Omega at Risk: MPREG Romance

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Omega at Risk: MPREG Romance Page 4

by JJ Anderson

  “He’ll kill you if he finds you.”


  Distrust shown in the guy’s eyes as he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter who, just know he’s going to kill you if he shows up here.”

  David held out his hands. “I want to help you. Can you tell me your name?”

  For a second, David believed there would be victory, but he had no such luck. The guy wouldn’t give him anything.

  “Okay, so you’re not telling your name, how about your bruises. What happened?”

  The nameless guy’s eyes narrowed then went dark. A shiver skated over his body, and his cheeks turned darker. Silence met David.

  “How about you make up a name I can call you. I can’t keep thinking of you as no one.”

  “But I am no one.”

  David let go a heavy sigh. “If you don’t pick a name, I’ll make up something to call you like Beauregard.”

  The guy’s nose wrinkled. “God, why would you do that?”

  David smiled and reached out, holding out his hand, so the young man only had to give a little for a handshake. He didn’t move.

  “Just a name,” David said.

  The guy bit his lower lip then nodded. “I don’t want to give you my real name. I can’t have you looking me up.”

  “I won’t. How about we go with something easy—something you’ll remember.”

  The guy nodded and reluctantly held his hand out. David leaned in and shook his hand, waiting patiently for a name.

  “Call me Roan. I’ll answer to that.”

  Pleasure made his nerves tingle. “Okay, Roan it is. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Roan’s lips twisted into a grimace before he glanced away. “Why are you helping me?”

  David shrugged and closed his eyes, pushing away thoughts of his time as a police officer in Canada. It had changed him. The number of young kids run through slavery rings was disgusting. Slave traders ruined those kids lives, taking away the best years, filling them with terror instead of joy.

  “I can’t see a kid—” Roan opened his mouth, but David waved his hand. “I know you’re not a kid, but you’re young. So like I was saying, I can’t find a kid in trouble and not help him.”

  Roan nodded and looked away, his throat working overtime like he was swallowing down the pain.

  “I want to look at your bruises. I’m sure you cracked a few ribs. I need to figure out if you have any other broken bones.”

  Roan sighed as he swung his feet over the edge of the couch and sat up. He glanced at his shirt and sweats then back to David.

  “You undressed me?”

  The memory of Roan’s chest, his trim waist, and his soft and smooth skin made David’s throat dry up. Guilt filled him, but he pushed it away. “You were filthy and wet. I had to clean you up a little.”

  Roan didn’t seem to buy his excuse. “I don’t like it.”

  “I didn’t do anything other than wash you and try to make you more comfortable.”

  Roan held up his arm. “What about this?”

  “It’s herbs to help you heal.”

  Roan stood and swayed on his feet. David reached out, steadying him. Pain filled Roan’s features, and he groaned then dropped to the couch.

  “Your ankle, I guess we need to treat the injury,” David said.

  “It’s just one more thing.” Roan looked utterly miserable.

  “Hey, I can help you.”

  Roan glanced up and met his gaze. He looked so sad, so pathetic. “I don’t think anyone can help.”

  “Well, one thing I can do is help you heal. You’re a wolf, right?”

  Roan nodded. “Yeah, and you’re a bear?”

  David’s lips twitched up before he nodded. “Yes, I’m a bear.”

  He studied Roan, watching the pain play across his face. What type of terrible person had held this young man captive? And how had he escaped?

  “Do you think you could shift?” David asked. “It would speed the healing.”

  Roan shook his head and his lips turned down in a frown. “I’m afraid they’ll catch my scent.”

  David didn’t know what to say. This poor guy was going through so much. He wanted to help. Then an idea hit.

  “I know. How about we both shift? I’m bigger, and my bear scent will cover yours.”

  Roan bit his lower lip then nodded. “Sure. I’ll try, but what if I pass out?”

  David reached out and touched Roan’s shoulder. A spark of electricity flashed over David. Roan’s gaze snapped up as his eyes narrowed. He’d felt it too. Neither one of them said anything for a long moment.

  “I’ll take care of you,” David said.

  Roan winced as he moved. David watched intently. What would Roan look like in his shifted form? As a man, he was incredibly good-looking even with the bruises. Curiosity filled David, and he leaned in, taking a whiff of Roan as he started his transformation.

  Five seconds passed, then ten before Roan crumpled to the couch, his breath coming in gasps. David angled his head so he could stare into Roan’s eyes.

  “I can’t,” Roan whispered.

  “It’s okay. You’ll be able to shift soon.”

  Roan looked defeated. His gaze flicked to David as another shudder rocked his body. “I’m afraid they’ll be able to scent me.”

  He leaned in, raking his nose over Roan’s neck as he drew in a breath. The man was sweet as honey, and musky, like something dangerously delicious. There was a spice he could almost place. It reminded him of his grandmother’s pies.

  David leaned back. “Your scent isn’t too strong right now.”

  Roan held his gaze for longer than necessary. “I’m exhausted. Can I sleep?”

  “I’d like you to take a bath, to draw out some of the soreness. I have some herbs that will help, but you’re too…um, you have too many bruises to cover your body with the herbs. I don’t have that big of a supply. A bath is the only way to cover you.”

  Roan nodded, and David reached down, scooping him up before carrying him to the bathroom. He set Roan on the counter and moved about the room, preparing the tub for Roan’s bath. Roan was looking around, staring at the enormous frosted window, and the oversized tub. David glanced at the room he’d become accustomed to. Roan obviously saw the little touches David had added to make this place his. Like the large mirrors, the extra-large shower, the towel warmer in the corner.

  When he’d moved here, he’d wanted this place to really be his. He’d spent the money to make the bathroom luxurious. He liked warm towels after a shower and the extra space in the tub. They were amenities few could afford and maybe he shouldn’t have treated himself, but after everything that had happened, he’d needed this.

  After shutting off the water, he turned to find Roan’s gaze on him. The guy’s brows were wrinkled, and his lips were down in a frown. David pushed away the thick desire filling him.

  “The herbs I’m using, they should help you heal by drawing out the swelling. I need to wrap that cut. It’s still open and doesn’t need to get wet.”

  Roan nodded and glanced away, his cheeks darkening a little. David moved closer and studied the bruises on Roan’s neck as he wrapped his arm with plastic. Anger flashed hot as he made out the shape of the bruise. It was the shadow of a thumbprint that looked almost perfect. Whoever had hurt this young man deserved to be beaten.

  “You okay?” David asked.

  Roan nodded then glanced to the toilet. “I need to use…”

  David looked at the toilet then the tub. He looked back at Roan, and finally, realization struck. “You can’t walk. How about I help you over to the toilet and you can undress and do what you need to do. Then, you can call out, and I’ll help you into the tub.”

  “I’ll be naked.”

  David cupped Roan’s chin and shook his head. “Listen, I’m here to help you. I won’t do anything to you.”

  Roan’s lip quivered before he gave a sharp nod. David picked him up and moved him to the toilet. He gent
ly set Roan down and turned to leave the bathroom. Once in his bedroom, he blew out a breath and shook his head. How could anyone hurt Roan like that?

  After almost five minutes he knocked then pushed open the door a little. Roan was on the floor, scooting to the tub. David stepped in and moved to him, bending low and scooping him up in a fluid move. He stepped closer to the edge of the tub and set Roan down.

  “Can you slide in from here?”

  Roan nodded and kept his eyes averted. The young man was naked, and he understood his embarrassment on one level, but he was a shifter and nakedness happened before and after shifts.

  He waited for a moment until Roan slowly started to lower into the water. After he settled, David stepped to the door.

  “I’ll be out there. I’ll leave the door cracked. I don’t want you falling asleep and drowning.”

  Roan said nothing as David left the bathroom. He headed to the kitchen to warm some soup before changing over his laundry. He glanced into the bathroom a few times, but Roan seemed fine.

  Fifteen minutes had passed, and he hadn’t heard anything from Roan. David moved to the bathroom door listening for sounds. Nothing. He knocked and waited. After a few more seconds of silence, he pushed open the door and glanced in. Roan was sitting with his head leaned back, his body relaxed. He stepped in, and Roan cracked open one eyelid. He looked like hell, and David’s heart squeezed.

  “Do you feel better?”

  Roan shrugged. “A little.”

  “I’m heating some soup.”

  Roan’s eyes closed as he swallowed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  David left the bathroom to check on the soup. After he flicked on the toaster oven to warm some homemade bread, he moved back to the bathroom and found Roan had drifted off. He couldn’t let Roan sleep in the tub, so he pulled the drain and grabbed a towel. It was large enough for him, so when he helped Roan up the side of the tub and wrapped the towel around his body, it covered Roan from his shoulders almost to his feet.

  With the towel in place, David cradled Roan in his arms then moved to his bedroom. His stomach did tiny flips, and his body responded. It would be stupid to act. He wasn’t the type of alpha who took without asking. When Roan adjusted and rested his head on David’s shoulder, warmth spread, stoking the fire of lust.

  He set Roan on the bed. And the towel dropped from his shoulders. The bruises were still too bright on Roan’s skin. Roan cleared his throat and David’s gaze flicked up.

  “I have some of my clothes in the bag I was carrying.”

  David didn’t know what Roan was talking about at first, then he remembered the bag. “Oh, sure. That’s good since I only have one shirt in your size.”

  Roan’s lips parted and a sigh escaped. “Thank you.”

  David warmed. “You’re hurt, what kind of asshole would I be if I turned you away.” He stepped out of the room and grabbed the kid’s bag—maybe that was the trick, he needed to think of Roan as a kid, but the man wasn’t a kid, didn’t smell like a kid at all.

  Instead, he had the scent of full-grown unmated omega who was ripe for the picking. The scent coming from Roan twisted David up. He wanted to taste the omega’s skin, to figure out if he was as beautiful inside as he was out.

  David checked his impulses as he scooped up Roan’s bag which was wet. He stepped into the bedroom and held up the bag. “It’s too wet.”


  “Let me see what I can pull together.”

  Ronan only nodded as he went to his closet an found an old pair of sweats in the back of his closet that were too small for him but would be huge on Ronan. He stepped into the bedroom and held up the pants.

  “When you’re dressed, I’ll carry you out to the table. You need to eat.”

  “Sure.” Roan looked at the pants and frowned. “Those are huge.”

  “True, but you won’t be walking around much with that ankle. I’ll get these cleaned and dry and you’ll have clothes to wear.”

  Ronan grabbed the sweats and bent to put them on. The towel opened a little, revealing more of his thigh. Heat raced through David. He turned and stepped to the door.

  “I’ll be back in a few,” David said as he left the room to check on the soup and drop off the bag in the laundry room.

  He shut the door and blew out a breath. Roan was injured and alone. The last thing he needed was some horny alpha trying to get into his pants.

  After dropping the bag in the laundry room, he tested the soup then moved around the kitchen not really doing anything. When he couldn’t wait any longer he knocked on the door.

  “I’m dressed,” Roan called out.

  David opened the door and desire hit him hard. Roan dressed in his old sweats and a black T-shirt stoked David’s flames. This guy pushed all his buttons. He hoped he could stay calm enough to last until he found where Roan belonged, and then he could take him home.

  Chapter Five

  Ronan tugged on his sweats, thoughts of home filled his mind and he almost lost it. Ruari hadn’t made it to freedom with him. He feared what would happen to his brother. There was a knock on the door, and he called out, “I’m dressed.”

  The sexy alpha stepped in, and Ronan warmed. He glanced away, angry with himself for lusting after David since his brother was still at risk. This man had no idea the trouble coming his way, and Ronan had put him in the crosshairs. If David found out who he was, he would probably kick him out, or kill him… or both.

  “The soup is hot, and I heated some bread.”

  Ronan nodded, trying to stay unaffected by the man, but it was difficult. When David bent to pick him up, he’d caught the alpha’s scent, and his desire spun into overdrive. He had to suppress a shiver and force his mind to think of Ruari, focusing on the trouble his brother had to be in.

  David set him in a chair at the end of a rectangular wooden table. Scars marred the flat surface, some marks deeper than others. A few of them looked like someone had stabbed the wood with a fork and pulled back, dragging it across the surface.

  Ronan glanced up as David set a large, white ceramic soup crock in front of him. Bread was next and then a spoon. He met David’s gaze and shivered.

  “This table is old. It’s the only thing I took from my old life. I didn’t make those marks.”

  Ronan nodded then turned back to the food tempting him, making his stomach rumble. His head spun from hunger, and for a moment he feared he might faint. He’d been too long without food, and he’d been running for most of the day.

  “Eat.” David’s voice rumbled over him. “You look like you need it.”

  “Thank you.” He sounded weak and small, but he was small when compared to this enormous bear. Ronan held up his spoon, saying a few words of thanks to the gods. His mother had made sure they prayed, but his dad hated the prayers. He wasn’t sure how David would react, so Ronan tried not to make it obvious.

  The first bite of soup warmed him from the inside out. He moaned and took another spoonful. It was like he’d never eaten before. He leaned in, spooning the delicious soup into his mouth, unsure if he’d be able to get enough.

  After a moment he glanced up, realizing David was watching him. He sat up and used the napkin to wipe his face.

  “Sorry, I haven’t eaten much.”

  “It’s okay. I’m glad you have a good appetite. So, Roan, I’d like to help you get back to your family.”

  His spoon clattered out of his hand and bounced on the side of the bowl. David paused with his spoon midway to his mouth before he set it down then cleared his throat before he asked. “Are you okay?”

  Heat spiked and the urge to run filled him. Was this guy working with his dad? What if he wanted to send him home? Oh God, he would die if he had to go back.


  He glanced up, worry making his breath come in gasps. His hands slapped the solid tabletop, and he pushed his chair back as he jumped up. The first step was fine, but the next brought a flash of pain
. He fell. David reached out, grabbing him before he hit the floor.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” David asked as he pulled him close.

  He struggled against David’s hold. It had been a mistake to trust this big bear. He couldn’t trust anyone.

  “Roan, stop fighting me.”

  Fear kept him moving, but then David picked him up. Defeat twisted through him like a corkscrew straight to his heart. He couldn’t run anyway, so he gave up.

  A shuddering breath escaped Ronan and ended in a sob. He would be sent back to his family, and it would all be over. He’d never be able to escape again because they would never allow him out of their sight.

  David eased him back to his chair. His breath came in gasps as fear ate him up. All of his bravado about facing death instead of living with his dad dried up. He wasn’t ready to die.

  David sat in his own chair, no longer touching him. He was glad the man wasn’t still holding him, but in a sick and twisted way, he missed the guy’s touch.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say the wrong thing. Eat some more. I swear, I’m not going to send you anywhere you don’t want to go. Tell me, what’s going on?”

  Ronan picked up the dropped spoon and swirled it in the soup. He watched the pieces of meat move with the vegetables. His life felt like someone was stirring him and he had no control over anything. He took a small amount of soup into the spoon but didn’t eat it. “I’m…I can’t go back.” Desperation filled him. He had to return home. “But I have to.”

  “Why do you have to?”

  Ronan glanced up and stared into David’s eyes. Could he trust him? Could he put his faith into this man? He wasn’t sure how far his father’s empire extended. He had no idea how many secret meetings his dad had with other groups to garner favors. He was smart enough to know how his dad operated, but his father hadn’t allowed him access to the full scope of his operations, so the details were murky. His dad would do something, like kill someone, and boom, it was favor time.

  “You don’t have to answer the question right now. How about you eat, get your strength up, and then you can shift? You’ll feel better after you shift.”


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