Angel (Made Men Book 5)

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Angel (Made Men Book 5) Page 15

by Sarah Brianne

  Trying to keep her voice strong, she told the blonde, “He left me, Maria.”

  “Well …” The blonde raised a brow. “He’s here now, isn’t he?”

  “Yes … but he hurt me. How am I supposed to trust him again?”

  Maria’s fierce gaze bore into hers. “He’s been here every day for the past week, and even though you continue to turn him down, he keeps coming back. Open your eyes and look at him. If you think he’s going to give up, you’re wrong, Adalyn. Men like Angel never lose,” she promised her, her eyes growing more captivating the longer she spoke. “If you can’t find it within yourself to trust him, then I was wrong about the type of man you were looking for, because I thought you wanted a man who was Made.”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  “Out of all the Lucianos, Lucca picked him. There’s a reason he did that; you just have to be brave enough to find out what that reason is.”

  Swallowing down the lump rising in her throat, Adalyn admitted the real reason she didn’t want to take him back. Every Made man always needed one thing. “I’m afraid … he’ll break me.”

  Maria reached over, lifting her chin high with long, manicured fingernails. Enunciating each word that passed her lips with an intensity like no other, she told Adalyn, “Then. Don’t. Let. Him.”

  Angel got back into his car after being turned down yet again. He had come every day, wishing she would give him one more chance, but she hadn’t. At least not yet.

  Having nothing but time, he would come back every single day if he had to, to get her to trust him again. As far as he was concerned, their little game wasn’t over, and he had plans on winning.

  His eyes went to the rearview mirror, seeing all the doors to the Escalade open and then everyone getting out—almost everyone. He held his breath as a ray of hope shined down upon him.

  Come on, Adalyn. He squeezed his tatted knuckles around the steering wheel so hard it was beginning to imprint the leather.

  Still holding his breath, he stared a hole into the mirror as he watched the doors open once more. But when they all got back inside and the doors closed behind them, the hope he had for her forgiving him today vanished.

  Angel put his hand on the key that sat in the ignition, ready to turn it, when his eyes were drawn back to the rearview mirror.

  A slow smile started to twist up his lips.

  Having said her piece, Maria snapped her fingers, giving the others the go-ahead to file back into the car.

  It was all up to her now.

  Adalyn avoided the gazes of her friends and her brother, unable to look them in the eyes as they got in the car and shut the doors. When she heard the car start up again, she felt her heart starting to race and pound out of her chest. She found herself more torn than ever, the temptation stronger than ever. Still, she didn’t move to get out of the car.

  I thought you wanted a man who was Made.

  Those words swirled through her mind, reminding her that was exactly what she’d wanted and prayed for in a man, yet she was walking away from one. A real one.

  Upset, she guessed a part of her had wanted him to apologize repeatedly and beg her to forgive him, but that wasn’t who Angel was. He had said the word “sorry” already, and he wasn’t going to ever beg. You either forgave him or you didn’t. And him coming here every morning was his way of proving to her that he had meant what he said. She could either take him for what he was, or she could continue to walk away, but the choice was hers.

  She put her hand on the door handle and flung the door open, making a decision she could one day live to regret with only one thing for certain … It would be one hell of a ride.

  Vincent wasn’t happy, calling out in his sharp voice, “What are yo—”

  “Don’t you dare,” Maria cut him off. “I’m sure Lake will take him if you don’t want your sister to have him.”

  His baby blues slightly flamed at her before he sat back, giving in.

  Lake and Elle’s muffled clapping and cheering could be heard from inside the car as Adalyn closed the door behind her. Then she walked toward the black car, but when the driver’s side door was opened, revealing a smiling Angel, her feet picked up speed until she was running. Then she took a leap of faith and jumped into his arms.

  It was the moment she had been waiting for when he circled his arms around her and held her to him.

  For some odd reason, even though her blood bled for the Carusos and his Luciano, it just felt right.

  A few tears slipped down her cheeks as she nestled into his neck. “If you leave me like that again, I’ll kill you.”

  Angel laughed. “Is that a threat, sweetness?”

  “No.” Kissing his neck, she smiled. “It’s a promise.”

  After he placed her back on the ground, he used his thumb to wipe away the tears from her face before he grabbed her chin, tilting it up for him to stake his claim on her.

  By the time he touched his lips to hers, her mouth was already open for him, but as much as she wanted to kiss him back, she didn’t. She wanted him to be the one to kiss her so she could see how much he actually wanted her.

  This kiss was different than the rest he had given her. The same passion, the same dominance, but she could also taste something new.


  Adalyn kissed him back, then, with the same need showing through her kiss as a moan passed her lips and into his warm mouth.

  When he pulled away, his voice came out in a low growl when he ordered, “Get in the car.”

  “Why?” she asked, dazed, not knowing if she had heard him right.

  “Because if I don’t take you to school right now, you’re not going.”

  The intense gray eyes she stared up at showed her what kind of need he was feeling. She gulped loudly, having about three point five seconds to get in the car before her virginity was gone forever.

  “Now,” he growled, giving her one last warning.

  Adalyn wasn’t stupid … She ran to the passenger door.

  God, I’m not sure if marriage is going to be for me.


  Bad Boy Dreams Come True

  Adalyn held his hand tightly, smiling as they walked to the car. “Do you get a winter break, too, or is Lucca going to make you work?”

  He squeezed his tatted hand around hers. “I’m not sure. He hasn’t told me anything yet.”

  “What?” Vincent stopped in his tracks, causing Lake, who was walking under his arm, to stop. “He already told me I have casino surveillance.”

  “Hmm … I’m sure he just hasn’t told me yet.” Angel gave him a slick smile.

  The pretty boy thought for a second before he continued, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  Adalyn quietly chuckled, happy that it had been Angel to steal her heart. It would have been really hard to have a love life with her brother around, but Angel was clever, knowing exactly how to handle him.

  She was happier than ever. Finished with her first semester of college, surrounded by her friends and family, and having her bad boy dreams come true.

  They had been together for some time now, taking it slow and making sure the Caruso family adjusted to the possibility of the two families mingling. It had been an uphill battle, but they were sure Lucca had put the fear of God in all his men. She also figured that was how Vincent had quickly adjusted to Angel.

  Walking up to the Escalade, she saw the tall, gorgeous blonde who was standing next to Elle give a smile as they approached. “Hey, lovebirds.”

  Or maybe that was Maria.

  “Hey, princess.” Unlike everyone else, Angel wasn’t afraid of her and could dish it right back. There seemed to be an understanding between the two. Even Adalyn wasn’t sure what that was, but she knew it had to do with a mutual respect.

  When they heard rolling wheels spinning on pavement, coming right at them, they all turned their heads.

  Uh-oh …

  “What the …?” Elle’s mouth dropped open, and Lake fro
ze like a statue as Matthias rolled over to them on his skateboard, stopping to stand right beside Angel, his complete mirror image.

  “I missed you, brother.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Angel asked.

  Matthias’s eyes travelled to a pretty, young girl who passed them. “Well, I came by to see what kind of gig you had here, and now I would like to volunteer to take your place.”

  “Too bad.” Angel wrapped his arm tightly around Adalyn. She thought he was holding her awfully close …

  “Wait!” Elle’s eyes bounced back and forth. “What?”

  Lake’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she passed out, her body going limp.

  Adalyn went to catch her, but Vincent already had, screaming in frustration, “What the fuck!”

  “I take it she didn’t know you had a twin either?” Matthias asked, looking down at the fallen girl.

  “Jesus Christ,” Maria muttered, rolling her eyes when Elle and Adalyn started fanning Lake. “You girls need to keep your shit together.”

  “Well, hello …” Matthias finally noticed Maria, trailing his eyes down her body as he rolled his skateboard toward her. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You’re looking good, princess.”

  Maria picked up her stiletto-donned foot, stopping the board from coming any closer. “Don’t even try it.” It was clear by the glare in her eyes that the respect she had for Angel didn’t transfer to his twin, or any other Luciano for that matter.

  “Just let me know if you change your mind, princess.” Matthias gave her a sinister smile as he backed up, able to take a hint.

  Lake had started to come to, but she passed out again after she heard Matthias talk that way.

  “Fuck this shit.” Vincent picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Grumbling under his breath, he went to place her in the car. “Now she knows there’s fucking two of them prettier than me.”

  Adalyn couldn’t help laughing at her brother, who had desperately tried to keep that little secret from his girlfriend.

  “You should probably go while you have the chance,” Angel told his brother.

  Matthias agreed, but before he took off on his skateboard, he gave Maria another one, “See you around, princess.”

  The blonde narrowed her eyes at him as he sailed away. Looking to Angel, she gave him a message. “He better hope not.”

  Understanding, Angel nodded as he took Adalyn’s hand again, leading her to the car.

  “You two are complete opposites, aren’t you?” she asked when they were alone.

  “In every way but appearance.”

  Looking over at him, she felt it starting to click. “Is that why all your tattoos are flipped, because you are opposites?”

  “No.” His voice took on a dark tone as he revealed the real reason they mirrored each other. “My father made us do that so he could tell us apart.”

  Every hair on her body stood up. It was the first time he had spoken about his father to her. After hearing about who he was and what he had done to Chloe, that alone had made her sure she never wanted to hear more.


  When his response was silence, she figured he didn’t want to tell her more about it.

  Angel continued to walk her to the car, where he opened the door for her, but she didn’t want to get in just yet. Needing to spend a little more time with him before he took her home, she reached up on her tippy toes and placed a hard kiss on his lips.

  He grabbed the small Italian girl’s tiny waist, holding her in place. “What was that for, sweetness?”

  “I just thought I’d give you a kiss, so you’d know what you’ll be missing over winter break.”

  “So, you don’t want to keep seeing me?” he asked with a smile.

  “Oh, I do. That was in case you didn’t want to see me.” She leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping him there for just a bit longer. “Where are we supposed to hang out every day now?”

  Angel was the one to place a rough kiss on her lips this time. “Get in, sweetness. I’ve got something to show you.”


  Between Heaven and Hell

  “No fucking way …” Adalyn breathed as she stepped into the empty penthouse apartment. It was bare, with no furniture, and much smaller than the other ones she had seen on the top floor, but the view was damn sure amazing. “How did you …? When did you …?”

  “Lucca gave me the keys last night and said it was mine if I wanted it,” Angel told her.

  She looked over at him, noticing the devoid expression on his face. The happiness she initially felt started to drift away, replaced with sadness. “You don’t want it?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want it. It’s what it means if I take it.”

  She darted her tongue out to lick her lip, nervous for what he was about to say.

  Angel stalked toward her, then began to walk around her in a circle. “The fact that he even offered it to me tells me he doesn’t plan on me leaving.” His gray eyes moved over her body. “And if I take it, that would mean I accept the fact that I will be trapped here …”

  She breathed heavily, and her heart began beating faster and faster the more he stalked around her.

  He stopped right in front of her, bringing a single tatted finger to the base of her chin, slowly tilting her head higher and higher. Then he said the word that held one final guarantee, “Forever.”

  The beating in her chest grew louder.

  “Do you know what forever for me means for you, sweetness?”

  She held her breath.

  “An eternity with me.” He said the words with such a force that they seemed to shake the room.

  She heard the strong pounding in her chest ringing in her ears.

  “Is that what you want, sweetness?” He pressed his fingertip into her chin even more. “Because if not, you better walk out of this room right now.”

  Her eyes drifted to the door, knowing this was going to be her last chance.

  Sliding them back across the room, she then looked him straight in the eyes, telling him exactly what she wanted. “I want you.”

  Angel grabbed her neck, pulling her lightly toward him, letting her see him for all that he was. “You sure about that?”

  He was everything she ever wanted, and then some.


  Bringing her to him, he gripped her tighter, sealing it with a kiss.

  Not expecting what was to come next, she found her feet being swept off the ground as Angel carried her up the steps to the lofted bedroom. It all happened so fast, and not until she was tossed onto a mattress that had been placed in the middle of floor did reality return.

  Looking at the bed that was covered in white sheets and pillows, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked up at him in confusion. “I thought he gave you the keys last night?”

  Angel’s fierce eyes moved over her approvingly. “He did.”

  “But …?” And if I take it, that would mean I accept the fact that I will be trapped here … forever.

  “I accepted it the second he handed me the keys.” He bent his knees, falling onto the bed, then moving his body to cover hers. “I’d be trapped with or without you, sweetness.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as he inched his face down to hers, stealing a quick kiss. Then another.

  Each kiss he stole became longer, more passionate as he stole her heart along with it.

  He pressed his body down on hers harder, making her fall completely back, as he became more demanding with his mouth. She wasn’t afraid of his hunger. In fact, she matched his intensity with her own needs, pressing her breasts harder against him as she rubbed her tongue along his, darting it into his mouth to tempt him further.

  She moved her hands to his waist, slipping them under his T-shirt and exploring the muscled flesh beneath. She had never touched a man’s body before. She found it invigorating, her own body tingling from the sensation of feeling his cold f

  A low growl escaped his throat, telling her she needed to proceed with caution, but Adalyn had waited long enough. She was still in need from the time he hadn’t given her a release that night in the elevator.

  Moving lower, she slipped her fingertips into the waistband of his jeans.

  Any constraint he had left in him fled.

  He swiftly removed her sweater and thin bra before going to her waistband and pulling down her jeans and panties in one swoop with the lift of her hips.

  With her fully exposed to him, the flash of need shining through his dark gray depths made them lighter. They travelled from her dainty face down to her small, round breasts, to her tiny waist and small hips. “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous.”

  A rush of heat flooded her cheeks.

  Not wanting to be alone in her nudity, she looked up at him through heavy lashes and said, “Let me see you.”

  When Angel removed his shirt, exposing every inked inch of him, her eyes widened. It was a glorious sight.

  Reaching up, she couldn’t resist running her fingertips over the tattoos, tracing them, wanting to commit each one to memory. She started at his chest, then went down to his lean abs, and then even lower to where she saw them dip inside his jeans.

  “How can one person be so perfect?” she whispered to herself, unable to stop tracing them.

  “I’m not perfect, sweetness.” Angel stopped her hands as he leaned down, darting his tongue out to quickly lick a taut nipple. “I’m far from it.”

  She had practically moaned when his warm tongue touched her. Grabbing his shoulders, she dug her nails into his skin, wanting and needing him to continue. By the time he took her breast into his mouth, sucking the sensitive area, she was almost ready to come.

  When she wrapped a leg around his waist and pulled him closer to her, her exposed pussy raked against his jeans, and she felt his hard length that was so close yet so far away.


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