Discovering April

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Discovering April Page 1

by Sheena Hutchinson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight



  More Books By Sheena:

  Copyright © 2015- S.L Hutchinson Publishing

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Sheena Hutchinson except in the case of brief quotations embodied in a critic article or review.

  This book is a complete work of fiction from the Author’s imagination any similarities are completely coincidental.

  PS- the author has in no way, shape or form conoodled with her neighbor—for the record!

  ISBN-13: 978-1508642220

  ISBN10: 1508642222

  Cover art by Cover Me Darling:

  Interior Formatting by Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Designs

  For more information visit

  This book is dedicated to all my hopeless romantics and undecided majors. Know that everything happens for a reason and on it’s own time.

  You can’t rush destiny.

  And remember, sometimes what you’re looking for is right under your nose.

  “WE ARE SOOOOO OVER!” I scream over my shoulder as I climb out of the car.

  “Fine with me,” Hunter hollers, keeping his fists clenched against the steering wheel of his new, silver, sleek BMW.

  I’m about to slam the door in his face. He hates that.

  But instead I get the idea to say more. “You know Hunter, I thought you were different.”

  There. I told him. I slam the door behind me for emphasis before I stubbornly walk up the pathway to my house. I can’t believe he’s being so selfish. He always finds a way to ruin what is supposed to be a good time. I’m climbing the three steps to the wrap-around porch of my small Victorian home, before I decide to turn around. For no reason, his car is no longer there. I sigh before taking out my keys and fumble with my front door. This thing never seems to work. The keys somehow slip through my fingers and crash to the floor.

  “Really?!” I slap my hands on my thighs before bending over and snatching them up to try again.

  A snicker of laughter makes me turn towards the mirror image of my house next door. Jared is once again tinkering on his car under the fluorescents of his floodlight. God only knows what he does to that thing; seems like every weekend, he’s out there, fixing something. But, it’s the way his face is hiding laughter at my rage that pisses me off. He quickly turns away to look for something in his toolbox. But I saw it! He can’t fool me! For someone I haven’t talked to in years, he has no right to judge me!

  “Jerk!” I mutter, finally shouldering my way through the front door.

  I make my way inside to pet my grey tabby cat, Jinx, who is curled up on the back of the couch. I check my phone, just in case. Nope, no apology. I don’t know what I was expecting. I love the kid to death, but would it kill him to admit he’s wrong? I clearly saw him flirt with that girl with the obviously enhanced chest right in front of my face! Does he think I’m stupid? It’s bad enough he dorms at school and I’m stuck here two towns away, but now he has given me a reason to distrust him.

  Hunter says I’m crazy; he always says I’m crazy. Why do guys think that’s okay to tell a girl?! Hell, maybe I am! But, it’s only because he made me this way.

  Ugh. I throw my purse on the kitchen table. My hands rest on my hips as I contemplate my next move.

  I can’t believe Jared laughed at me. I mean, I know I have my little arguments in front of the house, but a loud chuckle, practically in my face? That’s just rude. I lean over the sink to peek out the small kitchen window and see Jared’s strong back bent over, adjusting something in his truck.

  “Jerk!” I mutter again before turning around and digging through the half empty refrigerator for something to eat. I’m at a point where Ramen noodles are too expensive for me.

  When my parents retired to Boca, I had two options: sell the house and use the money to room on campus, or figure out a way to pay the mortgage myself. Somehow selling the house I grew up in tore my heart out, so I decided for the latter. A choice I’m now starting to regret. Working part time at the local coffee house after class doesn’t seem to leave much money for food. Actually, I was hoping Hunter would take me to dinner, but as usual we went to one of his friend’s parties instead. Let’s just say stale pretzels weren’t as satisfying.

  I swear a part of me thinks we fell in love too early, that we need to get it out of our system before we can settle down, but how do you give up on first love? How can you deny it when it’s already got its claws in you? It’s like we are one. My friends are his friends and his friends are mine. Don’t get me started on our families. We have just been through so much, we are a part of each other… whether we like it or not.

  MY EYES ARE HARD TO OPEN; they must be crusted over from all the crying I did last night. I rub them with the edge of my palms until I can finally see again. My eyes open to those bright green-yellow ones of none other than Jinxy himself. He softly purrs as he rubs his furry face on my chin.

  “I guess it’s time to get up, huh buddy?” I sigh before he hops down and finally roll out of bed to follow after him.

  Washing the dried tears off my face, I come to the decision not to let that jerk ruin my day. I was okay before him. I will be okay after him.

  Pulling up to school, I get a parking spot right in front of The Hall, the brick building right between the Cafeteria and The Adams Building. That’s where all the general education classes are taken. It seems like most of the school hangs out on the hill right in front of all three. On a beautiful day, the hill looks like the Fourth of July with people lounging on towels and such. For some reason, today seems to be one of those days. Climbing out of the car, I tug on my dress. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I came to the decision that I could feel like crap on the inside, but I sure as hell will not look it! I straightened my blonde hair so that my pink frosted tips are falling gently over the curve of cleavage peeking out from my white dress. The straps crisscross over each other into a halter-top. The bottom slightly flares out at the waist. The wedge sandals on the other hand, were put on without common sense. My first class is on the third floor in the Old Building, which was apparently built before elevators were invented. I’m walking up the pathway around The Hall, when I notice the collection of jocks hovering over by the picnic tables in front of the Cafeteria. They all seem to stop talking as I walk out from the side of the building. Thank God the
Old Building is at the opposite end of the hill; I don’t think I would have the guts to walk by them all. I take a deep breath, trying to keep my pace steady and confident. I know Hunter is probably over there; he plays for the basketball team and I’m silently hoping they are talking enough about my long legs to make him regret his decision.

  It isn’t until I hear a slight murmur from the boys across the yard that my confidence spikes and I pretty much saunter the rest of the way to the building. I’m about to reach for the door when I feel arms wrap around my waist and guide me around the building. Surprised, I gasp and spin around. I have to release my fist when I see it’s only Hunter. As a college student you hear some things – a girl always has to be prepared. I’ve started carrying mace in my purse at all times.

  “Hunter, what the hell! You nearly scared the crap outta me!”

  “I just had to talk to you before class, I’m really sorry.” His eyes glance down like he can’t make eye contact with me, but I watch as they take in my silky smooth legs.

  “You’re sorry? That’s all you’ve got? Hunter, I saw you pull out your phone for her number…”

  “No, I’m telling you, I was just checking the time!” He runs his fingers through his dark hair as his even darker blue eyes plead with me. He licks his lips before starting again. “I’m sorry April, I’m sorry I hurt you. It wasn’t my intention at all. You know I only have eyes for you.”

  At that I’m putty in his hands; actually, I was putty when he licked his lips. I love his lips. They are pouty and welcoming all at the same time, like little cushions made only for my lips. I glance down now, unable to look him in the eye, knowing full well I’m about to cave yet again.

  “A?” he questions, linking his finger under my chin and drawing my face back up to his. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, but—”

  Before I can utter another word, his lips are on mine. He pushes me back against the brick building and I lose all control. My hands wrap around his neck and draw him close, and his mouth explores mine with such passion, it’s as if it’s our first time. By the time his kisses lead their way down my neck, I have to gasp for breath. I wish it were like this all the time. Sometimes, I think the only reason we fight is so we can make up afterward. It’s a horrible, fleeting thought that evaporates the moment I feel his hands reaching up my dress, his fingers hooking into my panties. I picture him slipping them off gently, but instead he rips them to shreds. They fall to the floor before he lifts me up against the wall to put an end to this fight once and for all.

  I’m sitting in class a little while later. I keep crossing and uncrossing my legs, trying to find a comfortable position without any underwear on. I can’t help but feel so naked; one gust of wind and my lady parts will be on display for the entire school. My psychology professor is once again blabbing about theories being proven and then unproven. It gets a little monotonous, so instead I find myself daydreaming about what happened earlier. My eyes wander to the window and I’m blankly staring out, daydreaming. A glimmer from some kind of tool is reflecting on my face, making my eyes focus. Across the width of the football field below appears to be a construction site. I had heard they were building more dorms; I had even put my name on the list. I don’t think I can afford to live on my own anymore. I’d have to worry about a place to live after graduation, but that’s like a year and a half from now. It’s not the hammer that makes me lean in closer, it’s the strong back attached to it, the hands that are expertly wrapped around it, the dirty carpenter pants and those boots… it’s Jared, my neighbor.

  I don’t know why I find this piece of information fascinating. It’s no secret that after Jared’s parents died he dropped out to take over his father’s business, Hoffman Construction. This was junior year of high school. But for some reason, seeing him here on campus intrigues me. I wonder if he regrets it; I wonder if he longs to be here in a classroom like me. I also imagine what he could have become if he had. I mean, taking over an entire business at sixteen is amazing – imagine what he could have done with more education! My thoughts are interrupted as I watch him lean back against the wooden scaffolding. He turns around, wiping sweat off his face, and glances up to my window. I quickly divert my attention back to the teacher. How did he know I was looking at him?

  Ten minutes later, I chance a second look. They say curiosity killed the cat. I wonder what that cat was looking at, and was it as interesting as this? I study the construction crew as they joke around with one another on the bed of a pickup truck. It’s funny; they all look like brothers even though it’s obvious they don’t have the same parents. But just by observing them you can tell that they are closer than normal coworkers. Jared smacks one of them on the back and says something that makes them all stand up. He then turns to pick up a long wood plank, carrying it tucked under one arm like it weighs nothing less than a pillow.

  I watch as he places the timber down and another worker comes up behind him and starts tacking in the nails. I’m amazed as I continue my obvious gawking. They seem to have a system going. Jared’s in charge; the brother with the long hair pinned back is second in command; and a guy twice the size of the rest with muscles the size of my head is obviously the brut strength. There are a few others, and a skinny younger kid looks to be interning or something because he just seems to follow everyone else along. In the past few minutes I’ve watched the teenager drop just about every tool on his tool belt.



  “Would you mind answering the question?” My teacher’s voice suddenly snaps me back to attention.

  My heart stops, I feel all the eyes on me and I turn beet red. “I’m sorry, what was the question again?”

  “Yes, I noticed you were a little distracted.” She nods towards the window.

  I duck my head, trying to hide the heat in my cheeks.

  The entire class snickers before she saves me. “Jessica, please tell April what the rest of the class is discussing.”

  Whew! I need to be slicker.

  THE DAY GOES BY in a blur of psychology, algebra, and forensics. Leaving the brick prison behind me, I step out into the blaring sunshine and take a deep calming breath. I feel the sun radiating into my pale skin and I’m happy for this summer to begin. I have so many plans, so many things I want to do before I begin my junior year.

  “A!” I hear called from across the hill.

  My eyes squint and I see Hunter standing over by the picnic tables with his friends. Ugh. They can be funny and cool to hang out with, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t always the only girl. Let me rephrase: I wish I wasn’t the only girl that isn’t sneaking out in the wee hours of the morning. I take my time walking across the courtyard to them, enjoying the warm rays of sunshine. It was a long winter and I don’t think there will be enough sun to thaw me out from it all. Try watching a skinny little girl like me trying to shovel three feet of snow by myself! It’s one of the downsides of owning a house and living alone.

  “A, Todd is having an end of school party Friday, after finals,” he tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. But the way he does it doesn’t seem to be affectionate; it’s more like claiming his territory.

  “Oh, really?” I know he’s already told Todd we’d be going so I have to pretend like I’m excited. I don’t know why I’m always trying to get his stupid friends to like me.

  “Yea, so I told him to count us in!” He squeezes my shoulders, bringing me closer to him.

  “Awesome!” I fake a smile and genuine enthusiasm.

  I’M STILL DEBATING WHETHER I should fake an illness to get out of that stupid party this weekend while I stock the shelves at work. I’ve been working at the coffeehouse pretty much since the second day they opened. I remember it like it was yesterday: I was sitting at the long table in the back with a pile of applications. Jack, the owner with the shaggy blonde hair and light blue green eyes – like the water at my parent’s beach house – leaned over and said some w
isecrack joke about him guessing I was looking for a job. A few minutes of conversation later, he actually offered me one. I think it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. He opens and I come in after school to take over and close up. He’s always lenient if I need a day off or get backed up with schoolwork. I love the shop itself, too. It’s small and homey because it’s the only one in the small town of Angelica, New York. They tend to get pretty busy sometimes but Jack’s never really needed to hire someone else because I’m always willing to work overtime. Truth is, I could use the money.

  Hunter never seems to understand this. He’s always getting on my case for working too much. But he doesn’t understand the concept of working for a living. He’s always had his parents to support him. I have no such luck. Financial aid covers my school, but books, food, and a mortgage gets to be a little much for me sometimes. It’s all on my shoulders and I’ll be damned if I admit to my parents that I’m failing – miserably. Even if it starves me, I will get these bills paid. It’s not like I could starve, anyway. Jack will always let me take home some food at the end of the day. Jack’s always looking out for me, like the older brother I never had. Seems like whenever I need something, he is there for me. He’s like my own guardian angel. I don’t know how to ever repay him, so instead I run his shop like it’s my own.

  “I’ll be in the back if you need me!” Jack calls over his shoulder.

  Turning the spout off, I shoot him a wave. “You got it, boss.”

  Handing the coffee to the customer, I watch Jack’s back as he retreats to the hallway that leads to his office. Glancing back to the next customer, I say, “Hi, can I take your order?”

  It’s the girl with the red hair. Sera, with an E. I know this only because she’s corrected me on more than one occasion. I mean, what kind of name is that, anyway?

  “Caramel latte, please,” she politely orders, but I just stand there for a second, staring at her.

  I think it’s her eyes. They are light, an almost translucent brown that I swear look green sometimes. She practically lives here. I know she comes every morning and I see her stop by after work, as well. On weekends, she spends the whole day in that green chair in the corner. I think this girl needs a life. I blink, realizing I’m staring at her for longer than normal


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