by Robert Payne
Modh Bania caste, 52-53, 81, 82
Mohammed, Tyeb Khan, 100
Montagu, Edwin, on Amritsar, 341
Montessori, Maria, 427
Morarji, Shantikumar, and Gandhi, 508
Moris, General, and Gandhi, 425, 426, 427
Morley, John, Secretary of State for India, 168, 201
Motley, John, 372
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, Viceroy of India
and Gandhi, 527-528, 548, 550
and Jinnah, 528
letter to Gandhi, 538
and Gandhi’s death, 552, 564, 592, 593
orders troops to Kashmir, 553
visits Gandhi, 564
at Gandhi’s funeral, 596, 598
Mukta-Dhara (Tagore), portrait of Gandhi in, 352-353
Müller, Max, 102, 145
Munich Pact, 482
Munro, Sir Thomas, 102
Munshiram, Mahatma (Swami Shraddhanand), and Gandhi, 292
Murray, Gilbert, and Gandhi, 415-416
Muslim League, 307, 491, 495, 512, 534
Muslims, threaten Gandhi, 549-550
Mussolini, 488
and Gandhi, 418, 425-426, 428, 486, 490
Mysore, Maharajah of, aids Satyagraha movement, 230
Nagarwalla, J. D., 630
Naidoo, Thambi, 176, 181, 182, arrested, 185
Naidoo, Mrs. Thambi, 188
Naidu, Padmaja, 577, 578
Naidu, Sarojini, 276, 332, 403, 404, 577, 578
and Gokhale, 276
and Gandhi, 276-277, 278, 279, 282, 450, 509, 515
quoted, 277
in London, 278
on “great trial,” 368
at Dharasana Saltworks, 393, 396-398
arrested at Dharasana, 397
delegate to London Conference, 407
with Gandhi in London, 413
accompanies Gandhi to meet George
with Gandhi in prison, 443, 444
tribute to Gandhi, 601
on Gandhi’s death, 648
Naoroji, Dadabhai, 102, 145, 166
and Gandhi, 101
Gandhi letter to, 123
Narayan, Jayaprakash, 577, 628
Narmadashankar, poet, quoted, 38
Nasik Conspiracy Trial, 207-208, 617
Natal Advertiser, The, interviews Gandhi; 115
Natal Indian Congress, 102-103, 105, 126
Natal Mercury, The, 105
National Indian Association, 67
Navajivan, Gandhi on dictatorship in, 351
Nayyar, Dr. Sushila, 498, 499, 500, 505, 559
and Gandhi, 549
on Gandhi’s last fasts, 558
attends Gandhi, 578, 579
Nazir, poet, quoted, 579
Nehru (Gandhi), Indira, and Gandhi, 374 577
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 383, 403, 416, 564, 824, 635, 647
and Gandhi, 300, 400, 454, 514, 528, 572, 602
autobiography quoted, 341
arrests of, 358, 432, 491
on Salt Law, 393
in prison at Dehra Dun, 440
and Churchill, 491
on revolt of India, 496
on partition, 547
visits Gandhi, 552, 559, 560, 561
and U Nu, 554
and Patel, 563, 587-588
fasts, 567
and Gandhi’s death, 591, 592, 593
at Gandhi’s death watch, 594-595
eulogy for Gandhi, 595
at Gandhi’s funeral, 598, 599
as heir of Gandhi, 604
Nehru, Motilal, 350, 403
arrests of, 358, 402
death of, 403
New Gospel of Interpretation, The, 105
New India, 295
News Chronicle, interviews Gandhi, 509-510
Newton, Isaac, 416
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 97
Nizam of Hyderabad, 613, 618
bloodbath in, 516, 519-520
Gandhi goes to, 520-523
riots in, 530
Non-violence (ahimsa)
and Gandhi, 125, 161
in South Africa, 258-261
Nu, U, Prime Minister of Burma, visits Gandhi, 553-554
Oldfield, Dr. Josiah, and Gandhi, 74, 76
Olivier, Sydney, 208
Ollivant, Charles, and Gandhi, 84-85
Paderewski, Ignace, and Gandhi, 478
Pahwa, Madanlal, 572, 576
explodes guncotton, 570-571
as conspirator, 611, 614, 620, 621, 622, 623, 626, 627, 629, 630, 631
trial of, 636
Pakistan, 511, 513, 515, 527, 556, 560, 561
Pandit, Ram Sundara, arrest of, 173-175
Parchure, Dr. Dattatraya, as conspirator, 615, 032, 634
Parker, Joseph, 74
Partition of India, 528
Partition Day, and Independence Day, 536
Pasha, Nahas, telegram to Gandhi, 408
Patel, Vallabhbhai, 381, 629, 630
and Gandhi, 321, 322, 438, 450, 513, 514, 547, 552, 563-564, 572
and the Kheda affair, 326
arrests of, 397, 491, 445
joins Gandhi in prison, 434
meeting with Gandhi in prison, 443
Gandhi letter to, on Chiang, 492
visits Gandhi, 559, 560, 561
and Nehru, 563, 587-588
at Gandhi’s deathbed, 590-591
at Gandhi’s funeral, 596
Patiala, Maharajah of, 564
Patil, S. K., 629
Patna, Gandhi in, 532
Pearson, William, 266, 289, 291
Perfect Way in Diet, The (Kingsford), 65, 105
Pethwick-Lawrence, Lord, Secretary of State for India, 514, 516 Pethwick-Lawrence, Mrs. Emmeline, and Gandhi, 514 Phoenix Farm, South Africa, 148-151, 288, 289, 320 Piggott, Richard, 64 Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 448 Plato, 177, 371
Plea for Vegetarianism, A (Salt), 65
Polak, Henry, 182, 266, 409
and Gandhi, 144-146, 150, 184, 201-202, 210, 212, 215
in Transvaal, arrest of, 263 Polak, Millie (Mrs. Henry), and Gandhi, 200
Pope Piux XI, and Gandhi, 425
Prakasa, Sri, 299
Prasad, Brajkishore
at Indian Congress of 1916, 305
and Gandhi, 310
Prasad, Rajendra, 311, 564, 596
and Gandhi, 306, 307, 308, 312, 316
meeting with Gandhi in prison, 443
Pretoria News, interviews Gandhi, 122-123
Punjab, massacres in, 530
Pyarelal, secretary to Gandhi, 418, 496, 539, 583, 585, 586
at London Conference, 407
with Gandhi in London, 413
on Gandhi’s cremation, 592-593
at Gandhi’s funeral, 599
“Quit India” resolution of Gandhi, 493-494
Rahman, Abdur, Amir of Kabul, 167
Rajagopalachari, 350, 355, 452, 493, 537
meeting with Gandhi in prison, 443
on Gandhi’s fasts, 449
and Gandhi, 542
Rajchandra (Rajchandra Ravjibhai Mehta), 291
and Gandhi, 79-81, 98-99, 252
death, 124-125
poems published, 194
Rajkot, Gandhi’s schooling at, 31-34
Rajkumariben (Rajkumari Amrit Kaur), 562
Ram, Chota, 627
Ramachandran, Govindas, talks art with Gandhi, 374, 375, 376
Ramanuja, 24
Ramayana, 51, 175, 205, 217, 274, 327, 424, 642
Rambha, nurse to Gandhi, 26
Ram Rajya (film), Gandhi sees, 509
Ranade, Justice, 145
Rankin, Justice, member of commission of inquiry into Amritsar massacre, 340
Rashid, Abdul, kills Shraddhanand, 379
Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, 514, 565
Ravishankar, and Gandhi, 83 Reading, Lord
meetings with Gandhi, 353-354
retires, 380
Reddi, Ram Chandra, 606
Return to Nature (Just)
, 145-146
Reynolds, Reginald, 646
and Gandhi, 385
Ripon, Marquis of, 102
Rise of the Dutch Republic (Motley), 372
Ritch, Louis, 166, 168
and Gandhi, 142
Roberts, Charles, and Gandhi, 281, 282
Roberts, Lieutenant, 120
Roberts, Lord, of Kandahar, 120
Roberts, Lady Cecilia, and Gandhi, 281-282
Robertson, Sir Benjamin, 266
Rolland, Madeleine, and Gandhi, 421
Rolland, Romain
and Gandhi, 417-425, 428
on Lenin and Communist Russia, 420
on Gandhi’s fasts, 449
Romains, Jules, and Gandhi, 419
Rosicrucian Mysteries, 371
Rowlatt, Mr. Justice, 330
Rowlatt Act, protests against, 330
Rowlatt Committee, recommendations of, 330
Royal Indian Navy, mutiny of, 514
Royappan, Joseph, 105
Rupali, Queen-Regent Rani, and Uttamchand Gandhi, 21
Ruskin, John, 177, 332, 434
influence on Gandhi, 81, 146-147
Russell, Charles, 64
Rustomji, Parsi, 113, 114, 118, 120, 148, 184
Sabarmati ashram, 320-321, 376-379, 381
Saheb, Shukla, 62, 66
Sahib, Kateli, 503
Salt, H. S., 65
Salt March, Gandhi and, 384-398
Sanger, Margaret, meeting with Gandhi, 460-464
Santiniketan, Tagore’s school at, 288-291
Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur
intermediary to Gandhi, 403
meeting with Gandhi in prison, 443
Sarabhai, Ambalal, and Gandhi, 323, 328
Sarabhai, Anasuyabehn, and Gandhi, 323
Sarvodaya (Ganahi), 332
Sastri, Srinivasa, on Gandhi, 390
Satyagraha (movement), 105, 171-181, 278, 342-343, 345, 384-398, 477-482
Gandhi coins term, 164
ended by Gandhi in South Africa, 268
in Champaran, 324
interpretation of, 477
Satyagraha Association of South Africa, 229
Satyagraha in South Africa (Gandhi), 377
Satyagrahi, commandments for a, 479-480
Savarkar, Vinayak, 202, 204, 205-209, 225, 613
as conspirator, 611-612, 615-616, 617-619, 621, 629
trial of, 635, 636, 642
acquitted, 642
Savinkov, Boris, 619
Savoy, Princess Maria of, and Gandhi, 426-427
Schlesin, Sonja, 150
and Gandhi, 141-142, 143, 145
and non-violence in South Africa, 262
Schreiner, Olive, and Gandhi, 281
Schwann, Sir Charles, 166
Scott, C. P., and Gandhi, 415
Searle, Mr. Justice, ruling on marriages, 256-257, 258
Second Jungle Book, The (Kipling), 371
Selborne, Lord, 201
Servants of India Society, 247, 288, 289, 290
Setalvad, Sir Chimanlal, cross-examines Gandhi, 344-345
Sevagram, Gandhi at, 467, 481
Seven Months with Mahatma Gandhi (Krishnadas), 355
Shakta and Shakti (Woodroffe), 371
Sharma, Suryadeo, 623
Shastri, Parchure, 446
Shaw, Bernard, 208, 371
and Gandhi, 416
Sheean, Vincent, interviews Gandhi, 575-576
Sherwood, Miss, attack on, in Amritsar, 340
Short History of the Saracens (Ali), 371
Shraddhanand, Swami, 292
in Delhi during hartal, 332
assassination of, 379
Shravana Pitribakhti, 32-33
Shukla, Dalpatram Bhagwanji, 63, 64
Shukla, Rajkumar
represents indigo workers at Indian National Congress, 303-304
and Gandhi, 304-308
and Gandhi in Murali Bharahwa, 314-315
Silva, Dr. De, and Gandhi, 587
Simon Commission, 380-381, 383
Singh, Gurbachan, 633, 634
Singh, Mehar, 625
Singh, Sir Rameshwar, Maharajah of Darbhanga, and Gandhi, 296, 298
Slade, Madeleine (See also Mirabehn) and Gandhi, 378, 379, 407
at Dharasana, 398
at London Conference, 407
Slocombe, George, interviews Gandhi, 401-402
Sly, Sir Frank, Commissioner of the Central Provinces, and Gandhi, 319
Smuts, General Jan, 170, 194, 201, 202, 256, 266, 267
and Gandhi, 178-179, 180, 184, 188, 190, 211-212, 260, 268, 271-272
and Gokhale, 250, 251, 254
Solomon, Sir Richard, 171
and Gandhi, 165-166
Song Celestial, The (Arnold), 72, 145, 150
Soukhotine, Mikhail, 428
South Africa British India Committee, formed, 168
South African Supreme Court, ruling on marriages, 256-257, 258
Sparks, Colonel Harry, 157
opposes Gandhi in Durban, 111-112
Spion Kop, battle of, 122
Srirampur, Gandhi in, 521
Standard Elocutionist (Bell), 70
Stanley, Lord, of Alderley, 166
Story of My Experiments with Truth, The (Gandhi), 376-377
Strangman, Sir J. T., at “great trial,” 363
Suhrawardy, Shaheed
with Gandhi in Calcutta, 533, 534, 535, 536, 539
with Gandhi in Delhi, 549
Sun Yat-sen, Dr., 278
Sushilaben (Dr. Sushila Nayyar), 562
Swaraj (self-government)
demand for, 202, 350, 352
Gandhi on, 327
envisions, 350, 352, 353, 354
Tagore, Debendranath, 68
Tagore, Dwijendranath, and Gandhi, 289, 290
Tagore, Rabindranath, 41, 68, 266, 374, 417, 445, 446
founds Santiniketan, 288, 289
and Gandhi, 290, 350-353
portrays Gandhi in Mukta-Dhara, 352-353
Gandhi letters to, 433
on Gandhi’s fasts, 441, 442, 449
and Maigaret Sanger, 464
song quoted, 524
Tata, Ratan Jamshed, supports Satyagraha movement, 229-230
Tennyson, Alfred, 416
Thacfcersay, Lady, Gandhi at home of, 450-452, 454
Theosophical Society, 72, 142, 143
Thoreau, Henry David, 192, 217
Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 97
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 243, 470
and Gandhi, 110
and Mrs. Besant, 295
and Shukla, 304
Tilak, Lokamanya, and Gandhi, 132
imprisonment of, 367
Tolstoy, Leo, 41, 97, 145, 194, 211, 217, 219, 220, 225, 375, 417, 437
and Gandhi, 81, 213-214, 428
second Gandhi letter to, 217-218
influence on Gandhi, 236-240
Tolstoy, Tatiana Soukhotine (Signora Albertini), and Gandhi, 427-428
Tolstoy Farm, 230-235, 320
gets self-government, 170
march into the, 258-261
Transvaal British Indian Association, 162
Transvaal Leader, The, 177
Truman, Harry, President, tribute to Gandhi, 601
Tyabji, Abbas, 390
Tyabji, Badruddin, 83
Ulundi, battle of, 153
Unto This Last (Ruskin), 81, 332
influence on Gandhi, 146-148
Gandhi translates, 177
Untouchability. See Harijan
Upanishads, 194
Usman, Mohammed, 533
Vaishnava Jana, hymn, 24, 441, 446, 452, 559
Vegetarian, The, 74, 107
Gandhi writes articles for, 74, 76
Vegetarian Club, Gandhi founds, 74
Vegetarian Society, 99
Verne, Jules, 371, 372
Victoria, Queen of England, 109, 123-124
Vikmatji, Prince Madhavsinh
, 22
Vikmatji, Rana, 22
Village Communities in the East and West (Maine), 102
Vora, Haridas Vakatchand, and Harilal Gandhi, 185
Vyavaharik, Madanjit, 146
Wacha, Dinshaw, 132
Wafd Party, 408
Wales, Prince of, rioting on occasion of visit to India, 356-357
Watson, Colonel, British agent, 50, 66
Wavell, Lord, Viceroy of India, 520, 527
and Gandhi, 505-506, 509, 510
Webb, Sidney, 208
West, Albert, 192
and Gandhi, 143, 144, 146
takes charge of Indian Opinion, 144, 146
as editor of Indian Opinion, 149, 150
Wilde, Oscar, 374
Williams, Howard, 65
Willingdon, Lord, Viceroy of India, 290, 439
on Indian laborers, 265
and Gandhi, 288, 431, 432-433