To a Macallister Born

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To a Macallister Born Page 19

by Joan Elliott Pickart

  Tears filled Jennifer’s eyes, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

  “I guess you’re wondering about that bear,” Jack said. “He’s sort of…tangible evidence of what I’m attempting to say to you. I want to be a groom guy, wearing a suit and tie. I want to be the daddy bear when we create a family. I trust and believe in you, Jennifer, I swear I do…Jennifer, please forgive me. Please. Say you will, and say you’ll be my wife. Oh, God, Jennifer, please.”

  Jack opened his arms to her.

  Jennifer flew off the sofa and into his embrace. He staggered slightly from the impact, then wrapped his arms around her so tightly that it was as though he’d never let her go again.

  “Yes,” Jennifer said, “I forgive you. Yes, I’ll marry you. Oh, Jack, I love you beyond measure.”

  “Thank you,” he said, drawing a deep breath of relief. “Will you move to California with me?”

  “Of course.” Jennifer paused. “There’s just one thing that we need to discuss.”

  “What is it?”

  “How many little MacAllisters did you say we should produce?”

  Jack chuckled, and Jennifer shivered at the wonderful, familiar, masculine sound.

  “One at a time, my love,” he said. “How’s that?”


  Jack lowered his head and captured Jennifer’s lips in a kiss that spoke of commitment, of pain dealt with and dismissed for all time, of love that was rich and deep, honest and real.

  “You’re kissing my mom!”

  Jennifer and Jack jerked apart, breaking the kiss, but Jack continued to hold Jennifer close to him.

  Joey jumped up and down in excitement. “You are,” he said. “You’re kissing my mom, Jack. We’re going to get a baby. We’re going to be a family. Right? I won’t ever have to give you back, will I, Jack?”

  “No, Joey,” Jack said, smiling. “You won’t ever have to give me back.”

  “Neat-o!” Joey yelled. “Wow! Look at that big teddy bear. Cool.”

  “You can have him,” Jack said, “because I’m going to be a real groom guy and daddy bear.” He shifted his gaze to Jennifer again. “We’re going to be together.”

  “Forever,” Jennifer whispered, smiling through her tears. “Forever.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5555-8


  Copyright © 2000 by Joan Elliott Pickart

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  *The Baby Bet

  †Family Men

  ‡Montana Mavericks: Return to Whitehorn

  ΔThe Bachelor Bet




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