be broken.” He gestured to my right hand which was pulsating with pain. “Let me check you, sir.”

  Reluctantly, I sat down on the stretcher. Several onlookers had pulled their cars to the side of the road. Police cars were everywhere. Apparently, multiple cars had been involved in the accident. Our car had gone off the road and struck a tree.


  “My name is Ayden.”

  “Ayden, what happened?”

  “I’m not sure. One minute my brother and I were talking the next minute, I was hanging upside down in the car.”

  He nodded wrapping my hand. “We’re going to take you to the hospital now.”

  “No, I don’t need that.”

  He pushed me back gently. “Ayden, anytime there’s a rollover accident it’s protocol for us to take the injured party to the hospital. I also need to put this neck brace on you in case you’ve sustained a spinal injury.”

  I waved him away with my other hand. “No way. I don’t need a fucking brace. My hand just hurts is all.”

  “Sir, please cooperate. The faster you get into the ambulance the faster you can see your brother.”

  Sighing, I laid back on the stretcher and allowed him to place the collar on me.

  As soon as we got to the hospital, they determined I had a sprained wrist. They wrapped it in an Ace bandage. I was full of superficial cuts and bruises, but I was more concerned about Ash.

  When I was released, I hurried down to his room where I found a nurse standing outside of Ash’s room. “How is he?”

  “Who are you, Sir?”

  “I’m his brother.”

  “He has a concussion and we’re holding him for observation. He had a nasty cut on his forehead. We closed it with stitches.”

  “Can I see him?”

  She shook her head. “He’s resting now. Maybe you could come back later.”

  Walking over to a set of chairs, I sank down into one. The TV was blaring some political crisis with North Korea. I sighed grabbing a magazine to flip through.

  After several moments, I tossed it aside and texted Amber and Sasha explaining why we wouldn’t be making our flight back to New York.

  I leaned back in the chair staring at the TV. My head pulsed with pain. The glare of the florescent lights was making it worse. I still couldn’t believe what I’d seen. It just wasn’t possible.

  Amelia—her icy blue eyes—so familiar. I know I’d seen her somewhere before. Eyes that shockingly blue were rare. A bitter taste rose in my mouth as I realized where I’d seen them.


  No, that couldn’t be right. Her sensual face danced before my eyes. I could almost feel her long legs as she’d straddled me. Her tits full and firm as she raised her arms behind her head. Her long dark hair spilled down her back as she’d ground her hot pussy on me.

  But when I’d reached to touch her she wouldn’t let me. She acted like she wanted me, but then she didn’t.

  Could it be she knew something I didn’t?

  What I was thinking was impossible, wasn’t it? Lena–Amelia…they couldn’t be the same woman!

  It would explain why she didn’t want me, but there was no way she’d know who I was.

  I leaned forward holding my head in my hands. It was too much to process right now.

  “Mr. Donovan? You can go back and see your brother now.” The nurse motioned to me.

  Swinging the door open, I saw Ash sitting up in the bed. His head was bandaged and his chin was bruised, but other than that, he looked fine.

  “What the hell is with you trying to kill us?” I laughed holding up my bandaged wrist.

  “I have no idea what happened. One minute I was talking to you the next minute I woke up in here.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  He shrugged gesturing at the IV hooked up in his arm. “I’m fine other than being hooked up to this shit. When can I get out of here?”

  “Soon. I texted Amber to let her know.”

  “Good. The sooner we get back to New York the better. Then we give that picture to Andrews.”

  I nodded. I didn’t know if I should tell him my suspicions about Lena.

  A cute blonde nurse walked into the room. “If you’re feeling all right, you’re ready to go, Ash.”


  “Here’s your discharge paperwork. Are you planning to fly back to New York tonight?”

  “I was. Why? Should I not do that now?”

  “You had a minor concussion and a few stitches. You should check with your doctor for a follow up when you get home.”

  We both nodded.

  “Give me a sec to get dressed, will you?” Ash waved me out of the room.

  Closing the door, I stood and waited for him.

  I couldn’t wait to get back home.

  When I arrived back in New York, Sasha was gone. She had texted me to say she had gotten caught at work and had to stay late. I was disappointed, but I was anxious to get home and lie down. My wrist ached.

  As soon as I got in and was settled, the doorbell rang.

  A pair of luscious long legs greeted me.


  “Well, handsome, long time no see. Where’s your better half?” Lena strolled past into the house.

  “She’s still at work. She’s a PR rep,” I explained.

  Lena gave a faint little laugh while walking towards the bedroom. “Really? Tell me something I didn’t know. Shall we wait in here?” She flipped her long hair back as she opened the bedroom door.

  I was surprised at her boldness, but any woman who would fuck another woman with a strap on is one who doesn’t play by anyone’s rules. “What do you want, Lena?”

  She laughed as she ran her hand over the counter. Her eyes glittered as she picked up the diamond ring I’d intended to give Sasha. “A little premature, don’t you think, Ayden? From what you’ve both told me, you two have only been together for six months. Most of which were spent with that Neanderthal, Sinister.” Her dislike of me was palpable. She slipped the ring onto her own finger. “Looks beautiful, doesn’t it? I’m sure she’ll be impressed.” Lena held her hand up against her chest.

  I couldn’t help but notice a tiny scar just below her collarbone.

  Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to me. “Why are you here? Did Sasha call you?”

  “Aren’t you glad to see me?” She batted her eyes at me.

  I hated the way she made me feel like I was her prey and she was merely playing with me before coming in for the kill. “You don’t seem like you like me much.”

  She arched her shapely brows at me. “Whatever gave you that idea?” She walked around the room.

  Something about her unnerved me. I found her enticing as well as intimidating.

  “I’m here to give you a warning.”

  “Warning? What fucking warning?” I laughed.

  Lena’s icy blue eyes glittered at me. The soft whir of air conditioning was the only sound in the room. Her fingers brushed my lips. “You’re looking for someone, aren’t you? I’m telling you stay away.”


  She stepped back from me still wearing the ring.

  “I am looking for someone. What’s it to you? Did Sasha tell you?”

  She shook her head. “No, Ayden, just know that I know.”

  I seized her by the wrist. “Bullshit. I want to know what the fuck you’re talking about. Tell me now!” My voice echoed throughout the bedroom.

  She flinched for a moment, but then blazed her eyes at me. “I won’t tell you again. Tell dear Sasha it was fun while it lasted.” She took the ring off and sat it on the dresser. “Good luck with the wedding. Remember once you go there, you can never come back.” She winked as she turned to leave.

  I raced in fron
t of her blocking her exit. “No, you tell me what you meant. Do you know my sister?”

  The shadowy planes of her face darkened. Her eyes glowed nearly black. Her skin became so hot it felt as though it was burning my hands.

  I dropped her wrist.

  “Once you go there, you can never come back,” she whispered in a sultry voice as she pushed me aside leaving me standing there with my mouth open.

  Shivering, I closed the door behind her.

  Pushing thoughts of Lena’s visit out of my mind, I proceeded with my dinner plans with Sasha. Taking her to her favorite restaurant, I kept checking my pocket for the velvet box containing the two carat diamond ring.

  As we ate, I told her about what Ash and I had found out about our half-sister.

  “So do you think this Amelia is really your sister?”

  “I think she is. I don’t know how Ash feels.” My stomach was jumbled with nerves. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  With my hands shaking, I fell upon one knee. I took her hand in mine. Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she looked down at me. She was smiling ear to ear.

  “Sasha, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Tears began to spill from her eyes as she nodded. “Ayden, what are you—?”

  “—will you marry me?”

  She squealed with delight.

  Several diners in the restaurant turned to look at us beaming.

  “Of course!”

  Everyone began clapping.

  Forgetting Lena’s negative words, I slipped the diamond onto her finger. She threw her arms around me and we kissed passionately as the other diners cheered.

  Sasha’s face flushed red with embarrassment.

  I chuckled as we sat back down. “Are you surprised?”

  “Yes! I had no idea.”

  I finished my glass of champagne and poured another.

  Sasha sat back and admired her ring. “So was this what you and Lena were discussing earlier?”

  My eyes widened. I nearly choked as I attempted to swallow. “Yes. I mean, Lena saw the ring.”


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