by Jim Miller
Rock Bottom Brewery
Rodriguez, Nash
Rolling 20s,
Romanowski, Bill
Rosacker, Mike
Rowe, David
Roxie, Ryan
Rozelle, Pete
Russell, Darrell
Ryan Roxie and the Silver and Blackouts; “C’mon Raiders,”
Sabol, Steve: “Autumn Wind, The,”
Sacramento, Calif.
Saint Louis Rams
San Bernardino Raiders Fan Club
San Diego; Gaslamp Quarter; in San Diego; Pacific Beach; Raider games in; strikes in
San Diego Chargers; fans
San Diego Raiders Fan Club
San Diego Union-Tribune
San Francisco
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco 49ers; fans, perception of
San Leandro, Calif.
Sanders, Pharaoh
Sandlin, Stephanie
Santana, Carlos
Santa Rosa, Calif.
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scott, Randolph
Seale, Bobby
Seattle Times
Self, Robert O.: “California’s Industrial Garden,”
Señor Raider Man
Service Employees International Union
Shadinger, Mark
Sheehan, Mike
Shell, Art
Shelton, Mark
Shock, James
Silver and Black Illustrated
Sims, Barry
Singh Shady
66th Avenue Black Hole
66th Mob
Skeleton Crew, the
Skull Lady
Skull Patrol
Slack, David
Smith, Kerry
Smith, Luther
Smith, Taravian
Smoke–A–Lot Records
Snider, Kris
Snow, Ron
Soliday, Bill
Song, W.S.
South Shield
South West Florida Silver and Black Attack
Sparkes, Jo
Spinola, Joe
Spinola, John
sports: appeal of; religion and; relocation of teams; See also football
sports bars. See also specific names
Sports Edition Bar and Grill
Sports Fan Research Group
Stabler, Ken
Stahlman, King
Stallybrass, Peter: “From Carnival to Transgression,”
Steinbrenner, George
Stinchcomb, Matt
Stokes, J.J.
strikes, labor
Stubblefield, Dana
subcultures; reaction to
Super Bowl XXXVII, ; Operation Game Day; security at
tailgate parties. See Oakland Coliseum
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tatum, Jack
Tennessee Titans
Thomas, Lafayette
Thompson, Craig
Thompson, Hunter S.; “The Last Super Bowl,”
Thornton, Eli
Tomlinson, LaDainian
Tracy, Calif.
Trask, Amy
Trebel, Mike
Treu, Adam
Trotter, William Monroe
Tucker, Jill
Tufty’s House of Pain
Tuiasosopo, Marques
Upshaw, Gene
Uribe, Luis Fernando
Utterback, Shawn
Valium, Mike
Valley, Wayne
Venice Beach Drumming Circle
Veterans for Peace
Vigil, Diego
Vignes, Michelle: Bay Area Blues
Villapiano, Phil
Violator, The
Waite, Steve
Washington Redskins
Weir, Stan
Wenner, Lawrence A.
Wheatley, Tyrone
White, Allon: “From Carnival to Transgression,”
Whitted, Alvis
Widener, Danny
Wildavsky, Aaron: Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland
Williams, Marcus
Williams, Roland
Wilson, Jimmy
Wilson, Marc
Wilson, Mark
Wisnewski, Steve
Women’s Liberation Movement
Woodson, Charles
Woodson, Rod
Yankee Nation
York, Penn.
Youth Employment Partnership
Zamora, Jim
Zine, Leroy
Text © 2005 by Jim Miller and Kelly Mayhew
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form, without written permission from the publisher.
Published in the United States by The New Press, New York, 2005
Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York
Miller, Jim, 1965–
Better to reign in hell : inside the raiders fan empire / Jim Miller and Kelly Mayhew p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-1-595-58787-9
1. Oakland Raiders (Football team) 2. Football fans—United States.
I. Mayhew, Kelly. II. Title.
GV956.O24M55 2005
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