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One Night With the Prince

Page 8

by T. M. Mendes

  Breakfast time came and went. I spent the rest of that morning getting to know my new friends better. Sydney was indeed from Ireland, and Carol was from Italy, while Rachel was from Spain. They all didn’t particularly want to be here. But if your family receives a request to do this competition then you do it. I guess it’s some great honor and privilege. Whatever. Seems like a sexist game to me! They told me on your night with Zach, you chose what you could wear from a specific wardrobe they have for this occasion, and you also get to choose what type of jewels you wear to bed.

  I guess it’s all to impress him or whatever. I couldn’t care less! When it’s my turn, I’m not going to wear stinking jewelry to bed! That’s just uncomfortable! Well, maybe a necklace, but only if I really, really, really, really like it! What? I like jewelry, but I just think it’d be uncomfortable!

  Well I was now lounging about in the open area below where we sleep, as everyone else either was off doing their own thing, or trying to bide Zach’s time with endless flirting. Bleh! So sickening!

  “Hey there Red! What’s got your face twisted in a lovely scowl?” I heard Dem behind me. I smiled at him.

  “Thinking about how many STD’s Zach is carrying.” I state.

  “Six.” He answers. I gasp horrified, but then he starts cracking up.

  “Just kidding. He has five.” He joked. I pushed him slightly. He faked pouted and I giggled. He was so easy to get along with.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. He looked offended, but I could tell he was joking.

  “I feel so hurt, that you’d forget about our date within a span of just hours!” He said outraged. I giggled again.

  “I’m just kidding Dem!” I pointed my head, “elephant like memory remember?”

  He grinned. “Yeah I forgot.”

  I grinned back at him, “Of course you would! You don’t have my mind!” I laughed. We made our way outside, and I followed him down a stoned pathway that was winding around the stone castle walls.

  After some time we came to some rot iron gates that he opened with ease. They squeaked in protest, but otherwise they were easy to open. When we stepped inside my eyes widened in amazement.

  Colors were painted everywhere! Red flowers, blue flowers, purple, yellow, pink, orange! Every color was here in flowers and other plants! It looked like an Eden! There was a white marble fountain smack dab in the middle. We sat down on a light grey stone bench beside it.

  “This. Is. Incredible!” I said, breathless. Dem sighed beside me.

  “Yeah, it is. It’s Zach’s favorite place you know.” He smiled down at me with a knowing gaze. I shifted a bit, obviously uncomfortable about the topic.

  “Yeah. So I heard about Zach’s night last night.” I said to change the topic slightly. He started to laugh out loud.

  “Yeah?! Man that was good! He’s lucky I’m his best friend to rescue him like that from that awful girl!” He threw his head back and barked with laughter. I started chuckling.

  “That’s not the version I was told.” I said smiling, knowing now that Elise had lied. And that comforted me in an odd way. Dem quirked an eyebrow.

  “Oh?” He asked. I laughed,

  “Elise was all about shoving it in everyone’s face this morning about how she had sex with Zach.” I shrugged lightly, feeling much better. I mean, it’s not like I cared! Dem laughed loudly again,

  “Seriously?! Man! Wait till Kia hears about this! I can’t believe that woman! He couldn’t escape her fast enough!” We laughed together at the image of Zach running away from Elise.

  Oh, I’m so going to tease her for this!

  Chapter thirteen

  Prince Zachias

  I gritted my teeth throughout breakfast. I think she was doing this on purpose! The little tease! I had to go clean off and get a new shirt since I now had crushed strawberry in it. And it didn’t help the fact she was flirting her tail off with my supposed best friend Demetrius!

  She got up from her chair later leaving Demetrius by himself, so I took my opportunity and stalked over to him, ignoring the flirty stares of the other girls. My fists were balled up as I got to him,

  “Can I talk to you for a moment?” I said in a deadly calm voice. He smirked at me and nodded but took his time to get up and dust himself off. I took a deep breath in so I wouldn’t yell at him to hurry up.

  I let him follow me silently to my room fuming the entire way. Once we reached inside he sauntered over to the bed and fluttered his eyelashes and patted the bed. I rolled my eyes and sat in my chair waiting for him to start.

  “Okay before you start. This whole morning was to make you jealous!” He cried. I quirked an eyebrow. Oh? I felt a smile light my face as I thought of her going out of her way to make me feel jealous. She must feel something for me then right?

  “I mean I had no idea it would work so well, but by that smile on your face I’d say you were happy this happened?” He asked. I grinned and nodded. He got up and smiled before going over to me and hugging me, and faked cried into my shoulder,

  “I’m so glad you feel the same way Kia! I went through all that trouble to make you jealous! I’m glad you feel the same way I do about you!” He sniffed and wiped away nonexistent tears. It clicked and I pushed him away.

  “You mean she wasn’t trying to make me jealous?!” I said angry again. He looked shocked.

  “You - you don’t like me like that?” He asked in a small voice. I rolled my eyes and pushed him.

  “No! Stop joking around!” I said annoyed now. He started laughing.

  “Yeah, if I was actually gay I could do so much better than you, and no she was not trying to get you jealous.” He smirked. I glowered at him,

  “You know how I feel about her.” I started but he held up his hands.

  “Relax Kia! Nothing is going on, we’re just friends. I wouldn’t do that to you. However, you screw up with her, I will not hesitate to go after her, got it?” He warned. I rolled my eyes.

  “You better just be friends.” I muttered.

  “You’re basically like my brother. I wouldn’t try that.” He stood up and grinned, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a date with Anna.” He laughed as I tried to chuck a pillow at his face as he bolted out of my room. I rubbed my face, and walked out of my room to find out the girl I will have tonight and when I’ll have Anna.

  I bumped into my mother on the way.

  “Hello mother.” I said with a smile. She smiled back and hugged me lovingly before kissing my cheek.

  “How are you son?” She asked with a hand on my cheek. I rolled my eyes.

  “I’ve been better.” I muttered. I just couldn’t get Anna out of my head! She giggled.

  “It’s, oh what’s her name? Anna? Yes! Anna!” She grinned. I rolled my eyes playfully. She escorted us into a study and had me sit down next to her. With a sigh I started.

  “Yes mother. It’s her. I can’t stop thinking of her! She drives me insane! She beat me in swords fighting when I’m supposed to be the best besides father, and then she humiliates me in front of everyone by pushing me into the back pond! Not to mention she loves to tease me!” I stopped for a moment.

  “She’s funny and makes me smile quicker than anyone. She’s absolutely beautiful. She’s smart, and witty. Clever and cunning. And I can’t seem to get her out of my mind and I don’t think I want to.” I finished softly.

  When I looked back up I saw mom had tears in her eyes that were unshed. I gave her a questioning look.

  “Mother? Are you alright?” I asked concerned. She nodded with a smile and sniffed.

  “She’s perfect for you my son.” She kissed my cheek and left me to think. She’s perfect for me? I sighed and sat back thinking about her.



  Demetrius walked me back to inside the castle. We had talked for a while and I haven’t laughed like that in a long time ever since I got here. Which I know that wasn’t long, but for me that was a long time!

  “Oh, we de
finitely have to do this again!” I smiled while we made our way inside. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder.

  “Yeah, you’re a load of fun.” I smiled up at him.

  “You know it!” He was going to walk me back to my room. Tomorrow I could call home again, and I was excited. We made it to the girl’s rooms, and that’s when I saw Elise. I smirked evilly, and Demetrius tried to hide his laugh. He knew I was going to say something. I walked over to her while Dem hid, as she was flirting with one of the younger guards.

  “Why hello Elise!” I said in false enthusiasm. She narrowed her eyes at me and stepped away from the guard letting him step away as well.

  “What do you want commoner?” She sneered. Ooo! Little Miss Cruella knows some big words! I smirked at her looking at my nails.

  “So, I had an interesting talk earlier.” I started. She glowered at me.

  “So? Why am I even talking to you?” She asked herself annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

  “It was about you.” I said. She immediately perked up thinking it was something good. I rolled my eyes mentally.

  “Yes?” She inquired, “Was it about the amazing night I had with Zachias?” She purred smugly. I heard Dem bark a laugh behind me as he was hiding behind a plant. Elise looked over my shoulder confusedly.

  “What was that?” She asked. I looked at her in false concern,

  “Oh no! All those STD’s have finally went to your head! You’re hearing things!” I cried dramatically. She glared at me and I noticed that guard step even further away cautiously. Yeah that’s right! Stay far away from the STD poster child!

  “Shut it! I have people that could get rid of you if I so see fit!” She threatened. I waved her off, unconcerned.

  “Yeah, sure whatever! Do you want to know what I heard or not?” I asked. She huffed but motioned me to continue.

  “I was talking to Demetrius earlier…” I trailed off. Her eyes flashed with nervousness knowing I had her caught. I smirked at her.

  “Oh? A-and?” She stuttered. Some of the other girls were listening as well. I nodded.

  “Yep! Do you want to know what he said?” I asked. There was warning and fear in her eyes.

  “Don’t.” She growled lowly so only I would hear. I smiled wider.

  “Well! A little birdie told me that Prince Zachias couldn’t get away from you fast enough!” I said loudly so everyone would hear. I’m not normally like this but she is 100% witchy. I’m like 12.37% witchy. She growled in rage as some of the girls scoffed at her. She got up in my face.

  “You will regret this. I have many ways to take you down.” She threatened and stormed off. I rolled my eyes at her. Yeah, okay whatever. Dem came out from behind the plants and was laughing.

  “Oh my gosh! I loved watching her fall from her own pedestal!” He was grinning at me. Suddenly a butler came in.

  “Miss Anna. Prince Zachias has requested your presence.” He asked in a stiff voice. I looked at him puzzled, and suddenly felt nervous. I pulled it together and ignored the jealous glares.

  Walking up to the elderly butler I gave him a hug. It shocked him, as he hesitantly hugged me back. I pulled back smiling.

  “You look like you needed a hug.” I shrugged. He smiled warmly at me and led me down the hall. I was nervously fidgeting.

  “So, do you know what he wants?” I asked the butler dude, which reminds me, “What’s your name anyways?” I asked. He chuckled.

  “Crawford.” He answered. I tested it out.

  “Crawford. Hmmm, I like it.” I grinned. He grinned in response.

  “Thank you Miss.” He answered, and I waved that away.

  “Please call me either Anna or Red.” I asked. He nodded.

  “Red. I like it.” He winked. I laughed and he seemed like a nice man. Reminded me of my late Grandpa.

  We made our way to this study like place and I saw Zach himself on the couch grinning like a fool. I crossed my arms.

  “What did you want Zach?” I asked annoyed, but secretly was very nervous. He always makes me feel nervous and flustered. It’s a good thing I was good at hiding my feelings. Crawford had left during our stare down. Great, thanks gramps. He stood up and walked over to me circling me slowly. The way his gaze was meeting mine, it made me want to shiver. Dang it! I wanted to smack that cute-I mean stupid smirk off his face.

  “What?!” I asked nervously, wanting to know why he was looking so confident. Well, he was always confident, but that was beside the point. He chuckled lowly sending a warm tremble down my spine.

  “I had a talk with my father just a little bit ago.” He started. I quirked an eyebrow, as if gesturing for him to go on.

  “He told me who was supposed to be with me tonight.” My breathing stopped as he walked behind me. I felt his lips close to my ear making me shudder.

  “W-Who?” My voice was breaking. Pull it together woman! I felt his hands on my shoulder.

  “You.” He whispered. My breathing spiked at his closeness, confusion sweeping over me on whether or not if I liked his closeness. Oh whom was I kidding!? Of course I liked it! I spun around and took a few steps away from him.

  “Ah, no, no, no!” I denied. He nodded, and stepped closer to me. We kept going like this until - flippen flappin penguins to hell - my freakin back hit the wall. He stepped further so we were almost chest-to-chest. He was towering over me. Personal bubble! I screamed in my head.

  “Yes, and I can’t wait.” He lowered his head until his lips were only centimeters away from mine. Oh gosh! What do I do?! My body was screaming yes as the electric hum was hovering over us, but my mind was yelling no! Think, think, think!

  My eyes started to close on their own accord and I was waiting for him. His hand cupped my cheek, and I felt those amazing tingles where he touched me. Ah, forget it! I can enjoy this right now and sulk over it later. Just as he was going to close that little gap there was a knock at the door that broke the weird haze over us.

  My eyes widened as I thought about what almost happened. No! I couldn’t do this! Either way I wouldn’t be happy! I pushed him back, and all but ran to the door, but not before turning back.

  “You better keep your hands to yourself tonight if you want to keep them.” I warned almost running into a maid in the process by storming out. I gripped my hair in frustration.

  “How could I be so stupid?!” I muttered to myself angrily stalking down the hall. I suddenly found myself on the ground and looked up to see Sydney.

  “Oh! I’m so sorry!” She helped me up. I dusted myself off and continued my inner monologue as she struggled to keep up. She grabbed my arm. “Whoa, whoa there girlie! What has your knickers in a twist?” She asked. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

  “Let’s see, Zach almost kissed me back there, and I would’ve kissed him back, and tonight is my freakin night with him!” I huffed disgusted with myself. She squealed.

  “Oh really?!” Then she noticed my mood again, “Why is that bad?” She asked confused. I sighed.

  “Either I let myself fall for him and he for some reason chooses me, then I’ll be stuck here away from my home. Or I’ll let myself fall for him and he doesn’t choose me and I leave heartbroken! Might as well try and stay far from him.” I reasoned. Those tingles didn’t help at all!

  She patted my arm.

  “Red, maybe you should just go with it?” She suggested. I instantly shook my head.

  “No. I can’t go through that. Either way I can’t win. I wasn’t raised like you all were! I can’t be a freaking Queen, and even if I did I won’t to let myself fall! My idea of a good day is ticking someone off who makes me mad! You girls were all raised in proper homes and taught how to be a royal. I wasn’t!” I fumed out. She looked sympathetic at me as we walked back to the rooms to get ready for dinner.

  “Anna, if you two are meant to be together then it won’t matter. If you fall for him like you claim, you won’t care about anything else.” She reasoned. I walked silently mulling it over. What she sa
id was right, but I’ve seen what heartbreak can do.

  My own mom went through it when my dad skipped town for a young girl that could be my older sister. It was hard for me to see her go through that. She was so depressed for the longest time. Now she’s okay, but why would I want to put myself through that?

  Shaking my head I said goodbye to Sydney and went to my room to get dressed for tonight. This should be interesting.

  Chapter fourteen


  I decided to go with some fitted dark blue jeans, again not wanting to get dressed up for some dumb dinner. I then chose a soft white shirt where the sleeves go to my elbows, and had blue flowers here and there. Pulling on my black converse I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door I grinned.


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