by S. Tamanaha
“Yes, and it’s our intent to have the clinic run by Mr. Ames. The details haven’t all been worked out yet but they will be within the next few months. And if the clinic helps only one more person feel the way that I do today, it’ll be worth it.”
Once again, the audience applauded loudly.
“John, at the very beginning of the book, you have a wonderful dedication page. Why don’t you read it for the audience? I cried when I read just that page alone.”
He smiled slightly and picked up the book. “I’ll actually be reading this for the first time to my wife as well. She’s never seen the final draft of the book. It begins with an anonymous quote that I found.” He opened the book and began reading in that beautiful rich voice of his, “‘Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.’ I know this is true because it happened to me. This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife, Susan, whose complete love and devotion saved my life and my soul.”
The host was tearing up and she and the audience stood to give Johnny another standing ovation. Back at their home, Susan cried even harder as she heard him read that beautiful dedication to her. Then she hugged her little Angel and kissed her.
“And we all live happily ever after,” she whispered to her baby, “because that’s how fairy tales end, don’t they?”