The Legacy of Tirlannon: The Freedom Fighter

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The Legacy of Tirlannon: The Freedom Fighter Page 28

by Daniel Gelinske

  1. Onday’ye

  2. Ulymna

  3. Undarra

  Level Five

  1. Yuta’ye

  2. Kia

  3. P'yndarra

  Level Six

  1. Tay'une

  2. Byu'nei

  3. Denuya

  Level Seven

  1. D'andyr

  2. Gwyr

  3. J'yraia

  Level Eight

  1. Fai’hraya

  2. Hyreia

  3. Kheya

  Level Nine

  1. Threyas

  2. Chyrea

  3. Chyseri

  Level Ten

  1. Zhyserra

  2. Vae

  3. Maya

  Level Eleven

  1. Nemah

  2. Rhiya

  3. Sarei

  Level Twelve

  1. Wy'esta

  2. Yllarra

  3. Laithien

  Level Thirteen

  1. Zy'eta

  Level One

  1. Atriyu – A short “a” sound, such as the “a” in avert.

  2. Athien – A long “a” sound, such as the “a” in brake.

  3. Andy’yr – An “ah” sound, such as the “a” in taco.

  Level Two

  1 And’aye – A hard “a” sound, such as the “a” in tax.

  2 Ia – An “ee” sound, such as the “ee” in free, or the “i” in Tina.

  3 Elyd’de – A short “e” sound, such as the “e” in ten.

  Level Three

  1 Ilynde – A long “i” sound, such as the “i” in time.

  2 Irys – A short “i” sound, such as the “i” in invent.

  3. Olirynn – A long “o” sound, such as the “o” in tome.

  Level Four

  1. Onday’ye – A short “o” sound, such as the “o” in Ronald.

  2. Ulymna – An “oo” sound, such as the “oo” in moon, or the “u” in tune.

  3. Undarra – A short “u” sound, such as the “u” in fun.

  Level Five

  1. Yuta’ye – Formerly a long “u” sound, such as the “u” in acute; its usage as a vowel is considered archaic, excepting in Fen’yi speech. In Tuvitor (ai-Tu’fayator) Dynasty period Taergeni, an overlapping combination of an elevated (see character placement rules) Yllara (see character 35) and Ulymna (character 11) are used instead. Yuta’ye takes the role of a “rhythmic pause” in Taergeni instead.

  2. Kia – A “k” sound, such as in key.

  3. P’ndarra – A “p” sound, such as in potato.

  Level Six

  1. Tay’une – A “t” sound, such as in typist.

  2. Byu’nei – A “b” sound, such as in baseball.

  3. Denuya – A “d” sound, such as in dog.

  Level Seven

  1. D’andyr – A “d” followed by a very brief “rhythmic pause.” Example:

  D’antarra. More commonly used in Fen’yi than in Taergeni.

  2. Gwyr – A hard “g” sound, such as the “g” in gold.

  3. J’yraia – A soft “g” sound, or a “j” sound, such as the “g” in ginger, or the “j” in jagged.

  Level Eight

  1. Fai’hraya – An “f” sound, such as in final.

  2. Hyreia – A “breathed pause” in Taergeni and Fen’yi, or an “h” sound, such as in hello. When elevated, it is as a “breathed pause” and when lowered, it is as an “h” sound (see character placement rules below).

  3. Kheya – A “kh” (or Celtic “ch”) sound. A hard “h” where the back of the tongue is pressed against the palette.

  Level Nine

  1. Threyas – A “th” sound. When placed low (see character placement rules), it represents the hard “th” in mathematics. When elevated, it represents the soft “th” in them.

  2. Chyrea – A soft “ch” sound, such as the “ch” in much.

  3. Chyseri – A fluid “ch” sound, as in the French cheri, or a “sh” sound, such as in shout.

  Level Ten

  1. Zhyserra – A “sh” sound with voice, as a “z” is a “s” sound with voice.

  2. Vae – A “v” sound, as in vase.

  3. Maya – An “m” sound, as in milk.

  Level Eleven

  1. Nemah – An “n” sound, as in numeral.

  2. Rhiya –- An “r” sound, as in ruby.

  3. Sarei – An “s” sound, as in simple.

  Level Twelve

  1. Wy’estha – A “w” sound, as in willow.

  2. Yllara – A “y” consonant sound, as in yellow.

  3. Laithien – An “l” sound, as in lamp.

  Level Thirteen

  1. Zy’eta – A “z” sound, as in zoo. Not present in Fen’yi; a lowered (see character placement rules) Sarei character is used instead. In Taergeni, a lowered Sarei is also widely used represent this sound.

  Character Placement Rules

  The arrangement rules of Taergeni Atriune are unique, in that their pronunciation is dictated by placement of letters in relation to one another. Vowels (Characters of Levels One through Four) take the highest tier in the script, while ‘hard consonants’ take the lowest tier, escalation in positioning being dictated by the ‘hardness’ of the consonant or sound.

  Iach Jalli, Elinde Tch’leann

  A Taergeni battle cry, written in Atriune script as an example:

  * * *

  Appendix II.

  Glossary of Terms and Pronunciation



  (I--tOO--fA'-ә-tôr) SEE: Tuvitor


  (an'-drE-el) The traditional capital city of the High Kingdom of Tarligean.


  (ә-trE'-yOO) The first letter in the Atriune, the Elvish common alphabet.



  [Taergeni] (kA-âr'-thA) A seafaring vessel with three or more sails. A large ship.


  The capital city of the Madrocean Empire.


  A region of high plains and badlands over the mountain range of Tarngor, between the forests of Sylshee and the lowlands of Kanaid, the heartland of the Madrocean Empire.

  Cassadina, Battle Of

  Very little is known of what happened on the fields of this battle, as none are known to have survived it. Towards the end of the war preceding the Seven-Year Slumber period of Madrocean occupancy of Tarligean, then-Kestiel Ariandi Tuvitor ordered an attack on the region of Kanaid, specifically the stronghold-city of Thea Defana, and the Madrocean capital Cardalia.


  (ki-lA'-rә) A set of seven songs attributed to the legendary bard-prophet Tu'fayator transcribed by his son Anthian ai-Tu'fayator. They include songs of veneration of the Goddess Rhiali, and several prophetic songs about the ages of the world to come.


  (ki-nä'-tel-an) A queen of one kingdom or realm. Masculine: Kestelan


  (ki-nä'-tE-el) A High Queen, who presides over several kingdoms. Masculine: Kestiel



  1. A landmass on the eastern side of the continent of Al'teah, or Atlan.

  2. An empire whose mainland includes the entirety of the Cirethian subcontinent. The Cirethian Empire is highly advanced in technology but poorly advanced in the spiritual and magical sciences.


  Deyn Kriatalde

  (dAn krE"-ә-täl'-de) A sword with a Kri'isen jewel embedded in the hilt, designed for fighting supernatural evils of great magnitude. Only two are known, bearing the jewels Oro'quiel and Xendros.


  (dan'-oo-wA") A legendary figure, the Cinatiel of the ancient and distant land D'antarra. She was considered to be the most important prophetess of the goddess Rhia'li.



  A large region of forests or rainforests.


  [Taergeni] (e--vA'-ta) Savage, brutis
h, barbarian.



  (fen-yE') The ancient Elvish language, considered obsolete in Tarligean, excepting for ceremonial purposes. Outside of Tarligean, Fen'yi is considered to be the standard Elvish language. The ancient root language known as "Imperial Fen'yi" or Ilee'sei is a dead language even outside of Tarligean.


  [Cirethian] Evolutionary dead-end. Often used as a slur against elves by Cirethians.



  [Taergeni] (gäkh'--rAn) A non-elf. Literally, a non-person.


  (gre) A curse word. Akin to 'curse' or 'damn'. Long form: 'greh-a tien Verduhn' or "damn it all to Hell"


  [Cirethian] (gwI-ool'-nE) A flexible-wing aircraft notorious for its speed and manuverability. Commonly utilized by the Cirethian Empire. Often referred to as "ornithopters" because of the high level of flexibility in the wings, but not a true ornithopter in that it is powered by a small fusion cell and relies both on fusion-powered air turbine thrust and the Earth's magnetic field for propulsion.



  (I"-ә-kä'-lә) One of the original nations of the High Kingdom of Tarligean. Iacala had seceded several centuries past due to disagreements with the governing powers in Andriel.


  (i-kә-nE'-ә) A giant type of broad leaved evergreen tree common to the marine climates and rich earth of the northern Tirlannon sub-continental region of Atlantis.


  (il-E-ä'-nE) 1. An elf native to a world other than Earth. 2. Of or referring to the ancient Ileani Empire, a political entity with a sphere of influence encompassing over thirty worlds.


  (I-lE--sA') See: Fen'yI



  (zhe--hAn')A narrow bladed shortsword with a handle one and a half hands long. This type of blade is similar to a Roman gladius, with a narrower blade.



  (kA'-im) A strategy game played with eleven numbered beads of green or blue in color on a grid one hundred twenty-one cubes in size. The goal of the game is for one's Atriyu piece, the only "invincible" yet most limited piece on the board to capture the opponent's Nemah piece. Traditionally, blue is the piece that goes first.


  (kI'-lith) A type of opiate extracted from Danytos, or Silver Willow bark, used as a recreational drug in Cireth. A variant called "drenetai" is used in Taergeni medicine to dull pain from severe injury, or before and during surgery.


  (kan-Ad')A region of central Madrocea, with Thea Defana as its central military stronghold and Alseos as most populous city.


  (kes'-tel-an)A king of one kingdom or realm. Feminine: Cinatelan


  (kes'-tE-el) A High King, who presides over several kingdoms. Feminine: Cinatiel



  1. A name given to the banner of Tarligean, including an eight-pointed star insignia and bands of teal, gold, green and white.

  2. The eight-pointed star symbolic of unity amongst all peoples.

  3. A symbol for the Kri'isen, whose origins are unknown.


  (kE-rI’-yA) A unit of measure used in Taergeni speaking regions equal in distance to 70.4 meters in length.


  (krE--A'-O-lus) An elven stir-fry dish.


  (krE'--ә-sin) A jewel with an oblong diamond shape, generally blue in color. The only known exception to this is the Kri'isen called Xendros, which is green. They are said to have powerful magical properties. Often a Deyn Kriatalde is mistakenly referred to as a Kri'isen or by the Kri'isen's name, as the Kri'isen is the source of its extraordinary powers.



  (me-drO'-shә) An empire that covers most of the southeastern region of the subcontinent of Tirlannon.



  1. Of the Madrocean Empire; pertaining to Madrocea.

  2. The Madrocean language of the era in the first trilogy of the Legacy of Tirlannon; Madrocaan is the archaic form.

  Medaccae, Andron

  (an'-dron mә-da'-kE) Imperial Prince of Madrocea, heir to the throne of Emperor Sacchae.

  Medaccae, Sacchaeus

  (se-khI'-oos mә-da'-kE) Emperor of Madrocea.

  Mogran, Governor Ayus

  (A'-yәs mog'-ran)

  The Madrocean Imperial Governor of Namakiera from 1064 to 1071 A.R. when he was executed by then High Prince Daecrynn Tuvitor.

  Mortuusa, Avos Morthic

  (ay-vahs mor'-thik mor-tOO'-sә)

  General Avos Mortuusa served as a Lord General of the Madrocean Empire from 1060 to 1069 A.R., and subsequently acted as military advisor to the Madrocean Governor Ayus Mogran at the beginning of the Independence War. He was succeeded by Kaivos Kanadi.

  Murana, Nadali

  (nA-dä-lE myoo-rä'-nә) Heir to the throne of Fidralu. An elven woman skilled at swordsmanship and archery.

  Murana, Kestelan Threis

  (thrAs myoo-rä'-nә) King, or Kestelan Threis Murana ruled over the Kingdom of Fidralu as King from the second year of Meldehan Tuvitor's reign over Andriel to the beginning of the Independence War in 1071 A.R. He was survived by his daughter Nadali Murana


  Nali River

  A river with several tributaries, including the the Taisladi River. Most of the plainlands in the core of Tarligean are drained by the Nali. The Nali and Taisladi converge beneath the city of Namakiera.


  (nä-mä-kE'-rä) A large city in an inland region of northeastern Tirlannon. Traditionally, Namakiera was a Taergeni city, but was occupied by Madrocean forces roughly seven years before the beginning of this volume.


  (nE'-khE) A curse word. Akin to the British word 'bugger'



  See: gwyulni



  1. One of several artifact jewels called Kri'isen.

  2. One of two Deyn Kriatalde blades known. An artifact sword with many supernatural properties. The last wielder before the events of this volume was Asutel Thetali, the first Kestiel of the High Kingdom of Tarligean. See also: Xendros



  (rE"-ә--lE') The primary goddess of the Taergeni pantheon. The most powerful and benevolent of the Taergeni pantheon, she takes the form of a lady of pure blue-white light, and is manifest as the light and wind of all stars, including the Sun. Mistakenly referred to as the "Elvish Sun Goddess" amongst some Madrocean and Cirethian scholars.



  [Taergeni] (sI-rä'-lä) Run away. Evacuate. Flee.


  See: Rhia'li


  (sif-Or'-iks) Thought of as a powerful sentient scrying device, the Fen'yi word "Syphoryx" literally means "Mind of the Crystal".




  1. A member of the elvish races native to the world Telea, or Earth.

  2. A citizen of the confederated kingdoms of Tarligean.

  3. A language in wide use amongst elves of Tirlannon.


  (tä-E-slä'-dE) A major river that drains the west-central plains of Tarligean, including the Fidraline Valley region.


  (tär'-li-gEn) An elven confederation of kingdoms, or 'High Kingdom' under a Cinatiel, or Kestiel.


  (ti-rA') A conscious energy field or spirit, common to the ancient artifact swords Oro'quiel and Xendros.

  Terei's Wail

  A sonic phenomenon generated by the swords Oro'quiel and Xendros, often as an alarm to impending or immediate danger.


  (târ'-is-tel) A citrus fruit akin
to the grapefruit or orange, with sweet red fruit on the inside, and a blue colored peel.


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