Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 5

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “Fine, and get me some soon. I’m hungry and I’m tired of smoked meat.” Wilder stood, walked to get some fresh water and washed his face, brushed his teeth, and slid into a pair of jeans that hugged his incredible body. Never had she seen a body like his. She wanted to call him to her, and start their love making over again. She couldn’t get enough of him, she couldn’t resist his chest and his arms holding her close to him, and she couldn’t resist him penetrating her.

  He did this to me, she thought. She definitely lost her mind when all she thinks about is taking his large cock, rimming it around her lips, and then making it disappear in her mouth, sucking it until it dripped with his come, and then guiding it to her folds, massaging her clit, then driving it into her vagina, which had opened wide enough to hug his penis tight, forcing the come from his body and hers.

  She loved to watch his expression of sexual satisfaction, and the control she had over him, a werewolf, the most feared animal in the world, and she made him melt each time he claimed her body.

  She wanted a child. She wanted one with him if it were possible. But how could that happen even if it were possible? How would he adjust to the world around as a half human and half wolf? That is why she decided that something had to be done. And she would forget her love for Wilder. When he knew the truth, he would leave her, and after making love to a large Werewolf, she would be of no use to a man.

  As soon as Wilder disappeared she rushed to the cabinet and pulled out pieces of the smoked bear. She hated it, but it would sustain her on her trek to the ranch. Searching around, she found some animal pouches which could hold enough water for her to make it there.

  Her plan is to wait until Wilder’s return with fruit because the sugar from the berries would provide the energy she needs to make the journey. Hiding the soft bag under a makeshift cabinet in the kitchen, Adrienne felt tired. Maybe she needed something to eat. She didn’t want to eat the bear meat so she skipped eating altogether last night. Feeling exhausted, she walked to the bedroom and lay down waiting for Wilder. Her mind wandered and she couldn’t stop thinking about the absurd notion that she could be pregnant so soon. She smiled wanting it to be true, but it wasn’t. Is it possible the doctors are wrong? A question entered her mind.


  As Wilder walked through the opening to the cave he made his change to human form. As a wolf, he traveled fast because he didn’t want to leave Adrienne for long. His strong lean hind legs changed into muscled legs. His body a running machine for chasing elk, deer, bear, and anything that moved that he wanted to eat, and he ate almost any animal. His forty-two gleaming teeth dissolved into human teeth and he stood powerful and naked at the mouth of the cave.

  Making the change proved painful. Wilder tried to stay in one form or the other when necessary.

  His search for berries had taken him outside of his territory and he was glad to be back with his mate. If any hunters had found him, he would be dead by now. When traveling he became a human but when hunting, he was always a lone wolf. He felt tired now, it was time to wake Adrienne and show her what he brought. He stood in the doorway of his wolf’s den. He would bring her back here to have their pups, he thought. He pulled the heavy bear rug back, on his knees he watched her lying half naked with her ample breasts exposed, which had filled out during her month with him. He knelt his warm hard body down beside her.

  She turned to face him, “Oh, you’re back so soon?” she said softly rubbing sleep from her eyes.

  “I didn’t want to stay away too long. I brought you some meat and here are the dew berries I promised you.” She took a few ate them and left the others because she would need them for later.

  He leaned over her and put his head with his curly dark locks into her breasts. She raked her hands through his hair soothing him and causing him to become drowsy. He could barely keep his eyes open, but he would sleep after he gorged on Adrienne’s wonderful breasts. He enjoyed this human. It was not like having a female of his own kind. She was different. She enjoyed sucking his large cock and she never seem to tire of doing so.

  Her body full of places to excite him, which he never knew could give him so much relaxation and pleasure. She responded to the least thing he did to her body. When he sucked her nipples, they would rise, and she encouraged him to suck both, and then she would open her legs and he could explore every part of her. These were the things he found to be so enticing and surprising about this human female.

  “Lie on your back,” Adrienne whispered in Wilder’s ear. He lay still with his large penis jutting up. Adrienne climbed on it and straddled it as she would the back of a horse. Then she bit him on the neck making a large bruise.

  “Ohooooo,” he growled. He calmed when she began to suck his throat to ease the pain, which he found to be stimulating and different.

  “Peering down at him she said, “I’m marking my territory.” And she smiled and led a trail of kisses to his cock, which had grown in size. She kissed the head of his penis and her tongue circled around and around. She leaned her head into his body and his manhood eased slowly into her mouth until it was as far as it could go. She felt it to the back of her throat and still it was halfway in her mouth that’s how far-reaching it was when aroused. But she loved every bit of it. That’s why she will miss him, after all she had been living with Wilder and making love to him, and she loved him.

  Then with a wild glint in his eyes, sliding his penis out, he turned her on her back, lifted her and eased his hard solid cock into her opening, she never protested. This is what he liked about this human. When he wanted to mount her she was always ready, and because of that, he became more attached to her, he loved her, and he knew that his brothers would too. After all they were a family and they were going to create their own pack with this human.

  Wilder estimated that if she had two to three pups with each brother every seventy days they could have their own packs. If she was pregnant five times a year with two pups for each brother and maybe four pups for him, in one year, he could have a large pack and no one could claim his territory and test the pack because it would be strong especially if it was full with male pups.

  He made plans as he looked into Adrienne’s beautiful face. For the first time he didn’t have to be the lone wolf. He would have a mate and a family.

  He opened his mouth to say, “I love you.” As he reached the height of his arousal and excitement, he released himself into her pregnant body. When he pushed out the last of his seed, and she felt him swell, she came with him. She screamed and bit him, sucked his neck with her intensifying arousal. He knew her excitement because he felt it too, and afterwards he fell back near her, holding her hand, and closed his eyes.

  Adrienne looked around, is he sleeping, she thought? She stayed a moment then cleaned herself in a tub of cold water. She found skins and new boots Wilder fashioned for her, strapped then on and threw the fur poncho over her head, and darted to the kitchen, found some of the berries that she hadn’t eaten, and dropped them into the cloth bag and rushed to the mouth of the cave.

  She turned, hesitated, and looked. Already she felt a sense of longing and remorse. She didn’t want to leave, yet she felt obligated to go. After all she was human, and she couldn’t spend her life in a cave even if she loved Wilder. And the logic of this argument with herself compelled her to turn and run out of the cave into the open air and into the clearing.

  Heading away into the opposite direction, she walked to the mountain range north of the cave. At the foot of the mountain lay the ranch house. She reached for berries, shoved a handful in her mouth, then one at a time, drinking water as she walked. She thought of Wilder. She trudged through the clearing into a group of large pines. She felt great in the outdoors.

  No bears. No wolves. No Werewolves. Great.

  After trudging along for what felt like an hour, without rest, she heard the sound of a wolf howling in a distance. She knew that howl, it was Wilder. He woke to find her gone. He will be angry and disappoin
ted that I deceived him, she thought. But Adrienne tried to tell him she wasn’t made to live in a cave and he wouldn’t listen. She tried to tell him that she didn’t want or couldn’t have children or pups, but he wouldn’t listen. It wasn’t her world and he wouldn’t listen. What brought her to a hasty decision was—he wanted her to mate with his brothers. What was that about? His world just didn’t make sense and she was determine to leave it and so she did.

  Wilder’s fragmented painful howl went on and on, where Adrienne had to put her hands to her ears to lessen its effect on her. She felt tears pool in her eyes and one drop fell. She had hurt him irretrievably. He thinks I’m taking his son from him. Then it stopped and the sound of another wolf call echoed in the valley. She didn’t recognize it.

  Adrienne afraid that Wilder would track her, walked faster. She had to reach the ranch as soon as possible. She tried running but not for long. Walking and out of breath, she saw a sign:

  Samsa Brothers’ Ranch

  Beware of Large Dogs and Watch out for Wolves

  The sign meant nothing to her, she had to get away from the area as quick as possible. She climbed the fence and hopped over it, landing on her feet. Years of gymnastics and a month making love to a werewolf had prepared her for such jumps. She had never been as fit as she is now. A horse couldn’t do better.

  Seeing the house come into view she broke into a run. And then she walked and still it looked further away. As she neared the mountain, a clear view of the house was now in focus. It was an enormous working ranch. The house could have held five families without a problem. To the right she spotted a large swimming pool. She held back the urge to take a leap into it.

  She hid behind a shrub and saw two men coming from a stable, leading horses and placing bits in the horses’ mouths, and throwing saddles on their backs. Then she turned and three of the largest German Shepard dogs had circled her, gnashing, and showing their ferocious teeth, as their barks grew loud. The two men stopped, left the horses, and headed in the direction of the noise and uproar from the dogs. When they came close to where the dogs were barking, Adrienne stood and gazed at them, then the men turned looking at each other.

  “What are you doing here? Didn’t you see the sign?” The taller of the two men asked.

  “My name is Adrienne and I’m lost. Can you help me get back to my parents? Just let me call them and they can be out here in two hours. They live in a small town outside of Lake Tahoe. I was in an accident and I ended up... never mind, I have to get home quick.”

  The handsome man who looked twenty-three said, “Look, I know you’re tired and frightened, why don’t you come in to the house and relax, the cook can prepare dinner for you.

  Because Adrienne was so tired from the journey, she accepted the invitation. My name is “Lycell,” he said without expression or sincerity.

  She glanced into his amber eyes, noting his handsome seductive facial features. I’m Adrienne,” she said raising her hand to shake his hand, but from exhaustion, she fell into his arms. Lycell lifted her in his arms and walked to the door. The taller of the men opened the door and Lycell walked up the stairs and placed her in the master bedroom.

  “What are we going to do with her?” The taller one asked.

  “We have to wait until Wilder arrives, he will be here any minute,” Lycell said closing the door behind him. Standing in the hall he said, “It’s his female, he will tell us if she’s the right choice for us, he said to Drayton the younger taller brother. “We have chores and we need to prepare the house for a female.” Drayton nodded his head and with a broad smile, headed to the kitchen to tell the cook to prepare a feast and ready the rooms for company. There will be a wedding soon.

  The End of Book One

  Insatiable Book Two: A Werewolf’s Hunger

  By Rachel E. Rice

  Copyright 2015

  Chapter 1

  Adrienne stirred, twisting on her right side, then her left. Her stomach felt full even though she scarcely ate anything. It was a comfortable bed but for some reason everywhere she turned she was uneasy. She wanted to sleep but she couldn’t. She felt as if she could scream but not a sound passed her lips.

  How could she describe to Wilder what happened to her a year ago? She couldn’t even explain to Paul and it was largely his fault. He and her parents wanted to keep it quiet and not make waves because the boys’ families were rich and powerful. Adrienne managed to get on with her life, put the “incident” as Paul descried it, out of her mind and not think about the night some of Paul’s frat brothers came over to their apartment drunk. Paul had passed out in the spare bedroom when two or maybe three men entered Adrienne’s bedroom.

  She couldn’t remember their names or faces but she will never forget their voices.

  After that, it was all a blur. She recalled going to the hospital and waking, seeing the doctor shake his head, saying to her parents that she could never have children, and the doctor breaking the news to her and Paul. Then Paul said to Adrienne that they should never speak of this again, and that he would marry her that June.

  Thinking about how she loathed Paul, she reached for the tray of food left on the table, and glancing over at the newspaper, the headlines screamed:


  Adrienne sat up and drank a glass of milk, “That’s just fine. What kind of police work is that? They can find a car buried in snow and mud on the side of the road, but they can’t track a live body into the woods,” she murmured. She couldn’t eat because she was feeling weak and woozy so she slid under the covers to catch up on her sleep and to get her body into shape. Although she loved Wilder and wanted to stay with him, this was not her world. She reconciled that she would leave as soon as she got the chance. It would take a lot of rest to prepare herself to break away from these den of wolves, she thought.


  Drayton left Adrienne sleeping and leapt into the kitchen announcing to the kitchen staff, which consisted of a cook and a maid, that there was a female, a human in the house they could to talk to. The cook and maid turned to each other looking confused, yet elated that the werewolves found a woman to carry on the tradition their mother set. The staff had been hired by his mother when Wilder, Drayton, and Lycell were born, and they were sworn to secrecy. They should never disclose to the outside world that the father and his sons were werewolves. The cook helped deliver the triplets. And she gave Drayton his name. She was fond of him because he was the smallest and good-natured one. He had a calm disposition, always smiling. He slept in the kitchen when she prepared food because he loved the smell of cooked meat.

  Although the cook was getting on in years, no one wanted to replace her, she was what kept the triplets human. Later she brought in her daughter when she lost her husband and she began teaching her what was expected from the werewolves and how she would prepare their meals, and to turn a blind eye if she saw something strange—like a large white wolf or wolves lurking about the ranch.

  Each Samsa pup had a taste for different meat. Drayton liked rabbit, whereas Wilder hated its smell, and when he smelled it cooking, he would leave and hunt his food. Deer meat was his favorite. Lycell on the other hand would eat anything. He wasn’t as particular as Wilder, or Drayton. Wilder the first born Alpha had a distinct taste in females too, and so the others allowed him to make decisions when finding a mate for all of them. They knew once he made a choice of a female, she would be everything they wanted and more.

  Lycell strode to the barn and picked out a gentle horse for Adrienne. She would ride with them and see their vast lands to which their pups would inherit. He couldn’t remember when he was happier. Maybe it was when they were carefree and still pups. All they had to do was romp in the meadow and learn to hunt with their father. He remembered his father a werewolf, and his mother a human, they were happier than the pairing of humans and
the pairing of werewolves.

  It would be that way again with this human female, he thought.


  Drayton left the kitchen after eating his lunch, he carried a tray with food and walked up the stairs to the bedroom where Adrienne slept. He knocked softly and when she didn’t answer, he opened the door gradually. He eased by the door and stood inside the room and knocked again. Startled, Adrienne sat up in bed. She glanced at Drayton near the open door and pull the covers up to her neck. This had been the second time that a stranger had disrobed her and left her naked as she slept.

  “Come in,” Adrienne said and Drayton closed the door. She looked up at Drayton, a human figure with astonishing handsome inhuman features. His body a beautiful taller copy of Wilder. There exist firm strength in his large shoulders and a gentleness in his soft brown eyes brimming with tenderness and sexual passion. He exuded masculinity in the way he held his head and the way he strode across the wood floor, barely making a sound. Stunningly virile as he came closer to her with his captivating facial features. His ruggedness and dynamic power attracted her.

  She didn’t want to ask any questions. She was hungry.

  He sat the tray filled with sandwiches and milk on the table, gazing into her eyes. On one side of the tray on a small saucer she caught sight of a pie and the smell of apples and cinnamon, she knew that smell. Glorious homemade apple pie. He saw her expression change, a light in her eyes, and a full smile crossed her lips when the smell wafted in her direction. She forgot she didn’t have clothes on and hopped from the bed. Standing embarrassed, she covered her breasts and mound with her hands as best she could.

  Drayton’s head angled to the right, and he smiled. “My name is Drayton,” he said.

  “Can you please leave?” Adrienne said dashing to hide behind drapes covering a large window overlooking the pool.


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