Gang of Broken Hearts

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Gang of Broken Hearts Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It’s patriotic, yet the evil-looking side of it expresses the turmoil felt living and surviving as a soldier.”

  She traced the angel wings. “And the wings?”

  “Just the possible reason why I didn’t die in battle. Like maybe there was a guardian angel watching over me.”

  She hugged his neck and smiled with her lips close to his.

  “So that she could bring you to me so I could finally know what it’s like to be cared for and to be happy.” She kissed him, and when their lips parted, he held her gaze.

  “So I could love you like I’ve never loved another before.”

  The tears filled her eyes, and she lay her head against his chest.

  “I love you, too. I feel it. For all of you.”

  He ran his hands along her ass and squeezed.

  “They feel it, too. I know they do.”

  Dee pulled back slightly and leaned against the wall. “Take me here in the shower. Make love to me, Hunter. Please.”

  He aligned his cock with her pussy and slowly pushed up into her.

  “I love you, Dee. Always.”

  Chapter 10

  “You want me to bring her to Dallas immediately? Can’t you send someone to meet me with the cash so I can disappear faster?” Keller asked Raven over the phone.

  “No. We don’t want to let on to anyone that we’re looking for her. It’s a damn miracle that you found Dee,” Raven said.

  “Well, when I saw that mass text you sent out, I was shocked. I need that fucking money, and I’d be happy to get back at her boyfriends.”

  “Boyfriends?” Raven asked.

  “Oh yeah, sorry, bud, but your bitch is fucking four men. Big guys, too.”

  “I want her here like yesterday.”

  “I’ll get her to you as soon as the opportunity shows itself.”

  “You’d better, or the money isn’t yours.”

  “I wouldn’t fuck things up with you guys. I want in with Black Titans. I’ll do this and disappear for a little while so no one tries to lock me up for abducting her, and then I’ll come back to Dallas. You’ll hook me up in your gang?”

  “Ghost and I will be grateful if you accomplish this. Therefore I’m sure we can come up with a nice suitable position that will keep you financially stable.”

  “Fucking A! You got it. I’ll see you soon.”

  Keller disconnected the call and thought about his plan. It seemed to be the only opportunity to snag the bitch without being seen, but he needed to be careful. This town was filled with do-gooders and retired soldiers, including Sunny and his crew.

  He walked over to the duffel bag and checked his gear. He unwrapped the black bandanna and exposed the thirty-eight caliber. Lifting it, he checked the bullets, made sure it was fully loaded, then closed it up.

  “Get ready, pretty little lady. I’m coming for ya, and you’re heading home where you belong.”

  He thought about Dee, the sexy little blonde with her blue eyes and sinful body. What he would do if he had a chance to taste a little of that. He licked his lips, but he knew better. Raven and, especially, Ghost were sick sons of bitches. Plus, they were new leaders in Black Titans. Keller wanted to be part of that group so badly he ached inside. They would have his back, and he would have theirs. Bringing Dee as a gift as he joined them as a member would go real far.

  He felt anxious, nervous, determined to succeed.

  He’d do it. Keller never failed, and this was so big he’d die trying if necessary.

  * * * *

  Sunny kissed Dee then gave her a wink as he dropped her off at the insurance company. She smiled and waved so sweetly his heart accelerated. Here he was a six-foot-three badass Marine with tattoos and muscles galore, and he was giving a dainty wave to his little lady. Fuck yeah, I’m in love with her.

  He headed back to his truck and got inside to join Marino. “Dee said she needs to work until seven tonight. I told her that Travis and Hunter will come by to pick her up and that we’ll handle dinner.”

  “Sounds good to me. Damn, it’s going to be a long day,” Marino said.

  “Why is that?” Sunny asked as he pulled onto the main road and headed toward the new job they’d just started.

  “Not seeing her, holding her in my arms, hell, making love to her. It’s going to be torture being apart.”

  “Get over it. You’re a grown man, and it’s only a matter of hours.”

  Marino gave Sunny a shove. “You’re feeling it, too, ain’t ya?”

  Sunny was quiet, and then he got real serious. “I sure as shit am. I love her, and it scares me to think about how fucking lucky I am and how special she is.”

  “We’re all pretty fucking lucky. Let’s not screw this up,” Marino added.

  “Deal. Now no more talk of Dee until quitting time.”

  “No promises, Sunny. Definitely no promises.”

  * * * *

  Dee was getting tired. She’d just finished up another long letter and filing an insurance claim on a home fire when Leonard walked over to her desk. She glanced at the clock. Six. One more hour maybe.

  “How is everything going? I’ve been meaning to ask you about Sunny and his friends. They’ve been keeping an eye on you with that situation you were running from?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know about the guys from the gang in Dallas. I was informed and told to be diligent in watching over you. I, of course, told Wyatt that I’ve always watched over you, even if you never noticed.” He looked out the window with a distant look in his eyes.

  She had a funny feeling. Leonard liked her, and she needed to be careful here, or she could lose her job and lose a friend.

  “I know you do, Leonard, and I appreciate it. I really don’t want to talk about Dallas though.”

  “Well, do you think it’s a good idea to get involved with another bunch of bikers after what nearly happened to you in Dallas? It doesn’t seem smart, Dee.”

  She was surprised.

  “Don’t you like Sunny, Hunter, Travis, and Marino?” she asked.

  “They’re good men, but they’re still hard core and look ready to kill on the spot. You’re so sweet and big-hearted. You need coddling, not manhandling.”

  “Leonard, they treat me right. They’re very caring and gentle.”

  He squinted and then exhaled. “It’s serious then? You’re letting them claim you as their woman?”

  “It’s already done.”

  He was quiet, and then he gave her a smile.

  “I know I’m not as big and strong as them, but that doesn’t matter. You better tell me if they ever try something or hurt you. I’ll kill them myself,” he said then stood up.

  She smiled. “I appreciate that, Leonard, but I don’t think it will be necessary. Thanks.”

  He walked into his office, and Dee stood up and exhaled. She needed a minute of fresh air. She had been at these documents all day. She thought about the guys and then about Marino. He’d texted her twice telling her how much he missed her and that he had plans for her and the couch in the cabana at their place. She texted him back about making love under the moonlight and then pressed Send.

  Giggling and feeling excited to get through the last hour, she grabbed a bottle of water and headed toward the back door. Just five minutes of sunlight before sunset and she could go on for another hour. Five minutes.

  * * * *

  Sunny had just finished showering and was staring at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen. Another whole fucking hour before he could see Dee. He chuckled to himself as he realized how insane this was. He’d never fallen in love. Not really. Not like this. After dedicating so many years to serving his country he believed his heart was hardened, even broken, because nothing affected anymore. Not in the same powerful way being in love with Dee had. Sure, when he heard about a family, someone in need, he was compelled to assist, but he didn’t feel emotional, on edge, desperate, even obsessed.

  With Dee, he felt all of th
at and then some. Like after the shower, when he’d walked into his room, he could have sworn that he smelled her perfume. He looked around, wondering, hoping that she may have gotten off work early and gotten here, and then he was concerned. He worried about her, and he was protective of her. He would have spanked her ass if she left work alone without one of them protecting her.

  He exhaled as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m losing it.”

  “You’re in love,” Marino countered, coming into the kitchen looking the none too happy.

  “Did I say that out loud?” Sunny asked as Travis and Hunter walked in.

  “Sure as shit did, but don’t worry, we’re all feeling the same way. It’s fucking crazy when you think about all the shit we’ve gone through together,” Marino said.

  “I remember being new Marines, fresh out of training and thinking we could kick the world’s ass,” Travis stated.

  “Speak for yourself. I still can kick the world’s ass,” Hunter replied and then flexed his muscles and pointed to the Marine Corps symbol on his arm.

  “Oorah!” Sunny called out, and they all repeated it then chuckled.

  They’d been silent a few moments when Sunny spoke.

  “I want Dee to live here permanently. I think we should ask her to move in with us and sell her place or even rent it for income or something.”

  “I’m all for that, and you guys know it, but keep in mind, she’s different from other women. She’s sweet, conservative, and classy, and well, I think we should ask her to marry us,” Travis said to them.

  Sunny felt his chest tighten, and instantly, he was sick with fear. He swallowed hard.

  “Jesus,” Sunny said aloud and ran his fingers through his hair. He felt panicked and like an anxiety attack was coming on.

  “I’m all for that,” Travis said. “I love her, and I can tell the three of you that I’ve never felt anything like this. I never really thought about having a wife, kids, doing school plays or Halloween and trick-or-treating, but fuck if I sound like a pussy when I say I want that. I could see a beautiful little blonde Dee sitting on my lap, calling me Daddy, and loving her to the moon and back.”

  “To the moon and back?” Hunter teased.

  “Fuck yeah,” Travis said. “I’ve seen some of our friends with kids. It changes a man. Makes him see there’s more to life than fighting, surviving, and feeling lonely. There’s more to live for. We think loving Dee has changed us and made us crazy. Just wait until she’s pregnant with our babies. That’s when we’ll really be crazy.”

  “This is a huge step. Asking Dee to marry us. She’s young, gorgeous, and classy. Sometimes I feel like an old used-up soldier that doesn’t have enough to offer a woman like her. I mean, to be honest, I get this pain in my stomach and start feeling like I can’t breathe. What the fuck is that? Nothing has ever gotten to me, but thinking of life without Dee, and no way would it be the same. It would suck,” Sunny admitted.

  Marino slapped his hand on Sunny’s shoulder. “You don’t think we all feel the same way? It’s natural because we care so much already. But remember why we decided that this type of relationship would work for the four of us.”

  “Marino’s right. And we waited for months, nearly a year to make a move. Dee loves us, too. Together, where one of us fails or has difficulty, the others are there to assist. We can’t fail her as a team, and I believe we can’t fail her individually. We need to ask her to marry us. It’s right for Dee, and it’s right for us. We’ve earned that happiness, and so has Dee,” Travis said to them.

  Sunny placed his hands on the island in the kitchen and looked at his team, his brothers.

  “You’re my family, my brothers, my best friends. We’ve been through heavy shit, and we’ve shared good times. I don’t have any fears sharing Dee with the three of you. I know together we can provide her with everything she needs and more, that we can raise kids together with Dee and be exceptionally happy. Just bear with me for moments like before when I feel like I’m not good enough or when I remember some of the bad shit I needed to do to survive.”

  “Sunny, getting through the bad shit and doing what needed to be done to survive was worth it to make it here to this moment and to realize together it was to find love and find Dee,” Travis told him.

  “Well fuck, are we going to start crying and singing ‘Kumbaya’?” Marino chimed in, and they started laughing.

  “Fuck no. We’re Marines!” Sunny yelled out.

  “Oorah!” They all yelled out and then grunted and carried on like they always did when they were psyched over something or about to do a mission. They high fived one another and all looked determined and ready. This would work out just fine.

  Sunny felt that twinge of uneasiness in his gut as they all started laughing and then talking about ways to propose to Dee. He pushed the uneasiness aside, thinking he was so damn desperate to see her that he imagined she was in danger or that something bad would happen to her. He shook off the sensation and added his comments to those of his team. He glanced at his watch. Forty-five more minutes and then they could go get Dee and bring her home.

  Home. He hoped Dee accepted their proposal and moved in immediately. That would give him peace of mind and hopefully get rid of this feeling he had weighing on his heart.

  * * * *

  Dee was sitting on the wooden crate drinking down the bottle of water. She couldn’t help the feeling she had. It was as if she was desperate to see her men and feel their arms wrapped around her. She thought about their bodies and how sexy, muscular, and fit they were. Each of them had such unique qualities, yet they were similar. They were dominant, commanding, and powerful. But despite the way those things intimidated her, they also aroused her and made the men even more attractive. She loved getting lost in their arms, their kisses, and, oh yeah, their bodies. In the last few weeks, she’d allowed them complete access to her in every way, physically and emotionally, and she still wanted more. She wanted to always feel that deep connection to them when they were making love together.

  She sighed and then glanced at her watch. “Forty-five more minutes. Damn.”

  As she stood up, she felt the presence behind her and turned. Shocked to see Keller standing there, she back stepped toward the door, and he drew a gun.

  “Don’t even think about it, Deirdre. You’re coming with me.” He stepped closer and grabbed her upper arm. The gun was against her belly, and he stared down into her eyes.

  She didn’t know what to do.

  “Don’t make a sound. I’d hate to have to kill that wimpy boss of yours. Cooperate and no one will get hurt.”

  “Why are you doing this? I don’t have a beef with you.”

  He grabbed her, pulling her toward the side of the building and some beat-up car.

  “You’re important to me. That’s all you need to know. Oh, and that if you put up a fight, I’m prepared to beat the fuck out of you and bring you to our destination unconscious. I really don’t fucking care.”

  As he opened the door, she tried to make a move and escape, but before her feet hit the ground to sprint away, she felt the blow to her head from the butt of the gun.

  Her head spun, and her vision blurred. Scared, desperate, she scratched at his face, cutting his skin with her nails, and he tackled her into the back seat of the car. He struck her several times, and she felt herself losing consciousness.

  “You stupid bitch. Raven and Ghost aren’t going to want to see you like this.” He turned her onto her belly, and his words sank in.

  Raven and Ghost? He knows Raven and Ghost? He’s taking me to them?

  He tied her hands tightly behind her back and then her ankles.

  “Please. Please don’t take me there. Please, they’ll kill me.”

  He rolled her to her back. Her shirt was ripped open, and her skirt raised mid thigh. She couldn’t move. The tears flowed from her eyes, and her head began to pound.

  Keller clutched her chin and cheek. “No, they won’t kill y
ou. They’re going to marry you, fuck you, and wipe away those four dicks you been screwing, and then you’ll bear their children and secure the bloodline for Black Titans. You’re that fucking special, Deirdre, and I’m going to hand you over and secure my own position. Now behave. It’s a long ride to Dallas.”

  He leaned down and kissed her lips, and she spat as he chuckled then slammed the door closed.

  She struggled to get free, but she felt weak, achy from the strikes to her face and the hit to her head. He pulled out of the back parking lot slowly and headed out of Pearl. This was it. Raven and Ghost had won. She would never see Sunny, Travis, Marino, and Hunter again. Never.

  * * * *

  Sunny, Marino, Travis, and Hunter all arrived in town to get Dee. Hunter had to laugh. They were so desperate to see her, and he couldn’t wait to kiss her then bring her home and make love to her.

  But as they approached town, they saw the sheriff’s patrol truck and a few other vehicles pulling in front of the insurance company and blocking the road.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Sunny asked, pulling into a spot down the street.

  They all got out, and suddenly Sunny’s cell phone rang. He lifted it to answer as he hurried with his brothers down the sidewalk. He had it on speakerphone.

  “Sunny, get to the insurance company. We think Dee’s been abducted,” Wyatt told him.

  “Abducted? What the fuck?”

  His brothers looked at him, and then he saw Wyatt. Sunny closed up the phone, and they ran toward Wyatt. Dale and Quaid were there, too.

  “What the hell is going on? Where is Dee?” Hunter asked before Sunny or the others could.

  “We’ve got men casing the town and talking to the locals to see if they saw anything about thirty minutes or so ago. It looks like Dee was taken from the back parking lot,” Wyatt told them.

  “Taken? By fucking who?” Hunter asked.

  “Wyatt, Virgo’s got the surveillance cameras footage,” Dale called to him.


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