… Except broccoli. When she learns what Hell is she’ll damn broccoli straight to it. We're sure of that.
Heaven help the broccoli.
We could taste the freshness and beauty of a pure and untainted life that had not yet had the harmful influences of people and their actions and words. She knew nothing of sin or that the concept even existed, and we were completely enamored by this. As a smile formed across her tiny face we also grinned throughout the book in an ecstasy of new innocence and cleanliness we could tangibly feel all through our soiled souls. We actually tingled and felt this macabre patchwork of flesh enjoying the sensation of goose bumps because of this connection with a clean essence of life.
I must say, as a bit of a side note; though we’re not sure who within the book noticed it first, we all agreed there was something a bit odd about Victoria’s soul. There’s something we couldn’t quite describe in any better way other than to say that it seemed fragmented or incomplete, but yet different, in a good way. For the time being we’re dismissing these feelings as possibly nothing more than our own inexperience with a life still so unlived. Maybe we’re so accustomed to the element of sin being present we just don’t understand how such a soul should be.
We will continue with this until we decide on another path to pursue.
Journal entry XIII
Victoria just celebrated her seventh birthday and the obviousness of the transgressors who surround her is uncomfortably commonplace.
The soul of a transgressor is one which carries a particular scent, and its appearance, once exposed, always proves what the coffer has been filled with and in what concentrations. The uneasy part here is those within the book are seeing how their own paths were influenced by the mentalities of their parents and the others around them. We're all seeing these same influences in the children who are currently in the company of Victoria for what is supposed to be a joyful occasion. This is still an odd thing for us because the anniversary of a person’s day of birth was never celebrated in our times or lands, but had it been we all would’ve seen the warning signs which would’ve given away such people in our midst. Or would we have? Tom and Martha seem all but oblivious to the jealous mentalities of the people around them and their daughter.
In our time here we’ve heard another question debated often in friendly and not-so-friendly conversation: The question of what is true to the child’s behavior versus what is instilled into the child by the parents and surroundings. From everything we’ve seen in Hell, and compounded by everything we’ve learned thus far being with the mortals, there is NO question concerning with what the child is born in relation to what the child is provided with; it’s both. People are born with an innate compass in their souls which gives a basic foundation of instincts, but the parents can teach characteristics which can either compliment those instincts, contrast them, or override them.
Jealousy is the most common of the deadly sins we’ve seen in the mortal world thus far. A transgression can only be learned by the child from the parents. Greed breeds jealousy.
It’s obvious in gatherings such as this that for such a small town the Nyles family is one of high regard, though it is also obvious much of this regard is given from sour hearts and jealous minds. These minds and hearts are too busy lamenting over the successes of others without actually doing anything which would inflict good fortune upon themselves. The Nyles family is led by a man who believes in not wasting time with telling others what kind of man he is, but would rather simply let his actions display who he is. This characteristic has brought him and his family good fortune as well as the two-faced companionship of many of the town’s residents. Tom doesn’t seek out political goals because he doesn’t wish to be one who comes across as an imposing force of his own beliefs over the beliefs of others. But, he is very business-minded and I have no doubt he’ll outgrow this town one way or another very soon.
For now however, Tom seems nearly blind — either by choice or some underlying ignorance — to the thoughts and façades of those who have joined him here for little Victoria’s seventh birthday. Even Martha seems as if she wears a cloth over her eyes which blind her to the thoughts and emotions of the other parents who have brought their snot-nosed little vermin to this celebration.
I posted myself between the two rooms where everyone had gathered. Most of the so-called adults were in the kitchen area sipping their wines and eating the various finger foods; finger foods Martha spent hours preparing. They feasted on the food like sows at a trough; as if they had been starved for the entire previous week. Not disgustingly, but impatiently.
The children were playing pleasantly enough when an adult was present, though I do believe the parents were putting on a show and the children were aware of it. In my time it was common knowledge that any normal child was always very aware of when someone wasn’t on the level with those around them. More often than not the child would end up believing this behavior to be the way things are supposed to be and they would adopt it into their own personalities. These children were no different and already well on their way to becoming as deceptive as their parents.
Little fuckers!
As soon as the adult would leave the room their sweet, innocent little whelps would change in demeanor towards Victoria and her new birthday treasures almost simultaneously. Several of these children, not all, but several, weren’t any better than a small pack of rabid mutts out for blood. As the adult disappeared from their line of sight they would all but tear from Victoria’s hands her new playthings and mock them, or tell her that she would’ve done better to receive something else, or whatever they could come up with to try to make her feel as if she wasn’t as special as her own parents have made her out to be.
At this point in our education of the modern world I couldn’t help but wonder if, for the most part, small towns breed little more than small thinking. These children were spoiled in their own rites and couldn’t be happy with someone else receiving great blessings, which in their eyes rivaled their own.
Though there were at least two-dozen children in this group there were seven in particular who were Victoria’s main antagonists. A number of the others would half-ass join in for the sake of somehow being in what they were thinking was the right crowd, but they seemed to know when too far was too much.
I’ll never forget the names of these seven little demon-seeds: Johnny: the leader of the pack. Tim: The brute. He was the one they called on for the extraction of lunch money from other children. Brent: more or less the real brains of the group, always quiet and making his will reality more through sublime suggestion than outright debate or persuasion. He’d make an excellent demon. Then there were the girls: Beth, Tina, Cynthia, and Colleen. Beth is a pretty little blonde — on the outside — while Tina and Colleen are both brown-haired and attractive enough in their own rites. Cynthia is beautiful, freckled redhead who will undoubtedly break far more hearts than those who will break hers. Even at her very young age she has an awareness of her beauty. Once her sexuality kicks in she’ll be unstoppable. All four are the types who will grow up to be conceded and untouchable to any male unable to support their expensive tastes.
These seven children possess personalities we’ve seen in great abundance in Hell. I do feel these seven, in particular, are going to one day be at the wrong end of a reckoning dealt by Victoria, especially after what I saw from the seven of them at the highest point during the party.
After all the other gifts had been opened, and all the cake and ice cream had been decimated as if these kids were hyenas stripping a rotting carcass, Tom and Martha had one more grand surprise: a puppy! An Alaskan Malamute to be exact. Some months prior Victoria had seen a book on different breeds of dogs from around the world. She absolutely fell in love with the Malamutes pictured. Her parents were concerned over the size of the breed and tried talking her into something at least a bit smaller, such as the Siberian Husky, but she said the icy blue eyes were scary and wouldn’t have anything to do
with them. Victoria’s heart was set on the Malamute, and to her most ecstatic surprise her parents found a breeder of these dogs hundreds of miles away who was going to have puppies ready just before Victoria’s big party. Tom and Martha had the puppy flown in the morning of the party and kept out of sight at a friend’s house until the big moment.
It was such a vision seeing her face light up when her eyes caught sight of that puppy!
Never in my times, specifically, have I seen such a sight as a child just being a child; pure, innocent, and beaming with happiness, as she took in that black and white ball of hair. Even we were a bit giddy over her reaction, at least until the sinful seven began closing in. Johnny was approaching Victoria from behind as she held the pup; his gang of feeble-minded followers was close behind goading him on. It was obvious he was going to make a grab for the pup’s tail sticking out from under Victoria’s arm. If any of the adults had taken notice of Johnny’s intent they weren’t saying a thing.
I suddenly found myself not wanting to see this moment ruined by this horrible boy or his minions and my first reaction was yelling to the pup, “Behind you!” Instantly the puppy broke free of Victoria’s hold and scurried behind her to face Johnny. The pup was steadfast determined in stance, but at that moment cursed with an over-abundance of adorable puppy charm. Victoria spun around to see what was happening with her new pup. The little fuzzball didn’t growl, grunt, or even show its tiny teeth. She simply sat at Victoria’s feet quietly and stared with her head cocked directly at Johnny.
To say the least everyone was in awe over the puppy’s reaction to Johnny, and in that moment I saw it in the eyes of Johnny and his pack that this dog stood a good chance of some harm coming to her one day.
The rest of the party went off with little more than some spiteful glares at Victoria and her new pup. Nothing was even said other than the good-byes and the departing Happy Birthday wishes from each of the guests.
Victoria’s whole world was cuddled in her lap wagging her tail and making her giggle.
Journal entry XIV
I’ve taken the experimentation with reaching into minds a bit farther. Fuck it! If the demons can do it why can’t I? Last night I was giving some more tutoring to Victoria when I noticed a familiar scent in the air. Then I heard the faint sounds of moans and sighs coming from the master bedroom, and it obvious I was catching the scents of their pheromones, something we seem to be much more sensitive to now than in life. I couldn’t help but get a bit curious so I passed through the walls separating their room from ours and found the most wonderful sight before us; Tom and Martha were engaging in congress, and the sight of it aroused nearly all the prurient instincts within all of us.
For the sake of the male and female souls within, I’m writing of this event only for posterity. For all purposes and intentions it’s only in hindsight we find this evening’s event should be memorialized, though we don’t readily see why. Call it a gut feeling.
Though these two are very well respected pillars of the community, their tastes in pleasures have always been very pleasantly wicked and fun loving. For the sake of their privacy I won’t go into every last intimate detail, but on this warm summer night they had the French Doors leading from their bed chamber to their outside deck left open, which allowed a pleasantly gentle breeze and all the light from the full moon the room could hold. To say the least, the setting was atypical of those ridiculous romance novels left lying about at hairdresser’s salon Martha and Victoria frequented.
When I entered the two were in the midst of pleasurable orations and teasing. Judging only by the ferocity of their mutual tongue-lashings, and the amount of the fleshy terrain each was seemingly desperate to cover, one would think their only purpose was to drink up every last dewy drop of sweat from one another’s body during this balmy evening.
It was an amazing sight to behold! Martha rose up onto her knees from the entanglement of their bodies, and straddled Tom. No doubt she was enjoying the swirling air made seemingly cooler because of the layer of moisture slicking her skin. Her body was highlighted; almost glistening, from the light from the moon and the rolling shadows of the night colliding with each other over her physique as she ebbed atop Thomas. Hers is a physique she works hard at keeping strong, and which even teenage girls would be jealous of. Martha’s skin rolls and smoothes over her muscle softening her appearance not unlike a brook’s flowing water seemingly softens the rocks just below the water’s surface. But the flow of this brook soon surged and collected into a torrent, and flesh and muscle seemed so much more beast-like in its movement as she undulated wildly and seemingly slithering in place.
We moved closer and enjoyed the details of Martha’s skin; the strong features of her back, the expansion her ribs as she inhaled, and then their compression as she let out warm sighs, moans soft as down, and stuttered breaths broken by the teasing shivers firing up and down body. Her petite breasts are a wonderful compliment to her small frame as they’d seemingly kiss a gentle kiss when they met, and then take leave from one another in a soft and temporary goodbye as she arched to and fro.
We studied the details of her body as such whilst she impaled her furred glory with Thomas’s vascular exemplar. Both of them moved with almost tediously slow convening with sides of meticulous teasing.
Within such proximity we couldn’t help but quench our curiosity concerning Thomas’s confident and coveted indelicacy. This was but the only shame — no doubt from our perspective only — as it was out of sight, buried so deeply within Martha. We sought out the point of their conjointment to make thorough investigation of both of their forced, false flagrancies.
Thomas’s girthy attraction is pleasant in length without being its own exaggeration in anyway. Its rigidity is amply decorated with arterial burl and branching, which is no doubt adding to Martha’s wanton fever. His soft and dangling tote sways and rocks between his thighs with its precious jewels shifting weight from their mutual motions. Thomas’s body is toned and long like a swimmer, and like his wife he’s not afraid to express himself vocally, explicitly, and in conjunction with his grunts and growls.
To say the least the male and female souls, including myself, were incredibly pleased by the sight of these two bodies. I admit the flesh of the book feeling the sensation of goose bumps and quivers for the second time since arriving at this realm. Why we had never taken the time to enjoy the many couplings between these two before is now a complete mystery. Were we within our fleshen bodies I’m sure we each would’ve peaked due to the sights this union is providing.
This was when things took a dramatic turn for us, Martha and Tom.
We reached out — a reflex of collective instinct I think — and touched them without fully realizing we were doing this. It was a strangely unconscious action on all of our behalves. More like an attraction was pulling us near and dictating our movements. We had just begun to admire Tom’s physical attributes when our hands gripped his rigidness as it was being swallowed into Martha’s body.
Instantly we found ourselves completely entangled in the pleasures being generated and experienced by these two bodies. Almost as instantly our prurient selves took over and within the confines of the book we were generating pleasures through thoughts and emotions. We were unable to pull away as we gave into the inferno being generated by these two. We could feel the tingles and pleasurable pains, the euphoric lightheadedness from the erratic breathing and, most of all, above all, the passion and love held firm between Tom and Martha! No matter what physical act they engaged in they felt love and genuine excitement to be experiencing these moments specifically with one another.
We could smell their scents thick in the air like the humidity of this night, and we could feel the flowing fluids of their lust as if we were caught in the rapids of a great river. But, it was soon obvious we were also causing some of what was happening. We were not just in direct contact with their physical love and pleasure, but we became part of it through contact with their impass
ioned souls. Our own souls; all of our thoughts, wants, and lusts, were now contributory to their experience. I heard one of the female souls within the book cry out in pleasure in the language of her last life and simultaneously I heard Martha cry out the same words in deaf lust. Fortunately Martha was left unaware she had just cried out in a language she never knew. Tom was also caught up in this unconscious passion as he too was crying out words in dialects I’m certain he had never learned, especially since two of the phrases which passed his lips were in languages long since dead.
We could feel their bodies closing in on one another as they were finally reaching the apex of their physical love. It was during that moment when we noticed as their souls moved closer to one another their coffers were left behind. This was a moment when sin, transgressions, good and evil, all things which a soul carries with it, or which distract a mind, were now absent from the souls within these two bodies.
The pinnacle of their pleasure approached. Rabid and raw motions. Their flesh and muscle quivered, gyrated, and thrashed. Finally a sudden envelopment of ultimate pleasure felt not only between the two of them but throughout the souls of the book as well. The entangling of so many souls engulfed in one act of pleasure sent reverberations through our soul strands all the way back to our dormant bodies in Hell, which I’m sure showed some signs of life for the first time since our souls abandoned them for the book.
Legacy of Judas - Book One Page 7