A Weekend with the Mountain Man

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A Weekend with the Mountain Man Page 20

by Nicole Casey

“I dabble in it but I’m not fluent enough to give you a full session. I have a friend I can recommend –”

  “No! It has to be you!”

  She seemed surprised by my outburst.

  “Sorry,” she answered. “I have many talents but that is not one I can claim as my own.”

  The innuendo was thinly veiled, and I felt a slight stirring in my crotch as she beamed impishly.

  “Fine,” I relented quickly. “What about dinner then? Can I take you out for dinner?”

  She paused and stared at me for a long moment.

  For a terrifying second, I thought she was going to refuse.

  She exhaled slowly and turned to face me fully.

  “I will go to dinner with you,” she agreed. “But you should know something first.”

  I waited expectantly, somehow not even remotely aware of how late I was becoming as I lost myself in her glittering emerald eyes.

  It was like she had slipped me into some unshakable trance which I couldn’t escape. I would have stood in my kitchen, gawking at Maya all day if she would have allowed it.

  “I don’t date,” she replied, and I felt the bubble of security surrounding me pop.

  Disappointment welled up inside me and I tried desperately not to let it show on my face.

  “Ah,” I replied, shifting my blue eyes downward. “You like women.”

  Maya laughed, and it was a tinkling not unlike that of a gently stirred windchime in my ears.

  “I like all people,” she replied when her giggles subsided. “But that is not what I meant.”

  My head rose, and I peered at her in confusion.

  I felt like she only spoke in riddles and while it should have annoyed me, I only felt more intrigued with the lovely girl standing before me.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

  She opened her rosebud mouth and I could not help but wonder if she tasted like the succulence she seemed to emit.

  “I don’t do relationships. I don’t date. I don’t believe in the confines of monogamy.”

  I exhaled, relief flooding through me so heavily, I thought I might fall to my knees.

  “Me neither!” I told her. “I’m not looking for anything serious.”

  She continued to study my face and I found myself growing nervous under her scrutiny.

  “Nothing will change my mind, Mr. Payne,” she said quietly, and I nodded eagerly.

  “We are on the same page, Maya,” I assured her. “And please, call me Slade if we’re not going to date.”

  Her face relaxed into another grin and I couldn’t remember a time when I had ever seen someone smile so much.

  She located a piece of scrap paper by the landline and left her phone number on the table.

  “Okay, Slade,” she replied. “I’ll be back in the morning for Rocco.”

  I didn’t know who was more excited; me or the dog.



  The storm showed no signs of letting up as Slade pulled his BMW up to the looming farmhouse on the edge of Bent Tree Road.

  I could read the curiosity in his face as he studied the dilapidated structure, but I didn’t offer any explanation.

  It was really none of his business…not yet anyway.

  Probably not ever, I chided myself.

  I don’t know why I felt such an intense attraction to a perfect stranger, but I could tell I liked Slade Payne.

  It happened sometimes but I always had to remind myself not to get too invested.

  That could only lead to bad things.

  “Thanks for the lift,” I said, turning to him, my hand on the door handle.

  “How did you get to my place?” he asked, his dark blonde eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the distance between his townhouse in the middle of Oriental and my remote location near Pierce Creek.

  I grinned.

  “A friend dropped me off,” I replied simply, throwing open the door with nonchalance.

  I hadn’t expected the drive home.

  Slade had seemed so flustered when I arrived to walk Rocco and I got the impression that he was running late but when I had gone to leave, he called out for me to wait.

  He doesn’t want to let me go, I realized when I got into the car and I wondered if I had made a mistake agreeing to have dinner with him.

  I had meant what I told him about dating – I was not a one-man woman.

  “Maya,” he cried out as I stepped into the blowing rain and I peered at him.

  “Can I call you tonight?”

  A fission of alarm coursed through me, my instinct telling me to call off the date then and there, but I could read a naked plaintiveness in his startling blue eyes.

  He needs someone, I thought, stifling my reservations. One dinner won’t hurt. I can’t give him what he needs but I can be his friend.

  I was an empath.

  It was bound to be my undoing and many times I had been sucked into an emotional vortex with people who leeched my energy, but it had never stopped me from being there for someone who needed me.

  I wasn’t about to start with Slade Payne.

  No matter how charming I found his smile.

  “Sure,” I replied brightly. “But I’m teaching yoga tonight, so I won’t be around until after eight.”

  His face grew even more perplexed, but I shut the door before he could ask me anything else.

  As I had said, I had many talents.

  He didn’t need to learn about them all in the same morning.

  I bounced my way into the front door, stopping to shake the drops of water off in the worn but spotless entryway.

  Slade was not the only client who had cancelled on me that morning.

  In fact, if he had called, I would still have been in my pajamas, drinking a soy hot chocolate and relaxing by the wood burning stove in the kitchen.

  “Hey, you’re home early.”

  I turned my dripping locks to the side and watched as Malcolm strolled down the stairs lazily, his black hair a tousled mess.

  “Just rolling out of bed?” I teased, and he grinned, shrugging.

  “It’s the benefit of running your own business. I can roll out of bed anytime I please.”

  I slipped off my running shoes and bounced up to meet him halfway up the steps, tossing myself into his arms playfully.

  We tumbled to the floor, our butts hitting the stairs in unison.

  “You’re soaked!” he squealed, and I laughed.

  “You have no idea,” I replied teasingly, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

  He paused and stared at me for a minute, gently removing a damp clump of hair from my face.

  Slowly, he leaned in to kiss my lips gently and I parted my lips to allow his tongue to slither inside.

  He gave me a shiver down my spine, even after two years and I could tell by the look in his eyes, I did the same for him.

  I rose without allowing our mouths to part, straddling him as he remained on the step while he reached up to touch my back with his large, capable hands.

  “Mm, I’m glad you’re home,” he told me, pulling his face slightly away. “I woke up with a huge hard on for you.”

  The words, although crass, sent a spark of pleasure through my body.

  I could always depend on Mal to be ready and waiting for me.

  His palms made their way around the front of my sopping t-shirt and before he could replace his lips on mine, he pulled the top over my head, throwing it to the ground.

  I sighed happily, rocking my hips against him gently to feel the erection he had spoken of.

  Indeed, jabbing at me through my jeans was his member, growing with each flick of my tongue.

  His mouth moved across my cheek to find the lobe of my ear, knowing exactly which spot to hit.

  A chill tightened my small, hard nipples but Mal was waiting for them, dropping his face into my chest to manipulate them with his tongue easily.

  My hands gripped his dark hair, pulling hi
m closer to me as he sucked and caressed me, his movements tender but urgent.

  I couldn’t deny the heat surging between my legs and with my breast still in his mouth, I rose again, eager to be free of my jeans.

  I laughed realizing that it would not be an easy task with the dampness tying them to my long legs but Mal had no issue helping me along and in seconds, I had reclaimed my position on his lap, naked and covered in gooseflesh.

  Malcolm’s hand made its way between the clef in my thighs, rubbing the pulsating button there and I moaned softly when one finger dipped inside me.

  “Oh, you are soaked,” he growled. “That’s my good girl. Always ready for me.”

  I stifled a smile.

  It was Mal’s game to play – believing he was in control during our romantic interludes.

  I allowed it, knowing that I held all the cards in the spot where his digit worked rhythmically.

  My own palm freed his engorged organ and I slid myself over his shaft, sliding against him.

  Our eyes locked and I bit down on my lower lip.

  “May I?” I purred demurely, cocking my head to the side.

  The desire in his dark eyes was vivid and I already knew the answer before he nodded reluctantly.

  I pressed my tightness against him, feeling his palms grasp my small buttocks to spread my cheeks wider.

  Inside me he was, and I bounced against him, tentatively to start but he grunted, wanting to fill me fully and he thrust himself upward.

  I cried out, feeling him deep and I knew he wanted to cum, but I wasn’t ready; not yet.

  Placing my chest at his mouth, I guided my breast into his mouth again, encouraging him to lick and suck the taut skin while I rocked against him, our hips gyrating together.

  I could feel his unit rigid and wanting, adopting every inch of my drenched core.

  He bit on my nipple and I felt my toes curl against the stairs, a familiar sensation growing inside my gut as my frame tensed.

  “I’m cumming,” I gasped, nails digging into Mal mercilessly.

  “Good, baby. Cum hard for me,” he groaned, and I could tell he was trying to hold back but it was a losing battle.

  Together we exploded, a gush of juice slipping over his hardness as he poured his own hot streams against me.

  I shuddered, trembling and Mal embraced me close to him as he, too, shook with his orgasm.

  If I could, I would have purred with contentment.

  Outside, a crash of thunder caused me to start in surprise and Mal laughed.

  “Jumpy?” he asked playfully, and I sat up.

  “It’s storming out there,” I replied. “It feels like a hurricane.”

  Mal shook his head as we disentangled from one another.

  “Not likely,” he replied but how would he know? He was from New York.

  “Oh, for the love of God! You two are worse than rabbits!”

  I glanced up at the second-floor landing where Chase glowered at us with his arms crossed.

  “Want in?” I joked, and Chase’s mouth puckered into a pout.

  “You’re not my flavor, Red,” he retorted haughtily, and I had to chortle.

  “Don’t worry, Chase. I saved you some,” Mal called, dropping his chin back to stare at the gangly man upside down.

  “You two are awful!” Chase yelled. His blue eyes narrowed.

  “What are you doing home? Why didn’t you call me for a ride?”

  I found my t-shirt and slipped it over my naked chest, shaking my head.

  “My client drove me home. Everyone else canceled because of the storm.”

  Chase descended the stairs, sidestepping us as he did.

  “I’m going to make breakfast, and if you two are done humping in the common area,” he said sarcastically. “You can help me.”

  I nodded, scouring for my underwear which I slipped on, but I left my jeans on the stairs.

  I followed Chase into the kitchen to help him prepare breakfast for the household. It was his day, but I didn’t mind assisting. Chase would do it for me.

  Mal followed begrudgingly but I knew he wasn’t going to help. He was going to watch us work.

  But we were used to it.

  It was Mal’s house after all and while we were committed to living and working equally, Mal played his landowner card as often as he could.

  “I have tickets to Cirque de Solei tonight,” Chase announced. “So, I will be staying in Raleigh overnight.”

  “You’re driving to Raleigh to watch the circus?” I demanded, aghast. “And those shows treat the animals so –”

  “Please!” Chase ordered, holding up a hand as if to command silence. “I do not need a lecture. I was going to ask if you wanted to come but I can see I have my answer already.”

  I swallowed my righteousness and blushed.

  “Ah, no, sorry,” I mumbled, glancing at Mal as he sat looking bored at the kitchen table. “I’m teaching at the yoga studio…and I have a date.”

  Both men perked up at the word.

  “A date?” Chase drawled, casting Malcolm a knowing look. “Could he be the one?”

  “Shut up, Chase,” I laughed but the question annoyed me.

  Despite our open way of living, I could not help but feel like the other members of the house wanted to see me settle down with someone.

  Sometimes it’s like living with mom. A happier, pot smoking mom, I thought wryly.

  Or maybe I was just carrying a chip on my shoulder.

  In any case, it was something which seemed to follow me from each walk of life, no matter how diverse.

  “Who is it?” Mal asked with interest. I knew his curiosity was not based on jealousy. Our relationship was not like that.

  We were friends with benefits and we preferred it that way, no matter what Chase or anyone else thought.

  “The client who drove me home,” I replied. “His name is Slade.”

  Chase chortled in his usual, flair for the dramatic way.

  “Slade?” he echoed, saying it with a British accent for panache. “Is he gay?”

  “Hands off, sister,” I growled. “I found him first.”

  “Maya, a client?” Malcolm interrupted, and I saw a glimmer of concern in his eye. “Is that a good idea?”

  “It’s just dinner, Mal. There’s no harm in meeting him for dinner.”

  But Mal’s expression told me he was not convinced.

  “You have gone down this road before,” he reminded me, and I bristled at the memory.

  “I have learned from my past mistakes,” I retorted. “Anyway, I laid it all out for him and he understands it’s not going anywhere.”

  “He says that,” Chase mumbled. “They always say that and then when they find out there’s another one or two or three –”

  “Why do you guys always have to rain on my parade? It’s a freaking dinner date. Stop getting your panties in a knot.”

  My cell rang in the front room and I hurried to answer it, not wanting to discuss my personal life with them further.

  After all, what the hell did they know about anything?



  “Take a deep breath…hold…exhale.”

  I followed her instructions, my eyes closed as I listened to her calming, mellifluous voice.

  “And again, deep breath…hold…and exhale. That is all for tonight, class. Thank you for joining us amidst the weather. Safe travels home and we hope to see you soon. Namaste.”

  I parted my lids and watched as Maya rose easily from her lotus position and smiled sweetly at the room.

  She acts as if they are all first timers, I thought admiringly as she filtered through the room, sipping on a bottle of water.

  A towel hung lazily over her shoulder and I could make out every curve of her body in the frame hugging Lululemon yoga suit she wore.

  Even if I couldn’t, I mused silently. I’m sure I know what she looks like naked. I see her every night in my dreams after all.

  “Hi st
ranger!” she called as she approached me, her beam widening. “I haven’t seen you here in weeks! I thought you had given up on the idea of living well.”

  I could hear the jest in her voice, but I felt embarrassed all the same.

  Shaking my head, I grinned sheepishly, her smile infectious.

  “I got busy,” I told her lamely and she chuckled.

  “I’m just bugging you, Troy. I’m glad to see you, especially tonight. Half the class didn’t show. It’s coming down badly tonight.”

  “It’s been going pretty strong all day,” I agreed. “But it should let up into the morning. Anyway, you can’t keep me away now that I’m back!”

  “Well I hope you keep it up. I can see you’re pale again. Have you been drinking your greens?”

  I nodded but I was lying.

  It’s not a lie if you don’t say it aloud, I decided although I’m not sure where I developed that theory.

  It didn’t matter, I had Maya Viera’s attention, however fleeting. I wasn’t going to let her go so easily.

  She had been on my mind a lot lately, especially after things had gone south with Regan.

  “Yes, but I don’t think the greens are working for me like they used to. I was hoping that maybe you could make some more recommendations for me…”

  I trailed off and turned my dark eyes on her, hoping that I looked inquisitive and not merely desperate to hold her in conversation.

  To my relief, her green irises brightened, and she nodded.

  “Yes,” she agreed. “I’ve heard that greens don’t agree with all body types. I will make you a list but only if you promise to come to class more often!”

  I nodded and blushed slightly, not wanting her to see the expression on my face.

  I will! I promised silently. I’m single now and nothing will hold me back.

  “It’s a deal,” I replied, nonchalantly. “My schedule has freed up, so I have more time for yoga.”

  “Great!” Maya chirped, and I could see I was about to lose her as her gaze shifted beyond my shoulder.

  “Uh, one more thing,” I stuttered, and she glanced back at me, but I couldn’t help but notice that her attention was split.

  “What’s that?” she asked but I didn’t want to keep her.


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