“Battle of Maldon, The” 42
beauty 158
Bedlam 15
Bell, Charles 53–5, 56–7, 96, 110
Bell, John 53, 54
Bell Jar, The (Plath) 26, 28
Bell’s palsy 44, 51–3, 55–6, 57–8, 59
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 64–8
Berger, John 40–43
bilirubin 149, 155
Bini, Lucio 21–2
Bischoff, Theodor 177
Blake, William 40
“Blind Man, A” (Borges) 37
blindness 34, 36–7
Blomberg, Sven 40
albumin 147
heart 82–9
and hip 201, 202
internal loss 104
and kidneys 133–5
and liver 147, 149–50
septicemia 148–9, 153–4
test results 146–7
transfusions 141
Book of Imaginary Beings, The (Borges) 34
Borges, Jorge Luis 31, 34, 36–7, 39, 41, 42–3
Botox 56, 58
bowels 156–8
boxer’s fracture 117–20
brachial plexus 108–9
brachial stun 106–8
carina 78
neurosurgery of the soul 7–14
seizures, sanctity and psychiatry 15–28
vertigo 63
breast 92–9
breath 71, 73, 78–9
bronchial breathing 74
Browne, Sir Thomas 53, 219, 227
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 115
Bruno, Giordano 34
Burns, Robert 97
Callatiae 190
Cameron, Ewen 23
camphor 19–20
cancer 155
breast 3, 92–9
lung 74–5, 76–8, 80–81
womb 180–85
Cardiazol 20–21
carinas 77–8
carotid artery 71, 72, 121
Cataract (Berger) 40–41
cataracts 34, 36, 38–41
catatonia 20–21
caul 191–2
Cenacolo (Leonardo da Vinci) 47–9, 50, 57
Cerletti, Ugo 21–2
Chawla, Hector 34–5
breast 92–9
heart 82–91
lung 71–81
child abuse 122–4
China 191, 192
Chinese medicine 72–3, 132
collarbone 105–6
Collins, Brigid 96–9
coma 3, 147–9, 152–5
conception 165–70, 173, 174–9
corrugator supercilli 45
cremation 207–8
crepitation 74
Crimean War 112
crucifixion 125, 126–8
cryogenics 195–6
cutting 121–4
da Vinci, Leonardo 1, 49–50
anatomy 50, 222
The Last Supper 47–9, 50, 57
muscles and facial expression 46–9, 50, 56, 57
placenta 189
Darwin, Charles 57, 59
David Copperfield (Dickens) 191–2
De Motu Cordis (Harvey) 88
de Zerbis, Gabriele 133
death 71–2, 81, 206–7
angor animi 85
cremation 207–8
womb cancer 180–86
deliberate self-harm (DSH) 121–4
della Torre, Marcantonio 50
Demirel, Selçuk 41
depression 16–19, 27–8
depressor anguli oris 45
Descartes 9–10, 85
Deuteronomy 191
dialysis 135
diastole 83, 84
Dibb, Michael 40
Dickens, Charles 191–2
Diomedes 113–14
dizziness 60, 63–8
Doors of Perception (Huxley) 40
Duncan, Andrew 15
dura mater 12, 14
ear 60–68
ectopic pregnancy 166
psychiatric hospital 15–19
Royal Botanic Garden 143–5
Western General Hospital 93–4
see also University of Edinburgh
Einstein, Albert 33
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 16–19, 21–8
electroencephalograms (EEGs) 24
eloquent brain 13
emergency medicine 2, 103, 115–16, 122, 124
angor animi 85
death 71–2
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 44
Empedocles 32
emphysema 76
epilepsy 10–14, 19–20
Epley, John 65–8
Eros 173–4
Essays on the Anatomy of the Expression in Painting (Bell) 56
Exequy (King) 82
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin) 57, 59
expressions 3, 46–9, 50, 56, 57, 58–9
eye 31–43, 71, 72
Eyeless in Gaza (Huxley) 40
Ezekiel 150
face 3, 44–59, 78
fairy tales 3, 151–3
fascism 21
fear 50, 58, 59
feet 127–8, 210–22
Fergusson, Robert 15
fetoliths 166
fibrillation 85–6
fibroadenomas 94–5
fibrocystic change 94, 95
Fillan, St. 143
Findlater, Gordon 214, 216, 218, 219
Finlay, Alec 131, 143–5
First World War 112
Fisher, Carrie 28
footprints 212–13, 221–2
Forestus 167
Fortunate Man, A (Berger) 42
Fox, Chris 40
Frankenstein (Shelley) 7
Frazer, James 192, 193
Freud, Sigmund 28, 173–4
Frissure (Jamie) 92, 99
frontalis 45, 50, 52, 58, 59
Galen 110, 167, 172, 176
gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) 115, 147
Genesis 202–4, 208–9
genitalia 165–79
Gerentocomia (de Zerbis) 133
glaucoma 36
Glaucus 113–14
glia 20
Gold of Tigers, The (Borges) 37
Golden Bough, The (Frazer) 192, 193
gout 214
Gräfenberg, Ernst 172
eyes 32–3
faces 53
heart 89
Homer 3, 103, 106–8, 110–12, 113–14
kidneys 133
lungs 72–3
Omphalos 190, 194
seizures 19
Thanatos 173–4
vertigo 60, 64
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 146, 151–3
“Halving, The” (Robertson) 87, 88, 90–91
hand 125–6, 214
boxer’s fracture 117–20
crucifixion 125, 126–8
“Hanging Man, The” (Plath) 26
Harvey, William 88
ear 60–68
eye 31–43
face 44–59
injuries to 111, 112
see also brain
healing 3, 92–9, 132–3, 142–4
Heaney, Seamus 194–5
heart 82–91, 149–50
heel 127–8
Here Is Where We Meet (Berger) 42
Heredity 2 (Jamie) 98
Herodotus 186, 190
Hippocrates 15, 64, 109, 167
hips 199–209
Hitler, Adolf 21
Hollis, Richard 40
Homer 3, 103, 106–8, 110–12, 113–14
Hooke, Robert 134
Hungary 191
Huxley, Aldous 40
Iceland 192
Iliad, The (Homer) 3, 103, 106–8, 110–12, 113–14
creased vocal resonance 74
Indonesia 192–3
infertility 165, 168–70, 174–9
inner ear 60–8
IVF 175–6, 177–8
Jacob and the angel 202–4, 208–9
Jamie, Kathleen 92, 95–8
Jannini, Emmanuele 172
Japan 192
Joyce, James 31, 156
Jung, Carl 174
Kepler, Johannes 33, 34
Kesey, Ken 26
kidney 131–45
Killin 143–4
King, Bishop Henry 82
“Kist” (Collins) 98
Kodama, Maria 42
Kolff, Willem 135
Kristmundsdottir, Fanney 9–10
Laetoli 212–13, 221
Lancet 177
large bowel 156–8
larynx 79
Last Supper, The (Leonardo da Vinci) 47–9, 50, 57
Leakey, Mary 212–13
feet and toes 210–22
hips 199–209
Leonardo da Vinci see da Vinci, Leonardo
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 45, 50, 58, 59
light 33–4
feet and toes 210–22
hip 199–209
shoulder 103–14
wrist and hand 115–28
lips 78
liver 146–55
liver function tests (LFTs) 146–47, 155
lobotomy 21
Logos 174
lower limb
feet and toes 210–22
hip 199–209
lung 71–81, 151
McDowall, David 141–2
Maleficent (Disney) 153
Malpighi, Marcello 134
Mantel, Hilary 84
march fractures 214
Marcus Aurelius 171
Married Love (Stopes) 177
Meduna, Ladislas 20–21
meiosis 165
fertility 191
infertility 165, 177
Logos 174
orgasm 170–73
rectum 157
menstruation 177
Mental Health Act 18
metacarpals 125
Micrographia (Hooke) 134
military medicine 109–10
Milton, John 36, 37, 40
mitral valve 83
Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci) 47
Monro, Alexander (Secundus) 217
Montaigne (Emerson) 44
Morton’s neuromas 214
Mossbawm (Heaney) 194–5
moxibustion 132
face 44–53, 57–8
forearm 119
hand 125
larynx 79
Mussolini, Benito 21
Napoleonic Wars 54–5
face 50–53, 55–6, 57–8
injury 112–13
shoulder 108–9
Neuroanatomy Teaching Laboratory 7–8
neurology 21
neurosurgery 10–14
neurotransmitters 25
Newton, Isaac 33, 134
nightstick fracture 111
nose 78–9
Omphalos 190, 194
On Dizziness (Theophrastus) 60
On Nature (Parmenides) 71
On the Sacred Disease (Hippocrates) 15
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey) 26
ophthalmology 31–43
orbicularis oculi 45, 58
organ donation 139–42, 143–5
orgasm 167–8, 170–73, 176
osteochondritis 201
ovulation 167, 169, 172, 177
pacemakers 85–6
palsy 51–3, 55–6, 57–8, 59
Paracelsus 19–20
Parmenides 71
afterbirth 186–96
genitalia 165–79
womb 180–85
Perceforest 152
Pinard stethoscope 90
pineal body 9–10
placentas 3, 186–96
plantar fasciitis 214
Plath, Sylvia 26, 28
Plato 32–3, 34
Prometheus 150
psychiatry 15–28
psychotherapy 28
psychotic depression 16, 27–8
pudendal nerve 170–72
pulmonary valve 83
pump-head 87–8, 89
radial artery 121
rectum 156–61
Robertson, Robin 86, 87, 88, 90–91
Rodin, Auguste 158
Romans 110
crucifixion 126–8
female sexuality 167
infertility 176
swords 111
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 143–5
Russia 192
saccule 61–2, 65
sacrum 171
Sade, Marquis de 167
Sadler, John 177
Samson Agonistes (Milton) 40
schizophrenia 20, 22
Scottish ECT Accreditation Network (SEAN) 26
seagull murmur 87
seasickness 63
Seed, The (Hippocrates) 167
seizures 10–14
camphor-induced 19–20
Cardiazol induced 20–21
electroconvulsive therapy 18, 19, 21–5
electroencephalograms 24
self-harm 121–4
septicemia 148–9, 153–5
sexuality 167–8, 170–3
Sforza, Francesco 46–7
Shakespeare, William 36, 53, 150
Shelley, Mary 7
shock therapy 16–19, 21–8
shoulder 3, 103–14
Sicke Woman’s Private Looking Glass, The (Sadler) 177
Sinclair, Iain 53
Skene’s glands 172
skin 136
sky burial 142
sleeping beauties 152–3
Snow White 146, 151–3
Song of Myself (Whitman) 180, 223
and brain 9–10
and face muscles 46
and heart 88
and lips 78
speech 11–13, 23
sperm 165, 171, 172–3
stem cells 195–6
Sterne, Laurence 165
stethoscopes 74, 89–90
stigmata 128
stones 132–3, 142–4
Stopes, Marie 177
stroke 52, 64
Svevo, Italo 199–200
systole 83, 84
Tacitus 150
Taigh (Finlay) 131, 143–5
Taylor, William 173
Teucer 106–8, 111
Theophrastus 60
Tibet 131–3, 142–3, 202
toes 210–11
transplantation 131, 135–42, 143–5
tricuspid valve 83
Tristram Shandy (Sterne) 165
tumors see cancer
ulna 111
Ulysses (Joyce) 156
umbilical cords 3, 186–7, 195–6
University of Edinburgh 7–8, 216–20
“Unsystematic Anatomy” (Bamforth) 199
upper limb
shoulder 103–14
wrist and hand 115–28
utricle 61, 65
vagina 78, 172
Vasari, Giorgio 49
vertigo 60, 63–8
Vesalius 133–4
vibrators 167–8
Virgil 111
vision 31–43
vocal cords 79
Volsunga Saga 42
Warner, Marina 151, 153
Waterloo, Battle of 54–5, 110
Ways of Seeing (Berger) 40
Western General Hospital 93–4
Whitman, Walt 180, 223
b 180–85, 187
breast cancer 92–9
eating placenta 190–91
Eros 174
fertility 177
infertility 165–6, 169, 176–7
orgasm 166–8, 170–73, 176–7
rectum 157
womb cancer 180–85
Woolf, Virginia 219
wrist 115, 121, 125–6
X-rays 76, 77, 158, 160–62
Zohar 203
zygomaticus 44–5, 52, 58
GAVIN FRANCIS is a physician and the author of True North: Travels in Arctic Europe and Empire Antarctica: Ice, Silence and Emperor Penguins, which won the Scottish Book of the Year Award, was shortlisted for the Ondaatje Prize and the Costa Prize, and was named a best book of the year by The Economist and the Financial Times. A regular contributor to the London Review of Books, the Guardian, and the New York Review of Books, Francis lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. Find out more about Gavin Francis at his website, www.gavinfrancis.com.
Adventures in Human Being Page 21