Enchanted Bookstore Legends (5-book complete epic fantasy romance box set)

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Enchanted Bookstore Legends (5-book complete epic fantasy romance box set) Page 83

by Marsha A. Moore

  “I want to.”

  Helped by her cousins, Lyra inched her way across the six feet separating them from the two men.

  Kenzo did his part, keeping Sorcha’s book nestled against the small of Lyra’s back.

  Reaching her hurt arm across her chest, she grimaced. Her right hand, with its bloodswear ring covering her own circular scar, joined Cullen and Tarom’s. When the three bloodswear marks united, the alchemist’s fingers rebuilt—bone, connective tissue, vessels, nerves, muscles, and skin.

  At the same time, Lyra felt her own wound mend. She motioned for Raylene to ease back on her pressure.

  The young witch pulled the burned fragments of Lyra’s sweater clear of the shoulder. “This is amazing! It’s healed. But be careful. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” She sat back, her arms shaking.

  Vickie lifted the blood-crusted leg of Cullen’s khakis. His right calf looked the same, tissues intact. She shook her head.

  Tarom broke the union, tears dripping from his black eyelashes.

  “Do you want to return to the Alliance with us?” Cullen offered.

  “I can’t.” Tarom stood and, without another word, walked slowly back into the forest.

  Chapter Twenty-six: The Journey Home

  Lyra tried to stand, but wobbled back to a seated position. She pulled back the energy of the powerball in her hand inside her.

  Still kneeling, Cullen accepted the prize book from Kenzo and placed it in the commuter bag. “Good work, making sure this book touched Lyra.”

  “Glad to help, Master,” Kenzo replied. “Looks like Sorcha’s book lets Lady Lyra form some serious powerballs.”

  “Yes. It did,” Lyra agreed. “But I didn’t get a chance to throw yet to see if my aim also improved. I’ve barely touched Sorcha’s book, not even taking a peek at the text. I wonder what will happen once I study it and let the magic of her words be revealed to me.”

  Raylene’s jaw dropped when Kenzo spoke. “He talks! What sort of owl is that? Bigger than any around here.”

  “Kenzo is my wizard’s assistant—a tiger owl. He has magic that allows him to maneuver in flight extremely fast, and his senses are heightened,” Cullen replied.

  The owl tipped his head in a bow. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yes…good to meet you too,” the young witch stammered.

  Vickie took charge and stepped up to the couple. “You’ve both lost too much blood. You need to rest and have some fluids.” She draped Lyra’s healthy arm over her own shoulder and supported her cousin’s waist. “I always volunteer to help run our local blood drives. You’ll be fine in two or three days.”

  “We can’t wait that long.” Lyra twisted to look at Cullen. “How do you feel?”

  “Really weak, both my body and my power,” he replied, using Raylene for support to walk.

  Kenzo flew alongside. “My flight response isn’t as swift as usual either.”

  “I think they should stay at my place,” Vickie directed her younger cousin and headed Lyra toward the truck.

  “Probably the best thing, since your house is lots nicer for guests. Also, who knows who will show up here looking for that book? I’m going to keep a shotgun at the side of my bed.”

  “You’re welcome at our house,” Vickie offered. “I’m sure Bob won’t mind. You don’t have anyone here with you. I’ll worry.”

  Lyra looked over her shoulder at Raylene. “Don’t stay here alone for a few nights.”

  “Well…okay. I’m a bit freaked out with all this. I’ll follow you over now to help them get inside, then come back for some clothes.”

  The Doberman hopped into Raylene’s car without coaxing, his tongue hanging out as if it was July rather than March.

  Lyra and Cullen slumped together in the front seat of the truck with Kenzo perched on his master’s lap.

  When they pulled into Vickie’s drive, she asked, “Would you rather stay at the B&B? You’d be more comfortable with a private bath.”

  “No. I’d sleep better with my two cousins in the house.” Lyra gave a quick reply.

  Raylene caught her answer and smiled as she stepped up to help at the open door of the cab. “Vickie, I’ll help make Kenzo comfortable on your screen porch while you see to them.”

  Vickie nodded and replied to Lyra, “That’s what family are for.” She led them inside and to a large back bathroom fitted with an antique claw-footed tub. “I think you each need to take a turn soaking in some Epsom salts.” She laid out towels and a jar of salts. “Don’t run the water too hot since your blood pressure may be low.” I’ll get you some juice and be right back.”

  Lyra leaned against the edge of the tub and ran the water while Cullen relaxed into a side chair, combing a hand through his hair.

  Raylene returned with tall glasses of juice. “Do you need any clothes or bags from your car?”

  “No. We’re good. Thanks,” Lyra answered with a grin.

  The young witch’s eyes opened wide. “Can you show me real quick how you conjure clothes?”

  After a couple long swigs of juice, Lyra touched a finger to the inside of her dragon ring. “Creo.” Clean outfits of loungewear for both she and Cullen materialized on the top of the hamper.

  “Oh! Cool! I have so many questions to ask…later after you’ve rested a bit.” Raylene left and closed the door after her.

  Cullen poured bath salts into the water. “You first.” He waved his hand with the bloodswear ring above the water, and the soft fragrance of lavender filled the air. With a wink at her, he settled himself on a wooden stool beside the tub. “The very best part of the day.” A wide grin lit his face as he watched Lyra undress and slip into the warm water.

  “Ahh. This feels amazing,” she said, sinking up to her chin into the perfumed water.

  He conjured a large, natural sponge and soaped it until thick suds squished through.

  Lyra obliged and sat up, enjoying the sensations as he rubbed her stiff shoulder and back muscles.

  When all the sore parts were tended and blood washed off, he indulged in massaging suds over her breasts.

  “Mmm,” Lyra cooed and then pushed his hands away. “We can’t do that here with my cousins in the house.”

  He laughed and picked up a towel. “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to though. Rinse off.”

  She pulled the plug and rinsed lather away with a shower spray before stepping into his embrace, wrapping her in the fluffy towel. She rinsed the tub before refilling it for Cullen.

  He received the same treatment with the addition of some bubble bath. Lyra ended up covered with almost as many bubbles as he did. While she soaped and massaged the knotted muscles remaining from the injury to his leg, he yanked off the towel wrapped around her midsection.

  “Don’t you want me to rub out the tightness?” she asked, grinning.

  “Not as much as I want to show you how much I love you.”

  “You protected me with your last ounce of energy. You’re an amazing man.” She leaned forward, and their lips met in a long, slow kiss.

  “You saved us, forcing so much of your aura out to call up a ghost,” he breathed against her lips, then forced his tongue into her mouth.

  Voices in the kitchen broke their romantic moment. After plenty of laughs, caresses, and tickles, they managed to get dry and dressed in sweats and thick wool socks.

  “Do you think we’re safe here? What about Eburscon?” Lyra asked.

  “I learned long ago never to trust that man. I already thought I’d set a ward around the house once everyone arrives home,” Cullen replied as they walked down the stairs.

  Raylene had left and returned, cleaned up and in new pair of jeans and sweater.

  Vickie also wore a clean outfit and stirred a delicious smelling pot of stew on the stove.

  Her two boys ran through, stopping only long enough to ask what sort of owl was on the porch while they munched on snacks. After watching Kenzo for a few minutes, the boys disappeared into their rooms. After Bob ar
rived home an hour later, Lyra and Cullen worked together to set a protection spell.

  Everyone joined for a hearty family meal of beef stew and baking powder biscuits. Conversation lasted for hours. After Vickie put the kids to bed, Cullen and Lyra entertained Raylene and the others with simple household charms.

  While creating a dog treat for Raylene’s Doberman, Lyra showed the young witch the technique.

  “This is exciting!” Raylene exclaimed and attempted the steps. After the fifth attempt, she managed to make a small spark. “I’ll keep practicing.”

  Tiredness set in quickly. Vickie showed the guests to their rooms in the sprawling old house. “There are more covers in the pie safe I use for storage over there.” She pointed to the end of the hall. “This old place is drafty, but it’s home.”

  Kenzo hopped up the stairs and met them in the hall. “Mind if I sleep in your room? That Doberman is too friendly and drools a lot.”

  Amid a chorus of chuckles, Lyra waved the owl into their room.

  “I’m sure we’ll sleep just fine. Thank you for your hospitality,” Cullen said as he accepted a thick wool blanket from Vickie.


  Lyra stretched her legs and arms long as she woke. The air outside the covers felt chilly and she snuggled back down against Cullen. She hugged him tight, glad they both were safe and together, with a good chance at a happy future since they had secured the final missing book. She pressed her face against his hair and inhaled deeply, enjoying his natural woodsy spice scent.

  He rolled over and opened his eyes. “How do you feel?”

  “Better. How about you?”

  “We need to be going home today. My power is weakening fast. I think the injury took some strength.”

  As soon as he said the words, she rose and conjured clean clothes for them.

  “Morning,” Kenzo said, slowly blinking the sleep from his huge eyes.

  After dressing, they arrived downstairs when Vickie’s boys ran past the guests and out the door to catch the bus.

  Vickie frowned. “Sorry about their manners. Bob already left for the feed store. Have a seat.” She motioned them to the sturdy country pine breakfast table.

  “We need to get a quick breakfast and start for home,” Lyra said, helping herself to a mug of coffee from the pot.

  “Are you sure? Your bodies are still weak from losing all that blood.” Vickie held up a sack of bread. “Toast? Kenzo, maybe just a slice of bread?”

  Cullen nodded. “Both will be good. My power is recharged from where I live. I can’t really heal with rest alone.”

  “I see. In that case, let’s get you some food and get you off.”

  Lyra poured a large squirt of honey onto her toast from the plastic bear dispenser on the kitchen island. “Any chance you have some of this local honey to send with us?”

  Vickie grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do. And it’s from Raylene’s bees at the honey tree.”

  The younger cousin stumbled outside as the others secured Brigid’s rocker into the backseat of Lyra’s Subaru wagon.

  Kenzo squeezed in among the runners.

  After lots of waves and goodbyes called through open windows, the threesome drove away.


  Lyra drove while the others napped during most of the way through Indiana. She stopped for a lunch break north of Fort Wayne near the Michigan border.

  Cullen rallied to have some of his sandwich, but couldn’t finish and fed most of his bun to Kenzo.

  Lyra worried and kept a careful eye on Cullen as she traveled into the lower portion of Michigan. As the afternoon wore on, his color turned paler. She welcomed the faster speed limit in that state and didn’t hesitate to drive over it.

  When they arrived in the island community in the upper peninsula, Lyra could barely keep her eyes open with twilight teasing them closed.

  Thankfully, Kenzo’s natural nocturnal rhythm kicked in, and he chatted with her to keep her alert.

  She parked behind the bookstore and gave Cullen a gentle nudge. “We’re here. Time to wake up and get back through the portal.”

  He blinked, not fully aware of their surroundings. With recognition, he sat up. “You did the whole drive. Why?”

  “You needed to sleep.” She opened the car door. “It’s fine. Stop talking. Let’s get you back inside the Alliance.”

  Cullen got himself out of the car, but trailed a hand along the body to steady his balance.

  “Look! Is that the black butterfly you’ve told me about?” Kenzo asked as he flapped above the car to limber his wings.

  A large black butterfly dropped from the outside wall of the bookstore and flitted around Lyra. Its purple wing spots reflected the lamp light as it flashed on for the night. Startled, the insect flew away.

  Lyra opened the back door and after they were all inside, closed it quickly. “I think whoever that is was waiting to find out when we arrived.”

  Cullen nodded, but seemed too weak to care.

  Lyra called toward the showroom of the bookstore. “Sheridan, we’re here. No time to talk. We need to get back to the lair right away.”

  “Hey there,” he chirped out a reply. “Glad you’re back. I had bad vibes—someone dark trying to enter the portal from the human side. Will talk later. The portal’s set to open for you.”

  Lyra held Cullen’s hand firmly and pointed her dragon ring at the space between the bookcases. The shelf units slid apart to reveal the familiar wooded path lined with blossoming bushes.

  They stepped across. Not only did their clothing change as expected, but Cullen’s complexion looked slightly healthier. Lyra gave a sigh of relief.

  He still walked slowly with poor balance, but she felt certain he would only improve now.

  She squeezed his hand and smiled. “We made it. I could call Yord, but he’d take a while to arrive. Maybe I can transport us since I’ve gained some power.”

  “It’s worth a try.” Cullen lifted back his shoulders and took a deep breath, expanding his chest. He withdrew his staff from his pack and enlarged it.

  Lyra stepped beside him and touched her fingers to her dragon ring.

  Suddenly, wing beats sounded above the tree tops. Night had already fallen in Dragonspeir. In the dark shadows of clouds across the face of the moon, the shape of the approaching dragon couldn’t be determined.

  “Yord must have been on alert to the portal opening.” She let go of her hold on the ring.

  “That’s not a blue sentry. It’s too—,” Kenzo whispered.

  A loud shriek cut the air directly above them. The translucent wings of a cimafa beat the air as its rider directed it to hover lower. The beast extended its dark umbra downward.

  Lyra felt the enormous pull and fought to keep her gaze downward, away from the red eyes that hungered for their auras. She willed her fingers to reclasp the bloodswear ring. Her aura carefully extended only around the three of them, no farther.

  Despite her caution, the beast grabbed hold of the upper edge of her golden light and sucked.

  Lyra’s feet lifted slightly off the ground. She envisioned the lair as their destination and channeled her aura toward that image.

  The dark power crawled along her skin.

  Cullen positioned his staff and Kenzo between his body and Lyra’s. He wrapped her hands alongside his own on the shaft. Giving it a spin, his blue light radiated out with her golden glow. Their bodies began to vaporize. Although the feeling of weightless transport reassured Lyra they escaped, only when the lair came into view did she release her breath. She paused to enjoy the feeling of her feet touching down on the smooth stones of the landing area.

  Chapter Twenty-seven: Golden Sapphire

  “That was too close. I’m glad you were able to steer my aura. I couldn’t connect to the exact location of the lair. Are you okay?” Lyra asked Cullen.

  “I’m okay. I have difficulty channeling enough aura out for transport without a staff even if I am fully charged. Unless you can actually
see your destination, like you did transporting across my lake.”

  “Yes. I wish I had a staff. I could do so much more—transporting, sending powerballs long distances.” Lyra glanced at the weight in Cullen’s pack. “But, that’s nothing. Peace is more important. We’ve done an amazing thing, gathering copies of all the lost volumes.”

  “More than amazing. I never thought it would be possible to get them all. Huge possibilities lie at our feet now.” His words expressed gratitude and hope, but his wavering tone revealed exhaustion.

  As sentries rushed to meet them, she studied Cullen’s behavior. “You don’t seem well. How do you feel?” she leaned into him and asked.

  “Truthfully, this is as weak as my aura has ever been. I’ve never felt it affect my physical health. Last summer, you asked if I could survive in the human world if the Alliance and its magnetic power source fell. I know the answer now.”

  “Well, with this real chance for peace, we might never face that hardship.” She unlaced the leather wristlet from Cullen’s arm and fitted it to her own. “Let’s get you to the magnetics room. Kenzo, too.” She nodded to the owl. “Hop on here. You’re too weak to fly the distance, and Master shouldn’t carry you.”

  As Kenzo secured his perch, Cullen nodded to the sentry. “Please tell the Imperial Dragon we have returned safely and our quest was successful. We will be in the magnetics chamber until morning, if he wishes to speak before then.”

  “Indeed, Sire Drake. I shall arrange for meals to be delivered. Welcome home,” the blue dragon replied. Others in the squadron offered their warm greetings and moved aside for the trio to pass into the lair.

  Without hesitation, Cullen plodded through the winding series of turns through stone-walled corridors to the massive wooden double doors. He pushed them open and took a seat on a bench along the glowing wall, tilting his head back to rest directly on the stone. With his eyes closed, he breathed deeply, and a smile slowly spread over his face.

  After finding a perch on a chair arm for Kenzo, Lyra kicked off her boots and reclined on the daybed, curled into a fetal position. Her aura felt more alive and intact than ever. The magic of the books authored by Elisabeth, Sorcha, and Nareene pulsed through her—a fast and alert internal rhythm she hadn’t grown accustomed to yet. But her body badly needed rest, exhausted from the stress of frightening experiences combined with the long drive. It felt good to close her eyes and empty her mind of worries.


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