A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Triple Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Kalissa Alexander

  It was almost eleven and she just couldn’t wait any longer. She had to call Calla. Picking up her cell phone, she called her number. It went directly to voice mail.

  “Calla, it’s Melody. I wanted to talk to you and say thanks for everything. Please call me.”

  She needed something to take her mind off her friend and this anxious feeling she couldn’t seem to shake. Sitting down at her desk, she picked up her guitar. Words and melodies were running through her head. She began to sing, losing herself in what she loved more than anything.

  Her cell phone’s ringtone, “I’m Not That Girl” from Wicked, made her jump. She had been totally consumed in the lyrics of a new song. Damn, time had gone so fast. It was already four o’clock. Calla’s named popped up on the screen.

  “Calla,” she said, happy but apprehensive. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better. How are you?”

  “Good. I mean, thanks to you, I have the possibility of a record deal. Thanks so much for introducing me to Constantine.”

  “I’m glad something worked out for someone.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You don’t know?”

  Melody could feel Calla’s anger through the phone. But why is she mad at me?

  “Did I do something to upset you?”

  “Gabriel broke up with me last night, or this morning. After I assume he dropped you off, he knocked on my door to tell me we were through.”

  “Why would he do such a thing?” Melody felt cold. She looked at her arms that were full of goose bumps.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it was the fact that he couldn’t take his eyes off you all night, or that you were blushing every time he spoke to you. If you think I didn’t notice, you’re wrong. I never thought you were the type.” Calla’s voice dripped venom.

  “Calla. You can’t think that I had anything to do with you and Gabriel breaking up?”

  She heard Calla’s hiss. “We were fine until he met you,” she screamed into the phone. “You and that damn feel-sorry-for-me song you had to sing. Every man there wanted to take away your pain.”

  “That’s not true,” Melody said in horror. “I did nothing to encourage Gabriel. I swear it. He must have told you why he broke it off with you.”

  “You know what. I don’t even care at this point. You’re dead to me. You’ve been like an albatross around my neck for years. I’m glad to get you out of my life. I’m just sorry that I introduced you to Constantine and he decided to take you under his wing and help the poor struggling singer and songwriter. What a crock that is.”

  “Please…” Melody began.

  “Don’t you say another word, do you hear me! And don’t go whining to my parents. Stay away from us.”

  “Calla, you don’t mean that. You know this isn’t my fault. This is nothing but crazy talk. We’re family,” Melody cried.




  The line went dead.

  Melody dropped her phone. She was shaking all over. Tears ran down her cheeks and her head was pounding. Calla hated her. This couldn’t be happening.

  * * * *

  Calla hung up the phone. She should feel badly about what she had just done to Melody. But she didn’t. Melody was one of those people that everyone liked. Jonathan had been right when he accused her of being jealous. She always had been, but her parents had been emphatic about caring for Melody, the poor child. Well, they weren’t kids anymore. There was no denying that Melody had grown into a real beauty, and a talented one at that. Well, the sympathy card may have worked for her as a child, but there was no way Calla was going to play second fiddle to her now that they were adults.

  Gabriel had been acting like an ass for a few weeks now. She knew their time together was over. She had invited him along with Constantine and Jonathan to see Melody sing because she knew they would be curious and she had told Gabriel she wanted to end things on a positive note. Otherwise, they would have refused her invitation. Constantine had made no secret that he was less than thrilled with her. Last night had confirmed what she already knew. Both he and Jonathan had no time for her. They were probably jealous of anyone who spent time with Gabriel and wasn’t part of their inner circle.

  It had been obvious to her from the beginning that Gabriel preferred a woman he could share with Constantine and Jonathan. It was his nature. Anything less wouldn’t work long term for him. She had tried to get them to fuck her because Gabriel was so hot in bed. He was intense and focused, plus he loved to use toys on her as well as a flogger and his hand on her ass. She had always liked games of control, and Gabriel had been an expert player.

  However, after last night, she knew any hope she had of rekindling his interest was over. He was through with her. He hadn’t said it, but she was sure it had something to do with Melody. She had seen how they had all looked at her and how she had responded in her big-eyed, innocent way. She would have liked to have slapped Melody silly for continuing to want what belonged to her. Well, those days were done and it was time to cut her loose, something she should have done a long time ago.

  She was looking forward to telling her parents that their precious Melody wasn’t so precious. That she had deliberately gone after her boyfriend and split them up. She would go on to tell them that Melody was a lot like her mother. She didn’t have to give them blow-by-blow details, but they would get the picture. She wanted to be sure they didn’t try and call her, so she’d tell them she was living with her boyfriend now. In fact, she might just get them new iPhones and make sure they no longer had Melody’s phone number.

  It angered her that Gabriel had rejected her, but in truth she was angry because he had left her and not vice versa. She knew that no matter how good he was in bed, she would have eventually tired of him. It was her nature. However, that didn’t mean she would ever let Melody off the hook for enticing him. Whether she meant to or not was meaningless. The fact was, she would never allow Melody to get one up on her ever again.

  Chapter Seven

  Max was now officially Melody’s manager. She had signed the papers and Constantine had scheduled time with Allison Harper for Wednesday afternoon. They were going to meet at Philly Sound, a recording studio in Center City. If she liked what she heard, Melody would have a record contract and her career would be launched. She should be over the moon with happiness, and she would have been if Calla hadn’t turned on her so unfairly.

  She had tried calling her and had even gone to her apartment and knocked on her door. Calla wouldn’t take her calls, and if she had been home, she didn’t answer the door. Calling Calla’s parents had not been an option. After Callas had forbid her to contact them, she couldn’t handle it if they rejected her, too. The thought made her sick.

  The fact was she had no one. Her mother and Arthur had moved to Florida to live with his mother a couple years ago. They had sold the house that her mother had bought with her real father before he died. She didn’t even have a phone number for them. Her mother had said Arthur thought it was best if they severed all ties. Melody knew that she made him feel guilty for all the horrible things he had done and her mother just went along with whatever he said. What is it about me that makes it so easy to leave?

  Wednesday afternoon arrived, and Melody met Max at the Angry Dog. Together they took a taxi to Philly Sound. She was more nervous than she had ever been in her life. She so desperately needed this to work out.

  Constantine was already at the studio when she and Max walked in. He smiled and came over to Melody, shaking first hers and then Max’s hand. Seeing him again made her realize she had not been wrong about how good looking he was. He literally took her breath away as well as made her nervous.

  “Nervous?” he asked, looking down at her.

  “I’d be lying if I said no.”

  “Good. You should be nervous, but learn to control it and it can help give you the edge you need to stay focused.”

  “Good adv
ice,” Max said, looking at Melody. “You look beautiful, baby.”

  She didn’t like it when Max called her baby. And by the way Constantine’s blue eyes had gone ice cold, she didn’t think he liked it either. Damn, he was a beautiful man. He was wearing a dark gray suit and light blue shirt with a solid tie that was the same gray as his suit. His black shoes looked expensive just like everything else he was wearing. Her fingers itched to touch him. Stop it! Was she crazy?

  The receptionist told them Mrs. Harper was ready for them and showed them into one of the studios. Constantine made the introductions and Mrs. Harper shook her hand. She was a petite woman with jet-black hair and intelligent brown eyes that seemed to be boring a hole right through Melody.

  “Before we talk, I think it’s best that we hear you sing. Not that I don’t think Constantine knows talent when he sees it, but I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. Have you ever been in a recording studio before, Miss Martin?”

  Melody lowered her eyes, “No.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has to start somewhere at some time. Jake.” She called over to a man standing behind a panel of buttons and switches.

  “Yes, Mrs. Harper?”

  “Please show Melody around. I want her to be comfortable with her surroundings. This is her first time.”

  Jake, who looked to be in his midtwenties, smiled at Melody appreciatively. “Be happy to.”

  She looked up at Constantine, who was watching her. As if he thought she were waiting for his permission, he said, “Go with him. I’ll be right here.”

  “Me, too,” Max said.

  Jake guided her out of what she was to learn was the control room and into the studio itself. There was a large window between the two rooms.

  “You’ll be in here singing and playing your guitar. Everyone else will be in the control room. I’m the sound engineer, and I’ll be recording your music.” He showed her the headphones she would need to put on and gave her point-by-point instructions on what to expect. She was surprised at how much time he took to try and put her at ease.

  “Thanks a lot. I’m nervous, but I know I’ll get the hang of it. Do I just get one chance?”

  “No. If you screw something up, don’t worry. We can start again. However,” he said, “you’ll probably want to get to the end of the song by at least the third take.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Just try and relax. Mrs. Harper doesn’t do this for just anybody. You must be exceptional. I understand you write your own music. Are you going to be singing your song?”

  “Yes. It’s the one I sang the night Mr. Roman heard me sing.” Why did I feel the need to refer to him as Mr. Roman? Nerves.

  “Good choice.”

  Constantine, Mrs. Harper, and Max all walked into the studio together and over to where Jake and Melody were standing.

  “Are you ready?” Mrs. Harper asked.

  “I am. Thanks so much, Jake.”

  They all walked back into the control room, leaving her in the studio. She remembered Jake’s instructions and then signaled him when she was ready to begin. Maybe it was beginner’s luck, but she made it through the entire song without have to stop and start again. Jake gave her a thumbs-up with a broad smile on his face.

  It was Constantine that came out of the control room first. She watched him walk to her, his gait so confident. What would it be like to have that much self-esteem? Well, when a person looked like he did and had smarts, too, what was there not to be confident about?

  “Melody. You didn’t disappoint me.”

  She felt her heart jumping for joy. He was pleased with her. It occurred to her that she wanted him to be pleased.

  “I did okay, then?”

  “More than okay. Allison is taking Max back to her office to iron out some details.”

  “Without me?”

  “Just for now. You’ll be the one to sign the contract, and before you do, Max will explain everything to you. However, let me say this, you should take no less than 10 percent for your royalty, and a couple more percentage points would mean that Max really is a good negotiator. You also want to ask whether the royalty is based on wholesale or retail sales. And lastly, you should ask for an advance so you can say good-bye to the Angry Dog and spend your time writing and recording.”

  “I should have had you look at the manager contract Max had me sign.”

  “I did.”

  “You did?” That was a bit high-handed on his part. He hadn’t even asked her.

  “I asked Max to fax it to me before he gave it you. I trust he only took the standard 20 percent?”


  “Good. And for future reference, never sign anything unless I’ve had a chance to look it over. I can’t really represent you with this recording contract, as it would be a conflict of interest since I’m on retainer with Allison.”

  He was standing so close to her that she could smell his cologne. She liked the musky, woodsy aroma. She also liked the fact that he looked directly into her eyes when he talked to her. She was the one that was always looking away.

  “Thank you, Constantine. That was really good of you. Why, if I may ask, are you being so nice to me?”

  “You’re easy to be nice to. And I thought maybe we could celebrate your new record contract tonight with dinner?”

  “Really? Wow. I’d love to.” Why was she so happy? He was just being nice again.

  “But right now I was hoping to take you for a coffee or we could just sit and talk on a bench outside.”

  “Sitting and talking would be good. I’m pretty wired. Coffee might be too much for me right now.”

  He laughed, showing even, white teeth like his brother’s. “I don’t want you bouncing off the walls. Let’s sit outside and talk.”

  “Can I leave my guitar here?”

  “Of course,” he said and then grabbed her hand and pulled her off the stool. “Let’s go.”

  “So, tell me,” he said once they were settled on a bench overlooking a small park, “all about the beautiful and talented Melody Martin.”

  She looked down at her hands. What could she tell him that wouldn’t make him feel sorry for her? She wasn’t sure what she wanted from him, but she knew it wasn’t his pity.

  “I’m an only child. My dad died was I was six in a car accident. My mother remarried when I was eight. I love to set my poetry to music and I’m just about to get a record contract.”

  “That’s a rather short summary. I get the feeling you don’t like to talk about yourself.”

  His blue eyes were holding hers. He was making it difficult for her to concentrate on anything but those eyes of his and his elegant lips. She had never thought of lips as elegant until she had met him and his brother. There were so many things about them that were alike.

  “Talking about myself isn’t something I enjoy doing because there’s not much to tell. How about you? Tell me about you?”

  “I have a brother who you met and I must say was also very impressed with you. We’re both lawyers. My dad has his own firm with offices in New York and Philadelphia. Gabriel and I are partners. It’s a good life. My mom’s a lawyer, too, but she hasn’t practiced in years. She likes to devote her time to charities, my dad, my brother and me. And last but not least, you met Jonathan, my best friend. We’ve been friends since grade school.”

  Just like her and Calla, she thought sadly. She wasn’t going to let thoughts of Calla ruin her day.

  Deliberately changing the direction of her thoughts, she asked, “How old are you,” before she put her hand over her mouth. “That’s rude and none of my business. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay. It’s not a secret. I’m thirty, and Gabriel’s thirty-three.”

  She hadn’t asked how old Gabriel was. She was glad he had volunteered the information. So Jonathan had to be around thirty, too.

  “And if I remember,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers, “you’re twenty-two.”

remembered.” She couldn’t help but smile.

  “I remember everything about you, Melody. You’re worth remembering.”

  Was he flirting with her? She hoped he was, and then Calla’s face swam before hers and she gasped.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “You look like you saw a ghost.”


  “That face you made didn’t look like nothing. Tell me.” His tone told her he wasn’t making a request.

  It wasn’t any of his business what she had been thinking, but she found herself telling him anyway.

  “I was reminded of Calla and your brother and the night I met you. It didn’t end well for Calla.”

  “I know,” he said softly. “She thought there was more between her and Gabriel than there was. It was unfortunate, and I can assure you Gabriel won’t let that happen again. He honestly thought she knew how he felt.”

  “She’s terribly hurt and…”

  “And what?”

  “It’s not something you need to be concerned about.”

  “If it concerns you, Melody,” he said, gently pushing a few stray hairs from her face, “then it concerns me.”

  She gasped. “What do you mean?”

  “If you don’t have your head screwed on straight, you’re not going to be at your best, and I represent Mrs. Harper. I want you to be at your best.”

  What? She was losing herself in his eyes and the silky softness of his voice. He made it very difficult not to do exactly what he wanted.

  “She won’t speak to me. She thinks I had something to do with her and Gabriel breaking up.”

  “I’m really sorry, Melody,” he said with sympathy in his eyes. “She’s quite perceptive. More so than I would have given her credit for. But it’s not your fault. Gabriel never had any intention of committing to a serious relationship with Calla, and believe me, he is very rarely ever misunderstood. I know him to be very clear and very direct. Calla was just looking for someone to blame.”

  “You may be right. But it was more than that and goes way back to when we were kids. I was just too stupid to see it. I need to start opening my eyes.”


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