Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 8

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “Of course not,” she mumbled. It’s what he is—a lone wolf. And she could never hope to change his nature, unless she was pregnant. “What a stupid notion,” she admitted to herself. Sitting up in bed she watched her stomach grow each day and still she was a non-believer. Adrienne smiled thinking of what it would be like to have those equally handsome men fawn over her. Maybe that word “fawn” shouldn’t be used in a sea of fierce, gorgeous, sex driven Werewolves.

  All the brothers looked somewhat the same in the way their bodies were built and Drayton was equally as handsome as Wilder, but he possessed a sweetness and gentleness about him that Adrienne couldn’t resist, or the attention he heaped on her.

  She dreamed of what an experience it would be to make love to him. She knew that he would be gentle with her and he would be everything that Wilder was not. He wouldn’t leave her side. He has been there every day bringing her food and whatever she wanted to eat. She asked for oatmeal cookies and he rush to town and brought back boxes of the treats for her. She couldn’t believe that she was beginning to accept the idea that she could be pregnant with Wilder’s pup. And it was all because of the gentle nature of Drayton.

  “Are you feeling ok Adrienne?” Drayton said peeping into her room after knocking. “I see you’re sitting up,” he said walking to the bed. Adrienne patted on the edge of the bed and Drayton sat. “You look so beautiful,” he said with a gleaming smile. Adrienne smiled too, and he picked up a brush from the table and with soft strokes, brushed her long silky brown hair. “No more morning sickness,” Drayton said.

  “It didn’t last long,” Adrienne said. Noticing that it was quiet in the house she inquired. “Where is everyone?”

  “The cooks have gone to town to buy extra food for the party tonight.”

  “What party?” Adrienne said confused. “What are you celebrating?”

  “It’s not me. It’s Lycell.”

  “Oh. What is his problem?”

  “His problem is the moon is full and he’s agitated because of it.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “It doesn’t affect me the way it does Wilder and Lycell. I guess my nature is not as strong as theirs. And I have never had a female.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m waiting until you are ready and then I will mate with you if you have me.”

  “Listen Drayton,” Adrienne said reaching for his hand. The heat from his body consumed her and heated her to her core. She felt it deep down in her quivering fiery opening. He leaned in and kissed her. His long tongue trailed over her lips and flicked into her mouth. The pleasurable feeling disarmed her, and she forgot why she wanted to leave the ranch and Wilder. His kiss stormed through her defenses, her body ached, warming her to arousal, where she became defenseless. There was no defense against a strong, handsome, gentle man who made her feel sexual and desirable. Then he lowered his head, sniffing her hair, and nipped her ear. Her breath ceased. She needed air.

  Adrienne head swung back, her mouth open from the unsuspecting pleasure of his kiss, and her long neck extended, her head fell back, and he trailed kisses from under her chin to between her breasts, taking time to lightly kiss each full breast and nipple. Adrienne breasts stood full from the coming of milk to feed Wilder’s pups. She felt needed and loved by Drayton and he was generous with his feelings for her. She placed her hand on his manhood and it was surprising how large and full it became as she touched it.

  “I can’t wait for you to have your child. I want you and I love you,” Drayton said holding her gaze.

  What are the chances of having one man want you and to have two Werewolves, it was all too much for Adrienne to comprehend. “I can give you a present that I gave to Wilder. You will like it,” she said mesmerized by his light brown eyes.

  “Lie down and let me take care of you. Close your eyes.” Drayton lay on his back as Adrienne had instructed. She unbuckled his belt and unfasten the buttons on his jeans. He slide them down with her help and she grasped his enormous cock in her hands. It was beautiful to her. She slide his cockhead around the rim of her mouth and Drayton howled with pleasure and excitement. Her mouth covered it and her head bobbed up and down and she sucked him and then she felt the warm fluid ease from his throbbing dick as it relaxed in her mouth.

  Before she could take it out and clean her mouth, the door opened and standing in looking at Drayton and Adrienne was Lycell with his eyes wide, his mouth opened, and a surprised looked crawling quickly across his astonished face. His eyebrow arched and his steely eyes narrowed.

  “What are you doing to Drayton?” he said to Adrienne.

  “She’s not doing anything to me,” Drayton said sitting up meeting Lycell’s jealous glances. I wanted this and Adrienne wanted it.” Adrienne reached for a Kleenex on the side table, and wiped her mouth with it.

  “Why, are you envious?” she asked Lycell staring at him with a smirk.

  “As soon as you have the pup, I’m taking you back to your family. You are causing nothing but problems here.”

  “I don’t have a problem with her,” Drayton said zipping his pants. “Why are you here anyway? Don’t you have a party to prepare for? Tonight you can have your choice of humans and Werefemales. Leave us alone and leave Adrienne alone. She loves me and I love her.” After putting on his shirt, Drayton stood with his arms crossed in front of Lycell, and they both postured as if they would tear each other’s heart out, but they knew better, and there was too much love between them. All they had was each other, but Lycell felt that Adrienne was coming between them.

  “Stop it now,” she said heading for the restroom. The Werewolves’ eyes fell on Adrienne. Drayton smiled inward.

  Drayton thought, two down and one to go. Lycell would be a hard sell to Adrienne. Adrienne returned from the restroom. She gazed at Lycell. “I thought you were gone, don’t you have a party tonight,” she said echoing Drayton. Lycell’s eyes narrowed and he growled in Drayton’s direction as Adrienne stood alongside of him. Adrienne jumped behind Drayton’s tall impressive frame as she held on to the sleeve of his opened shirt. Then with a smirk, and a small smile, Lycell turned to walk out of the room. He heard Adrienne say, “Next time knock.”

  He swiveled around his eyes fiery and angry, “Next time, lock the door,” he said with cold contempt.


  Drayton caught up with Lycell in the barn. “Why are you treating Adrienne so mean? I know you’re not like what you’re portraying yourself to her,” he said looking at Lycell. “And how many times are you going to brush that horse?”

  Lycell didn’t look up. “As many times as necessary.” He stopped and shoveled hay into the stalls. “I don’t know what to do to make her like me.”

  “I can’t believe that you don’t know how to seduce human females,” Drayton said with a smile and a pat on his back.

  “It’s different with her. I’m captivated by her,” he said picking up a bale of hay and throwing it across the barn. “I’ve never been fascinated by a human female as I am with that female.”

  “You can start by not referring to her as a female. Call her name, talk to her. Be nice,” Drayton said to Lycell.

  “I’m used to having human females...I mean women, without having to do anything. I don’t have to be nice to them they just do whatever I want sexually, and they don’t ask any questions, or bother me.” He looked up and stopped pitching hay. “She frustrates me. She gets under my skin and I don’t know how to behave. She makes me angry as hell,” Lycell said to Drayton.

  “You are certainly not going to get her to like you having a party with women walking around the ranch topless and naked,” Drayton warned.

  “I just wanted something to keep my mind off her.”

  “I hope you don’t mess this up for everyone,” Drayton said turning on his heels and heading for the main house. He stopped quickly and wheeled around. “I’m taking Adrienne into town to buy some things. Her stomach is growing faster than expect
ed, and she is uncomfortable in those old dresses of mom.”

  “Don’t let her out of your sight and get back here before 10 pm. The guest will be arriving,” Lycell said to Drayton.

  “Oh no, that is your problem. I don’t want Adrienne to think I’m involved in those crazy parties that you throw.”

  “Some of the werewolves from Oregon are traveling all this way for the bash.” Drayton glanced at Lycell.

  “Did you consult Wilder?” Lycell’s face changed. His brown eyes grew dark and his brow lined in rows.

  “No. Why should I?” Lycell responded in a deep growl.

  “That’s not good. I’s just not good with the beginning of the new moon. You have nothing but human females and a bunch of wild werewolves who have never been with humans, not good!” he placed his hand to his chin and shook his head. “Wilder’s not going to like it at all.”

  “He has Adrienne and a pup on the way, why would he begrudge me a little fun?”

  “It’s not a matter of just fun. Suppose something happens and one of them get drunk and makes the mistake of transforming into a wolf? Then what?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. That’s why I need you around.”

  “I have to take care of Adrienne,” Drayton said to Lycell.

  “She doesn’t need anyone to watch over her. You just want to be at her feet like a dog after a master. We are Werewolves, we answer to no one especially not a female, human or a Werefemale,” Lycell said to Drayton. He picked up a bale of hay and hurled it into a stall, startling the horse.

  “And that is why Adrienne doesn’t want you around, because you turn into an animal.”

  “I am an animal!” Lycell emphasized.

  “That’s where you are wrong. You’re human too but you won’t give that part of you a chance. You hate that part of you. You think it makes you weak but in fact it makes you stronger. If you took the time to embrace your ability to reason, then you wouldn’t act as crude as you do. I think you enjoy being mean and obnoxious to Adrienne. Don’t you understand that without her our pack is doomed?”

  “I didn’t think of that,” Lycell admitted. He took a deep breath.

  “You don’t think of a lot of things lately,” Drayton said kicking the grass from his boots. “Adrienne is waiting.” He walked to the garage and pulled out a Mercedes sedan and hopped into the car and drove it to the front of the house where Adrienne stood holding on to her back with both hands. Drayton jumped out and placed her in the back seat, and buckled her in. He strode around to the open driver’s door and climbed into the car, closing it and drove down the road to the nearby small town of Samsaville.

  Chapter 4

  It was ten miles into town. There were few stores and a host of small farms and large houses dotting the area. Some were set far from the road and the only animals stirring were dogs. When they reached Samsaville it bustle with people sitting in coffee shops, walking around laughing. School bells were ringing, children filing out of school with weighted backpacks, standing in line, waiting for buses. In that town there was no need for parking meters. It was a quaint friendly town.

  Drayton pulled into a parking space that said private and hopped out of the car, men raised or tipped their hats, women smiled, and young women beamed, grinned, and giggled from ear to ear. Adrienne noticed his effect on them. “They like you,” she whispered to him.

  “I know, but I only have eyes for you,” he said looping her arm under his. Adrienne thought she had walked into a different world. Unlike Sacramento or San Francisco. Time stood still and people enjoyed the slow pace and community where everyone knew each other by name. Adrienne smiled back. She thought this would be a great place to raise children and live.

  “There’s a department store across the street, you can get the latest clothes and things ladies need,” Drayton said pointing at the large building of steel and glass with SAMSA BROTHERS written on the entrance. He lowered his head as if shy when mentioning her needs.”

  “We need to get baby clothes,” Adrienne said.

  “I don’t think you’re going to need that right away,” Drayton said to her. She tilted her head to the side, glancing at him.

  “What do you mean? All babies need clothes.”

  “Didn’t Wilder warn you?”

  “Warn me about what?” She said to Drayton.

  “You could have as many as six pups.” Adrienne stepped from the sidewalk almost falling but Drayton caught her. I can tell by the look on your face that he didn’t say anything.”

  “I read those books in the cave but I thought they were nonsense.”

  “There is more you should know.”

  “How much more?” Adrienne asked walking through the door with Drayton standing holding it open for her. “You need to see a doctor. We have a physician on call who will come tomorrow to give you a checkup,” Drayton said placing his hand on Adrienne’s lower back and leading her to the escalators.

  “Hi Drayton. Where’s that exciting handsome brother of yours?” A cute girl standing at the makeup counter purred.

  “Which one?”

  “The tall dark mysterious one.”


  “No, silly,” she said to Drayton. “Wilder. I so love that name,” she continued breaking out with a smile. “Who’s your friend? I see she’s kind of pale. I can give you a quick lesson on makeup,” the young woman said eyeing Adrienne with Adrienne equally scrutinizing her.

  “My name is Adrienne and I like my makeup natural.” The young woman looked away from Adrienne and back to Drayton.

  “Will Wilder be at the party tonight?”

  “I don’t think so. He had to leave on business.”

  “Oh well, there’s always Lycell. He’s good for a laugh or two. Tell Lycell I have something special for him. Tell him he knows what I’m talking about.”

  Adrienne eyes rolled and she became annoyed. “We have things to do Drayton.”

  “We have to go now, Trina.”

  “Yes, I have to buy something for Wilder’s babies.” And Adrienne opened the thin coat covering her stomach for Trina to see. Then she looped her arm under Drayton, pulled him from the counter with his mouth open, and they strutted away.

  “Don’t you think you were being rude?”

  “Of course I was. She is after all of you including Wilder. If I’m going to wed you three, and have your pups then I expect a certain amount of respect.” Drayton looked at Adrienne and a large smile crossed his striking face. It was the first time he thought that there was hope for all of them.

  A little jealousy goes a long way, he thought.


  Drayton looked at his watch. “It’s late and I should have gotten you back by now. You need your rest.”

  “Do you expect me to rest with a party going on?”

  “It’s not the kind of party you are used to,” Drayton said.

  “A party is a party,” Adrienne said waiting for Drayton to load the packages into the trunk. Once inside the car he looked over at her.

  “Lycell has invited a visiting pack of Werewolves against Wilder’s wishes. He knows that you are pregnant and I can’t imagine why he would do such a thing,” Drayton said with an apologetic look.

  “I don’t understand. What is wrong with him having a party and me attending?” Adrienne asked.

  “First of all you can’t go. It’s too wild, there will be drinking and the women are there to find rich husbands.”

  “Do they know who and what these rich husbands are they’re trying to snag?” Adrienne said looking at Drayton.

  “Some do. The girl at the makeup counter, Trina, knows who we are, so does the whole town. We provide protection to the area and we infuse the businesses with cash to bring about full employment for everyone. We create an atmosphere where the humans can live without fear of having their forest land destroyed by people looking for lumber, oil, and other raw material.”

  “What about the women that don’t know about your family
?” Adrianne questioned with a suspicious glance.

  “Their friends bring them here in hopes that they will marry one of our Alpha males. They are the ones who will be here tonight, and a house full of Alpha males. That’s why it’s dangerous for them to see you. They may try to harm you if they see or smell that you are pregnant. Not all the neighboring Alphas are happy with Wilder controlling their packs.

  These parties were to entice female humans to marry Werewolves. Our clan is the riches in all of Nevada, California, and Oregon. My father was the wealthiest Werewolf in this country. When he died we inherited Billions of dollars, and if you marry all of us then you and your pups will be rich beyond your dreams.” Adrienne eyes enlarged.

  “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know about Lycell.”

  “If you can’t mate with him, then Wilder and I will have to find someone more willing. That’s what Lycell is hoping for. He wants you gone. Wilder will keep the offspring of course.”

  “He can’t do that?” Adrienne shouted.

  “He can. And he will,” Drayton said driving up the brick driveway to the sprawling ranch. “Wilder is powerful more powerful than the President.”

  “Which president?”

  “The president of the U.S. of course.”

  Twenty cars were following them parking in the front of the house. And more parked in rows on the grass. As Adrienne exited the car, she heard shouting, laughing, screaming, and people riding horses around the track. She shot Drayton a glimpse and shook her head.

  Drayton left the packages in the car and opened the door for Adrienne. “I’ll have the valet remove the packages and bring them to your room later.”

  They walked up the stairs and spotted Lycell laughing with the young woman from the makeup counter. They turned and looked at Drayton and Adrienne, and Lycell opened the door to the bedroom next to Adrienne’s, then he fixed a long stare in her direction.

  “I’m going to tell him...” Drayton said infuriated by Lycell’s behavior.

  “Don’t tell him anything. I don’t want him to know that what he’s doing is affecting me.”


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