One Night With the Prince

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One Night With the Prince Page 4

by T. M. Mendes

  Yeah, needless to say I scarred him for life. I think he’s gay now. With a shrug of my shoulders I found a pair of jeans that I had rolled into a neat ball, and found a rolled up white t-shirt that had ‘I make falling look cool’ on the front. Missy and Danny got me this shirt since I’m very clumsy in the worst situations.

  I pulled out my black converse and slipped them on so I was ready to go! There was a knock on my door, and my heart started to thunder. I wasn’t going to go down without a fight! I grabbed the nearest weapon, which sadly was a pillow, and got ready.

  “Come in?” I said, slightly freaked. A small man came in with a large suitcase. What? He noticed me in a battling position with my pillow, and he held his hands up.

  “Whoa there girly! I’m just here to get you ready for the dinner in two hours.” He chuckled. He seemed sweet, but I wasn’t going to let my guard down, especially when he brought out a hideous pink dress!

  “I didn’t know you cross dressed, because that dress must be meant for you.” I said through narrowed eyes. He looked confused.

  “Yes, it’s for you. I have to get you ready. I’m your personal stylist.” He said. I shook my head at him.

  “Nu-uh! I’m not getting ready, making myself up so I can impress people who I don’t give a poo about, because they kidnapped me.” I said fiercely, backing away from the Pepto-Bismol dress that had way too many sparkles that reminded me of a Las Vegas sign.

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about with the whole, ’kidnapping’ thing, but we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” He said with an evil smile coming closer with a hairdryer. I just smirked at him.

  5 minutes later…

  “Okay! Fine! I give up! Go to the royal dinner wearing-ugh- jeans, and a t-shirt!” He said, defeated. I had him pinned to the ground with my foot on his throat, not putting any pressure on it.

  “That’s what I thought.” I grinned while helping him up. He gave me an ‘are you serious’ look.

  “You’re crazy! But I like you.” He gave me a small smile. I patted him on the cheek.

  “The sooner you realize it the better baby.” I winked at him. What? I’m a likeable person! Well, except to all authority figures. Ahem, Principal. Parents like me though, when I’m not trying to influence their child to go skydiving with me. Missy’s mother still won’t let me come in their house.

  “So what’s your name?” He asked stepping back, probably so I don’t kick his butt again. I grinned back at him.

  “Anna. But some people call me Red.” I shook his hand.

  “I’m Carlos. So, what were you saying about a ‘kidnapping?’” He asked. I blew out a breath. Wow, I almost forgot why I was here! So I sat down and told him everything. The contest, the flight, the hotel room, and finally the how I ended up here. He sat looking wide-eyed.

  “So, you’re not supposed to be here?” He said slowly. I bob my head yes, and he flops down on the bed next to me.

  “But! They were saying there were exactly 15 girls! It would have been 16 if you’re here! So, who ditched?” He asked out loud. I sat up abruptly.

  “You mean to tell me that the only reason I’m here is because some bimbo didn’t show up!?” I yelled. He cringed but nodded.

  “That’s what I think anyways. I still can’t believe you’re going to the dinner in that! But I can’t wait for their reactions. You do know it’s a royal dinner. You’re in the castle.” He said. My eyes got wide, and his filled with hope to give me a makeover but, “I still don’t give a crap! They took me without permission!” I said frustrated. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

  “Well, Red, I need to go since I’m no longer needed, but I’ll stick around for the dinner. Something tells me it’s going to be pretty interesting.” He smirked and walked out. I decided to look around so I opened the door, and gasped.

  I was on the second level, and it was a huge circle so you could see doors going around the entire level I was on. I assume it’s the other girls. Then on the first level, which you could see from the white railing, was designed with a white and gold tiled floor that had a beautiful pond in the middle with some sort of symbol in it.

  The walls were various shades of blue, and had plants here and there. There were colorful sofas and chairs with decorative pillows. It was gorgeous! I heard a throat clear behind me and I spun around to meet what was his name? Oh! Demetrius!

  He had on a fancy suit, and I admit he looked hot, but that smirk on his face told me to keep my guard up.

  “Good evening my lady. How are you?” He asked stepping closer to me. I sighed internally. I’m going to have to whip him into shape aren’t I? I narrowed my eyes at him and I saw a flash of amusement in his before it disappeared.

  He didn’t give me time to respond, as he put a hand on either side of the railing, trapping me to him. Yep! Definitely a butt kicking! Suddenly his hand snaked its way to my bottom, and I snapped.

  “I like you.” He whispered in my ear. I smirked, and twisted his arm back before flipping him to the floor. His eyes showed surprise, and I faked surprise.

  “What a coincidence! The floor likes you!” I said in a patronizing tone. I bent down to his level.

  “You try something like that again and I won’t be so forgiving, and you won’t be able to have children.” He nodded, and I helped him up. Dang, I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Did I have a problem? Nah.

  “I think you should know I don’t normally act like that.” He smiled. Something told me he was telling the truth, but I motioned for him to elaborate.

  “It was a test to see if you were genuine or not. Please forgive me. I won’t try something like that again.” He asked. What the heck does that test mean? Oh well. I just nodded.

  “Sure whatever.” I shrugged. He chuckled.

  “What’s your name beautiful girl?” He asked.

  “Anna, but a lot of people call me Red.” I smiled and crossed my arms. He looked over my appearance and his eyebrows furrowed.

  “Were you not given a stylist to get ready for the dinner in 10 minutes?” He asked. I nodded.

  “Yes, but I beat showed him not to mess with me as well. I wasn’t going to wear that hideous dead flamingo! And I don’t want to impress anyone if I’m getting out of here. Especially since I shouldn’t be here.” I answered.

  “What do you mean?” He asked. I put a hand on his shoulder, which was hard to do since he was so tall and I was so short. We then started to walk together.

  “C’mon pretty boy, I’ll explain on the way, you just show me to this dinner, and things will clear up.” I smirk.

  Oh, this will be good.

  Chapter seven


  Demetri started laughing at me as he led me through the hallway. I punched his arm.

  “Ow! Sorry! Geez! But you have to admit it’s funny!” He tried to reason. I had just explained my situation to him, and the dodo bird thought it was funny.

  “No it’s not! You try waking up in some room you don’t know only to find someone wants to make you look like Jigglypuff the Pokémon ate you! Eventful yes. Funny? Ask me again when I get out of here.” I scowled at the black marble floor. He chuckled.

  “I really like you…but as a friend! Don’t flip me again!” He said quickly when he saw my challenging gaze. I smirked at him and jumped up to pat his head. I really hated being this short sometimes. He laughed when I missed, and I gave up with a huff.

  “Awww, you’re too cute! I just want to stick you in my pocket!” He cooed patronizingly. I stuck my tongue out at him. We made it to these double doors that went all the way up to at least 15 feet. Wow! I was about to open the door when he stopped me.

  “Wait, wait, wait, wait! I have to see their reaction! So stay here real quick and then come in after you hear the okay.” He said hurriedly. I shrugged and said okay.

  Prince Zachias

  I sat there bored at the long table as these girls tried to shamelessly flirt with me. We were waiting on the las
t one to arrive before we could start and eat. I saw some girls sitting across from me and I politely smiled at them at them and they giggled back. Wow. I then see Demetri rush in and I give him a confused look as he sat next to me, since I saved him a seat next to me.

  “Where’s your girl my boy?” My father asked at the end of table. He had to talk loudly since the table was annoyingly long. I could tell Demetri was trying not to laugh as he struggled to talk.

  “Your Highness, she is just outside those doors.” He answered. I bent closer to him.

  “Why didn’t she walk in with you like the other guards did?” I asked lowly. He tried not to laugh again.

  “I wanted to see your reaction.” He managed to get out. I quirked an eyebrow as he motioned for the butler to open the door. Everyone gasped especially the girls. Demetri was trying hard not to crack up.

  The girl before us was beautiful. I was wondering why everyone seemed shocked, as all I could see was her face, and it was angelic and graceful looking. Then I looked at her attire and knew why everyone gasped.

  She was not in a formal gown like every woman in here. She was in jeans and a t-shirt, with simple shoes. But I thought she pulled it off quite well. I couldn’t even focus on her clothes that well, as her eyes held me captive. I wanted to know where she would be sitting and saw the only available seat was just to the right of me. I wanted to grin at that.

  She did a playful smirk and literally skipped over! She definitely had a playful side and her eyes shown a mischievous glint to them, letting me know she was not to be messed with. She smacked the butler’s hand away that was trying to pull out her chair.

  “I have to hands, so I can do this. Thank you though.” She smiled kindly at him. He showed shock but held it in. No one had uttered a single word, as it was so silent I swear I could hear heartbeats. This mischievous angel then spoke looking at the other girls.

  “So, how long did it take you all to get ready because it took me five minutes!” She smiled at them. Some laughed under their breaths while others scowled. One girl who had black hair and looked particularly nasty spoke to her.

  “Well…it shows. But if it only took you that long, then why were you so late?” She said in a squeaky voice. Ow, her voice hurts my ears!

  “What’s her name?” I asked Demetrius under my breath.

  “Anna.” He breathed back, still chuckling. Anna spoke again.

  “Well after showing Carlos how gravity works, I then had to show Demetrius over here why not to put hands on a girl who doesn’t want it.” She shrugged. My father actually started laughing.

  “Why?” He chuckled, clearly amused by her charisma. I was mesmerized by it. She was so interesting.

  “I wasn’t going in here with a dress pinker than Paris Hilton’s wardrobe, and Demetrius made a pass at me so I showed him how to kiss the floor instead of me.” She shrugged. I started laughing then, imaging him on the floor at the mercy of her. Demetrius scowled at me.

  “Not funny Kia! She’s good!” He defended his wounded pride. I patted him on the back and I saw Anna looking at me. Her mouth was slightly ajar, and I couldn’t help but look back.

  Even though she was only wearing common clothes, she still looked more beautiful than any other girl in this room. Because hers was natural.I heard a throat clear and she looked down embarrassed. I looked up to see my mother and father grinning knowingly at me.

  “Well, let’s get started shall we?” My father announced. Anna then held up her hand.

  “Excuse me? King person? I need to go home.” She said. No! She couldn’t go now! She seemed so much more interesting than the others! My father furrowed his eyebrows,

  “Why dear?” He asked. She sighed.

  “I wasn’t supposed to be here. I came here on some stupid radio contest. I went into that building when I saw these other girls go in because I thought they sold girls clothes in it. So I was mistaken for another girl.” She explained.

  My face fell. I looked at my father and silently begged him to figure out a way for her to stay. I knew it was selfish, but she was the only silver lining I had seen so far to this ridiculous completion.

  He looked at me and sighed.

  “Um…?” He trailed off.

  “Anna, but people usually call me Red.” She answered. Some people chuckled.

  “Well, Anna. I’m sorry you were put in this predicament, but we have to keep this quiet. We don’t want the media finding out, so I’m sorry but for the time being, you must stay here, until we sort this out.” He said. I felt a small smile creep up to my face. Anna’s jaw dropped.

  “What?! I don’t belong here! Find that other chick who skipped out! I’ll keep my mouth shut I promise! I need to get back to school, and then there’s my mom and my friends!” She rambled on and on, losing steam as she goes. There was silence as she thought it over.

  “How long?” She asked with a resigned voice. My father sighed; he didn’t like it when people under his roof were upset.

  “The competition is around three months long. The tradition is using 15 girls. So I will ask you to participate and in the end it will be my son’s decision.” He said. She looked confused.

  “What is this competition anyways?” She asked. Oh wow, she didn’t even know about that yet!

  “Every generation as far back as this country began the eldest son in the royal family has to choose his bride out of 15 girls chosen for him by his parents. Each girl no matter what gets one night with him. If he likes or takes interest in one or more of them he can choose another night to get to know them better. In the end he will chose a bride and future Queen of this country and be married by the end of this competition.” He explained. She was silent for a few moments.

  “Well, at least I don’t need to worry about him choosing me.” She chuckled. I didn’t though; she had every right to worry. I think I can win her over with my looks and charm. Hopefully.

  “She’s great huh?” Demetrius whispered in my ear. I nodded in agreement. And then my father started to ask questions to the other girls but I tuned him out. The food was served, and of course it was delicious. When the maid served Anna she turned and smiled at her.

  “Thank you so much! Oh! And tell whoever made this that they are awesome!” She grinned. The maid stood there shocked, but quickly smiled. I think the maid was happy for acknowledgement. Everyone at the table sat there shocked at her actions but otherwise continued talking. My father moved his questioning to Anna that I eagerly listened to.

  “So, Anna. You go to school? How did you get this time off to do the contest anyways?” He asked interested. She smiled to herself, and I saw that mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “Yes, I go to this smallish school in Montana. And I was on detention for 2 weeks. That’s how I got the time to do this.” She smiled proudly. Demetrius butted in.

  “Why did you get detention?” He asked eagerly knowing it would be good. Everyone else had stopped talking to listen as well. What can I say? She was captivating.

  “Well, I put a cow on the second story of the school and put a sign on either side that said, ‘Anna Rules’. Yeah, my principal was not happy! I guess it’s better than the month long sentences I have been getting. Those were good pranks! Oh, and I managed to wrap up Principal Anderson’s car with clear wrap! That was funny!” She started to laugh. Wow, she was a little she-devil! I liked it.

  Demetrius was cracking up next to me and I couldn’t help but laugh as well. She was funny, but I’m sure it isn’t so funny when it’s happening to you. The black haired girl sneered.

  “So your grades must suffer from all your absences.” She smirked. Anna smirked right back,

  “Actually they’re perfect. Straight A’s.” She shrugged. The girl looked shocked before her eyes narrowed.

  “That’s a lie! That couldn’t be possible!” She argued. Anna shook her head.

  “Listen…what your name?” She asked.

  “Elise.” The black haired girl answered.

sp; “Well, Elise. It’s simple for me because I have a great memory. There, mystery solved.” She took a bite of her food, and continued eating. I shook my head smiling at her. She was beautiful, funny, smart, witty, and seemed down to earth.

  “Father? Who gets tonight?” I asked, eager to know if it was Anna or not. He smiled knowingly at me.

  “It’s Miss Elise.” He answered. Elise showed me a megawatt smile, but then Anna interrupted.

  “Um, Elise? You have spinach in your teeth.” Elise looked horrified, and tried to look for a shiny surface to inspect. I chuckled at her.

  “You know there’s nothing in her teeth.” I said lowly to her. I could’ve sworn I saw her shiver since I was close to her, but that was probably my imagination.


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