Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 11

by M. T. Ossler

  Hunter even ordered a desk for me to sketch on and it’s in his office. I know he wants to keep me close and that tells me things are going to get bad. I’ll stay close to him for his peace and mine. It’s a heady feeling to have a man love me this much and want to always be with me. He doesn’t even mind when the girls are around. I’m so glad I let him worm his way into my heart.

  Cesare arrived a few weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier. Bella has even been livelier. The three musketeers are back together. Our little family inside our big one is growing by the day. One of Ace’s other brothers, who I didn’t know well before, has been hanging around us. He has the hots for Ces, it’s so cute how he is with him.

  Ces had a hard time here in the beginning and I did my best to help, but Hunter would get upset. They finally talked it out and things with Hunter and Ces are good now.

  Unfortunately, more was going on with Ces and that’s where Ryder came in. He cares for Ces and has helped him tremendously. I don’t know exactly what was going on, but it was bad. Ryder keeps him close as much as he can and takes care of him. I think he loves him but is afraid to do anything about it. The guys are cool with Ces for the most part, though some have issues. They tend to keep to themselves which is fine by me. Bella and I will have his back, not like we need to, he can handle himself. Our brothers taught him how to fight and protect himself years ago, just like us. He’s a good fighter too. I wouldn’t say as good as Gio, but he can hold his own.

  Hunter dragged me down to the bar tonight. It’s Thursday night - no party - to hang out with the guys. Ryder and Ces are here. Ces’s cast is off and he’s been doing good, with Ryder’s help, of course.

  Beast and Bella just joined us. It’s good to see her like this with him and comfortable around their brothers. The love around here warms my heart. I just hope our brothers are found soon.

  Ces is telling the guys all our secrets. The worst one of all too. He’s telling them the story of how Bells and I learned how to perform an excellent blowjob. On a cucumber of all things while watching a porno. One of the funniest nights of my life with my besties.

  “These two didn’t own a dildo and I wasn’t pulling out my shit for them to practice on. So a cucumber was the only thing I could come up with on short notice,” Ces says and has us all in stitches. Love my guy and his uncensored mouth. The guys are laughing so hard their bodies are rattling.

  “I got a couple videos one on ‘How to Give a World Class Blowjob’ and a couple pornos. So we had a ton of eye candy to look at and a few bottles of wine. Add those all together and it was a recipe for a laugh your ass off kinda night.”

  The guys are razzing us about it, they thought Bella and I lived like nuns. Bella makes a comment that we weren’t dead, we like looking at men, just didn’t want one in our life’s. The guys can’t stop cracking up. It’s like watching teenager girls, they are too much.

  Their laughter is contagious, and we can’t help but join in.

  Then all of a sudden, we stop and freeze. The bar doors swing open and in come four of the most handsome men I have ever known and am so relieved they are finally here.

  Val, Romeo, Lorenzo, and Bash come strutting into the bar with Bear and Gunner behind them. My heart finally feels whole again. Our brothers are finally here with us, the only family I have left in this God forsaken world. They are all my real family. My sister and I aren’t close, never were, so it’s always been them.

  I stay back with Ces and we let Bella have her moment with her real brothers.

  This is not good; Bells emotions are on overload. Her body is in fight mode. I’m not quite sure why she feels this way towards them, she just does. To the point, it’s overwhelmed her, and she passes out in Gio’s arms.

  This night just turned on its axle. We went from laughing to screaming in a blink of an eye.

  “Someone get Sam to my place, now! Ace, handle the guys,” Gio orders and races out of the bar with Bella in his arms. Val and Lorenzo are the first to follow him, demanding answers about their sister. We all follow them and try to calm them down.

  They wake Gigi and Beast, ask Ces and me to take her to his room after she greets her brothers. Hunter stays and tells me he’ll get me later. He needs to talk to the guys and fill them in on everything they have missed the last couple of months.

  The three of us get settled in Ces’s bed and I pass out immediately. As promised, Hunter retrieves me from Ces’s room, without waking me up.

  The next day we get the surprise of our lives. Bella is pregnant, and not with just one baby, she and Gio are having twins. This is just the news we need. Everything is starting to look up for us.

  Unfortunately, Antonio and his goons ruin our happy day and are in town and on our tail. Waiting for us at the hospital. I hate feeling afraid, but he elicits those feelings in me.

  The stakes have been raised for our men. Our protection has become a high priority and thankfully there are extra hands on deck to help.

  It’s wonderful to have the guys here, our family all together. Bella and Gigi are in their glory, actually. Ces and I are too. I hate that they will have to leave us one day, but we have today. So, I’ll take what I can get. Even if it causes problems with my relationship with Hunter. He and Ces worked out their differences, so hopefully, he and Romeo can too. Eventually.

  Romeo is very protective of me, more so than Lorenzo, who I’m the closest with out of the four of them.

  Well, eventually has come. The guys have been here with us for weeks and Hunter and Rom have been at each other’s throat since Rom walked through the bar doors. Hunter and I have even had a few fights. It doesn’t help that I’ve been concealing a major secret from him. I haven’t told anyone except one person, and that is only speculation on their part. I wanted to wait and find the right moment to tell Hunter, then we could tell our little family first, before telling the Club. I hate keeping this from him, but I fear he won’t be happy. I’m scared he won’t want this and leave me. I can’t lose him, he’s my heart and I can’t survive without my heart.

  It’s the beginning of October and in less than two weeks we’re all supposed to go to Maddox’s Club for the weekend. His Club is in Daytona and that’s where they hold Biketoberfest. One of the big bike rallies’ around here.

  Tonight, shits about to hit the fan in the bar with them. We’re hanging out in the bar and Bella and the guys are going on and on about; Insert eye roll; Harley’s. I know shit about them unlike her, but I like being on the back of Hunter’s bike, which I won’t be able to do for long.

  Romeo growls at Hunter and they go at it. I won’t let them hurt each other so I involve myself and handle his ass.

  “Rom, you never really wanted me, you just like the idea of having me. So why are you treating my man like this? He’s good to me, and I’m in love with him. Stop acting like I was ever yours. I never was and never was going to be. We never had that type of relationship, and you know it! You should be happy for me, asshole!” I yell at him, telling him as it is.

  “That’s not true Jul, and you know it. You were the one who pushed me away, and now you’re with him,” Romeo says. He’s right, I did push him away because he is my brother and the thought of kissing him grossed me out.

  “He’s not right for you and you know it. That’s why you haven’t gotten that property tatt like Bells. You wanna be claimed, I’ll fucking claim you like I wanted to do two years ago.” Shut the fuck up Rom. That is not the reason. I want my property tatt more than ever, but it has to wait. I can’t get it now.

  “What the fuck do you think this is, a fuckin’ Romeo and Juliet love story, man? This is real fuckin’ life! This Julietta is not in love with this Romeo. She’s in love with me, Ace, and I am in love with her,” Hunter declares and my heart overflows with joy. I just hope he still feels that way after I tell him my secret.

  This is getting out of control and needs to be stopped.

  “That’s enough!” Beast shouts at them and they ignore him. Fi
sts start flying, and I just may kill them both after this. They are both lucky I can’t stop them, or I would beat both their asses.

  Bella and I scream at the guys to break them up. This has gone way too far.

  The guys get them separated and I give Hunter a look. He knows I’m mad at him. I don’t want them doing this over me. What was he thinking? Men always think with their fist first instead of talking. Assholes.

  “Is it true, is that why you wouldn’t get your property ink? You want this asshole!” Hunter growl-roars loudly, piercing my ears.

  He can’t be seriously thinking that is true. What have I done to make him think that?

  Well, I guess I have been lying to him, so that could be why.

  I turn to face him with daggers in my eyes.

  “No, that’s not the fucking reason. Hunter, I love you with all my heart. Now, shut the fuck up you big goof and let me finish this so we can enjoy the rest of the night in peace.”

  “When I’m done. You and I can talk in private, and I’ll give you all the goddamn answers you desire,” I bark. This ends tonight. I can’t keep stressing myself over this. If he doesn’t like what I have to say, then I will leave and go home with my brothers, when they’re done taking out Antonio. I will close this chapter of my life and never look back.

  Until then I will enjoy what I can get.

  I walk into Hunter’s arms, needing him.

  “You know how much I love you and how possessive I get when it comes to you. I’m sorry, kitten, for being an asshole,” he whispers in my ear. My heart melts and hope flares inside me as he places a passionate kiss on me. Maybe he won’t hate me after we talk.

  I turn back to Rom and Hunter keeps me in his arms. I’m grateful more than he knows. I need his touch, him, to stay together.

  “I’m going to tell you the same thing I told you two years ago when you tried to kiss me. You’re not in love with me. You liked the idea of us. You didn’t want anyone having me because I am like a sister to you and you wanted to protect me.

  “We are family, not by blood, but family none the less.

  “I love you Romeo, but I’m not in love with you nor am I physically attracted to you. I’ve known you my whole life and have only seen you as a brother, nothing more. You are my brother; for all intents and purposes, you always have been just like Gio, Val, Bash, and Lorenzo.

  “You need to accept this. You can’t protect me for the rest of my life. You need to move on, fall in love, for real and protect her not me. I have a man to keep me safe,” I say, jabbing him in the chest hard. Every word is true in my heart, I want all this for him. I want him to find his true love, that’s not me, though.

  “I am a claimed woman, by a man that I love more than anything in this world and you need to deal with it. Now, stop being an asshole and shake hands with my man and end this shit!” I scream at him. I love him, but I will choose Hunter over him. Even if Hunter doesn’t keep me, forever.

  He stares at me for a long, intense minute, registering my harsh words.

  “He’s really what you want for the rest of your life?”

  “Yes, Rom, he’s more than I ever wanted and thought I would ever have. I want him for a lifetime and more,” I state, hoping I get all that my heart desires.

  Everyone stays silent while he absorbs my words. They are getting through, slowly but surely.

  “Fine, I give up. I’ll back off since it’s apparent this is what you truly want,” he says, and I finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  Rom sticks out his hand for Hunter to shake. They makeup and call a truce, that I hope lasts. Especially after I tell Hunter my secret.

  We stay in the bar with everyone for a couple of hours, then Hunter ushers me off to our room.

  “Kitten, it’s time to talk. What are ya keeping from me?” Hunter asks, sitting on the bed and taking me on his lap. My heart is pounding in my chest. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I need to just say it and see where the cards fall.

  “I’m pregnant,” I whisper squeezing my eyes shut. I can’t look at him, I can’t see the anger in his eyes.

  All of a sudden, I’m lifted up and he’s spinning me around the room.

  “I’m going to be a daddy. Oh, Jules, this is the best news I’ve ever heard. Let’s go tell the guys,” he says placing me on my feet. No, that’s not what I want.

  “Stop!” I scream, and he glares at me. “I want to wait. Bella needs this moment more than we do. Please, wait till after we get back from Maddox’s and see the doctor. You can shout it from the rooftops, but for now... For now, I want to keep it between us. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, Blue. I was scared you wouldn’t be happy,” I say in a panic as I hold back my tears.

  “Ok, kitten, we won’t tell anyone. I am happy, I’m ecstatic. I knew this could happen, it’s not like we’ve been careful or anything. I always came inside you, without a condom. You know you’re the only woman I have ever done that with. Jules, I love you.

  “Now, kitten it’s time to celebrate. I’m gonna make you cum so much you're gonna pass out,” he says and takes me to the bed.

  True to his word he gives me eight orgasms and I pass out on his dick wiped out. He makes the night all about me and my pleasure. I’ve never felt so loved and worshiped.

  He did make me feel like his Queen as promised. I am his world and he wants this baby. Our baby. I can’t wait to see the doctor and see our little peanut on that TV like Bella did. I know I won’t be having twins, one is enough for now.

  Chapter 12


  Istill can’t believe I’m going to be a daddy. We’re leaving soon to head to the doctors for Bella, then we’re riding over to Maddox’s for the weekend. This weekend is one of our bike rally’s and all our brother’s and friends from other Clubs will be there. I want to tell everyone our news, but Jules insisted we keep it quiet a little while longer. So that’s what we’ll do.

  After Jules told me the news, we went out and got her a cage. She wanted a brand-new Acura MDX. It has three rows like Beast’s Escalade and the safety ratings were good. I gave the keys to Lorenzo for this weekend. Romeo, Bash, and Gigi are with Lorenzo in my SUV. Val is riding Beast’s bike. Cindy is in Beast SUV with him and Bella. Cindy and Gigi will be staying at the Clubhouse with guards this weekend. Beast didn’t want them far from him with all the shit going on.

  I insisted Jules go with Bella, but she wanted this last weekend on my bike. Doc said it should be ok, I just have to be careful. Not a problem, my world will be on my bike, I have to.

  My girl and Bella are wearing their kuttes. Since we can’t get her tatt till after the baby this will have to do.

  She knows the rules for the weekend I set for her. For once she didn’t fight me on them, which was a relief. I rewarded her for her compliance with more pleasure than she could handle.

  I handcuffed her to the bed and we played with a few new toys. One being a butt plug. I really filled her up and she was begging for more. Fun times, fun times.

  I had her passing out after six orgasms. She can take more normally, but the baby is tiring her out.

  We find out that Beast and Bella’s babies are boys and my brother couldn’t be happier. Bella, I think may be relieved a little. Boys will be a lot easier, especially with all us guys around. I’m happy for them and hope Jules and I have a boy too. Our kids will be growing up together like brothers. The next generation of the Dragons is almost here.

  We finish up and head to Maddox’s. Tonight, we party, to celebrate Beast and Bella’s babies, then tomorrow the rally begins. It’s going to be a long, fun packed weekend.

  The party is good, and everyone is here. We’ve all congregated in the back corner at a table with our group. Lorenzo, Val, Romeo, Bash, Maddox, Gator, Sam, Ces, and Ryder. Cindy and Gigi went to their apartment after dinner. Blaze is roaming around here somewhere with Throttle, I think. He’s been off his game for a while now and I wish he would talk to me about it.

  Maybe it’s
the dynamics of the three of us that are off now with the girls around. He probably feels left out like a third or fifth wheel. I hate for him to feel that way. I hope he finds his one and only. Everyone deserves to have this type of happiness in their life. Blaze is a good man and a good brother, and I wish he finds his peace soon.

  I hear Bash grunt and then Val goes off on Beast and I. Apparently, we’re missing the show going on behind us. Two men and a woman fuckin’ on the pool table. Val doesn’t want his sisters seeing that shit, and I can’t blame him cause I don’t want Jules to see it either.

  It’s late and she’s falling asleep on my lap, so Beast and I call it a night. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and my girl and our baby need their rest.

  I leave Jules in bed, asleep in the mornin’. She is so beautiful and looks so peaceful when she sleeps I hate to wake her. The guys and I have Church to discuss security for the girls this weekend. So, I leave her a note, telling her I’ll be back soon, then I leave.

  As VP of the main chapter, I have to be present with Gator. We go over the plan and assign a couple of prospects to the girls. The conversation begins to get heated. Beast is thinkin’ like a husband and father, not an SAA. I know it’s gotta be hard to separate them, I’m in the same boat.

  “Look, I’m not dismissing Jules or her safety in any way, I know she’s valuable to Antonio too, but my wife is more valuable to his plan. Especially with her being pregnant, her size could suggest...” Beast says angrily, shaking his head, stopping his word not wanting to say more in front of the guys. I know what he’s thinking, I’ve thought it myself a time or two. Bella is 16 weeks pregnant with the twins and has a large belly to accommodate them. People who don’t know she’s having twins would perceive her as being a lot further along. As in months and almost about to deliver. If Antonio was to see her, he would probably assume she’s pregnant with his baby, not Beast’s. Then Antonio would stop at nothin’ to get her back.


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