Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4

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Insatiable Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 14

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “As you can see I’m very much alive, mother,” Adrienne said giving her a long hug. Although she was upset with her mother after the hospital, and she stormed out of the house leaving with Paul, at the time he appeared to be the lesser of the evils.

  She walked to her father and kissed him on his head. He looked up at her and didn’t say a word but tried to put out a small smile. He was always a man of a few words. Adrienne doubted that he agreed with Paul and her mother, but when it came time to speak out, he never said a word, so she held a small resentment in her heart for him. He could have said something, she thought.

  Her mother was the one who worried what people thought. Adrienne cared but she cared more to see that the men were brought to justice. Her father glanced up to see Drayton and Paul standing behind her.

  “Sit down young man,” Adrienne’s mother said with a hoarse voice. She had smoked in her youth and now it was taking a toll on her. Her body was smaller than Adrienne remembered. She was always short and a tiny something but it appeared as if she was emaciated.

  Drayton sat in a chair across from her father. They traded glances and Drayton smiled a non-threatening one. When Paul looked his way a sneer crossed Drayton’s face letting him know that he didn’t like him or cared for his company.

  “Who is this young man?” Adrienne’s father asked.

  Before Adrienne could answer, Drayton stood and walked over to him and shook his hand and said, “I’m Drayton Samsa, sir.”

  “I mean what are you doing with my daughter?” It was the most Adrienne had heard him say since the doctor stated that she couldn’t have any children. He sent her with Paul and told him to marry her and take care of her since it was his fault that she had been ruined by his friends.

  “I’m her fiancé,” Drayton said proudly. Adrienne inhale and Paul stirred in his chair looking at Adrienne and Drayton.

  “I think she has one too many fiancé s” he quipped.

  “I agree,” Drayton said. “We came here to clear that up.” Adrienne walked close to Drayton and held his hand.

  “I wanted to tell you myself, but since Drayton jumped the gun,” and she looked down at him and gazed at Paul, “we’re going to be married because I’m pregnant. Everyone is invited to the wedding.”

  “You’re pregnant,” her mother said. “How?”

  “It happened and please be happy for me,” she said looking at her father and mother.

  Paul stood and walked over to the circle and said to Drayton, “Did Adrienne tell you what happened.” Her mother tried to signal to Paul to stop, but he wouldn’t.

  “Adrienne told me everything. She told me how you got drunk and didn’t protect her from your friends. I know everything.” And he looked in her parent’s direction, “You allowed her to go with that man and arrange a marriage after she told you she didn’t want to marry him. She told me everything. And if she doesn’t want to see any of you again, I will understand,” Drayton said taking Adrienne’s hand.

  “Are you ready to go?” Drayton said standing looking down at Adrienne.

  “I’m ready.”

  Paul walked over to them and tried to take Adrienne’s hand. “Don’t touch me. I despise you.” Her mother ran to Paul and said, “You will always be our son-in-law. She’ll come around she doesn’t know what she’s saying. She’s not pregnant. Look at her. She’ll come back to you Paul, she had convinced him that she can have children, but she can’t,” her mother said shaking her head.

  “You would take his side after what he allowed to happen to me. You are all a part of the conspiracy and because of that, I’m not coming back.” She turned facing Paul. “And Paul, forget the wedding invitation.” Adrienne rushed out of the house with Drayton in tow.

  Chapter 6

  Adrienne jumped into the Mercedes not waiting for Drayton and slammed the door. Drayton hopped in the driver’s seat and closed the door behind him, pushed the button and the car started and took off. “I’ve been waiting to do that forever. I thought I wouldn’t get a chance,” she said gazing at Drayton, taking his hand and kissing it. He reached brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her open palm.

  “Did you see Paul’s face when I said that I was marrying you?”

  “I guess it will be the same reaction when I tell Wilder and Lycell that I’m marrying you,” Adrienne said waiting for Drayton to say something.

  Drayton looked in her direction extremely happy, but he had to question her decision, “Do you think it’s wise to tell Wilder and Lycell about your decision just yet?”

  “I’ll tell them after I give birth to Lycell’s pups, and then we’ll make plans for our wedding.”

  They had another hour’s drive back to the Samsa Ranch. The skies darkened and rain poured down. The wipers were working hard but not enough. “You can’t see,” Adrienne said.

  “We werewolves can see fine,” Drayton said holding her hand tight.

  “All that rain makes me nervous,” Adrienne said leaning forward trying to make out what was on the road, remembering the night she left in the snow and had an accident. Since then she was uncomfortable driving in bad weather. “There’s a hotel we past going, it’s at the next bend in the road. There it is.” And Drayton turned the big Mercedes to the left and headed down the driveway. He pulled up to the entrance and stopped. “Get a room for us for the night.”

  “Do you want separate rooms?” He asked.

  “No. I want to be held close. My parents drained me of my energy.”

  “We should call and tell Wilder and Lycell we’re stopping for the night. They will worry about you.” Adrienne dialed Wilder’s phone and he answered. Drayton could hear the conversation because it came across on the speakers in the car.


  “Where are you? No one called and said that you and Drayton had arrived at your parent’s home. Then the news reports stated that you had been found, and that there was a possibility that you were brained washed by your kidnapper or kidnappers, and you left with him,” Wilder said. “Where’s Drayton?”

  “I’m here. Adrienne is upset and it’s raining hard, so we stopped for the night. We’ll get an early start in the morning.”

  “I want her home tonight,” Wilder demanded. And Lycell in the background yelled, “Bring her home now. I don’t want anything to happen to her and I don’t want her sleeping with you, Drayton, not until she gives birth.”

  “I heard that. You have no right to prevent me from being or sleeping with Drayton. It’s my choice. I wasn’t even thinking about that, Lycell,” Adrienne said scolding him.

  “It’s Adrienne’s decision on what she does with her body. Not yours,” Wilder insisted. “I apologize Adrienne and Drayton,” Lycell said. “Take care of her, Drayton.”

  “I’m trying to do that if you two just trust me.” Drayton hit the button and the phone went silent.

  Drayton hopped out of the car and strode to the front desk and came back with a key. He helped Adrienne into the lobby after retrieving the bag from the trunk. The hotel a five star, was one of the best Adrienne had seen. Its lobby filled with people. “Why so many people?”

  “There’s a tech convention. There will be a lot of noise, so I got the penthouse suite,” Drayton said as they entered the elevator. Adrienne glanced at him and smiled. There were three men on the elevator and one spoke to Drayton.

  “How’s it going Samsa?” Drayton turned slightly, smiled and nodded. “Tell Wilder that I have a deal for him if he’s interested.”

  Then a drunk voice echoed, “Yea, and tell Lycell that we have a party in Lake Tahoe at the Hilton.” Adrienne’s held Drayton’s hand tight.

  “What is it?” Drayton asked.

  “It’s him,” Adrienne whispered. “He’s one of the men who raped me,” Adrienne said in a muted voice.

  The men stopped on the fifth floor laughing and drinking and got off. “I’ll never forget that voice.”


  Drayton opened the door and a terri
fied Adrienne rushed into the room. He tried to calm her but he couldn’t. She shook violently. “You need something to eat and then go to sleep. We’ll be home tomorrow. I’ll call for room service.” He disguised his anger. Adrienne recognized the voice of the man who raped her. He was there with them on the elevator. Drayton had no doubt Adrienne knew who had perpetrated the crime against her.

  He helped Adrienne undress and helped her in and out of the shower. Then he dressed her and laid her on the bed. The food came promptly, but all Adrienne could eat was a cup of New England clam chowder and special made bread, and then she closed her eyes.

  Drayton held her in his arms glancing on her face, she rest her head on his chest, half sleeping. She grimaced and moaned in pain. She relived that moment when the men were raping her. He held her close, her hands clasped his chest. He rocked her to a deep sleep.

  Leaving her in the room, he stole out into the night, into the shadow of the full moon.

  Adrienne woke, her hand searching around for Drayton, but he wasn’t there. She ambled to the window looking through the sheer curtains and glanced up at a full moon. The kind of moon when she first met Wilder. Then the door opened, she looked to see him standing breathing hard, his shirt missing, and his pants ripped and bloody. “What happened?” she asked, stepping into her slippers, and throwing a silk robe over her shoulders.

  Knowing that he hunted sometimes she wondered why he would do this tonight. Maybe he left because of the change during the full moon. Maybe he needed to relieve his frustrations. Maybe he left to hunt to relieve the sexual tension he felt for her.

  Drayton never considered anyone but her from the day his eyes met hers. His body desired her. His mind loved her. Adrienne required all the brothers to ease her fears and insecurities, fulfill her wants, and to make her strong again. Her needs were great. She needed Wilder because he was so strong and smart. She needed Lycell because he was so sexual and free. She needed Drayton because he was so loving and gentle with her. She has indeed great need for all of them.

  “I’m going to take a shower and get some sleep and then when the sun rises we can be on the road,” Drayton said stripping the clothes from his body, throwing them in a plastic bag, and placing the bag in his leather overnight luggage.


  Drayton drove in silence to the ranch. He didn’t turn on the radio. His face stoic. Adrienne intermittently glanced at him. He reminded her of Wilder. No longer a carefree face, one filled with laughter. He kept his resolute eyes on the road. Driving the Mercedes up the driveway to the front door, he parked and helped Adrienne out of the car, and held her hand in silence reaching to open the door to the ranch. She shook her head. She wanted to talk to him before she entered the house, but then he walked around to the right in the direction of the stables, after taking his luggage, which contained the bloody pants, out of the trunk. Lycell opened the door, and stood watching her, waiting.

  “Where’s Wilder?” Adrienne whispered out of breath.

  “Oh, he had a meeting to attend. How was your visit?” He walked outside, opened the trunk and pulled out her luggage. He met Adrienne still standing in the doorway waiting for an answer. “He’ll be back by dinnertime.”

  “I’ll tell you about our trip later. Something is wrong with Drayton. Who’s taking care of the twins?”

  “Me and the old cook. She’s now officially their nanny. Wilder retired her and she wanted to stay on. He said that you would have your hands full with more pups coming and you needed help, and...” he paused chuckling, “you didn’t want any young women around your men.” Adrienne looked at him, tilted her head raising an eyebrow, and then gave a smile that faded soon after.

  “She’s right. Now go see what’s wrong with Drayton.” Lycell kissed her on the lips and put his hand and sharp ear to her stomach. “It won’t be long,” he said grinning. And he strolled out around to the stables where he thought Drayton would be. Adrienne headed to the nursery to oversee the feeding of her twins, and Lycell found Drayton.


  “There you are. What are you doing with that bonfire?” Lycell asked Drayton.

  “I have to get rid of something.”

  “I hope it’s not a body because that fire is large enough to burn two corpses,” Lycell said as a joke. But Drayton didn’t laugh. He just kept stoking the fire. “What’s wrong Drayton? Did Adrienne turn you down when you asked her to sleep with you?”

  “Why does everything have to do with sex with you?” Drayton said to Lycell.

  “Well, what the hell is it? What has you so down? You’re upsetting Adrienne.”

  “I’ll tell you later. If I tell you now, you’ll confide in Wilder and I don’t want him to know this. He has enough to worry about including controlling that mess you started in Oregon.”

  “I say he’s a part of that mess.”

  “Tell Adrienne I’m OK and I’ll see her during dinner. Right now I want to be alone.” Lycell took one last look, put his hands in his jeans and walked away from Drayton.

  Lycell wasn’t certain what bothered Drayton, but he had a smell human blood on his body. And he noticed that the clothes he was burning had blood stains. He studied Drayton as they talked and there were no signs of scratches or wounds on him as he could tell. Drayton must have been in a fight, but it wasn’t anything that he couldn’t handle, and Drayton’s fights were never lethal, he thought.

  Leaving Drayton, Lycell was left with a few questions. He walked up the winding stairs and reached Adrienne’s room in seconds. Opening the door he turned and saw her nursing the twins. One of the twins had a right breast and the other was enjoying the milk from the left one. He stood raking his hands through his hair smiling.

  “I hope they leave enough for my four. But you will have to grow a few more for my brood.”

  “You are pretty sure of yourself. You are so arrogant, you are sure it’s more than one.” Well tomorrow the doctor with be here with his sonogram machine and to give me an

  examination and we will put all that to rest,” Lycell said with a generous wicked grin. “You and Wilder can wish for only one pup, but I’m a breeder.” He threw Adrienne a sly smile.

  “Oh you know this, then why haven’t you had any pups before.”

  “I was waiting for you, that’s why.” He kissed Adrienne on the lips and the old nurse showed up and took the twins to their room. Adrienne smiled at her when she took them away.

  “She likes you,” Lycell said.

  “She never says a word to me. How can you tell?”

  “Because she never says a word. She complains about everything but she never had a cross word to say about you.” He smiled and sat on the floor near Adrienne’s chair. He laid his beautiful dark hair on her lap. Adrienne scattered his hair with her fingertips.

  “Why is Drayton brooding?” Adrienne said.

  “He’s been that way since we...”

  “Did he mate with you?”

  “No. We’re going to wait until we’re married.” Lycell jumped to his feet. His eyes glaring.

  “You’re going to marry him. What about me? You’re having my pups.”

  “And I have Wilder’s too. But Drayton doesn’t have any and he is shy with women. He would never want me unless he was married to me. I need to make him feel he’s part of the family. We’re trying to create a pack and a family aren’t we? I thought that was what you wanted me to do.”

  “We are trying to create a family.” Lycell heard footsteps and turned around and there stood Wilder. “Why are you here? Don’t you have things to take care of?” Wilder asked Lycell. “And where is Drayton. We have business to conduct and you are here with Adrienne. She has children to take care of.” Wilder’s blue eyes blazing when the light struck them.

  His eyes serious. He is always serious. He didn’t have the luxury of frivolity like Lycell. Running the family businesses is a serious matter. Besides, they had a town, and people, and werewolves to care for.

  Before Adrienne came int
o their lives, Lycell never thought about anything but wild parties and how many female openings he could climb into.

  And Drayton, he wanted peace for the world. He even considered becoming a vegan, which was impossible for a werewolf. He need his strength to facilitate the changes his body were forced to make. He needed meat to nourish his powerful body, so he dropped that notion of becoming a vegetarian.

  Adrienne stood and walked to Wilder looking up at him. “You don’t scare me and you don’t scare anyone here. Try that on your sons because it doesn’t work with me. I nursed you when you were dying in that cave. I wasn’t afraid of you then, and I’m not now.” Wilder’s eyes deepened and then softened. “You need to find out what is wrong with Drayton.” she said to him.

  “What is wrong with him this time?” he questioned Lycell. “Did he accidently kill a deer and she had a fawn and the fawn was left without a mother? Did he eat a duck and she had baby ducks? It’s always something with Drayton. He can’t kill anything without being despondent and brooding for days,” Wilder said, irritated with Drayton’s behavior.

  “You should be that sensitive.” And she walked away from Wilder and then to Lycell who kept a smile on his face lately. “And you too, what are you smiling about? Now both of you leave my room, it’s time for dinner, and I need to dress. I suggest that you two do the same.” They looked at each other. “If we are going to be a family then we need to act like a family. Families sit around the dinner table and discuss their day. I expect all of you down in an hour and dressed,” Adrienne said eyebrow raised.

  The werewolves gazed at each other and smiled. Finally, they were acting as a family and it was Adrienne, a human, holding everything together, reminding them of what their mother and father taught them.

  Chapter 7

  Adrienne strolled down the stairs holding firmly on the railing. The brothers gazed at her. They stood with admiration and amazement. Wilder thought, a job well done when he chose the woman of his dreams. She was everything he thought he could ever want. Loving, strong, and beautiful. She wore a flowing off white long silk dress cut low showing her full pregnant breasts.


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