Bad Benefits

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Bad Benefits Page 6

by Allie Valentine

  “You like this Bailey girl?”

  “Hunter, oh God, please—”

  He shifted his grip and his finger grazed her sensitive pucker. His eyes flashed to hers even as her hips bucked and he grinned.

  “Hunter?” Her question was soft.

  “Not tonight, Bay, but one day, I’m going to have all of you. Would you like that?” He wasn’t sure if it was the way his dick slid over her clit, or the way his finger gently penetrated her ass. Or his dirty promise. But she came hard, her body clamping around his exploring finger.

  Wasting no time, he adjusted his position and sank into her again with one smooth stroke. He took his dick and slid home. Holy. Fucking. Shit. She was tight. Too tight. And she was gripping his dick like her pussy meant to strangle the life out of it.

  He timed his dick with his finger and before he knew it, Bailey was flying again. Or maybe that was one long orgasm. All he knew was her nails dug into his shoulders and she chanted his name over and over again.

  “Hunter. Hunter. Hunter.”

  And then the edges of his vision grayed out and all he saw were stars as he came.


  Her ass was cold. Bailey frowned as she reached to pull up the covers. One problem. Okay, two problems. First, the sheets were mostly twisted around her ankles and the comforter only covered her top half, exposing her ass and the backs of her legs to the cool morning air.

  Second, when she reached for the covers, every muscle she had fucking ached. Jesus, why was she sore like she’d run a marathon? She wasn’t the marathon type. For Bailey, if it was anything more strenuous than yoga, she wasn't really down for it. And her pussy ached in that delicious too-stretched way.

  And then it all came back to her. Hunter.

  The two of them in the hallway. Hunter leaning over and kissing her as he slid his hands into her leggings, finding her wet and ready. The orgasm he’d given her as he rocked against her right outside her front door. Never mind bothering to get inside or anything. Nope. Who needed privacy for orgasms?

  Once he kissed her, it had been over. Like, finally, that fire inside them was unleashed. Like someone had finally lit the spark that ignited the lighter fluid. Jesus Christ, she’d had an orgasm in her hallway where anyone could see. Then she remembered her neighbor whistling at them. Great. So someone had seen. Awesome. Now she'd be that girl. The one who got off in the hallway.

  She groaned, as she rolled over automatically seeking Hunter’s warmth. Her whole body flushed as she remembered the other things they’d done. The crack of his palm on her ass and how she’d liked it. His finger back…there. She’d never done any anal play and it surprised her that she liked it.

  And the rumors about Hunter were true. He was freaking enormous. But he’d been gentle with her—and rough with her, all at the same time.

  Bailey was pretty sure she would have a few love bites all over her tits and ass. Her nipples ached of course, and her inner thigh muscles were on fire. She could use the time this morning to take a soak. But that would mean leaving Hunter in bed and she vaguely recalled his offer of morning sex in the shower. You are a glutton for punishment. That she was. Just the idea of his hands on her again made her tingle.

  When she rolled over to meet the heat, it wasn't there. She didn't dare crack open an eyelid, but she could feel the warm streaks of sunlight already threatening to break through her lids. She patted around on Hunter’s side of the bed. Empty.

  Her eyes snapped open. "Hunter?" Had he climbed into the shower without her? That was hardly fair. Wrapping her comforter around her, she wiggled out of her bed, groaning as her clit throbbed and her legs shook. Jesus. What that man could do to her. Some of the things they'd done—some of the places he'd put his tongue—made her flush. But she’d enjoyed every damn second of it.

  "Hunter? Where are you?"

  She checked the kitchen and living room, and then headed for the shower. Had he forgotten they were supposed to shower together? When she padded into the bathroom, there was no sign of him. And there was no sign of his clothes, either. He wasn’t here. He'd left her.

  Even in the face of the evidence, she refused to believe it. No. There was no way he had left her after what they’d done.

  Especially not after planning a date like that. That was the guy she knew. The Hunter she loved wouldn’t do things like that.

  Whoa, easy there. Love?

  No. It wasn’t like that. She loved him like a best friend would.

  Sure, keep telling yourself that. The guy she knew would never fuck and dash.

  Except, where is he?

  Fuck. He really had left her. Had he seriously been playing the long game? She knew the guys in the office talked about how she'd shot down pretty much anyone who dared ask her out.

  Had Hunter stepped up to the challenge? Of course he had. And now that he’d spoken to her in all the dirtiest ways possible, he was done.

  Oh God. Bailey sank to the floor with the comforter wrapped around her and leaned her head against the wall to the bathroom. What had she done?

  You let that man put his tongue in your— No. She wasn’t going to think about it.

  But even as she was busy trying not to think about all the places Hunter's tongue had been, and all the ways he’d fucked her, her body heated. And before she knew it, she was wet. Dammit.

  Fuck him. She was the goddamn prize. He really thought she was going to be another notch on his bedpost? Did he expect her to run? To avoid him? Well, she wasn't going to do that.

  What she was going to do was get in the shower, wash her hair, look totally fucking smoking hot, and then have ice cream for breakfast. Because that's what you did when your best friend turned out to be a total asshole.

  Once she was out of the shower and had styled her hair into soft beachy curls, she took time applying her makeup.

  Not just the usual tinted moisturizer and bronzer, but she wore lipstick. Even mascara. When he saw her, he was going to eat his heart out. And even better, she wore red. A flirty skirt, paired with a blazer and a silky white camisole. Her staggeringly high Jimmy Choos completed the look. She loved those shoes. She’d won them at a radio station’s Pick-a-Pair party.

  And while she stood in her kitchen, eating cookies and cream straight from the carton for her breakfast, she tapped her foot and struck a power pose. She was a strong woman. And she wasn't going to let this setback topple her.

  If Hunter Richards thought she was going to let him near any of this again, he had another thing coming.

  By the time lunch rolled around, Hunter was ready to rip someone's head off.

  First, he was starving. Second, he hadn’t heard from Bailey all damn day. When he’d gotten the five a.m. urgent call, he’d had a massive urge to throw middle fingers to the air and ignore it. He was finally with Bailey and nothing could compare to that.

  But it was never a good idea to tell your senior vice president to go fuck himself. It turned out that his senior vice president, Stephen had a dog. And that dog, Daisy, had inhaled their entire Wendell RFP flash drive as part of her breakfast.

  And given that they had to present to Wendell at two pm today, they didn’t have time for Daisy to release that piece of goodness. Why in the world did Stephen insist on doing things old school? It was like when it came to his technological development, he’d stopped at flash drives. He refused to store anything on cloud storage for fear that someone was going to hack them.

  Seriously, who was that daft? So everything they had, had been on that one fucking flash drive. Now they’d all have to piece together what they thought they had. So here they all were, the entire goddamn team, trying to piece together their pitch before everything had to go to the printer at noon. It made for one hell of a rough day. What a way to fucking wake up.

  It was a far cry from how he’d planned to wake up, with his mouth firmly planted on Bailey's pussy, drawing a sheet-clawing orgasm out of her with his tongue and fingers, and eventually his cock.

sp; Oh, the plans he’d had.

  Turned out Baily slept completely spread out, limbs thrown everywhere, which would have proven useful for his plans. He could've kissed down her stomach, nudged her thighs open wider, licked her softly to wake her up. The best way possible.

  Of course that would have been quickly followed with an amazing shower fuck. Maybe he would have had the opportunity to play with her ass again. Seeing her reaction, last night, he was quickly becoming obsessed with fucking her in all ways.

  But No. Five a.m. his stupid phone rang and, now it was nearly one. He sent another text to Bailey.

  Hunter: Did I break you last night? Your fingers don't work anymore because of the way I had you clawing at the sheets? Let’s get lunch and I can kiss them all better…or other things.

  Hunter hit send and waited, but nothing came back and he was starving. A sliver of unease slid over his skin. He’d been checking his phone like a teenage girl waiting for her prom date. Where was she?

  His first stop, Bailey's desk. He wanted to play it cool because he didn't want anyone in the office to know about them. Though that was more for her than him. Because he would've gladly shouted it from the rooftops. Listen up fuckers, she's mine.

  But Bailey was an intern, so he understood she might not want her business out there for everyone to judge and gossip about.

  "Hey beautiful," he whispered. She didn’t look up.

  He stood there for a good few seconds before he tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, what's up?" Her head snapped up and she dragged ear buds out of her ears.

  "Oh. It's you."

  He frowned. Something was wrong. He could see it in the tension around her lips. “You okay? Did something happen?"

  She shook her head. "Is there something you need?"

  Oh, yeah, I need something all right.

  A smirk tugged at his lips. "Well, now that you’re asking..." But when she jerked away from his touch, he could see that she clearly wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Come on, something's wrong. Talk to me."

  She turned in her seat to face him and then stood to full height. “Listen, I know you think you're being cute right now but I'm not in the mood. So just let me know what the hell it is you need."

  His brows snapped down. "What's going on?" He glanced around to make sure that no one could overhear them. He was lucky that most folks were out to lunch.

  Putting his hands on her shoulders, he gave her a gentle push into her seat as he knelt in front of her. "Did I do something? Because last I remember, you were coming around my dick. And when I saw you this morning, you looked happy. Peaceful even. So what's changed?"

  Her mouth fell open. "What's changed?" She gave him an exasperated shake of her head. "You know what? This was a huge mistake. I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

  The slice of pain cut deeper than he thought it would. “Mistake? Is that why you haven't returned any of my texts today?"

  A feeling of dread looped around his neck and started to squeeze. Was he too rough when he’d spanked her? She'd seemed to like it, but had he read that wrong? And the hickeys. They were probably really showing on her skin now. And that other stuff, the dirty talk, his finger in her ass, he’d pushed her too hard. And he was big, he knew it. She might be raw today.

  You’re an idiot.

  "Did I hurt you last night?" Hunter swallowed hard, unable to get the words out. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to. I just need you to talk to me. Tell me—”

  "No, dumbass. You hurt me this morning. I mean, I should've known that you were only interested in me for—" she halted and frowned. "What texts?"

  Hunter stared at her. "I couldn't find anything to leave a note on. And I didn't want to wake you because, let's face it; I kept you up half the night. So I sent you a text with where I was going, told you I’d see you for lunch. You didn't reply."

  Her scowl started to loosen but her gaze was still narrowed as if she wasn't sure if she should believe him. "I didn't get a text."

  "Check your phone. I sent it to you this morning at 5:15 when I was still in your bed."

  "5:15? Where the hell were you going that early?"

  He threw his hands up. "I was coming here. Check your phone."

  She pulled her purse out of the drawer and then dragged out her phone. She didn't even look at it when she held it up to him. “See, no text alerts."

  Hunter worked hard to keep his smile in check. "Bay, is your phone on?"

  "What? Don't be ridiculous." When she snapped the phone back around and hit the home button, nothing happened. And then she flushed. "Oh God. After our date, I… didn't take out my purse. Because I didn't touch my purse again until this morning to transfer everything to my bag for work."

  "And let me guess, you didn't think to charge it?" He pinned her with a direct look.

  "No. I was a little preoccupied this morning. I thought you'd abandoned me."

  He took her hands. "Bay, why would I do that? That was single-handedly the most intense—" he slid his glance around again, "night of my life. I would never just walk out on you. I meant when I said. We’re Hunter and Bailey. I wouldn't hurt you like that."

  She flushed a deep red. "I know. I—I'm sorry. God, I just woke up and you were gone, and I assumed that you just walked out."

  "You think I could walk away from you after last night? You pretty much own my dick. Where you go, he goes. You two are like a package deal now."

  She covered her face with her hands. "Shit. I'm sorry Hunter. I feel like a total idiot."

  Relief flooded his veins and he brought her hands back down into her lap as he held them. "Hey, I'm just glad you're not kicking me to the curb. Once we get this Wendell thing over with, I'd like a morning after redo if you don't mind."

  A smile tickled her lips. "I feel like that might be arranged."

  "Good." His gaze pinned on her lips as she flicked out her pink tongue to moisten them. And memories of what they didn't get to finish this morning assailed him. "But before I can give you a better morning after, I think we need to make up. Come on."

  She followed but asked, "Where are you taking me?"

  “Somewhere I can show you how awesome it is to make up." He needed her now. Needed to chase away the panic he’d been feeling a minute ago. He needed to sink deep inside Bailey so that he could remind her, and him, that they belonged together.

  And he knew just the place.


  Bailey moved her legs double time trying to keep up with Hunter’s pace.

  “Slow down,” she hissed, hoping like hell that no one would come down the hallway and see him dragging her like a madman.

  Then he took an abrupt left and they stumbled through the doorway into the supply closet. The sharp tang of some kind of cleaning fluid assaulted her nose. Before she could say anything about it, Hunter’s lips covered hers. Immediately, all rational thought flew from her brain and all she could do was feel. Bailey tangled her fingers in his hair and massaged the thick strands as she sucked on his tongue.

  When she’d woken that morning to an empty bed, it had hurt way more than she’d told him. He’d done more than just sex her up last night, he’d completely overwhelmed her, and there was no denying it, her heart was wrapped up in this. If he wasn’t as invested as she was, there was going to be one major fall in her future.

  “God damn, I missed this all day. Tell me you missed me.” Hunter growled against her neck and the rumble of his deep voice against her skin sent a chill down her spine.

  “I missed you, too. That’s why I was so upset.”

  Hunter’s hands tightened on her hips. “I can’t believe you thought I would just leave you like that.”

  Now that he’d explained everything, Bailey felt terrible. He’d looked so hurt that she hadn’t had more faith in him, and she really couldn’t explain why her mind had immediately gone straight to assuming he was a douche. Was she so used to assholes that she didn’t know a good guy when she had one? She hated the idea that
her past dating history could be screwing up a great thing.

  “I’m sorry, Hunter. Can I make it up to you?”

  “Mmmm, maybe. Let’s see what I can find to play with that might cheer me up.” His fingers danced up the skin of her thigh until he encountered her panties. “Hmm, these can go.”

  After a little maneuvering, he got them down her legs and they disappeared into his pocket. Bailey had a feeling that she wouldn’t be seeing those again for a while.

  “And what about this? It seems there’s a soft little kitty cat here. Let’s see if I can make her purr.”

  Bailey would have made a snarky comment about him nicknaming her pussy but then he did something with his fingers that actually did make her purr. Or at least the moan she let out sounded like one.

  “Hunter, we can’t do this here. What if someone comes in?”

  His mouth was working against her ear and Bailey lost all sense of time and place when his tongue caressed the lobe.

  “It won’t take long, sweetheart. I only want a few minutes.”

  He shifted around, and in the dim closet, she saw that he had a condom.

  Oh my god. Were they really doing this?

  Then he pulled his cock out and stroked the full length and Bailey didn’t give a shit anymore. Her mouth watered at the sight and she knelt in front of him so she could take a mouthful of that beautiful part of him that brought her so much pleasure.

  “Fuck, yes. That feels amazing, sweetheart.” He wrapped her hair around his hand so he could better direct her. Bailey moaned at the subtle tug of his hand. When she looked up at him, his eyes were focused on her lips wrapped around him.

  “So. Fucking. Hot.” He ground out the words, completely entranced by the sight of her lips working over the swollen head of his dick. But before long, he tugged slightly, pulling her back off.

  Bailey let him go reluctantly, licking the head before placing a soft kiss on the tip. Hunter’s eyes glittered with barely concealed hunger as he rolled the condom on, and then he lifted her in his arms. Bracing them against the closed door, he rotated his hips and his cock slid through her wetness. Her head fell back against the door with a loud thud. He pulled back out.


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