Checking Him Out (A Single Mothers Romance Novella)

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Checking Him Out (A Single Mothers Romance Novella) Page 2

by Chris Genovese

  Then I felt his hands find their way to my waist and help with my pants. He dropped to his knees and tugged, pulling them over my thighs and dropping them to the floor.

  I was free.

  But vulnerable.

  And impatient.

  I kicked off my shoes and slid out of my pants.

  I looked down to see an eager grin. James stared up at me with lust in his eyes.

  He tilted his head to the right, opened his mouth, and found the trim around my panties, right between my pussy and my thigh.

  He bit down on it, pulling the fabric with his teeth. He wanted to eat me.

  I wanted him to eat me.

  To taste me.

  I wanted him to take my pussy in his mouth and devour me.

  My husband could fuck all the young cunts he wanted to.

  I was about to be feasted upon.

  James opened his mouth and his tongue was big…wide…long. He licked my panties once, and the pressure of his tongue on my clit made my arms shake.

  My legs followed.

  He used his teeth to remove my panties, yanking them from my waist, tearing them from my body.

  “I’ve never been with a white girl before either,” he said as he released them to the floor.

  And I swear I could feel the juices flowing from my pussy, running down my leg, and I wondered if he noticed it. I reached down and grabbed the back of his head, more forward than I’ve ever been, and shoved his face into my crotch.

  “Then eat this white pussy right now,” I said.

  He did. And he did it in a way I’d never experienced before. He really seemed to be trying to eat me, using teeth and lips and everything as he massaged my swollen pussy lips with his mouth.

  “You taste sweet,” he said in a gruff voice. He said something else but his mouth was too full of ME for me to understand. I was filling him.

  And I needed him to fill me.

  I stumbled backwards until I found a bench. He stood, gripped my ass in both hands, and lifted me up, lying me gently down on top of the bench.

  Then he was back between my legs, his big tongue buried in my pussy. He moved up to my clit and licked around it, teasing me.

  I wanted to cry out. I wanted to tell him where to lick to make me come, but I couldn’t speak. He’d found it. He was licking my clit, sucking the flap between his teeth.

  I knew that big cock was just a few feet away, so close to me, and I wanted it inside me.

  “James,” I said. “Give it to me. Give me your cock.”

  “You sure you ready for this?” he asked.

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” I said as I pulled him up to my eye level so he’d be able to reach me.

  His cock bumped into my thigh as he made his way closer and then moved over and bumped against my pussy lips.

  Oh God I wanted it inside me. I knew it was going to feel so good.

  It was going to hurt like hell…but it was going to feel sooooo good.

  “James, please. Now. Fuck me now,” I begged.

  I felt his cock press against me, threatening to break inside, when I heard a double beep.


  Then I realized one of the items I was ringing up for James wasn’t going through.


  Fucking eggs.

  I was totally staring at James. He was there, just waiting to see what I’d do about the stubborn carton of eggs that wasn’t ringing up. That’s when I realized I’d never even greeted the man. I’d rung up half of his groceries without speaking a single word to him. I don’t even know how I did it. I’d been lost in my fantasy world.

  I fucking did it! I had a fantasy!

  I was so proud of myself that I wanted to shout it to the rooftops. I’d finally had a serious fantasy. And as I manually typed the eggs’ sku number into the computer, I kind of understood how things had gone down for my husband.

  Not that it was okay that he followed through and really fucked the bimbo but I understood how nice and how serious a fantasy can be.

  James paid for his groceries and left, never knowing that he’d been eating my pussy a moment before. That’s some powerful stuff.

  I could get used to this.

  Chapter 2

  I stood alone again at my register feeling my pussy sopping wet in my slacks and wondering if I could actually go to the gym and make that happen. I doubted it.

  I’d really never been with a black man before. I’d never even considered it. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it just didn’t happen. And I’d seen James come into the store with some seriously sexy women with rockin’ bodies. So I probably didn’t stand a chance.

  “Excuse me, are you open?” a voice called out.

  I looked up and was blown away. This was a guy I’d never seen before and I thought I’d seen them all. He was tall and handsome. He had black hair with just a little bit of salt on the sides. He smiled at me and something in his expression was gentle.

  He was the kind of guy who gave extra soup to the homeless at a soup kitchen.

  But with his Armani jeans and Ralph Lauren linen shirt, I knew he had money, so I wondered if the smile was just a practiced one, from many years in front of wealthy friends and family.

  He had a play boy look. I tried to come up with a name for him but couldn’t.

  “Hello?” he asked. “Are you open?”

  “Umm, yes,” I said. “I’m open. I’m sorry. Just a long morning.”

  “I bet,” he said as he started to pile his stuff onto the conveyor.

  Chips, pickles, pain medicine, microwave popcorn, ham, ribeye steaks, soda, Gatorade, cereal, razors, bread…the list went on and on and was so completely random that I couldn’t get a good read on the guy.

  He was a mystery.

  As I rang up his stuff and reached the last item, he stopped and eyed the strand of small boxes of condoms hanging next to the register. His finger went over the selection as if he were reading brail. He stopped at the Magnum XL condoms, chuckled, then ran his finger back to the regular size and the flavored and the ribbed. He was so indecisive.

  “I would point you towards the fitting room but we don’t have one,” I said.

  Bad idea. Please bring those words back to my mouth. That was so disrespectful. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

  He looked at me. He smiled but I couldn’t tell if it was a genuine smile or an I-can’t-believe-she-just-said-that-shit smile.

  “Gina,” he said, reading my nametag.

  Oh shit he’s going to report me. And I totally deserve it. How stupid!

  “Gina, what size do you think would look good on me?” he asked.

  Am I fantasizing again? Did he really just ask me that? No fucking way.

  I laughed. I couldn’t come up with anything to say. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say. So I just laughed and covered my eyes with my hand.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he said. “I just thought we were playing the forward game.”

  “I’m not embarrassed, “ I lied.


  He went back to looking at the condoms. He was able to take his time as there was nobody in line behind him. The store was empty. He picked up a box and held it out so I could read it.

  “These are the ones that get hot, that warm up when there’s even the slightest bit of friction, right?” he asked.

  I don’t know if my pussy was still wet from thoughts of James or if it had suddenly dampened again, but I definitely noticed the moist feeling between my thighs. I was wet again. I was breathing hard too, in a nervous way. This guy was making me uneasy.

  “I’m not sure,” I finally managed to squeak out. “I umm…”

  “Not your favorite?” he asked.

  “Umm no, I mean yeah, I’m mean…I’m sure they’re great.”

  How was he able to do this to me? My knees were weak and I was seriously nervous. Not scared but more like…stage frig
ht. But I wasn’t performing. Was I?

  I felt like one of those sexual slave women in the presence of the master. He was asking simple questions about condoms and all I could think of was him wearing one and pulling me onto him.

  “So you’ve never used them?” he asked.

  I didn’t answer. I was shocked. I wasn’t sure if I was being harassed or if I should be flattered.

  Was he being an asshole or a tease? I settled on somewhere in between. The guy was a teasing asshole.

  “Look,” I said, snapping out of my stupor. “You should buy whichever you think will be pleasing to your lady friend…and to you of course. Buy what you want.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled again. That warm, got-you-where-I-want-you grin.

  “And if I don’t have a lady friend?” he asked.

  I laughed and shook my head.

  “You’re teasing me now. Do you have a frequent shopper card?” I asked.

  He chuckled and slapped his card into my hand. “I was kidding with you,” he admitted. “Teasing I’ll save for another day.”

  I felt myself blushing and covered my face with my hand. This guy was a sexual predator in the best sort of way. He was a turn on without trying too hard. I swiped his card and looked at the name that flashed on the screen.

  “Mr. Cooper,” I said.

  “Kevin,” he corrected me.

  “Mr. Cooper, thanks for shopping at Savory Saves.”

  “Do you guys have bag boys or something?” he asked.

  I glanced over and saw his groceries piled up at the end of my station. I was doing such a bad job this day. If Pam were still around she would definitely have noticed by now. I’d be in for a serious talking to later on.

  I pushed the button that lit up my station, a signal for any bag boys hanging around doing nothing, which was the case most of the time since they weren’t allowed to accept tips and knew they’d get an hourly wage whether they were proactive or not.

  As we waited for a bag boy to show up, an awkward silence passed between us…until he broke it.

  “So it’s been a long day?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m working a double. I usually work the graveyard,” I answered.

  Far away from your shopping time, Mr. Cooper.

  “Oh a double. That’s tough,” he said. “Your husband must be worried sick.”

  I had to laugh at that one.

  Nope, not worried at all.

  He seemed amused by my outburst.

  “No, husband. Had one and if he were still around I don’t think he’d be worried sick. He’d be busy minding someone else’s business. A much younger someone else.”

  Why did I just tell him that?

  “I’m sorry, that’s my business, not yours. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just been a REALLY long night and morning.”

  “It’s okay. And it’s a shame. You’re a beautiful woman. Very nice. Very…intoxicating. I think that’s a good word for you. You’re intoxicating. You overwhelm the senses.”

  I felt faint. This guy was everything a woman wants. Strikingly handsome, obviously loaded, smooth talking, and oddly pleasant. And he was flirting with me.

  I fidgeted, feeling my moist panties stick to my pussy. He was great in bed, no doubt about it. The guy screamed sexual energy.

  “Teasing again,” I said.

  “No. Not this time.”

  “Did you say that to the lady you’re buying the condoms for?” I asked.

  Ouch. That was rude again. I really need to get a better grasp on my thoughts.

  The bag boy finally showed up and thank God the kid was fast because I needed Mr. Cooper to get out of there as soon as possible.

  “That,” he said as he pointed at the rack of condoms, “is nothing serious. It’s just a…a thing. It’s complicated. But I’m not tied down.”

  I wondered if this guy’s words were similar to what my husband used to get the bitch into the sack.

  The bag boy finished quickly and was ready to go. Mr. Cooper nodded his head and followed his cart. He stopped and looked back at me once more.

  “Graveyard shift,” he said. “Hmm.”

  And that was the moment my fantasy world started to seep into reality. Mr. Cooper was interested in me. And he surely wouldn’t be leaving my mind anytime soon.

  A few days passed by and surprisingly Pam hadn’t asked me to work a double. The first couple of days I kind of wanted to in the hopes I’d bump into HIM again.

  Mr. Cooper.

  The mystery man.

  Thinking back and remembering the fancy clothes he wore, I had to wonder why he’d even be shopping in my store. It wasn’t located in the ghetto or anything but it definitely wasn’t on the upscale side of town. Most of the wealthier folks shopped at Gracie’s. Everyone knew that.

  It felt like forever until our next encounter. It happened just before midnight on a Wednesday, not the typical partygoer night, which meant the place was once again empty. I wasn’t the only cashier on duty. Abraham was a few tills down and Barbara was a few farther from that.

  Pam and Brian, the two head shift managers were smart in their scheduling techniques. They assigned our stations, always making sure there was a lot of space between us, so we wouldn’t start chatting and planning a coup. We all knew it, but most of us weren’t really friends anyway. Both Abraham and Barbara were much older than I was.

  Most of the people my age or younger worked the day shift so they could go out and get drunk and fucked at night.

  No room for either of those in my life.

  I’d grown quite good at my fantasy game. In three days I’d had sex with a guy named Earl in his mechanic garage, I fucked a guy named Sly at a bowling alley (at least that’s where I imagined he worked), a young stud named Jersey Shore on the beach, and a big fat biker on the back of his Harley.

  The fantasy game wasn’t even so much about the sensual side of it sometimes. Every once in a while I did it for fun just to see if I could get myself going. I spent hours in the day in this fantasy haze. And I went home early in the morning to masturbate before drifting off to bed. It was a lousy routine but it was better than what I had before.

  “You know you short changed me the other morning.” It was the familiar voice of the guy I’d fingered myself to twice since he last visited the store.

  Mr. Cooper.

  I looked up to see him in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight-fitting navy blue T-shirt. His hair was long and wavy, always the distinguished gentleman. He looked succulent. This time he didn’t even have any groceries. He just reached over to the condom rack and took them all down, piling them up in front of me.

  I laughed out loud.

  “You like that?” he asked. “I can juggle too.”

  “You’re somethin’ else,” I said.

  “Seriously, you short changed me last time,” he said.

  “Come on. I did not. Are you serious?”

  I was instantly worried.

  “Yeah, you left out your phone number.”

  “That was slick.”

  “Glad you think so. I’ve been practicing that for days.”

  “Days. Yep, it’s been a while.”

  “You noticed.”

  He got me. I did notice.

  Of course I fucking noticed you idiot.

  How can guys be so stupid and so smart at the same time? This guy probably owned his own company or was in a very high position in one, yet he, just like all the other guys out there, said the dumbest stuff.

  “Sorry I was adjusting my sleeping habits so I could start doing my shopping at night,” he said.

  “Your shopping?” I asked as I looked down at his pile of condoms.

  “I’m like a very horny bear. I need to pick up all the condoms I can before hibernating.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah, not cool,” he agreed.

  He put the condoms back on the rack, one box at a time, as he read the covers and smirked or grinned with each one.

  “Are you going to buy anything?” I asked.

  “I guess I should, right?”


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