The People of the Mist

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The People of the Mist Page 31

by H. Rider Haggard



  When they had finished their meal, which was about as sad anentertainment as can well be conceived, they began to talk.

  "Do you see any hope?" asked Juanna of the other three.

  Leonard shook his head and answered:

  "Unless the sun shines at dawn to-morrow, we are dead men."

  "Then there is little chance of that, Baas," groaned Otter, "for thenight is as the nights have been for these five weeks. No wonder thatthis people are fierce and wicked who live in such a climate."

  Juanna hid her face in her hands for a while, then spoke:

  "They did not say that any harm was to come to you, Leonard, or toFrancisco, so perhaps you will escape."

  "I doubt it," he answered; "besides, to be perfectly frank, if you aregoing to die, I would rather die with you."

  "Thank you, Leonard," she said gently, "but that will not help either ofus much, will it? What will they do with us? Throw us from the head ofthe statue?" and she shuddered.

  "That seems to be their amiable intention, but at any rate we need noneof us go through with it alive. How long does your medicine take towork, Juanna?"

  "Half a minute at the outside, I fancy, and sometimes less. Are you surethat you will take none, Otter? Think; the other end is dreadful."

  "No, Shepherdess," said the dwarf, who now in the presence of imminentdanger was as he had been before he sought comfort in the beer-pot,brave, ready, and collected, "it is not my plan to suffer myself to behurled into the pit. Nay, when the time comes I shall spring there ofmy own free will, and if I am not killed--and an otter knows how to leapinto a pool--then if I cannot avoid him I will make a fight for it withthat great dweller in the water. Yes, and I go to make ready that withwhich I will fight," and he rose and departed to his sleeping-place.

  Just then Francisco followed his example, seeking a quiet place in whichto pursue his devotions, and thus Leonard and Juanna were left alone.

  For some minutes he watched her as she sat beside him in her whitetemple dress, her beautiful face looking stern and sad against the duskybackground of the torchlight, and a great shame and pity filled hisheart. The blood of this girl was on his hands, and he could do nothingto help her. His selfishness had dragged her into this miserableenterprise, and now its inevitable end was at hand and he was hermurderer, the murderer of the woman who was all the world to him, andwho had been entrusted to his care with her father's dying breath.

  "Forgive me," he said at length with something like a sob, and layinghis hand upon hers.

  "What have I to forgive, Leonard?" she replied gently. "Now that it isall finished and I look back upon the past few months, it seems to methat it is you who should forgive, for I have often behaved badly toyou."

  "Nonsense, Juanna, it was my wicked folly that led you into this, andnow you are about to be cut off in the beginning of your youth and inthe flower of your beauty. I am your murderer, Juanna," and droppinghis voice he hesitated, then added: "It may as well out now, for time isshort, though I have often sworn that nothing should make me say it: Ilove you."

  She did not start or even stir at his words, but sat staring as beforeinto the darkness: only a pink flush grew upon the pallor of her neckand cheek as she answered:

  "You love me, Leonard? You forget--Jane Beach!"

  "It is perfectly true, Juanna, that I was once attached to Jane Beach,and it is true that I still think of her with affection, but I have notseen her for many years, and I am certain that she has thrown me overand married another man. Most men pass through several affairs of theheart in their early days; I have had but one, and it is done with.

  "When first I saw you in the slave camp I loved you, Juanna, and I havegone on loving you ever since, even after I became aware from your wordsand conduct that you did not entertain any such affection for myself. Iknow that your mind has not changed upon the matter, for had it done so,you would scarcely have spoken to me as you did to-day after Olfan leftus. Indeed, I do not altogether understand why I have told you this,since it will not interest you very much and may possibly annoy youin your last hours. I suppose it was because I wished to make a cleanbreast of it before I pass to where we lose all our loves and hopes."

  "Or find them," said Juanna, still looking before her.

  Then there was silence for a minute or more, till Leonard, believingthat he had got his answer, began to think that he would do well toleave her for a while. Just as he was about to rise Juanna made a gentlemovement; slowly, very slowly, she turned herself, slowly she stretchedout her arms towards him, and laid her head upon his breast.

  For a moment Leonard was astounded; he could scarcely believe theevidence of his senses. Then recovering himself, he kissed her tenderly.

  Presently Juanna slipped from his embrace and said, "Listen to me,Leonard: are men all blind, I wonder, or are you an exception? I don'tknow and don't want to know, but certainly it does seem strange thatwhat has been so painfully patent to myself for the last five or sixmonths, should have been invisible to you. Leonard, you were not theonly one who fell in love yonder in the slave camp. But you quicklychecked my folly by telling me the story of Jane Beach, and of courseafter that, whatever my thoughts may have been, I did my utmost to hidethem from you, with more success, it seems, than I expected. Indeed I amnot sure that I am wise to let you see them now, for though you declarethat Jane is dead and buried, she might re-arise at any moment. I donot believe that men forget their first loves, Leonard, though theymay persuade themselves to the contrary--when they are a long way fromthem."

  "Don't you think that we might drop Jane, dear?" he answered with someimpatience, for Juanna's words brought back to his mind visions ofanother love-scene that had taken place amid the English snows more thanseven years before.

  "I am sure that I am quite ready to drop her now and for ever. But donot let us begin to spar when so little time is left to us. Let us talkof other things. Tell me that you love me, love me, love me, for thoseare the words that I would hear ringing in my ears before they becomedeaf to this world and its echoes, and those are the words with which Ihope that you will greet me some few hours hence and in a happier land.Leonard, tell me that you love me for to-day and for to-morrow, now andfor ever."

  So he told her that and much more, speaking to her earnestly, hopefully,and most tenderly, as a man might speak to the woman whom he worshippedand with whom is about to travel to that shore of which we know nothing,though day and night we hear the waves that bear us forward break yonderon its beach. They talked for long, and ever while they talked Juannagrew gentler and more human, as the barriers of pride melted in the fireof her passion and the shadow of death gathered thicker upon her and theman she loved. At length her strength gave way utterly and she wept uponLeonard's breast like some frightened child, and from weeping sank intodeep slumber or swoon, he knew not which. Then he kissed her upon theforehead, and, carrying her to her bed, laid her down to rest awhilebefore she died, returning himself to the throne-room.

  Here he found Francisco and Otter.

  "Look, Baas," said the dwarf, producing from beneath his goat-skin cloakan article which he had employed the last hour in constructing. It wasa fearful and a wonderful instrument, made out of the two sacrificialknives that had been left by the priests on the occasion of thekidnapping of the last of the Settlement men. The handles of theseknives Otter had lashed together immovably with strips of hide, formingfrom them a weapon two feet or more in length, of which the curvedpoints projected in opposite directions.

  "What is that for, Otter?" said Leonard carelessly, for he was thinkingof other things.

  "This is for the Crocodile to eat, Baas; I have seen his brothers caughtlike that before in the marshes of the Zambesi," replied the dwarf witha grin. "Doubtless he thinks to eat me, but I have made another foodready for him. Ah! of one thing I am sure, that if he comes out therewill be a good fight, whoever conquers in the end."

  Then he proceede
d to fix a hide rope to the handles of the knives, andhaving made it fast about his body with a running noose, he coiled itslength, which may have measured some thirty feet, round and round hismiddle, artfully concealing its bulk together with the knives beneathhis cloak and _moocha_.

  "Now I am a man again, Baas," the dwarf said grimly. "I have done withdrink and such follies to which I took in my hours of idleness, for thetime has come to fight. Ay, and I shall win, Baas; the waters are myhome, and I do not fear crocodiles however big--no, not one bit; for, asI told you, I have killed them before. You will see, you will see."

  "I am afraid that I shall do nothing of the sort, Otter," answeredLeonard sadly, "but I wish you luck, my friend. If you get out of thismess, they will think you a god indeed, and should you only find thesense to avoid drink, you may rule here till you die of old age."

  "There would be no pleasure in that, Baas, if you were dead," answeredthe dwarf with a heavy sigh. "Alas! my folly has helped to bring youinto this trouble, but this I swear, that if I live--and my spirit tellsme that I shall not die to-night--it will be to avenge you. Fear not,Baas; when I am a god again, one by one I will kill them all, and whenthey are dead, then I will kill myself and come to look for you."

  "It is very kind of you, Otter, I am sure," said Leonard with somethinglike a laugh, and at that moment the curtains swung aside and Soa stoodbefore them accompanied by four armed priests.

  "What do you want, woman?" exclaimed Leonard, springing towards her asthough by instinct.

  "Go back, Deliverer!" she said, holding up her hand and addressing himin the Sisutu tongue, which of course those with her did not understand."I am guarded, and my death would be quickly followed by your own.Moreover, it would avail you little to kill me, since I come to bringyou hope for the life of her you love and for your own. Listen: the sunwill not shine to-morrow at the dawn; already the mist gathers thickand it will hold, therefore the Shepherdess and the Dwarf will behurled from the head of the statue, while you and the Bald-pate, havingwitnessed their end, will be kept alive till the autumn sacrifice, thento be offered up with the other victims."

  "Why do you come to tell us all this, woman?" said Leonard, "seeing thatwe knew it already--that is, except the news of the postponement ofour own fate, which I for one do not desire. What hope is there in thisstory? If you have nothing better to say, get you gone, traitress, andlet us see your hateful face no more."

  "I have something more to say, Deliverer. I still love the Shepherdessas you love her, and," she added with emphasis, "as Bald-pate yonderalso loves her. Now this is my plan: two must die at dawn, but of thosetwo the Shepherdess need not be one. The morning will be misty, thestatue of the god is high, and but few of the priests will see thevictim shrouded in her black robe. What if a substitute can be found solike to her in shape and height and feature that, in the twilight andbeneath the shadow of the hood, none shall know them apart?"

  Leonard started. "Who can be found?"

  Slowly Soa raised her thin hand and pointed to Francisco.

  "_There stands the man!_" she said. "Were he wrapped in the cloak ofAca, who would know him from the Shepherdess? The pool and the Snake donot give back that which they have swallowed."

  If Leonard had started before, now he fairly recoiled, as the fullmeaning of this terrible proposition possessed his mind. He looked atFrancisco, who stood by wondering, for the priest did not understand theSisutu dialect.

  "Tell him," she said.

  "Wait awhile," he answered hoarsely; "supposing that this were carriedout, what would happen to the Shepherdess?"

  "She would be concealed in the dungeons of the temple, in his dress andunder his name," and again she pointed to Francisco, "until such timeas a chance could be found for her to escape, or to return to rule thispeople unquestioned and with honour. My father alone knows of this plot,and because of his love for me he suffers me to try it, desperate as itseems. Also, for I will tell you all the truth, he is himself indanger, and he believes that by means of the Shepherdess--who, when shereappears having survived the sacrifice, will be held by the people tobe immortal--he may save his life when the day of his own trial comes."

  "And do you think," said Leonard, "that I will trust her alone toyou, wicked and forsworn as you are, and to the tender mercies of yourfather? No, it is better that she should die and have done with herfears and torments."

  "I did not ask you to do so, Deliverer," said Soa quietly. "You will betaken with her, and if she lives you will live also. Is that not enough?These men here come to bear you and Bald-pate to the dungeons: they willbear you and the Shepherdess, knowing no difference, that is all. Nowtell him; perchance he may not be willing to accept."

  "Francisco, come here," said Leonard in a low voice, speaking inPortuguese. Then he told him all, while Soa watched them with herglittering eyes. As the tale went on the priest turned ashen pale andtrembled violently, but before it was finished he ceased to tremble, andLeonard, looking at his face, saw that it was alight as with a glory.

  "I accept," he said in a clear voice, "for thus will it be given to meto save the life of the Senora, and to atone for my offence. Come, letme make ready."

  "Francisco," muttered Leonard, for his emotion would not suffer him tospeak aloud, "you are a saint and a hero. I wish that I could gothrough this in your stead, for most gladly would I do so, but it is notpossible."

  "It seems then that there are two saints and heroes," replied the priestgently. "But why talk thus? It is the bounden duty of either or both ofus to die for her, yet it is far better that I should die leaving youalive to love and comfort her."

  Leonard thought a moment. "I suppose it must be so," he said, "butHeaven knows, it is a terrible alternative. How can I trust that womanSoa? And yet if I do not trust her Juanna will be killed at once."

  "You must take the chance of it," answered Francisco; "after all she isfond of her mistress, and it was because she grew jealous that she fledto Nam and betrayed us."

  "There is another thing," said Leonard; "how are we to get Juanna away?If once she suspects the plot, there will be an end of it. Soa, comethither."

  She came, and he put this question to her, telling her at the same timethat Francisco consented to the scheme and that Juanna slept behind thecurtain and might awake at any moment.

  "I have that with me which shall overcome the difficulty, Deliverer,"answered Soa, "for I foresaw it. See here," and she drew a small gourdfrom her dress, "this is that same water of which Saga gave your blackdog to drink when I escaped you. Now mix it with some spirit, go to theShepherdess, awake her, and bid her drink this to comfort her. She willobey, and immediately deep sleep will take her again that shall hold herfast for six hours."

  "It is not a poison?" asked Leonard suspiciously.

  "No, it is not a poison. What need would there be to poison one who mustdie at dawn?"

  Then Leonard did as she told him. Taking a tin pannikin, one of theirfew possessions, he emptied the sleeping-draught into it and addedenough native brandy to colour the water.

  Next he went into Juanna's room and found her lying fast asleep uponthe great bed. Going up to her he touched her gently on the shoulder,saying, "Wake, my love." She raised herself and opened her eyes.

  "Is that you, Leonard?" she said. "I was dreaming that I was a girlagain and at school at Durban, and that it was time to get up for earlyservice at the church. Oh! I remember now. Is it dawn yet?"

  "No, dear, but it soon will be," he answered; "here, drink this, it willgive you courage."

  "How horrid that spirit tastes!" she said, then sank back slowly on thecushion and in another minute fell sound asleep again. The draught wasstrong and it worked quickly.

  Leonard went to the curtain and beckoned to Soa and the others. Theyall entered except the priests, who remained clustered together near thedoorway of the great chamber talking in low tones and apparently takingno notice of what passed.

  "Take off that robe, Bald-pate," said Soa; "I must give you anot

  He obeyed, and while Soa was engaged in clothing Juanna's senseless formin the gown of the priest, Francisco drew his diary from the pocket inhis vest where he kept it. Rapidly he wrote a few lines on a blank page,then shutting the book he handed it to Leonard together with his rosary,saying:

  "Let the Senora read what I have written here, after I am dead, notbefore, and give her these beads in memory of me. Many is the time thatI have prayed for her upon them. Perhaps she will wear them after I amgone, and, although she is a Protestant, sometimes offer up a prayer forme."

  Leonard took the book and the rosary and placed them in an inner pocket.Then he turned to Otter and rapidly explained to him the meaning of allthat was being done.

  "Ah, Baas," said the dwarf, "put no faith in that she-devil. And yetperhaps she will try to save the Shepherdess, for she loves her as alioness loves her young. But I am afraid for you, Baas, for you shehates."

  "Never mind about me, Otter," answered Leonard. "Listen: they are goingto hide us in the dungeons of the temple; if by any chance you escape,seek out Olfan and try to rescue us. If not, farewell, and may we meetagain in another place."

  "Oh! Baas, Baas," said Otter with a deep sob, "for myself I carenothing, nor whether I live or die, but it is sad to think that you willperish alone, and I not with you. Oh! why did Baas Tom dream that evildream? Had it not been for him, we might have been transport-riding inNatal to-day. I would that I had been a better servant to you, Baas, butit is too late now." And as he spoke Leonard felt a great tear fall uponhis hand.

  "Never mind the servant, Otter," he answered; "you are the best friend,black or white, that ever I had, and Heaven reward you for it. If youcan help the Baas yonder at the last, do so. At the least see that heswallows the medicine in time, for he is weak and gentle and not fittedto die such a death," and he turned away.

  By this time Soa had arrayed Francisco in the black robe of Aca. Thewhite dress worn in the temple ceremonies he did not put on, for itremained upon Juanna, completely hidden from sight, however, by thepriest's gown.

  "Who would know them apart now?" asked Soa triumphantly, then added,handing Leonard the great ruby which she had taken from Juanna'sforehead, "Here, Deliverer, this belongs to you; do not lose the stone,for you have gone through much to win it."

  Leonard took the gem and at first was minded to dash it into theold woman's sneering face, but remembering the uselessness of such aperformance, he thrust it into his pocket together with the rosary.

  "Come, let us be going," said Soa. "You must carry the Shepherdess,Deliverer; I will say that it is Bald-pate who has fainted with fear.Farewell, Bald-pate; after all you are a brave man, and I honour you forthis deed. Keep the hood well about your face, and if you would preservethe Shepherdess alive, be silent, answering no word whoever addressesyou, and uttering no cry however great your fear."

  Francisco went to the bed where Juanna lay, and holding out his handabove her as though in blessing, he muttered some words of prayer orfarewell. Then turning, he clasped Leonard in his arms, kissed him andblessed him also.

  "Good-bye, Francisco," said Leonard in a choking voice; "surely theKingdom of Heaven is made up of such as you."

  "Do not weep, my friend," answered the priest, "for there in thatkingdom I hope to greet you and her."

  And so these friends parted.


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