Rising Dragons Omnibus

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Rising Dragons Omnibus Page 5

by Ophelia Bell

  Geva wrapped one large arm around Ben’s chest and unfastened the man’s trousers with the other hand. He let out an appreciative rumble when he reached inside and tugged Ben’s erection from its confinement.

  Ben let out a curse at the first tight stroke of Geva’s expert hand along his shaft. He turned his head to the side, a desperate look in his eyes. Geva accepted Ben’s offered mouth, capturing it in a hungry, passionate kiss. He stroked him harder.

  Even though he wasn’t looking at her, Erika knew he was putting this show on for her benefit, and she loved it. But she wanted more.

  Geva tore away from Ben’s kiss. The red light flared in his eyes when he looked at her. In a gruff voice he spoke into Ben’s ear. “She needs your tongue between those creamy thighs. And I need you to show me this ass.”

  Ben eagerly kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants. He came toward her with a cocky grin, like he’d just won a prize. “Scoot back,” he said to her when he reached the bed.

  “Oh, now you’re in charge?” she challenged.

  He looked a little uncertain and glanced over his shoulder to Geva, who was taking his sweet time undressing.

  “You’d better get to work, Benjamin. Don’t keep his Lordship waiting. Tell me, did you service the prior Lord and Lady like this, too?” She slid backward on the velvet bedcover as she spoke, encouraging the naked clerk to follow on hands and knees.

  When she stopped, leaning back on elbows to watch him, he nodded. He placed a soft kiss against her inner thigh and answered in between more kisses as he traveled up her leg.

  “Her Ladyship was a beautiful woman, like you. It was always a pleasure.”

  She watched the blond curls atop his head move closer. A lock of hair had fallen across his forehead and she brushed it back like she used to do with Eben. She liked to watch a man’s face when he started licking between her thighs.

  “And his Lordship?” she asked. Ben had reached her panties with his mouth and pressed a harder kiss against the soaked fabric, darting his tongue out to press against her swollen flesh and taste her through the lace.

  “Strong and a little forceful.”

  Erika had trouble controlling her quickened breathing in response to his lips brushing against her pussy. God, would he just take them off her already?

  Finally he reached up and tugged at the stretchy lace of the waist and pulled them off, down her hips and thighs.

  “Forceful. Did he hurt you?”

  “Never. Every moment with them was heaven. I like it a little rough.” He looked up at her, his eyes dancing with excitement. “He had a tattoo like this, too,” he commented. He bent his head and pressed his lips against her dragon mark.

  The tattoo tingled hotly from the contact and Geva let out a low growl, meeting her eyes. His scales were starting to show faintly. He must be hungry for her Nirvana, though she couldn’t imagine how, considering the marathon of fucking they’d done in the hotel since they’d arrived in London the week before. In spite of that, her pussy was wet and eager for Ben to have his fill of her.

  “Did you let him fuck you?” Erika asked through a haze of pleasure when he began stroking her soaked clit with his thumb. Her gaze followed Geva as he climbed naked onto the bed behind Ben.

  Geva’s thick erection bobbed as he settled himself and swept his palms down the length of Ben’s back and over his ass.

  Ben raised his head to look at her and she forced herself to look away from what Geva was doing to meet his eyes. Now it was Ben who tested her resolve, sliding two fingers deep into her clenching slit and pressing his thumb hard against her clit.

  “I love getting fucked,” he murmured. The words trailed off into a low moan when Geva dipped his head. Erika caught a glimpse of a forked red tongue snaking out to tease at Ben’s ass. She almost wished she could watch from another angle, but what Ben had begun doing to her pussy felt way too amazing.

  “Oh, God that’s it. Eat me like that.”

  “Like what?” Ben pulled back with a sly smile.

  “Like you’re starving for my pussy,” she growled. She gripped his head in both hands and shoved his face back between her thighs. He let out a brief laugh against her wet lips, then a gasp of hot breath escaped him.

  Her eyes shot back to Geva, who was attentively working fingers in and out of Ben’s ass while he stroked the man’s cock and balls from behind with the other hand.

  The heat in Geva’s gaze warmed her with lust as strong as the talented tongue working her clit. The brief divide she’d felt after their heated conversation that morning no longer existed. She wished Ben weren’t there and Geva was about to plunge his cock into her, rather than the other man’s ready ass. She craved the velvet breadth of him ramming her in his half-changed dragon form, the red monolith of his sex shooting thick, molten spunk so deep she could taste it. And for a brief, irrational second she wished for that seed to take root.

  The merest thought of it caused a near-orgasmic spasm to course through her body. Geva’s eyes widened, his pupils as red as blood. He plunged his entire length into Ben’s ass in one quick, violent stroke.

  Ben let out a strangled cry against her pussy and paused briefly, resting his forehead against her belly and squeezing her hips tightly.

  “Are you alright?” she breathed.

  He nodded and smiled blissfully at her. “Better now. Much better.” He bent his head again and tongued and sucked at her pussy with abandon. The plunging force of Geva behind him forced Ben to brace himself with one hand against her breast. His other hand still had three fingers sunk deep into her, steadily fucking.

  Erika mewled with pleasure when his pinky finger pressed rigidly against her slick, tight asshole and slipped inside. The tight friction of that tiny invasion made her want even more and she bucked her hips up to meet his thrusting motions, urging him deeper still.

  Ben’s hair was a chaotic tangle of gold where it bobbed between her thighs. He wore some kind of strange medallion that he’d shoved around to his back so it didn’t interfere. The metallic emblem caught her eye briefly, but before she could ponder it further, Geva’s free hand gripped her foot where it rested on Ben’s shoulder and squeezed.

  His red-maned form was bent over Ben’s back, thrusting urgently while he pumped Ben’s cock. The contact of his thumb against the ball of her foot sent a jolt of pure pleasure through her. She nearly forgot it was another man attending to her pleasure, so lost was she in Geva’s passionate, red gaze.

  Ben’s tongue and steady fucking with his fingers faltered only briefly when Geva’s eyes closed and he threw his head back with an ecstatic roar. Another hard thrust and her red dragon lover’s entire body clenched and quivered with the force of his orgasm. Erika could imagine the hot pulse of cum Ben was feeling, pushing him into his own stuttering climax. He lost the ability to move for a second, but the curl of his fingers inside her and the press of his lips against her clit were enough to light the blaze of her own orgasm. It burned a scorching fire through her body from her spasming center outward, appearing as a shimmering glow that passed from her mark, moving as though seeking her lover. A similar light flowed from Geva toward her. They passed through Ben and mingled finally in a throbbing pulse at the medallion around his throat.

  The dragon shape in the center of the pendant shone like a beacon for a moment before fading back to cold metal. Erika blinked up at Geva in surprise. He rested a hand on it and gave her a little nod that meant, I’ll tell you later. He slowly eased back from Ben then let himself collapse beside Erika. Ben fell to the other side, one arm draped across her thighs and his forehead pressed against her hip.

  Breath of Destiny: Chapter 3

  Geva dozed amid the luxuriant velvet of the bed, only partly unconscious and still buzzed from the infusion of energy of his two lovers. He could taste them both as distinct as two flavors mingling in his mouth. Erika’s a rich,
earthy flavor that seemed to underscore everything in his life lately, and Benjamin’s a brighter, crisper flavor. They mixed into a delicious combination that would easily arouse him again if he let it. Erika’s warm body shifted against his and he opened his eyes a crack to see her rise up, bracing one hand against his chest. She was smiling and flushed. The sparkle in her eye made his heartbeat speed up.

  Her scent surrounded him like a pleasant cloud when she leaned over and pressed her lips against his. Geva parted his lips to taste her, letting her in for a deeper kiss and drifting his fingertips over her hip. His eyes opened fully when she pulled back.

  “Can we keep him?” she whispered, glancing at the snoozing Benjamin on the other side of her.

  “He is already ours,” Geva said. “Inherited from my mother, like all bonded humans after one of us dies.”

  “Doesn’t he have a choice?” Erika asked, her brows creasing with concern.

  “Of course, but most choose to keep their positions. It’s only mates that don’t have a choice.” Geva paused when another thought occurred to him. “Or did you mean to have the bond made permanent? I could, but…no, it’s too soon yet. Perhaps in time.”

  Erika reached out and touched the medallion that rested in the center of Benjamin’s chest, rising and falling slowly with each of the blond’s sleeping breaths. “A talisman, huh? A stand-in for the mark?”

  “It’s a less permanent bond. Not as powerful, and it doesn’t allow for full knowledge of our world, but it does provide some advantages depending on how close the bonded human was to the dragon.”

  “I get the sense he was very loyal to your parents. Tell me, do you know how they died?”

  “Making love, most likely.”

  Erika lay down against him again, her head resting against his shoulder. Benjamin shifted in his sleep and wrapped an arm around her, nuzzled against her neck, took a deep breath, then relaxed back into slumber again. Geva knew the comfort of her scent in sleep.

  “Making love killed them?”

  Geva chuckled. “No, but at the end of our lives, we can choose to just let our energy fade away until we’re no more, or channel our last remaining living power into a vessel for the next generation. Most mated couples make a pact as such. There will be documentation in the lower dungeon. A letter from Mother explaining where she channeled their energy at the end.”

  He glanced at Benjamin, but the younger man was still sleeping soundly, drooling slightly on the back of Erika’s shoulder. He smirked, and wondered how long the man had served his parents. It could have been decades or only a few years. Even without a mated bond, dragon magic could make a person seem ageless.

  The itch to find his legacy had seeped into Geva’s blood since arriving here, and now replaced the languid buzz from the sex. As always, Erika seemed attuned to his mood and gently nudged Benjamin awake. He blinked sleepily and nodded, rising.

  “This is as far as I go with you two,” Benjamin said. He gestured to a nondescript door nearby. “The loo is through there. The staircase will take you down to the lower dungeon.” He let out an involuntary snicker.

  Geva raised a brow. Benjamin responded with a twitch of his shoulder. “His Lordship joked about sending your mother down to the dungeon on occasion. I always pictured leather contraptions bolted to the walls and torture devices, but was never allowed inside. Not once in thirty-five years.”

  Erika cocked her head while fastening the buttons of her dress. “How old are you, Ben?”

  He looked abashed and stammered for a second. He glanced between both Geva and Erika. “Ah, right, you would know about the Lord and Lady’s unique status. I took over as their body man for my mum after she passed, when I was twenty-five. That was thirty-five years ago.”

  Without missing a beat, Erika said, “Well, I look forward to a long relationship. You are always welcome.” She bent over to pull on her shoes, giving both men a generous eyeful of cleavage.

  Geva was grateful for Erika’s noncommittal reaction, and how deftly she managed to distract Benjamin from his embarrassment. Benjamin headed back up after explaining he would meet them in the upper tower that evening. After he departed, they headed down to the lower vault.

  Like the rest of the manor Geva had seen, the lower dungeon was different from what he remembered. The walls were more polished, with electric lights at intervals. It wasn’t the dank, dreary dungeon he used to hide in as a child. Yet another secure door blocked their path at the bottom of the spiral staircase, this one with familiar old runes carved in the stone in the spot where the other doors had held an electronic lock.

  “What does it say?” Erika asked, brushing her finger over the worn, recessed figures.

  “Take a breath,” he said with a smile. “Something Mother used to say to me when I threw tantrums as a dragonling.”

  “You mean to tell me you weren’t a perfectly behaved little angel as a child?” She batted her eyelashes at him innocently

  “Dragons rarely change their colors,” he replied, with an impish smile.

  He instinctively felt for the well of fresh energy from their lovemaking session above, and breathed a cloud of red smoke into the door latch. The door opened inward without a touch. Bright lights came on, illuminating sealed glass cases that displayed his family’s most valuable artifacts. Objects that had not seen un-mated human eyes for centuries and more. The walls of the room were all polished granite, the floors the same, buffed to a high shine with not a single speck of dust present. It had to have been magically sealed since his mother’s death to have remained so clean inside.

  A beep and a whir sounded from the far end of the room. Geva strode with Erika by his side to an alcove amid the cases, within which rested an object similar to the modern gadgets Erika had introduced him to.

  “It’s an IBM,” Erika said in amazement. “An older model. I wish Corey were here, but maybe we can make some sense of it without him. It has to be nearly thirty years old… almost before my time.”

  Geva blinked at the string of characters that flashed green across the dark screen. He smiled. “Mother’s color,” he said.

  Erika glanced at him and shook her head. “Most of these things came in green back then,” she said. “Green or gold on black. Sometimes white or even blue. This is all gibberish, though.”

  Geva nudged her aside. “It’s perfectly legible. Mother always insisted on having the most modern contraptions. You would have loved her.”

  “What does it say?”

  “Dragon secrets,” he said with a smirk, earning him an elbow to the ribs. “It’s mostly a recounting of their lives since my hibernation. This isn’t the only vault of treasures, just the most valuable ones.” He rested his finger on one of the keys and the text began to flow slowly up the screen. The flow of words paused when he lifted his finger off the button. “Here she talks about a Benjamin—brilliant inventor—she says. Do you think she means our Benjamin?”

  Erika gave him a quizzical look. “It sounded like our Ben was born in fifty-five—definitely proof that humans age well around you guys. Does she give a timeline?”

  “Hmm, met in seventeen fifty-three. I guess that was a few years early.”

  “Geva, that’s about two centuries too early. She’s talking about Benjamin Franklin. You have a lot of reading to do on the last five centuries, sweetie.”

  He laughed, but resolved to spend some more time hunting for collections of the videos and books she had shown him so far to catch up on all he’d missed. At least he’d focus on the things his parents had lived through so he would have some frame of reference.

  He kept skimming, pausing every few lines to read off a name for Erika. Each one impressed him more than the last. He paused and swallowed harshly at the emotions that welled up. Partly lingering sadness at not being able to introduce his mother to the amazing woman who stood at his side, and partly profound i
rritation that every generation still had to follow the Council’s ridiculous laws of hibernation.

  “What is it?” Erika asked, tracing gentle fingertips through the hair at his temple.

  He shook his head, blinking back tears and clearing his throat.

  She moved closer and urged his arm around her, embracing him and resting her cheek against his chest. He lowered his nose to the top of her head and took a deep breath, letting the scent of her ease his brief anguish.

  “My father would have loved you,” Erika whispered in the middle of his silence. “I miss him so much now. I’d never be able to keep you a secret from him, either, I don’t care if we would’ve broken laws to tell him.”

  Geva kissed the top of her head and moved on, scrolling further. Judging by the date at the top of each entry he was close to reaching the current year. Only a few decades to go.

  A few lines made him stop abruptly and backtrack. His stomach clenched at what he’d read. He scrolled forward quickly to the very end of the entries, then back again. He pushed Erika gently away so he could look more closely.

  “Sweet Mother,” he whispered, and began reading out loud to Erika.

  “Your father brought a new friend to the Manor tonight. Or, rather, a very, very old friend. I had not seen Warik since my youth in Greenland where we were raised together as dragonlings. After all the centuries he has never mated. Eternally alone, he promised he would stay after we parted, but as the Queen my responsibilities were to the Brood. I had to take a human mate. I pray that will change in your time. I love your father, but would have chosen differently had I had the option. In a perfect world perhaps I could have even had them both.

  “Your father is thick as thieves with Warik, even after a few days and knowing my history with him. Your father was never a jealous man, which is an excellent quality in a mate. We have enjoyed the centuries largely in each other’s exclusive company, except for the occasional diversion—Benjamin being the latest. Do take good care of Benjamin, he is dear to us.”


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