Just One Bite Volume 2

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  Major Casey Johnson’s image popped into her head—sexy as hell, drop-dead gorgeous with a rugged jawline, and deep blue eyes. That was as far as it went because the man was surly as hell. Being the transcriptionist for the head of the Ranger Special Recon Unit had its perks, and while her boss was hot to look at, he was not a man that made coming to work fun. She assumed that being the head of the Army Beasts came with a whole lot of tension. There was something about the man and the group of men he led. She watched them walk in and out of his office on many occasions. A difference in the way they moved, they way they acted, and their eyes. All their eyes seem to be brighter, deeper in color, and more intense.

  “Specialist Kirkston, I’ve been looking for you.”

  The sound of her commander’s voice made her choke on her drink as she whirled to face him. There he stood assessing her with cold blue eyes from the top of her kitten ears headband to the tips of her stiletto heels.

  “Um yes-yes sir?” Nia put the drink down so quickly it splashed onto her hand. “Shit!” She mopped it up quickly and turned back to his stare.

  “You have work to do. Come with me,” he ordered.

  “Sir?” Nia asked. “It’s after eleven at night and …”

  “Are you questioning a direct order, Specialist Kirkston?” Major Johnson snapped.

  “No, sir, I’m not.” Nia felt her temper rise. He had no reason to treat her like this. “May I go home to change . . . sir?” She knew she snapped the words out, and maybe it was the alcohol, but she didn’t care.

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “You’ll come with me now. Black leather doesn’t affect your typing, does it?”

  “Not at all, sir,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Where do I sit, sir, or should I just run beside the car until we get to the office,” Nia said and instantly regretted her words. But she couldn’t bring herself to apologize for the harshness.

  “I’m sure sitting in the front seat will be fine,” Major Johnson said. “Plus I doubt you could do much running in those heels. You can call me Casey, you know.”

  She was amazed at his statement. “Sir, if I may be blunt, you are a hard ass. Use your first name? I never thought about it.”

  This time he laughed out loud. “I can be slightly grouchy.”

  “Sir, you made Private Moore cry last week,” Nia pointed out. “I’m sorry about your man down, sir.”

  “That’s twice you called me sir. How about you call me Casey unless I otherwise specify, hmmm?”

  She nodded. “Yes, si… I mean Casey.”

  Nia looked at him out of the corner of her eye while he drove. She wondered what brought on the change. She had worked in the transcription office for the last year, and not once did he give her the time of day except to bark orders. That didn’t stop him from playing some very interesting roles in her dreams, roles that made her wake up gasping from the intensity of the dream, then to dipping her fingers in her moist pussy to relieve the ache.

  The car stopped outside of the building where they worked. At night, the structure looked oppressive and intimidating. Even the dim lights that were changed to orange for the holiday creeped her out.

  “You ok?” His voice made her jump.

  “Um yeah, I never had to be here this late,” Nia explained as she stepped out of the car.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  He seemed to be behind her in a flash and so close his words caused his breath to tickle her skin. Goose bumps rose on her skin as she followed him into the building. Weird night, she thought, very, very weird night. Casey flicked the switch on to the office when they stepped into the door and flooded the large room with light. She made her way over to her desk among the rows of mahogany furniture. Her coffin clutch purse dropped on the desk with a soft thud before she sat down to start up her computer. The digital recorder next to her whirred to life with a flick of a button, and Nia looked up to see Casey staring at her intently.

  “I’m ready to transcribe, Casey. Can I have the tapes please?”

  His scrutinizing look made her uncomfortable, so she looked to her computer screen.

  He walked into his own office and came back out with a handful of memory cards. “The ones in blue are from our com units. The orange ones are individual reports from each member of the team.” He hesitated before speaking again. “Nia, you are going to hear some things that are confidential, which reveal the true nature of our team. You can never disclose it. You are the only transcriber I know we can trust with our secrets.”

  “How do you know that, Casey?” she asked.

  “I can sense it in you,” he replied and turned to go back into his office.

  “Are you ok, Casey?”

  His smile reflected his weariness. “I’m tired that’s all, long day. I need to stretch. I feel like I’m not comfortable in my own skin.”

  He closed the door with a soft click, and she stared at it for the longest of times. Whatever it was that went wrong had to be bad if it made him call her Nia for the first time since she worked in his office. She had never been sent any tapes like this. All of their missions seemed routine. She soon found out why they were a crack precision team who were sent in to some of the hardest missions for the military. Each word, everything that went from the recording to her ear sent chills down her spine and filled her with disbelief. Major Chase Johnson and his team were shifters.

  * * * *

  After thirty minutes, Nia shut off the recordings and sat back in her chair stunned. What she heard was like listening to Halloween stories and myths, things that were only seen on television shows. These were secrets that only a select few knew about, and Casey just made sure she was one of the ones that knew too. But why? She pushed out of the chair and headed to his office, to find out exactly the reason to the privy information she was given access too. Nia knocked on the door and got no answer. With hesitant fingers, she turned the doorknob and found the door unlocked. She stepped inside. The lights were dim.

  “Casey?” She had no answer. “Major Johnson, sir?”

  She heard a low growl that made her falter and gulp and then come to a complete stop. In front of the big mahogany desk that took up the middle of the room, a sleek mountain lion flicked its tail as if beckoning her to enter. The yellow catlike eyes watched her as she moved closer, but the animal made no move. This was Casey in his shifted form, and the sight made her breathless. As a mountain lion his fur was thick and tan, and from watch what she knew about the creatures, he was way bigger the normal animals.

  She held out her hand with trembling fingers. “Can I touch you?”

  He gave a low purr that sent shivers through her, but she took that as acceptance. Nia got to her knees and ran her hand across his body. Her fingers buried in the thick fur as she stroked him with wonderment. She could feel the tight sinewy muscle beneath his fur and imagined them bunched and poised for running and capturing pray. He was as magnificent in animal form as he was when human.

  He changed under her touch, shocking her to the point that she scrambled across the floor. His back arched, and his body moved and bunched before he extended out again. She looked on as he changed from animal to man. Casey stood nude looking down at her with a small smile on his face. Mingled in with the excitement and the wonder of what he was, desire came to the surface and made her lick her lips.

  “Are you scared?” His voice was low, and it rumbled.

  She shook her head slowly. “No, sir. Why did you let me into this secret? Why now?”

  He roughly pulled her against his naked body, and Nia gasped at the sensations. His lips nuzzled her neck. She tipped back to give him more access to the sensitive skin.

  “Because every time I am around you, I want to bend you over the table and fuck you.” He growled. “I’m going to take you hard. Your body, your scent, you have driven me to the brink of madness for over a year. You don’t understand how that feels?”

  She nodded. It excited and thrilled her
to finally have her dream become a reality. To have him was taboo, a major and his subordinate in a sexual entanglement. The consequences would be dealt with later. Tonight she would get to love her fantasy.

  “Say ‘yes, sir’, Nia,” Casey commanded.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  Casey took her lips in a fierce kiss that shook her to her core and took away all thought except for him. She could smell his musky scent while his tongue penetrated her mouth and molded her body to his. He cupped her ass under her tight skirt before tunneling between the elastic of her panties to touch her pussy. His fingers slipped between the fold of flesh to rub her clit. She thought she would go mad from the invasion of his long digits. He took her from simmering to hot in seconds as she spread her legs wide to accept his intrusion. His cock nested between them, and she grasped it in her hands. She stroked his long, thick rod until he groaned and nipped her lips.

  He stepped away from her. Their harsh breathing filled the room. “Strip for me, only leave the boots on. I want to see you touch yourself.”

  Nia walked slowly away from him until the back of her knees hit the wooden chair against the wall. She stripped for him, seeing his eyes darken as he watched her. She sat and put her legs over each arm of the chair exposing her pussy to him. His gaze followed her fingers as they trailed down from her neck to pinch her nipples. Her eyes never left his face while her hands went down the satin skin of her torso to the apex of her thighs and rubbed her pussy slowly. Her fingers furrowed between the slit, and Nia moaned in pleasure. She was on fire with the intensity of his gaze while he watched her. She dipped her finger inside her wet cavern, and in a flash he was on his knees between her legs. Casey pulled her to him. He ran his tongue up the slit of her pussy, and she moaned while wantonly shifting her hips and entreating him to continue.

  “You want me to lick your pussy, don’t you?” Casey spread the full lips of her sex and blew against the coral pink clit making her shiver.

  “Sir, yes, sir,” she gasped.

  Casey buried his face into the center of her desire and sampled her exotic flavor. Nia grabbed his head and cried out as his tongue invaded her pussy. He lapped at her like a cat at cream. Without giving her any chance to escape his ministrations, he wrapped his arms around the top of her thighs. His tongue and lips took her to a mind blowing release, leaving her gasping and crying out his name. This was not the end of his play on her body. He replaced his mouth with two fingers, sending them deep inside her. He pressed against that special place that made the pleasure more intense. She cried out over and over again as he fucked her with his fingers, and her juices covered his hand. Casey did not relent until she came again.

  “Oh God, oh sir!” She repeated it over and over again clutching at the chair.

  He pulled her into his arms and took her lips again in a kiss. Nia was glad he held her tight because her legs felt like jelly, and she doubted that she could stand. She vaguely noticed that Casey walked backward until she heard a crash. He pushed everything off his desk leaving the mahogany empty of clutter. Before she could even question why she was bent over the piece of furniture. Her breasts pressed against the cold surface. She felt his hand under her stomach lifting her ass high. Nia felt his cock throbbed against her wet entrance. He sank himself inside her, which caused them both to cry out in gratification. Casey pumped into her, and she gave a low sultry moan at the sensations while she pushed against him. She pulled his hands to her breasts, and he massaged them while he fucked her from behind.

  “Give me more, sir!” Nia cried out.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for,” he said harshly.

  “Yes, I do. I want it all. I’ve dreamed of this,” she panted out. Nia felt like fire was in her veins. Everything she learned and experienced in this one night blurred together until she could only feel the primitive urge to be consumed by the man behind her. The major who shifted into a sleek predator cat.

  He pulled his cock from her wet cavern and raised her just a little higher. He pressed the head of his manhood against the tight glove of her ass. Casey took his time and penetrated her anus. She wiggled in anticipation when she felt the beginnings of his engorged cock slide into her tight hole.

  Casey entered her pussy once more with expert fingers sending them deep inside her until she felt the beginnings of a new orgasm building. With every movement his cock inched forward until he was completely buried in the tight glove of her ass. She felt stretched wide with the double penetration of his fingers and his cock filling her. Her body clenched around this new invasion. His fingers matched the rhythm of his thrust inside her ass. She felt her release and involuntary flow when he hit a sensitive spot with his fingers.

  “Damn, Nia, you are so tight. I’ve wanted to take you like this for such a long time,” he muttered above her.

  He removed his fingers from her depth and took her hand, placing it on her wet mound. Casey grabbed her hips and pumped inside her while she rubbed her own clit. The slapping sounds of their bodies filled the room. She caught the rhythm, and they moved in unison. They flew together to the heights of passion until their orgasms left them gasping and breathless. They were so pliant in the aftermath of their lovemaking that Casey slipped to the floor taking her with him. She smiled at the low growl of satisfaction that rumbled through his chest.

  “Where do we go from here?” Nia asked softly. She could see a transfer in her future, if they did work out as a couple or not. The working relationship would be different.

  “I brought you here for another reason than this.” He chuckled. “I just couldn’t deny my feelings any longer or my desire for you.”

  “What was the other reason?”

  “We’re being moved to a new sector on base, off the grid and serious black ops. We needed someone we could trust to transcribe what we do and to record our activities,” Casey explained. “It’s for future members of the group, to teach them and to know what we are.”

  “Is that all you want me for?” Nia felt doubt invade her chest. She hoped this was not a one night stand.

  “You think after this I’m letting you go?” There was amazement in his voice. “If you’ll have me, can you learn to love a shifter?”

  “That’s something I think is a definite yes,” she replied.

  He kissed her soundly and sent her senses reeling. “I want you again.”

  She grasped his cock finding it hard, ready, and waiting. “Oh, yes, sir.”

  The End


  by Rosalie Stanton

  Even though three thousand years had passed, her back still ached in the absence of her wings. She had no one to blame but herself for her foolishness, but it especially ached on a night spent darting in and out of alleys, intervening in bar fights, doing her damned best to keep people from making stupid mistakes, all to lose at the last second.

  Ellyen missed being one with The Light most on nights where she fucked up. The Light offered clarity earth refused to provide. It was a part of her punishment, as The One had phrased it. Granted, she’d only been a few days old when she was expelled for her offense, but those days were enough to drill in that The Light was good and earth was bad. The Light, the warrior line from which her kind originated, worked in accordance with The One, whose name changed based on whatever religion one observed. Each day brought with it new beings to merge with The Light, and there was no grading curve. She’d slighted The One without knowing the punishment, and every day of the thousands of years that had passed since then were wrought with regret.

  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. The tongue-in-cheek wisdom had no idea how close it came to the truth. Elly had built her existence since The Fall on good intentions, and it hadn’t gotten her anywhere.

  A woman was dead now because of her. A pregnant one, to boot. Once it wouldn’t have mattered; Elly would only feel the sting of defeat and the will to push forward. Regaining her wings couldn’t be that difficult, and once she had the
m back, all would be forgiven. The One would allow her return.

  It seemed perfect. After all, three thousand years of hard labor protecting the human race had to be worth forgiving one little instance of blasphemy, right?


  Only now a pregnant woman was dead, and it was entirely her fault. And it mattered. It sure as hell mattered. More than just the lost time and the fight she’d give to push forward. Humans were a dangerous, clumsy, often useless invention, and she hadn’t given a righteous damn about them most of her existence. Somewhere over the last hundred or so years, that much had changed. She cared.

  And caring was a bitch.

  “The ants go marching one by one,” Elly sang under her breath, gripping the cords of the swing and kicking off the ground, strands of her auburn hair whipping her eyes.

  “Evening, love.”

  Elly rolled her eyes, skidding to a halt. The perfect completion to her night: a visit from her favorite neighborhood demon. “What do you want, Arick?”

  “Hey now. No way to greet a mortal enemy.”

  She sighed harshly and twirled in her seat to face him, the swing cords twisting. Arick occasionally stirred up trouble to make her look good, but she wasn’t in the mood. Right now, the best thing she could do was rip his head off. It would at least get her back to where she’d been on the cosmic scales prior to tonight’s blunder.

  But it wouldn’t bring the woman back.

  “Get out of here,” she said, jerking her head. “I don’t have the patience for you tonight.”

  “We both know you don’t mean that.” Arick slid his hands into his duster pockets. All demons wore dusters, it seemed. Long, leathery, Matrix-like dusters. Unlike other demons, however, Arick had bright blond hair to contrast his otherwise sinister appearance. He was lean, mean, and gorgeous as all hell…pun intended. He had to be, else temptation wouldn’t be nearly so sweet. “What’s eating you?”


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