NYC VAMPS (The Italians): Vampire Romance (Book Book 2)

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NYC VAMPS (The Italians): Vampire Romance (Book Book 2) Page 85

by Sky Winters

  He shook his head no. “They. Need. Me.”

  Joy got Zak dressed and then helped him up. He was horribly weak and could barely stand, but he insisted on leaving the tent. So Joy, pregnant and in shock, walked with her arm around Zak, her faint boyfriend who was not entirely human. They stepped out into the sunlight and found the gang waiting in a loose collection outside the tent. They didn’t look surprised or confused at the sight of their leader looking so rough. They just gave a little nod to Joy and glanced down at her big belly.

  Carefully, Zak sat on a big rock and took in the group. Petunia brought him a bottle of orange juice and he gulped it down.

  “Thanks.” He wiped his mouth and looked around. “As you can all see, Joy is pregnant. This means she’s going to need our protection until her babies are born. I want a security detail around her twenty-four seven. These babies are definitely part of the brown bear line. That means they’ll be very powerful,” he looked to Joy, “and very important. We can’t let anything happen to them.”

  The group nodded, still unsurprised. Joy looked over at Petunia who gave her a big grin.

  “Congratulations, mama bear. You’re definitely having at least two.”

  Joy touched her stomach and felt a shift under her skin. She thought of two little forms inside her tumbling over one another, somersaulting around like bear cubs. Her shock set in as she realized that was essentially what she would be having: two baby bears.

  “I want five of you out getting some food. I transitioned this morning but I didn’t get a chance to recover so I need some extra. Get back as soon as you can. Joy, you’ll have to stay here until we can organize protection for you.”

  Five bikers roared off and the rest came up to hug Joy and tell her congratulations. She accepted it all graciously, but out of the corner of her eye she kept tabs on Zak. He looked extremely weak, like he might fall off of his perch at any moment. After a little bit of small talk, she joined him again and put her arm around him.

  “Sorry,” he whispered. “I usually transition slowly. That’s why I went off into the woods, so I could stay in bear form for a couple of days and then take a few hours to go back to human. I’ll be okay.”

  Joy gave him a kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around him. “You’ve worked really hard to hide this from me, haven’t you?”

  He leaned his head into her. “I had to. I wanted you to be safe. This isn’t an easy life, Joy.”

  She lifted up out of their hug and looked at him. “Why are you in so much danger?”

  Zak looked up to see Petunia standing with fast food bags and a cup of coffee. She handed it all to the lovebirds. Zak took it gratefully and started ripping into the paper. “Petunia,” he said to her, “tell Joy what happened to you when that hunter saw you transition.”

  Petunia sucked the air in through her teeth. “Oh, that’s a rough story. Let me get a cigarette.” She slipped a smoke out of her carton and then cupped her hands over it to get the flame. After she’d taken a long drag, she dove in.

  “I was in the woods. We’d all transitioned together a few days before and everyone was going back to human one by one, but I was taking my time. I always love my time in the woods; I fish, I sleep, I walk forever. It’s the best. But, I knew I was lagging behind and I needed to move on. So, I found a little clearing and lay down. To shift back to human, we have to go inside ourselves and really focus. I’m on the ground, I’ve got my head covered, I’m about halfway through the change and then I felt something on my neck.

  “It was the butt of a shotgun. A hunter had been just out of sight and I wasn’t as careful as I should have been. Now, I was caught. This guy didn’t want to shoot me, he wanted to keep me in one place. I heard him call out to someone that he’d found something crazy. He probably thought he could sell me to some lab or a TV studio, who knows. All I knew was, I had to get out of there. I stopped changing; uncovered my eyes, focused on keeping my bear form and, well…”

  Joy leaned forward. “What did you do?”

  She shrugged and let out a big cloud of smoke. “I had to kill them.” She turned and walked away to sit by herself for a moment. Behind her, Joy was frozen in panic.

  “Zak!” She grabbed his shoulder. “What is this? Why did she have to kill them?”

  He balled up the paper of the food he’d finished and took Joy’s hand. “Listen, we don’t want to kill anyone. She only took those guys out because they’d seen that she was something different. She’s not wholly human and she’s not entirely animal. People can’t deal with that.”

  She moved closer to him and spoke in a whisper. “Have you ever killed someone?”

  He shook his head. “No. Never. I specialize in scaring people away. I find it’s much more effective.”

  “Like you did with Aris?”

  “Exactly like that. He’s alive, but I’d be very surprised if he ever bothered us again.”

  They spent the morning together, lazing around in the sun while Zak got his strength back. Joy relished the opportunity to relax in the grass. Pregnancy was surprisingly exhausting and she dozed for a couple of hours at least.

  By the time she woke up it was late morning and Zak was back to his old self, joking around and play fighting with his crew. She propped herself up on her elbows and motioned to Greg to help her up. “Quick,” she said, “I have to pee like you wouldn’t believe.”

  A little later, Zak and three other crew members were ready to escort Joy home. They explained to her that they would be camping out near her house and available to take her wherever she wanted to go, day or night. She wondered how her dad was going to like having a faction of bikers across the street from them. Maybe his memory problems would kick in and keep him from paying too much attention to them. A girl could dream, anyway.

  They went down the street as a group, Joy sitting in the sidecar of Petunia’s bike. Her big belly made it impossible for her to hang on to Zak and she was a little sad to see the empty space behind him as he drove in the front. A kick to her insides reminded her why safety was tantamount. She put a hand where she felt the baby’s foot and rubbed it. It was probably her imagination, but she could have sworn she felt its toes wiggle under her hand.

  At her dad’s house, everything looked quiet. She needed help getting up from the sidecar and once again she was desperate for a bathroom, but she was smiling. Zak took her by the arm and led her to the house, making her laugh.

  “I’m not going to break! I can walk.”

  “I know,” he said, leaning in to nibble her neck, “but I want to spoil you.”

  They approached the front door and Zak’s face twisted up for a moment. He stopped Joy. “Something’s wrong in here.” He leaned forward and smelled the air. “Joy, we have to go.”

  “No!” She quickly opened the door, still looking at Zak. “If something’s wrong that means we have to get my dad and—”

  “And what, Joy?”

  The sound of his voice made all of Joy’s happiness and confidence dissolve. There, sitting in her living room with a pistol aimed at her father, was Aris. He was banged up and bandaged, but otherwise still the same old Aris she remembered. He sat stock still and let his eyes do the talking. Joy took stock of the situation; both men were seated directly across from one another. Her father was clearly terrified but Aris was calm. He loved making other people scared; it was what he did best.

  He pulled back the hammer of the gun and looked at Joy’s father. “Tell your daughter to stop being so rude and join us. Her boyfriend can go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Zak stepped into the living room with his hands balled into fists. He was already breathing hard. “I won’t let you terrorize the mother of my child or anyone close to her.”

  “Terrorize?” Aris sneered at the word. “Who on earth is terrorizing anyone? You think I want to shoot him? I can’t imagine a worse outcome. All I want,” he said, affecting an innocent tone, “is for everyone to come to their senses. And that means you,

  “You know I don’t want to be with you anymore.” Joy kept her hands on her belly as she spoke. Her babies had gone completely still, sensing how scared she was. “I’m with Zak. I’m pregnant with his baby. Just sign the papers and move on. There’s no reason for you to keep after me.”

  Aris let out a sad sigh. “Well, I’m sorry to hear you say that, Joy.” He lifted the gun and pointed it at Steve’s head. “Cuz now your dad is going to die.”

  A loud bang rang out. Joy screamed and Zak dove across the room straight at Aris. Steve fell out of his chair and onto the floor as a horrible fight broke out. Joy couldn’t look. Instead, she pushed herself against the wall and did everything she could to be invisible. She could hear the TV shatter, the lamp crash against the wall, and fists smack into skin. The wall began to bend and fold under her and the floor came up to meet her. As soon as it did, Joy’s vision went black and she drifted off into the void.

  Chapter 9

  It was several days before Joy would let Zak hold her again. The shock of seeing Aris, the shot in her dad’s shoulder, and their days visiting him in the hospital all kept her from his tent. He didn’t say anything, just waited patiently for his love to return to him. She could feel his eyes on her any time he was close, but she couldn’t return his gaze. It was just too much.

  Finally, after a couple of weeks, Steve was back home and only a little worse for the wear. His shoulder was stiff but, as he put it: “What am I, some athlete? I can do everything I need to do.” A physical therapist came by every day to help him move his stiff joint and Joy sat with them, participating in all the same exercises.

  One night they sat watching a trashy reality show and Steve suddenly clicked off the TV. “Joy,” he said, “how much longer are you going to keep this up?”

  “Whuh?” She had a mouth full of popcorn. Her pregnancy was in its final stages and she was constantly starving.

  “Don’t give me that.” Steve took the popcorn from her hands and pointed at the phone. “Go call that bear of yours and spend the evening together. The two of you will be parents soon and won’t have the strength. If you two want to go out ever again, now’s the time.”

  Joy started to protest but her father just pointed at the phone. She heaved herself out of the chair and went over to call Zak. She knew the gang had a couple of phones they shared and she had both numbers memorized, but she was reluctant. She just wasn’t sure how she felt about her future as a mother. Couldn’t she just stare at the TV and forget about it for a night?

  “Hello, Rick’s Roadkill Cafe. You kill ‘em we grill ‘em.”

  Joy laughed. “Hi Greg. It’s Joy. Is Zak around?”

  Greg called Zak over and told him who it was.

  “Joy? Joy, sweetheart, are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here. I’m wondering if I can see you tonight.”

  “Tonight. Yes. I’m coming to get you. Don’t move. I’ll bring the sidecar.”

  A little while later, Joy was zipping down the road in the little car next to Zak’s bike. The trees and power lines whipped by and her hair streamed behind her. The air smelled incredible; it was full of pine, late summer, and rain on the horizon. She smiled over at Zak; she had missed him. She was glad her father had pushed her to go out. She’d really missed the craziness that came with being Zak’s partner.

  They pulled up to the campground and everyone walked over to Joy.

  “Oh, look how big you’ve gotten! Any day now.”

  “I remember my first pregnancy. I couldn’t leave my partner alone. Remember, baby?”

  “Joy, your boobs are enormous. Ow! Hey, sorry.” Zak shoved the last visitor away and yelled for someone to bring over the thermos of hot tea.

  “She’s our guest of honor. I better see you all act like it.” Everyone grumbled and wandered away, back to their beer and their bonfire. Someone handed Joy a thermos but she didn’t see who it was; she was too busy looking at Zak.

  Had his shoulders always been so muscular? And his jaw, was it always that square? He was absolutely stunning. When he turned to her with a smile she melted and leaned in to give him a kiss. “I missed you, Zak.”

  He pulled her in tight, covering her head with kisses. “Joy, I felt like I was dying without you. I know you were upset about what happened, but Aris is in jail. No one touched him. And I want to tell you—”

  “Shh. Tell me later. Can we go to your tent?”

  Zak looked out at the group; they seemed sufficiently distracted. “Yeah, let’s go.”

  The two headed off, Joy waddling a bit while Zak kept his arm around her shoulder. He kept checking to see how she felt, would it be soon? She just laughed at him and told him to stop worrying.

  “Just get me to your tent, babe. I need to be with you.”

  They ducked inside Zak’s little abode and zipped up the entrance behind them. Joy laid down carefully and Zak hovered above her, kissing her face and neck.

  “Baby, will you take off my pants?”

  He reached down and pulled off the black leggings she had on, revealing her high, rounded belly. “Oh, wow.” He touched it gently and lay his cheek against one side. “I can feel them in there.”

  “So can I.” Joy laughed. She propped herself up on her elbows. “I hope they’re both as beautiful as you, Zak. You really are just,” she ran her hand up his arm, taking in his muscles, “so, so sexy.”

  He looked at her a little surprised. “You think so? Check this out.” He pulled his T-shirt off, revealing his defined muscles. They were bigger than she remembered and she reached up to touch his pectorals. They were like carved wood.

  “Oh my God. Sweetie, I’m really, really,” she twisted and squirmed underneath him, “horny. I need you right now.”

  He didn’t respond, instead he pulled up her shirt and helped her get it off over her head. Then he unhooked her bra from her large, swollen breasts so that they could rest freely on top of her chest. Her dark nipples were hard and small and Zak gave them a little flick.

  “Don’t tease me! I need you inside me, baby, please.”

  He took off Joy’s panties and then stood to undress himself. She sat up to take in the view as he pulled off his clothes, smiling at the sight. “God, you look good naked.”

  Lowering down to his hands and knees, he started kissing her again. “You remember when I called you a goddess?”

  “I remember.”

  “You’re even more of a goddess now. Carrying my children, full of love and magic.” He slipped his arm around her back and let her arch backwards a little, raising her chest for him to taste. “Let me worship you properly while you’re like this; at your most feminine. Your most magical.”

  Gently, slowly, the two maneuvered into position on all fours. Joy was up on her hands and knees while Zak kneeled behind her. He entered her cautiously, a little scared he might hurt her, but she moaned as he moved inside, loving the way he felt.

  “Oh yeah. Oh, keep going.”

  “You’re okay?”

  “Yes. I’m okay. Don’t worry. It feels so wonderful.”

  He reached under her arms to feel her heavy breasts and played with her nipples as he slid in and out a few more times, still not rushing. Her pussy had taken on a new, softer texture and felt amazing against his hard, excited cock. He went a little faster.

  “Oh! Oh yes. Yes, Zak. Like that.”

  “You want it that way? Like this?” He slid into her hard, pausing between each penetration to torture her just for a moment. Each time he re-entered she let out a high-pitched cry of surprise. After a few minutes, she reached back for his hand.

  “Stay inside me for just a moment. Let me just feel you.”

  Zak didn’t move, just maintained his position deep inside Joy. Her wide, curvy hips went around in a little circle and started rocking up and down in a little tilt. The movement made her pubic bone rub up against his shaft and the sensation was one he’d never known he loved so much.

  “Oh, Joy. Oh, ba

  “Don’t move.” She looked over her shoulder. “Don’t do anything. Let me.” He nodded and she went back to her own pursuits against his hips. She slid herself along the length of his cock, then bucked against him, working harder and harder. Zak kept his hands behind his head while his eyes rolled with the insane pleasure she was giving him. He’d never had any sex like this before.

  Joy was working harder and harder against him and he had to put his hands on her hips to keep from falling over. The two of them began to climax together, climbing up, up into the stars above them as they rode their orgasm higher and higher.

  “Zak, I’m coming. I’m almost there.”

  “Oh, me too. Don’t stop. I’m right here with you.”

  She worked her hips harder and harder, squeezing her eyes shut as she began to crest. Inside her, she felt Zak pumping back and forth and then exploding just as she did. They rode through their intense pleasure together, Zak holding her tightly as she reached back and grabbed his neck.

  “Yes! Yes, oh my god. Oh. Oh yes. Yes. Oh, wow.”

  “Oh, Joy. My darling.” His breath came fast and hot into her ear. She turned so she could kiss him up on her knees but he insisted she lie down. He joined her on the sleeping bag, the two of them naked together in the tent and completely exhausted from their lovemaking. He stroked her face and stared at her, fascinated.

  “My Joy. Mother of my children.”

  “Damn straight.” They laughed and kissed again, then Joy had to lie back and caress her stomach. “They hear you. They’re tumbling around like crazy right now.”

  “Really?” Zak reached over and put his hand on her stomach and, just as she’d promised, felt his babies moving under her skin. “Wow. Those are our kids.”

  “Are you ready to be a father?” She looked at him seriously, her eyes wide. He propped himself up on one elbow and stroked her hair.

  “As long as you’re with me,” he whispered, “there’s nothing else I’d rather be.”


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