Bad Benefits

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Bad Benefits Page 8

by Allie Valentine

  "Hunter. Please."

  "Hmm? Please, what sweetheart?"

  "I'm begging you to stop torturing me. I just need to—"

  "Come?" he offered helpfully.

  She nodded adamantly. "Yes, that'll help me forget everything."

  "Well, I feel like true forgetfulness and loss of brain function only happens on the second or third time around. So we’ve got a while to go yet."

  Under her breath, she muttered, "Hunter Richards. If you don't bring your dick over here, I'm going to do something very, very bad."

  He chuckled. “Do you promise?"

  Bailey groaned as she wiggled in his grasp. "This is not a joke, Hunter."

  "No. It's not. My girl asked me to help her forget. And now she's trying to direct the show. How do you think that's gonna go?"

  "With a spanking?" she asked with a low whisper.

  Was it him, or did Bailey really, really want a spanking? "Oh, we'll get to that. But right now I want to taste you. Then we can talk about all the spankings you might deserve."

  "Hunter, do you want me to beg? I'm totally not above begging."

  He chuckled as he kissed her inner thigh. "I will not be dissuaded from my task. Now open your legs wider and let me take care of you."

  With every kiss and flick of his tongue over her skin, Bailey shuddered. And finally, she put her glass of wine down and laid herself across the island, her hands clenching the other side for purchase. Perfect. She was wide open to him, and ready for whatever he might bring.

  Hunter teased his thumb over the seam of the lace thong barely covering her sex. God, she was so wet. She’d already soaked it through.

  Instinctively he knew exactly where her clit was and he pressed gently, sending her into a low moan and restless wiggle of her hips. Hooking his thumbs into her underwear, he tugged the fabric aside, and took a small taste with the tip of his tongue. So goddamned sweet. Fucking heaven.

  "Oh God. More please." Bailey made this low keening sound at the back of her throat and his dick was steel.

  Hunter didn't need her to beg. He’d been dying for a taste of her all day. He should have been there to help. You could help her now. You can give her the most mind-blowing orgasm she’s ever had. Their first time together was going to be tough to beat, but he was going to give it a try.

  With long laps of his tongue, Hunter licked over her, pausing only to slide his tongue into her sex, and fuck her gently. When her body would try to grip him and keep him inside, he retreated. Giving her the tease, giving her a hint of what she wanted.

  Bailey rotated her hips, trying to get his tongue directly over her clit so that she could ride him to orgasm, but he wasn't letting that happen. With a frustrated growl, she started to close her thighs, and Hunter reached up and gave her one sharp smack on her bare ass.

  She stilled, then moaned low and hungry. And he couldn’t help a grin. He liked her response to him. He wanted to drive her crazy. He wanted her so insane, she would do anything just for a taste of this. What they had. He wanted to give it to her. Give her everything she needed, and then some. He wanted to light her world on fire.

  Losing control of himself, he tucked both hands into the elastic at the waistband, and then snapped his wrists. The panties fell away quickly, and Bailey swore low under her breath.

  "You owe me a new pair."

  "Put that on my tab."

  Hunter grabbed her ass, holding it, squeezing it, loving the weight of her flesh. In between laps at her satin-soft, pale pink lips, he took little nips out of her ass, making her squeak and then moan as he kissed away the tiny hurt.

  Her first orgasm came quick. He canted her hips up and planted his lips directly over her clit, sucking fiercely, determined to make her fly. And the moment he felt her body quake, he slid his tongue deep into her pussy, relishing the silken cream she gifted him.

  But when the quaking subsided and her legs started to sag, he didn't ease up. He kept lapping at her, avoiding direct stimulation to her clit, but still driving her mad. He could tell when she was climbing back up to the top of the mountain again by the way she gasped his name, all breathless and needy.

  Fuck, he loved that sound.

  Just when she was nearing that peak again, shaking, begging him to just let her come again already, he tried something new. After he licked her clit with the tip of his tongue, he ran over her slit, fucking her gently again. But this time he let his tongue continue along the trail and over that stretch of skin between her pussy and her ass.

  And then he ran his tongue over the hidden pucker.

  Bailey jumped. But he held her firm in position and he did it again. He circled the pucker gently. Circling, before probing with the tip of his tongue. The moment his tongue pressed over the bundle of nerve endings again, he rubbed his thumb over her clit, and Bailey screamed his name, the sound reverberating and echoing off of the walls.

  With a grin, he placed a kiss on one of her cheeks, before slowly standing behind her. He grabbed a condom out of his wallet and made quick work of his clothes and the latex. Leaning over Bailey, he smiled into her hair. "How’s your memory now?"

  "I don't think I remember my own name."

  "Hunter Richards at your service. I aim to please.” And then he lined up his dick to her heat, and slid home.

  Bailey moaned deep. And as for him, shit, he could barely think. Her body was still having remnant tremors from her last orgasm, and squeezing him tight.

  What was it about her? He’d had a plan. He was going to fuck her slowly. He was. Except the way she squeezed him and milked his cock, that wasn't just the tremors from before. She was doing it on purpose. She was trying to make him lose control. “Bailey,” he gritted out. “I want another orgasm from you before I come."

  "Okay. Don't hold back. You come, and I'll come. I swear it."

  "Jesus. Fuck.” How had he gotten so lucky? And, in truth, he couldn't stop himself. When she was squeezing around him. He knew he wouldn't last long. He tried to hold back, tried to slide deep and take his time. But with Bailey pushing back against them, chanting his name, and gently squeezing him, there was no hope. His only chance was to make her come with him.

  Hunter reached his hand around her waist, sliding his fingers between her legs, and found her clit again.

  She cried out, "Oh my God. Hunter, it's too much. I don't think I can—" and then she was flying. Again.

  Hunter didn't let up on that bundle of nerves. He kept circling and stroking as he hit her deep. Her pussy grabbed onto his dick and didn't let go. But he kept retreating, groaning in pure ecstasy while she milked him. And then another set of tremors along his dick set him off.

  With her in front of him, bent over, clasping onto the island, moaning, "Yes, yes, oh God, yes. Right there," Hunter lost all control and erupted.

  He could only muster the energy to kiss the nape of her neck. "So let me ask again, how was your day, baby?"

  Beneath him, Bailey chuckled. "It was bloody fantastic. Matter of fact, I want to do that again."


  Bailey rolled over and smiled at the sight of Hunter asleep next to her. He looked so young like this, with his trademark smirk nowhere to be found, and the gentle, relaxed expression of someone who was completely at peace. She felt like such a girl watching him sleep, but it was impossible not to want to cuddle him right now.

  Was there anything sexier in the world than the sight of a handsome man in slumber with wild hair? Bailey couldn’t think of anything.

  It was too bad it wasn’t the weekend so they could stay just like this a while longer. She frowned thinking of what her day was going to be like. If the way that Dent had been yesterday was any indication, maybe she should just call in sick.

  What the hell was up with him anyway? He’d always been weird but at least he’d kept it semi-professional. But now that she had some distance from the situation, she didn’t think she’d been overreacting yesterday at all. All she had to do was remember his hot breath on
her neck and she knew she wasn’t being overly sensitive. In what universe did you get that close to an employee? There was no way he didn’t know that he was making her uncomfortable, so why would he do that? And what did he expect to happen?

  Suddenly Bailey had a thought that made her want to barf and cry at the same time. Had Mr. Dent seen her that day? She’d assumed that he’d been too engrossed in his…activities, to notice her fleeing the scene, but maybe over the past week he’d remembered something and realized that she’d heard him saying her name. Did he think that she was flattered by it?

  Did he think that she would welcome his attention?

  Gross. Bailey winced thinking how awkward today was going to be if that was true. Hopefully he wouldn’t come right out and mention the Masturbation Moment directly. If Bailey had her way, they could just ignore the entire thing, and maybe work could go back to normal. When her boss had been just slightly gross instead of completely gross.

  The things she put up with for college credit.

  “Hey, what are you doing up so early?” Hunter’s voice infiltrated her thoughts right before his arm reached over and dragged her closer.

  Bailey laughed softly when he tucked her right against him and buried his face in the back of her neck. She was glad there was no awkwardness between them. Sometimes, even when people thought they could transition from friendship to lovers, it didn’t work out that way. She’d been worried that maybe Hunter would be annoyed to wake up to her or quick to try to push her out the door. But he only seemed annoyed that she wasn’t closer to him.

  Bailey sighed contentedly. It was hell trying to protect your heart from a guy as sweet as Hunter. He made it damn near impossible not to fall head over heels for him, even though she knew it was smart to guard her heart.

  “I woke up thinking about what a crap storm it’s going to be at work today.”

  Immediately, his arm tightened around her waist. “You’re still thinking about Dent giving you shit?”

  “Yeah. And then I realized there’s probably a reason he’s doing this now.”

  Hunter sat up so suddenly it startled her. “A reason? What reason?”

  Bailey gathered the sheet that he’d yanked off her body to her chest. “Well, yes. Clearly he’s remembered something from that night. You know… Anyway, he must have realized that I saw him. I guess this is his strange way of hitting on me.”

  Hunter relaxed slightly. “Oh, right. When you caught him rubbing one out and screaming your name.”

  Bailey peered at him. Hunter was adorable in the morning but it was clear that he wasn’t running on all cylinders yet.

  “Yes. What other day would I be talking about?”

  “Nothing. I’m not really awake yet.” Hunter rubbed his eyes and then climbed out of bed, unconcerned that he was completely naked.

  Bailey bit her lip, watching all his muscles flexing as he stretched his arms overhead. Had she really rubbed her hands and her tongue all over that fine specimen last night? Hell yeah, she had. She grinned. Maybe she wasn’t running on all cylinders yet either because otherwise she’d be touching him right now instead of thinking about work.

  “I don’t want you to worry about anything, baby. It’s all going to work out.” Hunter leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. His eyes darkened slightly when she lost her grip on the sheet and her breasts popped into view.

  “In fact, I think maybe I need to take your mind off things again. It’s the least I can do for my best friend, right?”

  Bailey whimpered when his big hands cupped her breasts. He stroked them softly before rubbing his thumbs right over the sensitive tips. Her mouth fell open at the sharp sensation.

  “We really shouldn’t. We’ll be late for work.” Bailey’s inner voice was screaming at her not to remind him about work, but to allow his magic fingers to continue their exploration of her aching breasts.

  “No, we won’t be late,” Hunter crooned, talking directly to her chest. His tongue darted out, taking a gentle lick of her right nipple. “It won’t take but a minute.”

  “A minute, hmmm? I think we can spare a minute.”

  Bailey sighed as he climbed over her. All her thoughts of horrible bosses were quickly obliterated by a handsome man with a very talented tongue.

  And it definitely took more than a minute.

  A few hours later, Hunter hung up the phone and immediately logged out of his computer. They’d managed to get to work only ten minutes late, despite his every attempt to keep Bailey longer. And he’d been slammed with work ever since. His fingers tightened into a fist. The universe was working against him today, since it seemed that everything in the world was conspiring to keep him away from Bailey.

  She’d seemed in pretty good spirits when she got off the elevator at her floor this morning. Not for the first time, he cursed the gossip mill, because he’d wanted nothing more than to pull her in for one last kiss before he got his day started. But he couldn’t do that, at least not where anyone could see them. So he’d settled for a wink right before the elevator doors closed.

  Then he’d immediately gotten on the phone with his buddy Brent in the IT department. Everything Bailey had told him the night before was exactly what he’d feared would happen. He didn’t need to let this play out to know exactly where it was going. Once he realized that Bailey wouldn’t give him what he wanted, Dent would threaten her job. The sad part was, the jerk knew that upper management would believe him over an intern. Bailey had no leverage in this situation. Or at least she wouldn’t have any if Hunter hadn’t kept the video.

  Men like Dent were bullies, and they only understood strength. So Hunter had sent Brent the link to where he’d saved the video in his cloud drive. They were going to send the first thirty seconds of the video out. It would be just enough to warn Dent that someone had the power to crush him, and also put the management on notice that the guy was a scumbag who jerked off when he claimed he was working late. Dent wouldn’t dare badmouth Bailey once he knew a video existed proving his obsession with her.

  It was the ultimate power play. Now he just had to warn Bailey, since they’d planned for it to go out right before the workday ended. He would grab Bailey so they could leave early. There was no way to predict how Dentface would react and he didn’t want her in the line of fire.

  Hunter decided to sneak downstairs before anyone else decided they urgently needed his help, and see if he could take her for lunch. He poked his head into his boss’s office.

  “Hey, Stephen. I’m going to take lunch early. Text me if anything urgent comes up.”

  His boss narrowed his eyes slightly. “Are you okay? You’ve been in a mood all morning.”

  Damn. He thought he’d done a decent job of hiding his annoyance.

  “I’m good. Just getting slammed this morning.”

  Stephen nodded slowly. “Cool. Just don’t forget we have a planning meeting later today.”

  “Of course, I didn’t forget.” Hunter lied. Shit, his plan to get Bailey out of here early might not work. He really needed to get down there and see her. Once he explained everything, she might decide to just plead sick and leave early on her own.

  As he walked through the maze of cubicles on his floor, he saw he wasn’t the only one who’d gotten the idea to leave a little early. He punched the button for the elevator and when the doors opened, the last person he wanted to see stepped out.

  “Richards. I was just coming to see your boss.”

  Hunter almost cracked a tooth clenching his jaw so hard. “Mr. Dent. Stephen is in his office.”

  Dent grinned. “I bet I know where you’re going. But she’s not at her desk. Hasn’t been at her desk all day. Maybe you should check the supply closet.”

  Don’t punch him in the face. Don’t punch him in the face.

  Hunter stepped into the elevator. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Dent snorted. “Sure you don’t.”

  As the elevators doors slid c
losed, Hunter’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, grateful for the distraction so he didn’t give in to the temptation to get off the elevator and beat some ass. But when he saw the text message on his phone, sent from the company server, his heart leapt into his throat. Then he clicked on it and his heart dropped all the way back to his stomach.

  “Oh fuck no.” He hit the button for Bailey’s floor several times and sent up a silent prayer that he could get to her before she saw this message.


  Bailey was determined to have a good day. All she had to do was make it through without seeing Mr. Dent. Hell, she would settle for a whole hour without seeing him. She could do this.

  Lord knew she’d had the right kind of wake-up call that morning. So a good day was imminent right? Two orgasms was definitely the right way to start the morning.

  And so far, she’d managed to dodge Dent and his nonsense. Even though she’d cheated a little and gone the complete avoidance route.

  As soon as they’d arrived at the office, she’d grabbed her laptop and hidden out in the smaller conference room at the end of her floor. She’d used the morning to make most of her calls and then she’d had some uninterrupted work time. She hadn’t been that productive in weeks.

  With every email she sent to the team she was working with, she CC’ed Dent, so he’d at least know she was in the building and working. He just wouldn't be able to find her by going to her desk.


  She stretched before diving into the work for Alta Vista and noticed Karen from accounting walking by the conference room and staring. Bailey waved with a smile and Karen scuttled off. What the hell was that about?

  But that wasn’t the only time someone walked by. There was a steady stream of folks after that. Which was unusual, because no one ever used this conference room except for one-on-one meetings with managers, and no one had it booked all day. And to make it all stranger, no one ever took the stairs to the fifth floor, so the steady stream of folks meant people were there just to check the conference room. Maybe someone wanted to use it?


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