The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 5

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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 5 Page 7

by Maxim Jakubowski

  Sam felt all the evening’s tension slip away as he hugged her, as she snuggled her cheek against his, as she pressed her breasts against his chest, her legs against his legs. She was finally in his arms. This girl he had dreamed of since junior high was there with him, holding him, and this was no dream. He kissed her gently on her cheek.

  Tyler brushed her lips across Sam’s face until her lips found his. He kissed her back, softly at first, his lips parting until their tongues found each other. His kiss remained soft as his hands moved from the small of her back down to her rear. He squeezed her ass, pressing her against him, his crotch digging into hers.

  Still kissing, Sam worked her dress up with his fingers until his hands were on her panties, rubbing across the cool slickness of her silky panties. The fingers of his right hand slipped under the elastic, and he felt the naked flesh of her ass.

  Tyler’s hands rose to his head to run her fingers through his hair. Lifting her right knee, she wrapped her leg around his waist, feeling his crotch moving slowly against hers, feeling a flush of dampness growing between her legs. The stiffness of his erection pushed against her.

  Sam moved a hand up and unzipped her dress down to her waist. He sank his hand down into her panties from the top this time. He squeezed her ass.

  Tyler pulled her right leg down. Breathing heavily, she pushed his jacket off, loosened his tie, pulled it off, and unbuttoned his shirt. She unbuckled his belt and opened his pants.

  Their lips parted momentarily when Sam pulled her dress off. He took a second to look at her as she stood in front of him, running her hands through her short hair. Her chest rose with her heavy breathing. He watched her bare breasts rise, their delicate roundness, the pointy nipples. She was wearing white panties, thin enough for him to see the dark hair between her legs. Her stockings were held up by lacy elastic bands at the top, an inch or so from her crotch. He bent over and removed her heels and began pulling her stockings down.

  He kissed his way up her legs, alternating from one to the other as his hands returned to kneading her ass. He traced his tongue up her thighs. He lightly kissed the front of her panties and moved up to her navel. He tongued her navel and stood, moving his hands to her breasts now to squeeze them softly, to run his finger over her nipples.

  Tyler was breathing much heavier now. When Sam moved his mouth to hers, she yanked off his shirt and tossed it. Then she worked his pants down and off. She knelt in front of him, took off his loafers and each sock. Craning her neck up, she tucked her fingers into the waistband of his jockey shorts and pulled them down. Sam’s erection was straight up, thick and swollen, surrounded by hair as dark as the thick hair on his head.

  She ran her fingers over the delicate hairs between his navel and the base of his dick. She circled his dick with the fingers of her left hand, letting her right hand caress his balls. She kissed the tip of his dick softly, then licked her way down, along the warm shaft that led to his pubic bush and then back up to the hypersensitive membranes at the tip.

  Tyler moved her head back and forth flicking her tongue along the underside of his dick. Sam moaned deeply. Tyler’s hands grabbed his ass now as he pumped her mouth.

  Sam felt the passion rising quickly in his thighs and pulled her up to kiss her again. He shoved his hands into her panties and pushed them down. She lifted her legs to step out of them. Grabbing her ass again, he pulled her to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her legs as Sam rubbed the length of his dick against the front of her pussy, against her silky, wet pubic hair.

  Moving to the bed, Tyler climbed on backward. Sam moved over her. He paused as she lay back. He looked at her body, at her soft breasts and hard nipples, at the flatness of her belly, at her reddish pubic hair and the pink slit of her pussy. He kissed her pubic hair, ran his tongue through its silkiness to the top of her slit.

  “Oh,” Tyler sighed.

  Sam looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed as she moved her hips slowly. Her face looked so lovely. He licked her pussy, inserted his tongue into her, and began to rub his tongue against her. He flicked his tongue in quick movements, and then pressed it hard and rubbed it against her.

  Tyler began to make crying sounds. She reached down and pulled his hair, pulled his lips up to hers. When he kissed her, she grabbed his dick. Tyler guided Sam’s dick to the opening of her pussy. She pulled her knees up to allow him to enter her smoothly. She felt his thick, hard dick sinking into her, filling her, causing shudders of passion to pulse through her body.

  Pumping her, working his dick in her, Sam kissed her neck and throat and around to the soft spot beneath her right ear. Tyler let out deep cries with each pump, her voice husky and sexy as she cried, “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh! Ohhhhhh!”

  Tyler was near tears as she felt herself shudder in climax. Sam’s balls continued bouncing against her ass. She grabbed his shoulders and felt the tightness of his lean body as he made love with her, as he screwed her, as he fucked her, as he sent her through a second climax, a much deeper one, one that caused her to cry out louder.

  Sam worked his dick feverishly now as he felt his semen spurting into Tyler, losing the years of unfulfilled passion, the years of dreaming of doing this with her.

  “Oh, darling” he cried.

  He held her close after, cuddling with her. She snuggled against his chest and felt herself winding down slowly. Later, when she craned up her neck, she saw he was looking at her and kissed him. Their kissing led to a long, slow second lovemaking.

  They took small naps between making love, sleeping wrapped in each other’s arms. After, they fell into a deep sleep, still snuggled together, beneath the sheets.

  Some time before the gray dawn, Tyler woke. Still in Sam’s arms, she blinked away the sleep from her eyes and watched him sleep. He looked so much younger asleep, more like the eighteen-year-old of her memories than the man who’d just loved her all night. His mouth was slightly open and his moustache was messed up, his thick hair disheveled.

  The room was still scented with the faint odor of their steaks. Nuzzling close to him, she smelled the mustiness of their sex, the sweet smell of his semen mixed with the distinctive scent of her juices.

  Tyler remembered how they’d made love the first time, on the banks of the Little Blue, on a bed of cool grass, the green scent of woods around them. It was a freak winter, a Christmas Eve with temperatures in the high sixties. It was their first Christmas together. They were nineteen.

  She felt a sudden sadness because Sam wouldn’t remember their first time, just as he wouldn’t remember this time.

  Tyler put barrettes in her hair, high on the sides of her head. In the early morning light, her hair showed streaks of blond. Sam watched her as they sat eating a late breakfast next to the frosty window in his hotel room, their hotel room. He noticed how her hands never seemed to keep still, how they darted around as she spoke and ate and lifted her coffee cup to her pretty lips.

  The room was filled with the smell of fresh muffins and steamy coffee and pancakes. Tyler ate two chocolate chip pancakes, covered with whipped cream. Sam had blueberry pancakes with cane syrup.

  Sam liked the warm look on Tyler’s face that morning, that look of a woman who’s just been loved, that lecherous glint in her eye when their eyes met and she smiled at him. He knew his face must look the same, satisfied and warmed from all the intimacy.

  “Remember the time your gym shorts split?” he asked.

  Tyler covered her mouth and laughed. He’d caught her with a mouthful of pancake. He liked the way she laughed, especially after she swallowed and really laughed, deep and satisfying, no “tee hee” like a shy schoolgirl. She was a shy schoolgirl the first time he saw her panties back in junior high when her gym shorts split.

  It was at a basketball game. Tyler, her hair in a double ponytail, was the team’s ace player at stealing the ball. Sam had gone to the girl’s basketball game just to see her play. It was in the school cafeteria, instead of the gym, and Sam sat in
a chair near to where the team sat.

  He first noticed her gym shorts were split when she ran past him. He saw a light-colored streak along the rear of her blue team shorts. He had been looking at her butt as she moved away from him, just as he’d followed her hips down the halls.

  “Tell me about it again,” Tyler said, moving her hand up to her right ear to toy with one of her earrings. She had three earrings in her right ear and four in her left, all delicate gold hoops.

  “It wasn’t until your second pass that I was sure I was seeing your panties. I remember how excited I became.”

  “Got erect?”

  “Immediately.” Sam smiled. “Had to adjust myself in my seat.” He felt a faint longing in his loins again as he replayed the first erection she’d given him.

  “Then you stole the ball from a girl and ran right near me and stopped to dribble a second. It was then I could see your panties clearly, those light multicolored panties. Looked like satin. I remember the split was right down the center of your shorts, big enough to see both cheeks.”

  “Ouuu,” Tyler said in a deep flirtatious tone.

  “Then you came and stood right in front of me. Your hands on your knees, bent at the waist. Pointing your ass right at me.” Sam snickered. “I was mesmerized.”

  Tyler liked the sound of that. Too bad they were so young back then.

  “I remember looking around after you moved on. I saw one of our teachers, our math teacher, Mr. Cotton. He was also watching you, looking at your panties too.”

  “Everyone saw,” Tyler said. “After our coach told me about it, I asked why she didn’t warn me. She said I was playing so well . . .”

  “Yeah,” Sam agreed. “I remember a couple of boys, older boys, whispering and pointing at you as you passed. They were getting a big kick out of seeing your panties.”

  Tyler rolled her eyes and laughed that deep laugh again.

  “That bothered me, those guys looking.”

  “Oh?” She was teasing now.

  Sam glanced out the window at the snowy scene outside. “I remember the slickness of your panties and how I wondered what it would be like to touch you there.”


  Sam had no problem remembering the game. The memory was so vivid. He was bothered though, trying to remember what he’d done yesterday and the day before that. Over dinner the previous evening, he felt frustrated when he tried to tell Tyler about his life, about his successes and his business dealings. He was confused. “Probably the anticipation,” he told himself.

  Tyler narrowed her eyes and said, “Remember the fire drill in high school?”

  The fire drill was his most erotic memory from high school, even more than Mary Jane, the girl he lost his virginity to in a Chevy after a swim meet.

  “I had a real crush on you by then,” Tyler said.

  Sam felt suddenly sad. His voice sounded hollow. “I didn’t know.”

  “I know you didn’t.”

  It was a chilly day in December when the fire drill caught Sam and the rest of the boys in his gym class in the showers. An excitable coach came in and hustled the boys out into the gym. There was a fire in the cafeteria. Sam grabbed a towel, wrapped it around his waist, and went out to discover that the girls, also in towels, were standing outside of their shower room.

  For the next few minutes, both classes stood in close proximity, wrapped in towels while their gym instructors rushed off to check the status of the fire. Outside, the rest of the student body was assembled in the snow.

  Sam remembered the growing erection beneath his towel as he checked out each and every girl. All of them were naked beneath those towels. Naked! He remembered the tension, so thick in the quiet gym that he felt hot even though it was goosebump chilly. Everyone looked at one another in complete silence. He remembered Tyler. He had never seen so much of her long legs. Her towel, like most of the girls, barely covered her from her armpits to just below the cheeks of her ass. It was so sexy.

  He remembered her smile. When the coaches came back in and barked their orders for them to go back into their respective showers, Tyler’s eyes met his and she smiled at him, warmly, a hint of naughtiness in the lively green of her eyes.

  She looked at him with a similar look as he poured her a fresh cup of coffee. Staring at her face as she reached for her coffee and took a sip, he realized just how much he adored that face.

  The Little Blue River was partially frozen with clumps of snowy ice along its banks, and mini-icebergs lodged in its shallow stream. Sam led the way down to the edge of the bank, Tyler’s gloved hand in his. Wrapped in their overcoats, the couple stood on the bank, arms around each other’s waists.

  Tyler turned to watch Sam’s face as he gazed at the river. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. It was cold. He pulled her closer. Their breath came out frosty and mixed in the frigid air.

  “I just wanted to see the river again,” Sam explained. He could feel Tyler trembling. He looked at the icy water for another long moment before pulling Tyler away from the bank, and walking with her back through the trees and across Pawnee Park toward their hotel.

  They snuggled as they moved, which slowed them, but felt so good. Sam always wanted to walk with the woman he loved across Pawnee Park. He’d dreamed of it. Only, in his dreams it was always summer and Tyler was in a light dress.

  Tyler had a similar dream, a dream of walking arm-in-arm with the man she loved through the park. In her dream it was always autumn and they would stroll through the crisp red and yellow leaves. They would even kick the leaves, like high schoolers. Now, as they approached Washington Avenue to cross to get back to the hotel, Tyler noticed that the leaves that weren’t covered in snow were soggy and black.

  Pausing before they crossed the street, Sam looked back in the direction of the river. He let out a long frosty sigh.

  “It’s lonely, isn’t it?”

  “What is?”

  “The river. It’s such a lonely river.”

  Tyler felt an immediate heartache. They had made love for the first time on that very bank they had just stood on, all those years ago. She reached up, placed her hand on Sam’s chin and turned his face to her. She looked in his eyes and could tell: he had no idea. Of course. . . he was right. The Little Blue was the loneliest place on Earth. Sam leaned forward and they kissed.

  She felt her eyes watering up again. “No,” she told herself. She wouldn’t let it happen yet. She would fight it. Tucking her arms around Sam’s arm, she walked with him across the street.

  There wasn’t enough time to get depressed. Later, there would be plenty of time, plenty of time for that.

  They had a quiet dinner in their hotel room. Tyler had changed into the new dress she had bought after Thanksgiving, a gold strapless that fitted around her breasts and then full below the waist. She knew it would accentuate her coloring perfectly. She was thinking Sam never looked better in his light gray suit and a blood red tie.

  He loved her sculptured shoulders, the fine lines of her neck, the way she smiled at him. She had never looked more beautiful than that evening, in that strapless dress, her hair fluffed out and curled, the soft makeup above her eyes, the deep brownish-red lipstick.

  As they dined on veal and baked potato and rich Burgundy wine, Tyler felt it again, that wave of emptiness, that sinking feeling in her heart. “I won’t let it happen,” she told herself. “Not now.”

  But it happened anyway. It came to her while they made love. Like a rush, it filled her heart with a hollowness, surging into her throat, bringing the tears.

  Sam stopped in the middle and asked, “What is it, babe?”

  She couldn’t stop crying.

  “Oh, darling.” He held her tightly and kissed her eyes and her cheeks and her lips. She kissed him back and finally stopped crying, but only after a long time.

  A blizzard surged across the Kansas plains from the west and stuck Grayville shortly after dawn Christmas morning. Tyler was already awake, staring at th
e ceiling, holding on to her man as he slept next to her. She had her right arm under his neck and her left leg draped over his body. After a while, she looked at the window to see the snow slamming against the pane. She almost smiled. Snowed-in for Christmas with her man. What could be better?

  Later, as they sat up in bed cross-legged and naked, facing one another, they exchanged gifts. Sam gave her a gold necklace with a ruby pendant. Tyler gave him a lapel pin, an Egyptian scarab she’d had copied from the Treasures of King Tutankhamen. On the back she’d inscribed: All My Love Forever.

  Turning on the radio, Sam found a slow song so they could dance. Still naked, the couple embraced and moved slowly to the haunting voice of Marvin Gaye. Tyler felt her excitement growing with their bodies pressed together, moving with one another.

  In the middle of the second song, by Nat King Cole, Tyler felt her nerves acting up again, felt the depression pouring in on her. She fought it. She fought it hard and told herself she was with her man for Christmas. She was with her man for Christmas. She was with her man for Christmas!

  But she knew. Tomorrow, he would be gone.

  It came to Sam as soon as he woke. He had to go. He lay there for a while, Tyler pressed against him, her breath falling on his neck. He tried to concentrate on why. Why did he have to go? He couldn’t figure it out. There was something he had to do, something important. He had to go. That’s all he knew.

  He tried to fight it. Told himself he wasn’t going anywhere. He would stay with Tyler. But he knew, as sure as he knew the love in his heart for this woman was real, that he had to go.

  Pulling the covers back, Sam looked at Tyler as she lay on her belly next to him, facing away from him, her right leg curled up. Her creamy skin looked so beautiful in the morning light. He watched her, studying the lines and curves of her sleek body. He reached over and ran his hand along the small of her back, over her ass and around to her breasts. She felt warm. When Tyler woke with a start, he kissed her and smiled at her.


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