Rocking Perfection (Reckless Release Book 3)

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Rocking Perfection (Reckless Release Book 3) Page 4

by Cassandra Lawson

  Cami: You can’t sleep with groupies while you’re pretending to be my boyfriend.

  Cami: Sorry, that came out sounding kind of bitchy. Mitch will never leave me alone if he thinks you’re cheating on me.

  Xander: Don’t worry. I’m not going to mess around with any groupies. I’m going to be the perfect boyfriend. So perfect, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without me.

  Cami: And since we’re only pretending, I don’t have to be the perfect girlfriend.

  Xander: Nope. Be yourself, babe. I like you just the way you are.

  Cami: I’m going to call Bentley to tell her what’s going on. How should we tell everyone else? Should we divide up our list?

  Xander: I already sent a group text, but you should still call Bentley. I’m heading to practice now, snookums.

  Cami: Snookums? That is a definite no.

  Xander: Fine, I’ll come up with something better.

  It seemed Xander had thought about the need to let our friends in on our plan before I had. That made it easier for me, even though I was sure Bentley would be annoyed that she hadn’t heard it from me first.

  Bentley answered on the second ring. “What the hell, Cami?”

  “How much did Xander tell you?” I figured it would be easier to find out what she already knew before I started my explanation.

  “Xander sent us a group text that reads, I’m pretending to be Cami’s guy. Don’t fuck with her about it. I was going to give you another five minutes to call me with an explanation before I called you.”

  “That’s not much of an explanation,” I replied. “I guess it included the most important detail.”

  “Why are you and Xander pretending you’re dating?” she asked. “Whose idea was it?”

  I gave her a brief rundown of my morning and the events that led to me asking Xander to act as my boyfriend. “This may be the most juvenile thing I’ve ever done.”

  “I can see why you feel like you have no choice,” Bentley assured me. “Are you sure Mitch isn’t dangerous? Normal people don’t act this way.”

  “Mitch is definitely acting weird, but I don’t think he’s dangerous. I think he’s figured out how little I like confrontation, and he thinks he can use that against me.”

  “What a jerk,” she muttered. “Back to Xander. What’s going through your mind?”

  “I am worried dating Xander will be a problem with some families at my practice,” I admitted. There had already been rumors about us, and everyone seemed fine with them. Of course, that was when I’d been able to assure the families there was no substance to the rumors. “What have I done?”

  “There’s still time to put a stop to all of this,” Bentley pointed out.

  “I’m sure Xander’s already commented about it online,” I replied. “Besides, this also gives me the chance to live out my fantasy of being a rock star’s girlfriend. I’ve always felt a little like you were living my fantasy. I’m the one who dreamed of dating a member of Reckless Release, and you ended up engaged to Gage.”

  “You could still date Xander for real,” she told me.

  I laughed at her suggestion. “Despite what you seem to think, I don’t see Xan that way.”

  “Are you honestly going to tell me you don’t find Xander attractive?” she asked.

  “Of course, I think he’s hot,” I admitted. “All the guys in Reckless Release are hot, but that doesn’t mean I want to date them. You know I’m just friends with Xander.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line before Bentley responded. “I think there’s more between you and Xander than either of you are willing to admit to, but I also think it’s best if you just stay friends, for now at least.”

  I decided to avoid arguing more about my feelings for Xander. “Do you think I’m crazy for doing this?”

  “A little,” she replied. “At the same time, I understand why you’re doing it. Just don’t hurt Xander.”

  She’d surprised me. “Why are you worried I’m going to hurt Xander? The worst part for him will be staying away from groupies while we pretend we’re dating.”

  She said nothing, just waited.

  Finally, I gave in and admitted the thing I tried so hard to deny. “Fine, I know he likes me as more than a friend, but it’s mostly because I’m a challenge. That and he gets more opportunities to flirt with me. Xander is going to see I’m not the right woman for him. I’m going to be myself since this isn’t a real relationship.”

  “Crocs and all?” she asked.

  “I do not wear Crocs,” I argued. “There was that one time, but you promised never to bring that up again.”

  “One time?” A snort of laughter accompanied her question. “You wore them for several months in college.”

  “I was young,” I argued. “You can’t hold every dumb thing I did in college against me.”

  In my defense, a boyfriend had bought me the Crocs because his sister was a nurse who swore by them. I’d started wearing them to make him happy, not willing to tell him I didn’t like them.

  “Thank God, you’re over that phase,” she replied. “I’d better let you go so I can handle some paperwork and call Madi to discuss your fake relationship with Xander.”

  “How do you think she’ll react?” I was a little nervous about her reaction. Madi was the business manager for Reckless Release, and she didn’t like surprises. She was fond of the members. Bentley worked with Madi, handling several details, mostly related to scheduling. Madi could be a little scary when things didn’t go her way. Granted, I’d only met her three times, but on all three occasions, she’d been irritated about some detail relating to the band.

  “She’ll be fine with it,” Bentley assured me. She might have been lying, but I wasn’t going to push her. “I’ll talk to you later. Are you going to waffle night later since you’re Xander’s girlfriend now?”

  “There will be no more waffle nights,” I announced. “That’s the best part of this deal. I’m going to teach Xander how to make waffles.”

  “Then I’m completely in favor of this deal,” Bentley told me. “I’ve put on ten pounds from eating out so often.”

  “I think everyone will be happy about the end of waffle days,” I said with a laugh.

  Chapter 10


  My friends didn’t ask me about my fake relationship with Cami until we finished practice, and then it was just one question from Harley.

  “What are you getting out of this deal with Cami?”

  Austin snorted. “We all know what he’s getting out of this deal. There’s only one thing Xander wants.”

  “Waffles,” my bandmates said in unison.

  Waffles weren’t all I wanted, but I was glad they weren’t going to give me a hard time.

  “Cami’s going to teach me how to make waffles,” I confirmed. “This should be our last waffle night.”

  “If you want waffles, get your girlfriend to make them,” Gage told me. “I’m not going to waffle night.”

  “You’d really bail on me?” I asked.

  “I’ve been looking for a way out,” he replied.

  “We all have,” Austin agreed. “This shit is getting old. No, this shit got old months ago. How is it that there are still places to try?”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Harley added. “How many freaking places sell waffles in the Bay Area?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Gage replied. “Waffle nights are over. Xander will learn to make his own damn waffles.”

  “I’m not sure when I’ll get my first cooking lesson,” I argued. “I need waffles now.”

  “Then call your woman,” was Harley’s response. “We all know you’re just going to bitch about the waffles anywhere else.”

  I had to bite back a grin because I liked the way it sounded when Harley called Cami my woman. “You aren’t going to give me any warnings about pushing Cami or making her feel weird?” I’d honestly expected more discussion about my fake relationship.

/>   It was Harley who responded. “Just don’t get hurt.”

  “Hurt?” I scoffed at her suggestion that I might get hurt. “It’s only a game.”

  “And we’re all worried you’re going to lose,” Austin stated.

  “I’m not going to get hurt,” I assured them.

  “Is this where you tell us you aren’t into Cami?” Gage asked.

  Harley laughed and answered for me. “No, this is where he tells you he has a plan to make her fall for him.”

  “Why do you always have to be right about everything?” I asked her.

  “Because I’m brilliant,” was her saucy reply.

  “What do you think my chances are with Cami?” I asked.

  “Not good,” she answered honestly. “It’s not that I don’t think you could win her over at a different time. There’s certainly a mutual attraction. I just don’t think it’s the right time. Cami is dead set against dating, and I don’t blame her.”

  “I know Cami’s determined to avoid dating for the time being. That’s why this is perfect,” I told her.

  Austin shook his head. “You’ve lost me here.”

  “Cami isn’t going to be acting like I’m her boyfriend,” I explained. “She can be herself and see that I like her that way. Part of the reason I was worried about asking Cami out was that I didn’t want her to try being someone else. We’ve talked and hung out as friends, and she’s amazing.”

  “Holy fuck,” Austin muttered. “You sound like a man in love.”

  I snorted at Austin’s statement. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m definitely interested in seeing where things go between us. Who knows? Maybe she is the one.”

  Chapter 11


  My Sunday afternoon was spent running errands and doing housework. I’d stayed away from social media, so I still had no idea what Xander’s public response to our fake relationship had been or if someone had already called bullshit on us. I’d told Natalie the night before that I wasn’t dating Xander, so hopefully, she wasn’t the type who’d start trouble. When my phone buzzed at a little after four, I found a text from Xander. I was oddly nervous about looking at the message, but I quickly shook off my nerves. It was Xander. We talked all the time.

  Xander: It’s waffle night.

  Cami: I’m not on the rotation.

  Xander: But you’re my snuggleufagus.

  Cami: Your what?

  Xander: Snuggleufagus. You know like the Snuffleupagus. Big Bird’s friend.

  Cami: No.

  Xander: It’s cute.

  Cami: It’s not.

  Xander: The band bailed on me. They said if you’re going to teach me how to make waffles there will be no more waffle nights.

  They had a good point. Since Xander was going to learn to make my waffles, there was no reason to try to find a place to get them. I never ordered waffles at restaurants because I loved my recipe.

  Cami: How about if I make you waffles tonight while we figure out what supplies you need at your place? You can watch me make them. It will be your first lesson.

  Xander: Why do I need stuff at my place? Can’t we use your stuff?

  Cami: You cannot come over to my place every time you want to make waffles.

  Xander: Why not? I’ll behave.

  Cami: I’m not even going to respond to that. Do you want to come by here around six for dinner?

  Xander: Sure. I’ll bring the thong I got you to wear during my cooking lessons.

  Cami: Don’t even think about showing up here with a thong.

  Xander: Can I think about you cooking in a thong?

  Cami: No!

  Xander: Too late. I’m thinking about it. I’ll bring it next time. See you at six.

  “What the hell did I get myself into?”

  Chapter 12


  “Right on time,” Cami said when she opened the door. In leggings and an oversized green shirt, she wasn’t dressed to impress, but I was still impressed. I liked her casual and comfortable.

  “When have you ever known me to be late?” I asked.

  “Good point,” she agreed as I followed her into her condo. “You are always on time and almost always sober.”

  “I’m not much of a drinker,” I explained. “I also hate being late. It stresses me out to get somewhere at the last minute. Usually, even if I don’t go in right away, I show up at least fifteen minutes early.”

  “Were you sitting outside my house waiting to come in?” she asked when we reached the kitchen.

  “Nah,” I assured her. “We know each other well enough that I would have come up to your door early. You wouldn’t have sent me away.”

  “True,” she agreed. “So, here’s all the stuff you need to make waffles.”

  There was a lot more stuff than I’d expected.

  “I need to do some shopping,” I admitted. “I’m not even sure where to start. Can you shop with me?”

  “Sure,” she replied. “We’ll work out our schedule after I cook. I’m starving. Waffles won’t be enough for me for dinner, so we also have bacon and eggs.”

  “That sounds good.” Thankfully, my stomach didn’t growl when I replied. I was starving, but I’d been saving my appetite for the waffles. That didn’t mean I’d turn down bacon and eggs. I wasn’t a fool. “How about if I help?”

  “Sure,” she replied. “What would you like to do?”

  “I don’t know how to cook bacon. I usually buy the stuff you heat up in the microwave, but I can scramble eggs,” I told her.

  “Let’s add cooking bacon to the list of things I’ll teach you,” she stated. “It’s easy.”

  “Not as easy as the stuff you heat up in the microwave,” I pointed out.

  “But the stuff you heat up in the microwave doesn’t taste as good,” she insisted. “No more arguing. I’ll show you the steps to make the waffle batter, and then you can scramble the eggs while the bacon and waffles are cooking.”

  That time, my stomach growled loudly. “I hope it doesn’t take too long.”

  “It won’t,” she assured me.

  “Let’s do this!”

  Chapter 13


  It took a lot longer to get dinner on the table than I’d expected. Cooking didn’t come naturally to Xander. Part of it was my fault. I’d never taken the time to measure some of my ingredients. I’d need to figure that out before our next lesson. When he’d asked me how much vanilla I was adding, I had no clue.

  “This is fantastic,” Xander praised after finishing off an entire waffle.

  “Were they worth the wait?” I asked.

  “That’s a trick question.” He waved his fork at me. “If I say they weren’t worth the wait, you’ll accuse me of saying they aren’t that good. I still refuse to say I’m glad I waited to get a fresh waffle.”

  “What do you mean by a fresh waffle?” I asked suspiciously. “Did you steal one of the waffles I sent for Piper? You promised you wouldn’t take one.”

  After Piper was injured during a robbery, I’d sent Xander over with waffles for her. Like the rest of us, he’d been worried about Piper, so he’d been willing to keep his hands off the waffles, or so I thought.

  His smile was sheepish. “Piper insisted I have one. It was good, but not as good as these.”

  “I can’t say I’m surprised. Sorry, this wasn’t the best cooking lesson,” I told him. “Next time, I’ll be more prepared.”

  “You were great,” he assured me. “Could you teach me to make some other stuff? I know we only agreed on waffles, but this was fun. I enjoyed working in the kitchen with you.”

  “It was fun,” I agreed with a smile. “And yes, I’ll teach you to cook more than just waffles.”

  He grinned at me. “That would be great. What else can you teach me to make?”

  I shrugged. “I’m no cooking expert, but I have more than a few recipes I’m proud of.”

  “You’re an expert compared to me,” he replied. “I can’t ev
en make bacon.”

  “You should be able to after tonight,” I reminded him. “You flipped it and pulled it from the pan. That’s the biggest part of cooking it.

  “It’s a lot better than the stuff I heat up in the microwave,” he said with a grin. “Thanks, babe. I appreciate you teaching me to cook.”

  “I appreciate what you’re doing for me,” was my honest reply.

  We made small talk for the rest of dinner, and it wasn’t until after Xander helped me clean up the dishes that he mentioned our fake relationship.

  “If we’re going to pull this off, we have to be seen together,” he told me as he followed me into my living room.

  “You’re right,” I agreed. “That shouldn’t be too hard since we spend time together, anyway. I guess we’ll have to hold hands. Maybe you could even put your arm around me.”

  “And kiss you,” he added.

  “We don’t need to kiss,” I argued. “A lot of couples avoid public displays of affection like kissing.”

  “I’m not one of those people who avoids PDAs.” He didn’t need to say more. I’d followed Reckless Release for years. Xander was single most of the time, but he’d had a few girlfriends. While some in the media had speculated that we were a couple, the diehard fans had insisted it couldn’t be true since they’d never seen pictures of Xan kissing me. As proof, fans posted photos of him kissing exes. “Is this going to be too much for you?”

  “No,” I assured him. “It’s just a few quick kisses. People kiss in movies. I’ve played spin the bottle and kissed guys I didn’t even like.”

  “How often do you play spin the bottle?” he asked with a laugh.

  “I think I was sixteen the last time I played,” I admitted. “And it was incredibly awkward.”


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