Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 88

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Glimpsing her face reddened and her hair wet with perspiration, I whipped my pants off and tossed them aside. I fisted my cock wetting it with her juices. Positioning myself between her legs, I yanked her towards me viciously shoving my cock deep inside her.

  Holy shit, her tight wetness enveloped me. I felt myself soaring higher and higher as I pumped in and out of her. I held the swing’s straps in my hands bouncing her up and down my length. Every stroke, I drove deeper into her feeling myself threaten to split apart as I came inside her filling her.

  “Ash.” I heard her whisper my name as I undid the straps tugging her free from the swing. Spinning her around, I lashed my hand hard across her ass enjoying the sight of my bright red handprint on her flesh. She jumped, but didn’t cry out. She wiggled her ass at me waiting for more.

  I obliged her whipping her with my hand until it was sore. Her ass was shining pink and I imagined she was quite sore. I ran my hands over her aching flesh taking away the sting of my spanking.

  “Good girl,” I brought her around to nestle in my arms as I carried her up the stairs.

  Holding her tightly in my arms, I watched as she fell asleep. She was my life, my world. I couldn’t wait to make her my wife.

  One Hundred Ten


  A few weeks passed and Reese continued to help Sasha with her pregnancy. I didn’t mention the disturbing confrontation Sasha and I had had to Reese. I thought it was best to keep it under wraps. They were getting along well and Reese painted a gorgeous mural in the twins’ nursery. I was certain Sasha wouldn’t go along with that, but she did. She seemed genuinely pleased with it. The mural was done in a light blues and aqua depicting the ocean. It was subtle yet soothing.

  One afternoon, I was helping put up a baby swing in the yard when I saw Ava’s black Ferrari Spyder pull up to the house. Reese wasn’t here and she was hardly Sasha’s biggest fan, so I couldn’t imagine what she wanted.

  Walking into the house, I saw Ava sitting on Sasha’s leather recliner nursing a drink. Sasha was now big as could be and could hardly get around. She was waddling to take her seat in her favorite chair holding a bottle of water. Her maternity dress wrapped around her like a tent. Her face had become bloated due to water retention and she complained constantly of backaches.

  “Ayden, your sister is here!” she called.

  I cringed recalling the threesome we’d all once had. It sickened me. “I can see that. What’s up, Ava?” I asked opening the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of water.

  She tossed her long black hair back. A smile played upon her full lips. “Not much. I thought it was high time I came by to congratulate the mother to be.” She gestured at the prettily wrapped package on the coffee table.

  Sasha picked up the box and hurriedly unwrapped it.

  I stood back watching wondering what my sister could possibly give us.

  Inside the box was two smaller wrapped packages. Sasha shot me a worried glance before opening one of them up.

  It was a book. I couldn’t make out the title.

  Sasha read it as the blood drained from her face.

  “What is it?”

  “20 Greatest Placenta Recipes.” She grimaced.

  I nearly gagged as I glared at Ava.

  She smirked. “I hear they are full of protein and all kinds of vitamins! Just imagine you could have double the nutritional value because you have two placentas! But what will we do with the leftovers?” She laughed sadistically.

  I simply stood there staring at her as Sasha sat the book aside. Her face had gone from pale to green.

  “There’s another one.” Ava gestured.

  Indeed, there was another small box. I was dreading what was in this one. Perhaps an actual foreskin from a bris she’d attended?

  Hands trembling, Sasha slowly peeled off the paper. “Ava!” She scolded tossing the box down.

  Scooping the box up, I noticed it was a box of Trojans.

  “That’s so you don’t make the same mistake again. I was thinking of a gift card to Planned Parenthood, but I thought that was a bit over the top.” Ava chuckled.

  Disgusted, I wanted to throw her out.

  Sasha jumped up from the chair and fled the room.

  I seized her arm and pulled her to her feet. “What the fuck? This wasn’t funny.”

  “Oh yes, it was.”

  “I thought you liked Sasha.”

  Ava pursed her lips together as she examined her long red nails. “Like is a strong word. She was a hot piece of ass. I enjoyed eating her pussy, but like her, not so much.”

  I gritted my teeth as I heard Sasha crying in the next room. “This was inappropriate. If you wanted to congratulate us, why didn’t you buy us some baby blankets or diapers?”

  She jerked away from me. “Because I’m not congratulating you. This was my way of saying what you’re doing to my friend, Reese is sick. It’s as twisted as these gifts.”

  “What are we doing?”

  “Having her accompany you to the ultrasounds, having her spend time with Sasha, all of it.”

  “She did all that of her own free will. She seems happy she’s a part of things.”

  Ava threw her hands in the air and stomped to the kitchen. “That’s because you’re a fucking man! You don’t get it. She’s putting on a brave face, but inside she’s dying, dying because of you and that bitch in there. I won’t stand for it, brother. I won’t.” Ava threw open Sasha’s cabinets searching for liquor, but couldn’t find any. “Is this a dry house now?”

  I shrugged crossing my arms over my chest. “Sasha is pregnant.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, you aren’t. What the fuck?”

  “I don’t live here, Ava.”

  “You might as well. You’re over here all the time.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Reese is my best friend. She tells me everything.”

  We paused as we could hear Sasha coming down the hallway. “Ava, apologize to Sasha,” I ordered.

  Ava just looked at me and burst out laughing.

  “Little brother, I give orders I don’t take them. I’m not apologizing for shit.” Casually, she strolled over to the chair and picked up her purse. “Remember what I said. Take care, Sasha.” She winked as she left.

  Sasha stood there in the middle of the living room with her mouth hanging open. “The nerve of her! Can you believe?”

  Actually, I could. I’d seen Ava do incredible things so nothing was beyond the pale for her. I collected Ava’s gifts and threw them into the trash.

  Sasha sat down on the couch and propped her legs up.

  “The babies active today?” I asked sitting down beside her.

  She groaned rubbing her lower back. “It’s eight months. I’m so ready for these babies to be born!” She kept groaning.

  I imagined that the discomfort must be awful for her. She’d gained nearly eighty pounds. Her ankles and calves were terribly swollen. The doctors were considered about her developing toxemia.

  “Well, it’s down to less than four weeks now. I can’t wait.” I placed my hand on her stomach.

  “You don’t know how ready I am.” She shook her head. Her face was slightly swollen as well. “How was skeet shooting with Ash yesterday?” she asked opening a bottle of water. Tiny beads of perspiration had developed along her hairline. Even though it was nearly wintertime, she struggled to stay cool.

  “Great. I’m getting better. After the twins are born, he wants me to go goose hunting with him.”

  She stared at me. “After the twins are born? Ayden, you’re going to be helping me, aren’t you? I can’t do this by myself.” She cried.

  “I didn’t ask you to, but I’m not going to be living here. You’re going to have to be alone some.”

  She became alarmed. Panic crossed her face as she narrowed her eyes at me. “No, I’m not. If you want these twins in your life, then you’ll be here with me.”

  Fear filled me. Ash was right she was goin
g to try to use the babies to control me. “Sasha, if you’re that scared then I’ll hire a nanny to help you when I’m not around. Reese and I still plan to be together.”

  Her pretty features twisted as she pouted. “I know that, but these are your babies. Don’t you want us to be a family?”

  I did want that, but I wanted Reese as my wife not her. “It’s been a long day. I’m going home now. I’ll call you later.” I stormed out of the house. I knew that Sasha was turning on me, but I didn’t know what to do to stop her.

  Sleep was a hard won prize that night. I tossed and turned, trying my best not to wake Reese. All I could think of was the cruel words Sasha had spewed at me earlier. My heart thundered in my chest as I thought of how difficult she could make our lives when the babies were born. I had no doubt I could have joint custody, but if I needed to get sole custody that might be tricky. Ash’s attorneys could do most anything, but my criminal past could prove to be a huge liability.

  Finally, I drifted off to sleep only to be awoke by a familiar buzzing sound on the nightstand.


  All I heard were screams. “The babies…they’re coming! Oh God, Ayden, help me!” She sobbed.

  “Where are you? Are you home?”

  “Yes, I called an ambulance. There’s blood…everywhere!” She screamed again.

  I shot up in the bed throwing the covers aside. “I’ll be right there.”

  Reese sat up looking around.

  “Just meet me at the hospital.” Sasha groaned.

  “No, I’ll come there first.” I ran around the bedroom looking for my jeans.

  “What’s going on? Is she okay?” Reese asked grabbing a pair of yoga pants and a knit top.


  “Are they there yet?” I asked her as we both raced to get ready.

  “Yes, just meet me at the hospital.”

  I could hear the sound of the paramedics in the background.

  “Let’s go!”

  As we raced to the hospital, I prayed over and over again that the twins were okay. Why would she be bleeding like that?

  When we arrived, they showed us back to her room.

  She was hooked up to all kinds of monitors and tubes were suspended from her arm.

  “Are you okay, Sasha?” Reese asked looking at all the equipment she was connected to.

  “I think so.”

  “The twins? Are they okay?”

  “They haven’t told me anything yet. The doctor is coming,” Sasha mumbled. She looked dazed. Her complexion was pale.

  Dr. Sullivan strolled into the room. She quickly slipped a fresh pair of gloves on. “So, what do we have here? What happened, Sasha?”

  “I was in bed asleep. I woke up and felt terrible cramps. When I went to the bathroom, all this blood and fluid gushed from me. I got scared thinking I was going into labor.”

  Dr. Sullivan examined her and then looked at the monitors.

  “The twins look fine, but get ready because you’re going to meet them tonight.”

  “What?” I exclaimed looking from Sasha to Reese. “She’s not due for another 4 weeks.”

  Dr. Sullivan glanced at the monitor. “Apparently, they’re ready now. She’s dilated over 5 centimeters. These babies are on their way!”

  “Should I call Ash and Amber?” Reese asked me.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Ava?” She laughed.

  I gave her a horrified look. “I wouldn’t do that. She can find out later.” With all that was going on, I couldn’t deal with my venomous sister.

  After several hours of intense labor, Sasha was in the home stretch. “It’s hard to push. I don’t feel anything!” She cried as Dr. Sullivan kept ordering her push harder.

  “Honey, please push!” Reese encouraged. She stood on Sasha’s other side brushing her forehead with a wet cloth.

  “I’m trying!” Sweat rolled down Sasha’s face soaking her hospital gown. Her face was bright red as she bared down again.

  “The baby’s head is crowning!”

  I moved around to see. Sure enough, a baby’s head was emerging. Blood and fluids were spilling from her. It was revolting as well as riveting. I couldn’t wait to see my babies born. “One more push, Sasha! Our first baby is almost here!”

  “Motherfucker!” She screamed as she bared down with all her might.

  Just then, we heard a baby cry. Tears wet my face as I moved to see if it was my son or daughter.

  “The boy is first!” Dr. Sullivan cried, holding him up.

  I saw him for the very first time. He was so small and covered in blood and mucus. His tiny fists flailed as he inhaled his first breath of air. My heart melted seeing a life come into the world. I looked at Reese.

  She was sobbing as well.

  Sasha was exhausted sweat soaking her hair and face.

  The nurse quickly took the boy and cleaned him up.

  “One more, Sasha. I can see your little girl’s head now. One big push. Come on!”

  Reese helped her up as she bared down again. Her face was so red I thought she would pass out. I stood ready to do whatever was needed. I wanted to hold my son. I could hear him crying.

  Suddenly, a gush of blood and fluid spilled from her and a second cry was heard. I leaned over to see my daughter looking bright red and small. She inhaled her first breath and cried.

  Again, I began bawling. She was so beautiful and perfect. Her head was almost nearly bald as his was save for a few wisps of blonde hair.

  When the nurse had them both cleaned, she handed me a baby wrapped in a blanket and handed the other to Sasha.

  “Oh my God, they’re so perfect,” Reese whispered counting the tiny fingers and toes of my son. Truly, they were both perfect.

  I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t speak as I looked into my son’s eyes. His tiny fists were flailing still. He looked just like me so angry. “Are you mad at the world already, pal?” I kissed his soft head. Gazing over at Sasha, I saw her looking down at our daughter nuzzling her softly.

  “How’s she looking?” I traced my finger over her tiny foot.

  “Beautiful,” she murmured.

  “So, what are you guys thinking about names? I’ve heard Ayden toss a few around?” Reese asked handing me a bottle of water.

  Sasha looked up and motioned for us to change babies. I held my daughter for the first time. Her face was still reddish, but she was quietly looking around. So quiet this one, so observant. I could see the intelligence on her face already.

  “Devin for the boy and I think Sasha had a name in mind for her.” I kissed my daughter on her nearly bald head.

  “Laney is her name.” Sasha bounced our son in her arms gently.

  “Devin and Laney. I think that’s perfect.” Reese beamed as I held Laney out for her to hold.

  Watching Reese cradle my daughter was breathtaking. She would’ve made such a wonderful mother. It was a shame that she wasn’t able to have children of her own.

  “Okay, New Parents, I need to get these guys down to the nursery to check them out. Mom, are you planning to breast feed?” the nurse asked.

  “If I can, I will.” She glanced down at her swollen breasts. “But my milk hasn’t come in yet.”

  “That’s normal. We’ll bring them down later and try then.”

  Reluctantly, we handed our twins over to the nurse.

  “Let’s let Sasha get some rest, okay?” Reese placed her hand on my shoulder.

  “Sasha, we’re going down to the coffee shop to get something to eat. Do you want anything?” I glanced at her exhausted face and her stringy, damp hair.

  “No, I’m just going to sleep.” She closed her eyes.

  Taking Reese’s hand, I led her from the room.

  As soon as we went out into the hall, Ash and Amber accosted us.

  “How are the twins? Did everything go all right?” Amber anxiously looked at me.

  “They’re fine. They were small, but most twins are. Devin was 5 lbs. 7 oz
. and Laney was 5 lbs. 10 oz.”

  “That’s their names? Devin and Laney?” Amber asked peering into the room.


  “Devin and Laney. I like it,” Ash offered.

  “No middle names?” Reese wondered aloud.

  “Devin Neil and Laney Grace.”

  “That’s perfect!” Amber clapped her hands. “I can’t wait to hold them. Where are they?”

  “The nurse took them down to the nursery. They’re beautiful. Reese, show them the pictures you took.”

  Reese handed her phone to Amber.

  She squealed over the pictures. “They’re gorgeous! Congratulations, Ayden!” Amber threw her arms about me.

  Ash embraced me briefly. “Great job, little brother. Dad would be proud. His first grandchildren.”

  Reese stood to the side looking down.

  Amber noticed her and gave her a hug. “Congratulations to you too, Reese.”

  “Me?” she asked pulling back from Amber.

  “You’re a new stepmother.” Amber smiled.

  I winked at her. I felt glad Amber saw Reese needed that. With everything surrounding the births, I hadn’t had the chance to really attend to her.

  “Thank you, but Sasha did all the hard work.” She grinned slightly.

  “Hey, but you get to be a mom too, without all the trauma to your body.” Amber threw her arm around Reese’s shoulder. “That’s saying something.”

  “Good point,” Reese noted glancing into the room at the exhausted Sasha.

  “All that stretching, tearing, oh God, I don’t want that.” Amber waved her hands. “That’s not for me.”

  “Me either.” Ash laughed.

  “You don’t want kids, Amber?” I was surprised. I thought she’d wanted children.

  “Not right now. I’m happy with everything I have. Whenever I want to hold a baby, I can call you Ayden.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  We all walked down to the coffee shop leaving Sasha to rest. Somehow, as we all laughed and joked around I couldn’t help but feel nervous. I knew Sasha would make good her threats to keep the twins from me if I didn’t do what she wanted.


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