Amy Sumida - Tracing Thunder (The Godhunter Series Book 13)

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Amy Sumida - Tracing Thunder (The Godhunter Series Book 13) Page 6

by Unknown

  “Let it all percolate, dude,” Donnie walked past Zeus and headed for the door. “Think about it. We don't want to beef with you but immortality is a strong motivator. If you don't start dishing it out, we're gonna bring it Conan style.”

  No one could top that. Frankly, I was amazed that I understood it. So we all followed Donnie and Hades out of Zeus' palace and off of Mount Olympus. I can't say that I was sorry to leave.

  Chapter Eleven

  “He's not a father god,” I declared once we were safely sailing away from Olympus. “He's a godfather. Suit and pinky ring and all. Pretending to care while holding one hand out for money and the other out to be kissed.”

  “Well he can kiss my ass,” Pan announced. “I'm done giving him a percentage of what I make. I work hard for my money.”

  “So he better treat you right,” I nodded.

  “Exactly,” Pan giggled, a little hysterically.

  “I'm peacin', bro,” Donnie shook Hades' hand. I gotta go and round up the crew.” Then he turned to us. “It's been filthy, God Squadders. Hang loose!” He smiled at us and waved a hand toward his legs. The jeans disappeared and for one breathless moment he stood there in all his glory. Then he dove overboard and his legs changed into a fish tail middive.

  “What a man,” Mrs. E whispered, earning my second shocked look of the day. “What?” She made a face at me. “I'm not dead.”

  “Do you think you might want to move on someday?” I asked with as much care as I could. “Or we could try and bring him back like we did with Odin.”

  The him I was referring to was Mr. T, Mrs. E's dead husband who she'd been able to reunite with when we went to the Void together. I'd gone to bring Odin back into Griffin's body but we didn't have a body for Mr. T at the time. Azrael had said he came into contact with a lot of bodies that we could use though. What with being the Angel of Death and all. He could find one fresh, as it were, for Mr. T.

  “I don't think Tsohaonai wants to go through what Odin did,” Mrs. E said softly. “I'll have to talk more with him about it before we decide. He's concerned that he may be stuck as Odin was, without his memories of me, and he says he couldn't bear that.”

  “Talk with him?” I lifted my brows. “So you've been going back to the Void?”

  “Oh yes,” she looked at me like it was a silly question. “Wouldn't you, if it was the only way for you to be with your dead husband?”

  “Of course I would,” I glanced at Odin. “I'd do that and more, obviously. I just didn't realize you'd been going. I'm glad you have a way to be with him again.”

  “So am I,” she nodded. “And it's enough for now. We're happy. Can I move on to be with another man? No. Never. Tsohaonai is my only love. My heart is full of him. There's no room for another.”

  I sighed and looked over at my men. Sometimes I felt guilty for loving them all. Or cruel. Like loving more than one man was an offense to all of them.

  “But like I said,” Mrs. E nudged me. “I'm not dead yet and I appreciate a nice form.”

  “Yeah,” I looked over Odin's new body and smiled. “Don't we all?”

  Chapter Twelve

  It was my second wedding in Hell.

  I stood off to the side in Holly and Luke's humongous bedroom as angels and demons fluttered around Holly. I was glad she had other bridesmaids to help her so I could take a back seat and watch it all go down. It was quite a thing to behold actually. The demon ladies were all in their human forms for the wedding but they still had an extra bit of sensuality that the angel girls lacked.

  Not that the angels didn't look amazing. They all did, it was like watching a super model get ready for her nuptials, with all her little super model friends. Except these women would put super models to shame. Maybe because they actually had wobbly bits instead of looking like walking skeletons but that's just a guess. Yes, I have a thing against super models and what they do to our young women but now's not the time to get into that.

  I sighed and sidled closer, thinking that I should probably be doing something to help my boyfriend's mother get ready to marry his father. This really was a momentous wedding. Not just for Azrael's family but for all seven of their Heavens and Hell too. Jerry, aka the Christian God, was up in his Seventh Heaven throwing a fit right about now. The last time he'd found out about Luke and Holly getting together, it tore Heaven apart, created Hell, and turned hundreds of angels into demons(maybe even thousands, I don't know how many demons there are but there's a lot).

  This time around, Jerry(short for Jehovah) hadn't made a peep but it was still early. Maybe he'd crash the reception, bring a nice salad bowl for a present and a contingent of avenging angels as his plus one-hundred. Talk about a night to remember.

  “Vervain,” Holly held a slim, pale hand out to me and I rushed forward to take it. She looked like she was going to faint and no matter how many times I'd been around her, I still fell for it. “Thank you so much for being a bridesmaid. I think it's important for you to be a part of this. Hopefully I'll be helping you into your wedding dress someday.”

  “Oh, um,” I gaped at her. What do you say to your boyfriend's mother when she hints at a marriage you know you could never have?

  “It's okay, sweetie,” she squeezed my hand and then let it go. “Just because you have an unusual relationship, doesn't mean you can't take vows. Didn't you already exchange them with Trevor?”

  “How did you-”

  “I have my ways,” she grinned at me and some of her fragility faded. “Azrael understands, you know. I don't think he ever tried to have a relationship with someone before because he knew he couldn't give it his full attention. You and your situation are perfect for him. That gives me a lot of peace, knowing that he has someone when I'd thought he never would. To think of my son alone with only death to fill his life, gives me the shivers. I don't care about your other men anymore. I see how you love my Azzie and that's good enough for me.”

  “I gave him a gold band,” I held up my hand to show off my matching ring which I wore on my right ring finger. “Maybe we could do a private ceremony some time.”

  “Oh that would be so wonderful,” she brushed aside the other bridesmaids, who'd been messing with her dress as we talked, and hugged me. “I've always wanted to see my son get married. Then you'll be my daughter and we can do mother-daughter things. I have two boys, no girls, and I never got to do mother-daughter things.”

  “Oh?” I blinked and swallowed. I liked Holly but I wasn't ready to call her Mommy. “Let's focus on you for today.”

  “She's right, Holl,” Gello said. “We've just got your veil to put on. Now come here and have a seat.”

  Holly grinned at me and then went to sit before an antique dresser. It's round mirror had dark spots where the backing had faded but Holly's reflection looked radiant in it as Gello placed the simple veil into Holly's platinum blonde up-do. There were little white roses running along the top of it but they got hidden when Aba pulled part of the veil over Holly's face. Her radiance was softened but her pale blue, bright eyes still sparkled through the silk chiffon.

  “All right, girls,” Gello tossed her fall of red curls over her shoulder. “Let's get this party started.”

  Holly stood and we all went quiet for a moment, admiring her frail beauty. The dress she'd chosen was an elegant sheath, straight to the floor, covered in soft lace. The under-dress of cream silk showed off the bright white of the lace, except where it stopped at her shoulders. Her arms were bare under the lace sleeves and her pale skin was almost as white as the lace. A train of cream silk flared out behind her, her veil laying over it like a cloud. Aba handed her a bouquet of white orchids and the scent of vanilla wafted up to me, reminding me instantly of Azrael.

  “Vanilla orchids,” I whispered, inhaling deep.

  “They're my favorite,” Holly beamed at me.

  “Mine too. I wonder why,” I grinned back. So that was why Azrael smelled like vanilla orchids. It had nothing to do with his magic and everythin
g to do with his mother. “Are you ready?”

  “I've been ready for this for a thousand years,” her lips trembled and a sheen crested over her eyes.

  “Oh, no you don't!” Gello grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her a little. “No crying until after the ceremony. You're going to ruin your make-up.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Holly laughed and Gello nodded, releasing her.

  Then Gello went out the door and all of us bridesmaids followed after her, leaving Holly to emerge last. I flicked my pink skirts, hoping I wouldn't trip on them, and clutched my little bouquet of pink roses as we all headed towards the staircase that would take us down to the first floor. The music was already playing as I reached the stairs. Fenrir and Emma had their wedding out on the lawn behind the house but Luke and Holly had chosen to have theirs inside. In the ballroom to be exact.

  Yes, Satan has a ballroom.

  I left the stairs behind and rounded a corner, walking down a long hallway towards the ballroom. Azrael, Jesus, Samantha, and Zariel were waiting outside the ballroom doors. Zariel was the flower girl but she needed just a little help from her mother, so Sam was holding the basket of rose petals for the excited baby. Azrael saw me first and gave me a wide grin but it softened when he caught a look at his mother. He came forward, stopping to kiss my cheek as he passed, and held his arm out to Holly.

  Jesus, looking elegant in a suit, came up on Holly's other side to take her arm. His long, brown hair was pulled back neatly in a ponytail and his normal John Lennon glasses were gone, revealing a pair of stunning blue eyes. He smiled his gentle smile at me and I instantly saw the resemblance to his mother.

  “Lookin' good, J-Man,” I smiled back at him.

  “Thank you, V,” he glanced at his mom. “Happiness will do that for you.”

  The bridesmaids all went past us and I took my place at the end of their line. We walked in to orchestral music, holding our bouquets and smiling as brightly as we could. Luke had been very specific on the smiling. There would be blood if there weren't smiles. So we all smiled and tried to walk in time with each other. Timely walking, another point he harped on about. Step, pause, step, pause, damn Devil was a Drill Sergeant.

  The ballroom had been filled with benches and the benches were filled with gods. Off to the side of one row of benches, was a green dragon. His name was Salem and he normally guarded the gates to Hell. He was one of the few true dragons the gods had saved from annihilation by the humans back when they nearly killed all the dragon-sidhe. They'd taken the surviving dragons into the God Realm and given them homes and jobs. I knew only of one other, Nidhogg, the dragon who guarded Hvergelmir, the Viking Well of Souls, but I'm told there are more.

  Salem(the name means peace in Hebrew so stop thinking witch trials) winked at me with one large dragon eye when I noticed him and I shot him a wink back. I was thrilled that Luke had invited him. He deserved to come and besides, I kind of thought of him as a distant relative. Nidhogg had called me sister once so maybe we were related. Well actually it was more like: Sisssterr. Salem thankfully didn't speak with such sibilance.

  I did my timely walk down a white carpet runner laid between the benches and admired the garlands of pink orchids strung along the sides. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling, lights glinting off their crystal prisms and patterning the floor. I headed through the rainbow glimmers, towards the stage that had been erected at the end of the ballroom. As soon as I reached it and took my place at the end of the line of bridesmaids, I turned to watch Samantha come in with Zariel.

  There was a chorus of awws as the baby, in her fluffy pink dress, appeared with her mother. Zariel's mass of dark curls was tamed by pink ribbons and her eyes, now perfect hazel replicas of her father's, were alight with joy. She started grabbing handfuls of rose petals at her mother's urging. Samantha showed her how to sprinkle them on the floor but Zariel got a little carried away and tossed them wildly about as she laughed with abandon. Rose petals went flying everywhere and the crowd giggled as Samantha just shrugged and let Zariel have at it.

  I saw Fallon smiling proudly as Samantha and Zariel made it to the stage and came to stand beside me. Zariel saw me and squealed happily, tossing petals at my face. Samantha was about to stop her when I grabbed some petals out of the basket and tossed them back at Zariel. The baby clapped excitedly, catching the fallen petals and holding them to her creamy coffee skin.

  Then the wedding march began.

  I enjoyed every moment of watching Azrael and Jesus escort their mother down the aisle. Azrael looked wonderful in his suit, his short hair brushed back in a more subdued style than he normally wore it. His eyes were sparkling diamond bright, his head held high, and his face was illuminated with joy. The black curve of his wings framed Holly who shone just as brightly beside him. She was so pale against his dark feathers but she was smiling beneath her veil and as always when she smiled, she was undeniably beautiful.

  She stepped up onto the dais with her sons and then they both kissed her cheeks and gave her hands over to Luke before they went to stand with the other groomsmen. I stared across at Az, wishing he could have stood beside me, as Trevor had done at Fenrir's wedding, but at least from where I was, I could admire the view. He grinned, his eyes brightening so that there were glints shining over his cheekbones and the tattoo of angelic script on his cheek, lit up bright blue.

  How could Death be so beautiful?

  Then I determined to focus on the ceremony. If Azrael had been bright, his father was blinding. Luke was dressed in a beautiful dove gray suit but you could barely see the color, it was completely washed out by his sparkling wings. He didn't wear the wings often since they were so hard to look at but when he did, boy was he magnificent. His eyes were alight as well, with both magic and happiness, as he looked on Holly.

  There was a handsome man with black hair and green eyes officiating. He glanced over and saw me watching him. He looked so familiar, I frowned, trying to remember where I'd seen him before. Then he flashed a sassy smile at me and I knew. It was Cid, Luke's demon friend and warden of Ice Block One. I'd never seen him in his human form before. Not too shabby.

  The ceremony itself was pretty traditional. It was sweet and short, lacking reference to any gods or religion. My favorite part was when Holly started crying and Luke stopped his vows to hug her and cry with her, his shining wings curving around them to give them a moment's privacy. Then the wings folded back, they wiped each others faces, and went back to exchanging vows of love and eternity. Vows that you could feel the weight of. When they were done, they turned to the crowd and Cid introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar.

  We all cheered but it was the dragon roar that drowned everyone else out. When the last echos faded away, Salem hiccuped and a fume of black wafted up from his mouth. The room burst into laughter, especially Zariel who screeched with baby zeal and waved her hands at Salem.

  Luke and Holly walked back down the aisle to the sound of happiness and it was the only music they needed. Absolutely perfect. The bridesmaids followed after them with the groomsmen escorting us and I was pleased to be able to take Azrael's arm and bring up the rear with him. Poor Jesus got stuck with Gello.

  When we passed by my other men, they all smiled at us in a way that made my heart hurt. That they could love me so much as to accept each other with not only respect but affection, was mind blowing to me. I don't think I could have been so understanding had the situation been reversed. I really was a lucky woman.

  And then the crowd changed. The gods to either side of the aisle became elves. I might have said they were faeries but they were too uniform in appearance. Tall, willowy, and pale. And not a single goblin in the group. It was the ears that really gave them away though, sweeping up to graceful points. Faeries generally didn't have pointed ears.

  I swayed on my feet as the ballroom disappeared and became a meadow. White carpet changed to soft grass, wildflowers dotting the green with abandon. A glance behind me showed a throne made of a living t
ree, branches woven with flowering vines. Then the elves before me knelt as one. It was the same image as I'd seen before but this time, they spoke. With voices clear and strong, they called my name.

  “Trinity Star! Trinity Star! Trinity Star!”

  I fainted.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Vervain?” There was a hand shaking my shoulder gently.

  “I'm fine,” I groaned and sat up to find that I was surrounded by my men. We were in Lucifer's library and they were all giving me matching looks of concern. “What happened?”

  “You fainted when we were walking out of the ballroom,” Azrael's hands traced the line of my jaw. “I caught you and carried you in here. Do you remember anything?”

  “I...,” I frowned. “I think it may have something to do with that prophecy. I keep having visions of elves in a meadow. At least I thought they were elves but now that I know I'm supposed to be doing something with the Great Nine Magics, I think they might be faeries. The first time I had the vision, I was in the Realm of Dreams and I was dreaming of the elven city, Rivendell. You know, from Lord of the Rings? I think the dream may have influenced the vision and turned the fey into elves.”

  “So you've been having visions of being in Faerie?” Odin asked slowly while everyone else just tried to follow my babble.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I sighed. “First it was while I was dreaming but now they're coming when I'm awake. I'm thinking that it's going to be more difficult to stay away from Faerie than I'd anticipated.”

  “You have to stay away,” Trevor said emphatically. “The prophecy wasn't very clear but I think burning down Olympus is something we should try to avoid.”

  “I'm not going to burn down Olympus,” I scoffed.

  “We need to find this other prophecy,” Azrael muttered. “Do you think Silenus might know it?”

  “Silenus is a horse's ass,” Lucifer was standing in the doorway. “In fact, I think he may actually have a horse's ass but I'm not certain. Don't quote me on it. Really, who'd want to check?”


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