A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Kalissa Alexander

  There was nothing to be done at this point but to go back out there and face him and act like she hadn’t run from him when he caught her staring at him. He had to know she found him attractive and the fact that he was Calla’s friend, whether or not he was more than that, would only get her into trouble. Her behavior was totally out of character. She had never been attracted to any of Calla’s friends in the past. Why now and why him?

  Chapter Two

  Melody made her way out of the restroom to where Calla was now leaning into Gabriel possessively. Her beautiful face was animated as she talked to the two men across from them, while all the time turning her head up to adoringly gaze at Gabriel between snippets of conversation.

  She and Calla were both twenty-two, well, almost twenty-three. Calla was older by just a month. Although in the world of relationships, Calla was years older. Melody envied that she was so much more experienced and worldly. She appeared to have grown up even more since she had seen her last. She loved Calla, but she had always been her friend’s adoring shadow and yet, at the time, it had suited her. She still felt like a gawky teenager who was trying to find her way in a world that she had far from mastered, where Calla was the mistress of class and sophistication.

  Calla had stopped talking in midsentence and looked to where Melody was standing.

  “Melody. You’re back. I was just telling Constantine and Jonathan about you and that you’re going to be singing soon. Constantine is Gabriel’s brother. And Jonathan is their friend. They all live together in an apartment here in the city.”

  Melody turned to the two men and smiled. “Hello.”

  Jonathan was all smiles as he stood up and took her hand in his. “Hi, Melody. If you can’t tell by looks alone, I’m Jonathan, the friend. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m looking forward to hearing you sing.”

  His smile was infectious. She couldn’t help but smile back into his large, friendly brown eyes. His hair was a mass of curls that hung over his ears. “Thanks. I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  “You needn’t worry about that. I’m tone deaf.” He laughed as her shock turned into laughter.

  “You’re way too funny.”

  Jonathan wasn’t handsome like Gabriel, but he was cute. She liked his unruly, curly brown hair that was in need of a haircut and the way his whole face lit up with his smile. There was something very comfortable and sweet about him. It wasn’t often she felt such an immediate connection with someone she had just met.

  She turned her attention to the brother, Constantine, who had also now stood up and stretched his hand toward her. There was no denying he was Gabriel’s brother. They looked so much alike, she wondered if it were possible that they were twins. They both had that sexy Mediterranean skin that gave off a healthy, tanned glow, and when combined with finely chiseled features, blue eyes, long lashes, and an air of natural confidence, it was a recipe for drop-dead gorgeous and then some.

  The brothers could possibly be Italian or maybe even Hispanic. She wasn’t sure, but she was sure of one thing. She wasn’t immune to any of these men, and she damned well better be. She noticed that Constantine’s eyes were a deeper blue than his brother’s and he had a slight scar above his left eyebrow. His black hair was also longer, hanging over the collar of his light blue tailored shirt that sported an emblem of some kind embroidered above the pocket.

  Constantine might be the most handsome man she had ever seen outside of the movies or on a magazine cover. Gabriel could very easily join him on the cover. She knew she’d insulted him by not taking his hand immediately, but she had suddenly become awestruck. Totally unacceptable behavior. She looked down at her hand and lifted it toward him tentatively, wondering if he’d give her a chance to show she had some manners.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her heart beating more rapidly. “My mind was somewhere else for a second. I’m pleased to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s mine,” Constantine said, his smile not reaching his eyes.

  Calla cleared her throat. “Melody, are you actually wearing cowboy boots?”

  Constantine’s eyes traveled slowly from her eyes down to her feet. Gasping, she looked to Calla who was looking at her like she had two heads. She caught a look of sympathy from Gabriel before he glared down at Calla.

  “I like those cowboy boots, Melody,” Jonathan said as his eyes twinkled mischievously. “Do they help you keep your customers in line?”

  The smile froze on her face as an unwanted knot of heat radiated outward from her center. “Only when it’s warranted or when I want to.” Why did I say that? She looked down at her hands.

  “And do you always do what you want to?” Constantine asked.

  She felt nervous laughter bubble up inside her. This was not a conversation she should be having with these men. It was all so seductive and dark.

  Without waiting for her to answer, Constantine said, “Melody. How appropriate. Is that your real name or a stage name?”

  “It’s my real name.”

  He held her gaze with his. “Are you pursuing a career in music or is it just a hobby that you’re having fun with?”

  “I want to be famous.” She had never said that to anyone before.

  “Well, then I expect you at least think you’re very good. Have you ever had voice lessons? Have you performed on stage a lot? Are your songs copyrighted? Do you have a manager?”

  “Constantine.” Gabriel laughed. “What’s with all the questions? She’s not a witness for the prosecution. Give the poor girl a break.”

  “Lawyers,” Calla said, rolling her eyes. “I guess he can’t help himself from having an inquiring mind. He just needs to curb his enthusiasm.”

  “As you know, Calla,” Gabriel said coolly, “I’m a lawyer, too, and there’s nothing wrong with Constantine’s enthusiasm. I’m sure your friend can handle a few questions.”

  Constantine shook his head. “I was just trying to find out if Melody is serious about pursuing a career in music.”

  “I’ll let you be the judge once you’ve heard me sing,” Melody said, wondering why Constantine was so interested in her singing.

  “Fair enough.” He casually leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Melody’s. “I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to hearing you sing.”

  The silky, seductive tone of his voice was not lost on her. Her breath caught in her throat. He must be one mighty damn fine lawyer. Women on the jury probably swooned whenever he raised an eyebrow or stared into their eyes. It was obvious women were not safe where any of these three men were concerned. Not only were they easy on the eyes but they were rich to boot, if the quality of their clothes and their superior attitudes were any indication. Although Jonathan didn’t seem nearly as arrogant as the two brothers, he had an air of affluence about him.

  Melody turned slightly away from the table. She wished the night were over already. She had this weird feeling in the pit of her stomach that had her insides tied up in knots. She couldn’t let her nerves get the best of her. Calla had said Gabriel was just a friend. Chances were she’d never see any of them again. She wasn’t even sure when she’d see Calla again. Her friend didn’t seem too thrilled to be here. But then again, she didn’t know that for sure and it wasn’t fair to Calla. Her friend was here and that was all that mattered.

  She needed to take her mind off her nerves and the best way to do that was to get back to work. “Now, let me get you all a couple of drinks each. I’ll be singing in about twenty minutes. This way you should be good for a while. What can I get you?”

  “I’ll just take a whiskey and water,” Jonathan said, his big brown eyes looking sweetly into hers. She couldn’t help but smile at him again. He was adorable, and if she were honest, getting more and more adorable by the minute.

  “Okay. Next.”

  “I’ll have a Samuel Adams Boston Lager,” Gabriel said as he sat up straight, giving Calla a little push so that she had to sit back on her own chair.

Calla pouted, turning her eyes up to his. Without looking at Melody, she said, “I’ll have a glass of white wine.”

  Melody nodded. Taking a breath, she looked over expectantly at Constantine.

  “Do you have a wine list?”

  “No. I’m afraid not. It’s white or red. White is Chablis and red is either Sangria or Port.”

  “A tonic and water then,” he said dryly, and then added, “Thank you, Melody.”

  She liked the way he said her name. He said it slowly, enunciating each syllable.

  “Be right back.” She really did need distance and air. She had never been the type of girl to let herself get goofy over a guy because he was handsome or anything. This was not the time to start.

  The bar was busier than ever, so it took her longer than she expected to bring back their drinks. She was still feeling jittery and nervous around Calla and her friends. She pasted on a smile and avoided eye contact with any of them, trying to concentrate on placing their drinks on the table without spilling them. It was almost time to go backstage to get ready. She could only hope that once she was performing, her nerves would disappear.

  “Jeez, Melody, what are you doing? You spilled the damn wine.” Calla snapped, wiping up the small pool of liquid with her napkin.

  “Sorry. My fault. I was thinking about something else.”

  “Yes. It was. I’m just glad you didn’t spill it on my new blouse. It’s an Alexander McQueen.”

  “Oh,” Melody said, not having heard of him. “It sounds expensive.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to know who he is. Let’s just say I paid more for this blouse than you probably make in two months.”

  “Calla!” Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “That was unkind.”

  “Just stating a fact,” she said sweetly to Melody. “Now you better go and get ready. You have to sing soon don’t you?”

  Had Calla actually just insulted her and then dismissed her like a wayward child? Melody took a step back from the table before she turned on her heel. What in the world was that about? Calla had always been a bit prickly, but she had never seen her act like that, well, at least not using her as the target for her barbed tongue.

  Calla’s just showing off for the men, Melody convinced herself. Now that she thought of it, Calla had always had a need to be the center of attention. Funny how she had forgotten how egotistical Calla could be, but she had always been so grateful for her friendship that she had never let Calla’s sometimes unkind behavior get to her. However, they weren’t in grade school or high school anymore, and Call’s comments had hurt. Taking a deep breath, she tried to put everyone and everything out of her mind. She needed to be in top form tonight.

  Chapter Three

  Max was waiting for her as she emerged from the bathroom.

  “Good, you put on some makeup. You looked a little pale when I saw you before. The hair’s real nice, too.” His hand lightly touched a wayward tendril and pushed it back from her face.

  Long, thick strands of strawberry-blonde hair cascaded in waves down her shoulders. Max had an eye for detail. She was glad she had thought to stop and take out her braid and fix her hair. She had also brushed on some mascara and blush before drenching her lips in strawberry lip gloss.

  “Thanks. Should I sing my song first? Then I’ll sing a couple more, the ones you gave me?”

  “That’s the plan. The boys really liked your song.” He looked around. “You didn’t bring your guitar did you?”

  “No. I didn’t. Is that a problem?” she asked, feeling panicked.

  “Not at all. You look gorgeous by the way, but then you always do.”

  “Oh, Max. That’s nice of you to say.”

  “I’m not saying it to be nice. You’re beautiful, sexy, and you’ve got a great voice and now you’re going to be singing an original song, your original song. Relax and enjoy yourself.”

  “I appreciate this, Max,” she said gratefully. Sometimes, like now, when he wasn’t hitting on her, he could be a really nice guy.

  He smiled warmly, taking a step closer but not crowding her. “The boys are going to play two songs and then Dave”—he pointed to Dave, who gave her a mock salute—“will introduce you. You okay with that?”

  “I’ll be here waiting.” She tried to smile past the butterflies dancing in her stomach that had suddenly turned into a bungee cord bouncing out of control.

  The band took the stage and started to play while she tried not to think about anything other than the music surrounding her. The first song received a resounding wave of applause. The second ended with even stronger applause. She heard Dave say her name. It’s time. It’s time.

  She was used to the stage and knew the lights would prevent her from seeing into the crowd. That night she was thankful she couldn’t see their faces. She took the mike. The music began. She tapped her foot. She opened her mouth.

  The darkness envelops her

  Unwelcome fingers caress

  She longs for the warmth

  Glimpses of light make promises

  She succumbs to the madness

  She longs for the calmness

  She holds the breathless

  The darkness envelops her

  Learning, longing, searching

  He follows, he hunts, he growls

  Escape is not real, nor is the sun

  She runs, she cries, she falls

  She longs for the calmness

  She holds the breathless

  She continued to sing the sad, melancholy song that swept her away from the stage and the people that she could not see.

  Eyes devour, looking away, shifting

  Why won’t you help me?

  Whispering hurtful regret

  Shuffling through the remains

  Caressing a pool of despair

  She longs for the calmness

  She holds the breathless

  When her voice lowered into nothing, she mentally and physically shook herself. It helped her to break free from the words and the feelings that had momentarily turned her into someone else, someone she used to be.

  Melody opened her eyes to see David sauntering over to her, his guitar slung across his back. He was smiling and clapping. She watched as he took her into his arms and hugged her.

  “You were magnificent, even if that might have been the saddest song I’ve ever heard.” The sincerity and respect in his voice made her heart swell.

  The applause didn’t stop right away. She’d never felt like this before. She wanted to feel this kind of elation every time she sang. She laughed as her eyes darted around the stage area to find Max. She saw him standing to the right side of the stage. He was smiling and talking to someone. She blanched. It was Constantine. Why in the world is he talking to him? They both turned toward her as if sensing she was looking at them. There was respect in Constantine’s eyes mixed with something else that she couldn’t quite decipher. I guess he knows I can sing now.

  She’d been given four more songs to sing. They were fun songs that she’d sung many times before. Constantine was standing alone now. Where did Max go? Constantine’s magnetic blue eyes watched her. He really was charismatic in a sexy, bad boy way, just like his brother. No! Think about anything else. The band began to play. She could feel the tension leaving her. She had never been happier.

  Everything went as planned, and the last set was over before she wanted it to be. The band members moved about, preparing to leave. She practically danced off the stage. Constantine was nowhere to be seen. She felt relief and disappointment at the same time. However, she couldn’t find Max either. She made a quick stop in the bathroom, and she smoothed her hair and looked at her reflection. Skin that was flushed and eyes wild with excitement looked back at her. She’d never felt so alive. They liked her song. Of course, no one but Calla had any idea what she was really singing about and that’s the way she wanted to keep it. With perfect timing, the door to the restroom opened and in walked Calla.

  “I thought I might fi
nd you here. You know you’ve really improved.”

  “You liked my song?”

  “Although I think you need to start writing songs that aren’t about your past, it wasn’t bad. All that dark and feel-sorry-for-me stuff is rather old.”

  “You might be right.” It was obvious that Calla had never been that impressed with her poetry or her music.

  “Constantine was very impressed with you.”

  “I saw him talking to Max, the manager of the band.”

  “Oh,” Calla said, yawning, “that’s who that was.”

  “You’re tired. Are you getting ready to go?”

  “Gabriel is a demanding man,” she said, smiling her cat-ate-the-canary smile. “Sometimes even I have a hard time keeping up with him, if you know what I mean.”

  “He seems nice,” Melody said, thinking that was what Calla wanted to hear.

  “He’s my fuck buddy.”

  “He’s what?” Melody asked, surprised to hear Calla refer to him like that. Did that mean he was her friend, too?

  “For the first time in my life, I went after the guy for sex. He was a guest lecturer in my legal studies class. When the lecture was over, I asked him some trumped-up questions and flirted with him outrageously before I gave him my number. I thought he would call, but he didn’t. So I looked him up and called his office. His father’s a big-shot lawyer who has his own firm in New York City and here in Philadelphia. Constantine works there, too. I think they’re partners or something.”

  “Wow! You called him because you wanted to have sex?” Melody asked, not able to keep the shock out of her voice.

  Calla had never had to call a man in her life. She was beautiful with long blonde hair and catlike green eyes and a body that was firm and sleek. Melody had always wished she looked more like her and wasn’t so curvy with big boobs, hips, and a butt. Calla had always made her feel like her type of figure was common and not nearly as desirable as her well-proportioned and petite frame.


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