by Shara Azod

  “Look, while I am flattered by your attention, I came here to report a story,” Kiana tried to get back her footing once they were seated inside the luxurious conveyance.

  “And what story is that?” the General, Dragoş, asked sliding close to her side.

  The Prime Minister was close to the other side. She tried to move into the seats facing the ones they were currently seated at, but Valentin’s arm draped around her shoulder prevented it. She should probably complain about that. If only it didn’t feel so good!

  Truth be told, Kiana was a big old mass of confusion right about now. She didn’t understand her immediate, uncomfortably strong attraction to these two men. They were like Kiana magnets, pulling her in despite her best intentions. Oh, who was she kidding? She hadn’t put any effort at all into resisting the Alexandrescu brothers. Inside she was damn near preening at the attention. She had no idea what had brought her to their attention, but she wasn’t the least bit sorry about it.

  She was a grown woman. So what if she had a little affair? With not one but two men. Dictators. Despots. The men she was supposed to be reporting on.

  Shit! There was a lot wrong with this scenario.

  “You are thinking too hard,” the general, Dragoş murmured right next to her ear sending all kinds of primordial need rushing through her.

  “I am thinking you are too close,” she made a halfhearted attempt to sound tart, but she could hear the little mewing in her voice. She knew the two men sandwiching her hadn’t missed it either.

  “Am I?” Dragoş drawled out, curling her short locks around his finger.

  She meant to tell him about black women and their hair, meant to warn him to never touch without invitation. Meant to, but when she turned her head, lips fixed to give him a heaping dose of attitude, the words dried up on her tongue. Damn, the man was so freaking sexy! Those blue eyes sparkled with all kinds of promises of down and dirty naughtiness. And she wanted some. Her job, her reputation, everything was on the line, and she was finding it so damn hard to care.

  This was making no sense. Kiana was always the one who had her nose to the grindstone, allowing everything else to fall by the wayside. Why is it that she was finding these two men so darn irresistible? Her body wouldn’t move from her current position. She couldn’t work up enough energy, it was all wrapped up with the man playing with her hair and the other man…

  Was he seriously sniffing her neck? Why was she allowing his brother to pay with her hair? And what the hell was she thinking getting into a stretch limo with men who ruled their country with an iron fist?

  Kiana meant to turn away from Dragoş, she really did. As his face came closer and closer to her own she had every intention of turning away. But then she felt Valentin’s lips on her neck. Soft, warm and oh, so tender. She found herself tilting her head to the side while allowing Dragoş to lift her chin for his own lips to capture hers. Twin moans met and melded in the air as both men obviously approved of the way she tasted.

  As for her, she could barely breathe; much less utter a single sound. Her senses were reeling. She felt as if her blood had suddenly turned into something akin to molten lava. Her hands reached out and clutched the pristinely pressed uniform in a futile attempt to stop her world from spinning. It so wasn’t working!

  Dragoş must have approved of her actions because he deepened his kiss, his tongue plundering her own. The very taste of his was like a drug, making her forget all her earlier worries. All she could think was how much more she wanted, how much closer she needed to be.

  “You are exquisite,” someone whispered in her ear.

  Valentin. Dragoş was far too busy pillaging her mouth. She felt the heavy material of her skirt crept up her thing, tickling her bare legs. Kiana had meant to wear pantyhose, or nylons, or something, but as usual, she had been running late and hadn’t wanted to bother. Maybe it had been divine providence, because the damn things would have got in the way. Cool air wafted across her scalding center. Even she could smell her own desire. Strong hands opened her legs wider, allowing Valentin to sink to his knees in between her legs.

  Oh damn, they were going to do this right here, right now! Thank the heavens Dragoş lifted his head when he did, because her breathing was coming out in desperate pants, and Valentin hadn’t touched more than her inner thigh!

  “This is how you should always look, Iubire,” Dragoş rasped. “Flushed with passion, wet and ready.”

  Kiana shivered at his words. It was hard to remember feeling as desirable or as raring to go as she did at that moment. Her nipples beaded and ached, pushing against the lace of her bra. She needed so bad to be touched, licked, anything! She actually let out a high pitched little cry when Valentin slid on large, thick finger along the edge of her panties. Her lower body shifted forward, asking for what her mouth would not.

  “Ah, I think our little flower is ready to bloom,” Valentin literally breathed the words across her moist panties. The tiny action only made her hotter, wetter.

  “Um, I think you might be right,” Dragoş murmured nuzzling her neck, nimble fingers beginning to unbutton her shirt.

  Finally! Her breasts were about to pop from the blood rushing to her nipples. She sobbed when her girls were finally free, safe in the palms of Dragoş’s hands. His thumb strummed across her aching nubbins in slow, leisurely circles. Her head fell back against the seat, eyes closing.

  “Open your eyes, dragă,” Dragoş ordered. “I want the emotions that cross your face, I want to drink in your pleasure. Show it to me?”

  Kiana was starting to believe the man simply talked his enemies into giving up against him. There was just something so damn compelling about that voice. Her eyes opened on command, staring into orbs she could swear were starting to swirl with silver along with the deep blue already present. His intense stare would let her go, not even when Valentin pulled her tiny panties from her hips. Not when he spread her thighs open wider, easing one scrumptiously thick finger inside of her, latching his mouth on to her clit at the same moment. She didn’t look away from Dragoş although the shocking pleasure made her cry out, her hips rocking into Valentin’s face.

  “So beautiful,” Dragoş mumbled tracing a finger down the side of her face.

  Kiana could give a damn how she looked at that moment. Valentin had started to hum while sucking down on her clit, sending sparks of delight down to her toes. It was so good, do damn good!

  “Tell me how Val is making you feel,” Dragoş demanded.

  “Oh, damn, it feels so good!” she managed to gasp out. Eloquent words failed her. All she could was feel. Feel the extra finger added, feel Dragoş bend his head to capture her nipple between his teeth, biting down lightly.

  She had long since left earth’s orbit and was soaring somewhere in the cosmos. The dual assaults were almost too much. Dragoş lavished attention on the mounds that had never left his hands since freeing them from their bindings, Valentin periodically removed his finger to replace it with his tongue, then replace his fingers again, only adding a third to stretch her. Her body was convulsing, pushing into the attentions of both men as much as she could. Her hips were literally rocking, almost smashing into Valentin. She could feel the tension building, and though she was trying like held to hold it back, to experience the intensity of teetering on the edge for just a little longer. But they were just not letting up.

  With a wailing cry, Kiana exploded, her entire body shaking as internal explosions shook her to her core. Her hands dug into Valentin’s hair and held, knowing she was pulling kind of tight but unable to let go. She needed an anchor.

  She was dimly aware of Dragoş lifting his head, watching avidly as she careened out of control. “Perfection,” he praised as she slowly slid back to earth. “And once we get you inside, you can do that again for me.”


  The magic of the sacred bonding was heavy in the air. Valentin and Dragoş knew they had to complete connecting with their woman before it overwhelmed them all. A
s much as they wished to take it slower, to show the beautiful woman that would be theirs for all time their home – her new home – it was impossible. It was all they could do not to take her in the back of the limousine. As soon as the conveyance slowed to a stop in front of the grand entrance, Dragoş swept Kiana up into his arms. The brothers strode through the doors, past gaping retainers, up the wide curved staircase straight to the master suite.

  There was not a word spoken as the brothers slowly unwrapped their precious gift, revealing the dark skin inch by agonizing inch. Dragoş noted how his hand shook as he slid her skirt down the most perfectly formed legs ever to be created. That was the last of it, except the boots.

  He ran his hands down the supple leather hugging the entirety of her calves. The light brown of the leather and the tuffs or fur right below her knees blended perfectly with dark mocha of her skin.

  “Leave the boots,” Valentin groaned, busying himself with the magnificent mounds of joy Dragoş had gotten to become acquainted with on the way here.

  Looking up, Dragoş’s blood heated and raced at the sight Kiana made; her head thrown back resting against Valentin who stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her much smaller frame. Despite her lack of height, she was flawlessly shaped; the ideal of womanhood. Not overly thin or harsh angles and flat plains. Her breasts damn near overflowed Valentin's hands as they had his own; lush and full they made Dragoş’s mouth water anew even though he had already tasted them.

  Burying his head against the silky smooth skin on her thigh, Dragoş let out a deep groan. Her scent filled his senses, making his head swirl. He had always been taught the finding of their bride would rock him down to his soul, but he hadn’t expected to feel so much so soon. Just the touch of her, the smell, the taste – it all combined to knock him completely off center. All his renowned control had left him; he had to keep a hold of her legs for fear of losing all restraint.

  “Ea este perfectionarea,” Valentin breathed out, his voice heavy with unspoken emotion.

  Dragoş couldn’t agree more; Kiana was perfect. His lips traveled over the satiny flesh, working from her knees which trembled as he bit down lightly at the back juncture, all over her thighs, skipping up to her stomach, before pulling one leg over his shoulder. Ah, just the smell of her flower of womanhood was enough to send precum flowing from his throbbing dick. He swiped at her glistening pussy. One slow, deliberate swipe of his tongue, groaning at the taste. Now he saw why Valentin hadn’t wanted to rise from in between her thighs.

  “Oh, Dragoş, please!” Her hands buried themselves in his hair as she attempted to yank him closer.

  The soft exclamation spurred him to dive in. He sucked, licked, sticking his tongue as far into her as he could get, using the top of his nose to rub against her clit. Her gasps were not only for him. He could feel his brother moving his body, he felt one hand leave his hair – he knew Valentin was discovering the delectable taste of her breasts. Her body was growing hotter, her hips moving in time with the thrusts of his tongue.

  Too soon! He didn’t want her to come yet, he needed more. Her juices flowed into his waiting mouth, not giving him nearly enough to appease the hunger she inspired. Backing off he rocked back on his knees, having to force himself away. Despite her please, he contented himself with blowing softly on the stiff little nub, all pretty and pink and exposed for his delight. He watched it jump and contract as if it was calling for him. He decided to reward the response by swirling his tongue around it, then sucking down before backing off again. As he had hoped, it jumped again, pulsating before his very eyes.

  So wonderfully responsive! He has to reward such an honest, eager answer to his manipulations. He fixed his mouth to her clit again, sucking gently while inserting two fingers into her weeping channel. So wet, so hot, so damn tight! He would be lucky to last more than a few moments once he finally got inside. His fingers plunged faster, imaging what it would feel like to have her wrapped around his cock. Her muscled tightened, drawing him in deeper as her body shook with her release.

  “Yes! Yes! That feels so good!” Kiana cried out, her hand tugging with all her might as she ground down on his fingers.

  Dragoş was actually jealous of his own damn fingers. He had to have her! And he knew Valentin felt the same.

  “To the bed,” Dragoş commanded, his voice gruffer than he would like, but he couldn’t help it.

  Valentin guided their woman to the massive bed, not bothering to pull down the covers. They wouldn’t be needing them for a while anyway. It was good her eyes had closed, basking in the aftermath of her latest orgasm because neither he nor his brother had the patience to remove their clothing in the conventional manner. Their magic was full to bursting every bit as much as their passions. Dragoş moved lay beside Kiana, pulling her to her side while lifting her leg with his own.

  Valentin slid in place in front of her, his cock bobbing in its own eagerness. Just a small rub against the puffy nether lips was the only other foreplay he could manage. His head was pounding, his heart racing; he needed this woman more than he needed to breathe.

  Inch by agonizing inch, Valentin sank into the hottest, tightest pussy in the world.

  “E prea bun!” He ground out, clinching his jaw in an attempt not to take her like the wild wolf he was inside.

  “Easy,” Dragoş warned as he placed himself against her backside.

  It was necessary they take her together while they marked her, making her theirs for all eternity. Valentin’s skin prickled with electricity as Dragoş wove a spell to ease his way inside from behind. Holding as still as he could, he had to hiss as Dragoş glided inside.

  And he thought it was tight before!

  “Are you okay?” Valentin asked, watching her face intently for the least sign of discomfort.

  “Yes,” her voice was more an exhale than a word. “Please! I need to so bad! Why do I need this bad?”

  “Shhh,” he soothed. “We will take care of you.”


  Kiana shifted her hips, testing her fullness. They had to start moving now! The feeling of being stuffed full two magnificent, perfectly formed cocks had to be a woman’s deepest, darkest fantasy, and she was living it! Now if they would only get to it.

  Valentin moved first, drawing back so slowly she could feel every ridge of his penis against the inner flesh of her walls. At the same time, Dragoş drove forward, making sure she was never empty. It burned just a little, but the pleasure was so intense she gasped out loud. Then he was retreating, leisurely pulling back as Valentin was thrusting in.

  It was decadent beyond imagining; so many heady sensations all assailing her at once. She was pretty sure he had dug her nails into Valentin so hard she must be hurting him, but his face was a picture of supreme ecstasy, the muscles cords in his neck, his eyes on fire. It was sexy as hell. Behind her, Dragoş whispered the sweetest, wicked words in her ear sending a fresh wave of desire washing over her. Why wouldn’t they move faster? She needed more!

  “So damn sweet. You have the most beautiful ass. I could stay buried here for all time,” Dragoş praised, pinching her sensitized nipples and he surged forward. “And soon I will be buried in that tight pussy of yours. We will make you ours in every way. You will never want to leave us.”

  She already didn’t, but she couldn’t get the words together to say that. Finally, they were moving faster, the incredible friction increasing almost unbearably.

  “Oh, shit yes! Just like that!” Kiana was way past subtle. She was stripped down to the barest essence of woman, all she could think about was feeding her need. “Fuck me just like that!”

  “Bathe my cock in your honey, Iubire,” Valentin groaned, thrusting faster and faster. “Show us you like it. Show us you like our cocks inside you!”

  “And push that ass back on me,” Dragoş added. “Show us you want it!”

  They were taking her higher than she would have believed possible. All she could do was hold on as the possessed her fully, ta
king all she had. She was going to explode – literally. She was going to come completely apart.

  “Too much!” she wheezed, but didn’t pause the pivoting of her hips seeking more, closer, harder.

  “Come for us, Kiana,” Dragoş purred. “Come on, Iubire, you can do it.”

  As if by psychic agreement, Valentin buried his head in the crook where her neck met her shoulder, while Dragoş did the same to the opposite side. She felt a stinging pierce, followed by a wall of blazing heat starting from her pussy, erupting all over her body. She screamed, convulsing as everything ignited and flew apart, rocking her from her toes to the top of her head. She heard both men roar their own release, but she was too far gone. Gratefully she sank into the cool waiting darkness, sated and feeling oddly complete.


  Kiana had one hell of a time pulling off the straight reporter role. Valentin and Dragoş had kept her in bed for the rest of the afternoon and very late last night, not stopping until she was too sore for more. After the first time, Dragoş had fetched a warm cloth, bathing her back and front before burying himself between her legs again. Man oh man, could that man eat pussy! Like a large cat lapping up his favorite cream, he hadn’t stopped until she was hoarse from screaming his name.

  Thank providence for her dark skin because her face was burning hot just thinking about the things she had done last night, and with two virtual strangers no less! She had actually gotten on her hands and knees, opening her mouth wide to take in Valentin’s beautiful shaft while Dragoş plowed her from behind, smacking her ass with each down stroke. Her pussy had jumped with each slap, sucking him in like a greedy mouth. If that wasn’t bad enough, she had climbed on top of Valentin, rolling her hips like a stripper questing tips with abandon.


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