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Layover Page 8

by Peaches The Writer

  “Yeh, lil’ White girl can’t dance anyway,” Denise teased me.

  Denise loved to party. She was like a female version of Kenny. I couldn’t figure out why Allen agreed to go to the club with her because he wasn’t much of a clubber either. Still, I was a little relieved that I didn’t have to sit up in his face all night while his wife was here.

  Soon, everyone was gone except me, Lisa, mom, and Andy. We sat around and watched The Wheel of Fortune and other shows like it. Before long, there was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other because most people just walk right in without knocking. Since my mother-in-law was old, Lisa was half-crippled, and Andy was a baby, I was the obvious candidate to get up and open the door. When I opened it, I was stunned. I felt like I was looking in one of those funny mirrors at the circus, the one that makes you look shorter and fatter.

  “Is Allen here,” the lady asked.

  “No, he’s not,” I answered matter-of-factly.

  She acted as if she didn’t want to leave. She stood there as if she had more questions.

  “Are you his wife?” She asked me.

  “No, I’m not,” I state plainly, not giving more information than was asked.

  She continued to stand there. Lisa and mom’s attention turned from The Wheel to what was happening at the front door.

  “We’ll is his mother here?” She pressed on.


  I decided at that moment that she wasn’t going to leave so I let her in. She seemed harmless enough and in the worst case, I could probably whip her ass.

  “Hey, my baby,” Allen’s mom greeted the lady. They hugged and the lady sat down next to Lisa.

  “How are you feeling, Mrs. Reilly,” she asked my mother-in-law.

  “Fine. How about you? You look like you’ve been eating,” She told the lady.

  “That and having babies,” the lady confessed.

  Lisa was looking very coldly at the lady and I sensed that Lisa knew who she was.

  “Is that Allen’s little boy?” She asked.

  “Yes,” my mother-in-law answered.

  “Yes, and I’m his wife,” Lisa finally chimed in.

  “You?” The lady asked, surprised.

  “Yeh,” Lisa answered defensively, “Who are you?”

  “Allen and I used to go together when we were little,” the lady bragged.

  “That must have been some time ago,” Lisa cracked.

  “What are you trying to say?” The lady asked.

  “I’m just saying, neither of you are so little anymore,” Lisa continued.

  The lady became defensive. Lisa was getting some good ones in on her and I don’t think she could handle it.

  “Well, all I need to do is lose a little weight. You, on the other hand...”

  I jumped up. I wasn’t about to let this has-been ‘ho talk to my sister-in-law like she was crazy.

  “Hold up, thickness,” I told her, “You need to get the hell on before you get your ass kicked - all of it!”

  She quickly got up and headed for the door.

  “Just tell Allen that Akina came by.”

  “I’m not telling him anything. That man doesn’t want to see you. He has a wife and a son,” I told her.

  “Maybe he will want to see his daughter,” she taunted.

  Lisa got up and walked near the door where Akina was standing.

  “His what?” Lisa asked her.

  “Just tell him he has a ten year-old daughter,” she said proudly and turned to walk out the door.

  I got very angry. I was about to kick her ass. How dare she bring her fat ass up in here and try to wreck Allen’s home. That was my job. This wasn’t even about my feelings anymore. This was about respect and she showed none by coming up in here like that.

  “Allen doesn’t have a ten year-old daughter. You probably don’t know who the fathers are of any of your little bastard children! You better take your fat ass away from here before I put my foot up in it. If you want to claim Allen is the father of one of your little rogues, do it through the court of law, because if you come back here, they’re gonna’ take your ass away in a fucking bag.”

  I slammed the door in her face. I was very angry and Lisa looked quite hurt. I was glad my mother-in-law had taken Andy to the back room. I would never want him to see me like that. I haven’t acted that way in a long time, but then, I have never had anyone close to me so utterly disrespected as what she just did to our family. It had nothing to do with the way I feel about Allen, I was standing up for our family and not letting low-life trash like that bring poison into it. Look at me, I’ve got my nerve. What I’ve been contemplating for weeks would be just as devastating, if not more so. The fact that I’m even considering leaving my husband for his brother, is a testament that I may be just as uncouth as the tramp I just threw out of the house.

  Lisa sat down on the couch and placed her face inside her hands. I felt she was going to cry.

  “Lisa, don’t let that bitch come up in here and upset you. She’s just mad because she fucked up her life so now she’s trying to ruin everyone else’s.”

  “I don’t know, Ny. But it was around that time that she and Allen were dating,” Lisa told me.

  “And so what? How many other guys was she sleeping with? Why is she just now saying something after 10 years? Maybe the other dude she told he was the father found out he wasn’t and now she needs someone else to blame. Come on, Lis, 10 years? That bitch found out how well Allen is doing and now she wants a piece of the pie!”

  “Yeh, but what if it’s true?”

  “Lis, come on. You know Allen was probably using protection. He’s very responsible. He wouldn’t put himself in a position like that. Anyway, he probably knew she was a trick. I mean, why did they break up anyway?”

  “She cheated on him,” Lisa confided.

  “See, that just goes to show you right there she was a slut. Whoever she cheated with is probably the daddy of that baby and he is probably long gone. She probably can’t find his ass, but she always knows how to get in contact with Allen. He’s the obvious choice.”

  “All that’s true, but Allen was very much in love with her,” Lisa went on.

  “Was in love with her. I promise you he doesn’t want her fat ass now, with all those damn children!”

  “Yeh, you’re probably right. Thanks, Ny. You’re a real friend.”

  I felt like a heel. Here this girl is telling me I’m her friend and I’m trying to get her man for myself. I am such a bumb! Still, I had to be strong for her, so I hugged her.

  “How are we going to find out if she’s telling the truth?” Lisa asked

  “Well, she probably won’t even try it now, but if she does, a DNA test will positively exclude Allen from being the father. Look, Lis, I wouldn’t say anything to Allen about this. It will just cause unneeded tension and stress. Besides, I doubt that bitch will ever show her face around here again.”

  “You’re right, Ny. I’m glad you were here. I probably would have sat down with her and let her tell me all kinds of ugly things,” Lisa told me.

  “Lis, don’t ever let anyone tell you anything bad about your man. There are some scandalous ‘hos out there.”

  I must be talking about myself.

  “Well, I’ve had all the excitement I can handle for one day, I’m going to bed.”

  Lisa got up and went to her room. I knew she felt better after I talked to her, but I could also tell she was still concerned. But, if she was going to leave Allen, why did she care so much? Maybe she really wasn’t ready to let go.

  I sat in the living room alone for several minutes. Soon my mother-in-law returned. She had put Andy to sleep and had come back to lay in her usual spot on the couch. We didn’t say anything for a while. Then, suddenly, as if she couldn’t hold her tongue anymore, she blurted out,

  “That might be that boy’s baby.”

  “Mom! Why would you say that?”

  “I’ve seen that little gal. She d
efinitely has some Reilly features.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything.”

  “No, but it’s an indication,” she insisted.

  “You must know more than you’re saying,” I pressed.

  “No. People around here have been saying for years that baby looks like us. But since that military boy married that girl and took her overseas, everyone just let it go.”

  “But why now, mom? Why would she come with this now?”

  “It’s like you said, Ny. She’s not with that military boy anymore. She needs some support for that child and Allen has more than enough means to provide some assistance. Anyway, why are you so worried about it?”

  “Because that’s my brother-in-law,” I said defensively.

  “Um hum,” she smiled.

  “What?” I asked, smiling.

  “Ny, I just act old and crazy. I’m really just old.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know you have feelings for Allen,” She told me.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s obvious. I can’t name just one single indication, it’s just obvious.”

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about. But, I know one thing, if that girl comes around here again, I’m going to kick her ass for upsetting Lisa.”

  “Something tells me Lisa is not the only one upset. Well, Ny, I’m going to bed. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  With that, she got up from the couch and went to the room where she had been sleeping. I couldn’t believe her! First, she tries to pawn me off on Allen, then she tries to claim that I’m the one who likes him. She’s just saying that because she wants me to want Allen. That old lady is a trip!

  I decided to go to bed as well. I had about as much excitement as one girl could handle. I was tired and I had a lot on my mind. I just needed to sleep and think about everything in the morning. I took a quick shower and put on my sexy pajamas, just in case Kenny wanted to pick up where we left off earlier today. Even though I wasn’t really feeling him emotionally, he had sparked some renewed sexual interest.

  I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of the front door opening. I could hear someone stumbling in the dark and I was sure it was my intoxicated husband. I could hear the heavy footsteps down the hall and soon my bedroom door opened. I could hear Kenny taking his clothes off and bumping into the dresser. It was a familiar sound and I felt no need to inquire about his condition. He climbed into the bed and the smell of Hennessy was prevalent. He moved his body closer to mine and I quickly realized there would be a continuation of the afternoon delight we shared earlier that day. However, I was very tired and did not feel like my full participation was warranted, so I turned over for easy access. He never seemed to mind hitting it from the back, as long as he could get a little bit. He began to pull my panties down and put it in. I was rock-hard and he was acting more passionately than I ever remember. It wasn’t his usual middle-of-the-night performance. He seemed to have more passion and purpose. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I reached my climax multiple times. He was giving me such great pleasure that I felt obligated to moan,

  “Oh, Kenny.”

  He stopped in mid-stroke. I began to rotate my butt and ask,

  “Why did you stop?”

  There was still no movement on his part.

  “Kenny?” I asked, “Are you sleep?”

  The silence was petrifying. I couldn’t even hear him breathe, yet he was still inside of me and still rock-hard. I turned my head over my shoulder to see why he had stopped. My mouth dropped open and I tried to let out a scream, but it wouldn’t come out. I was looking at Allen’s face! He looked me straight in the eyes, grabbed my shoulders as tight as he could, gave three quick thrusts and began to ejaculate inside of me. I tried to pull my small body away from him but he wouldn’t let go and his massive arms were impenetrable. I lay there helpless for several seconds until he finished releasing his semen inside of my body. He let go of me and got up quickly. I lay on the bed, in complete shock. I still didn’t know what just happened. He hurriedly put his clothes on and opened the door to leave the room. Before he walked out, he gave one final plea,

  “Ny, I am sorry. I am so, so sorry.”

  I felt like a dirty whore. I couldn’t have felt any more worthless if he had left a $100 bill on the dresser. I couldn’t believe what just happened. I didn’t know if he had come into my room by accident or on purpose, but I do know that he got off of me on purpose. I quickly got out of the bed and got into the shower. I turned the water as hot as I could stand it and stood in it for what seemed like hours. I scrubbed my body until the skin turned pink. I was angry and I felt used. I had always imagined that making love with Allen would be beautiful and sweet, but it was the most disgusting feeling I ever felt! What a selfish thing for him to do. How could he come inside of me like that? When he realized that it was me he was fucking, and not his wife, he should have gotten up. Instead, he just kept fucking me like some kind of rapist or something. I hated him now! Now, everything Akina said doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore. Maybe that’s how he got her pregnant, by holding her down until he came. I was so angry. How could I face my husband now? How could I even look at Allen without asking him why he violated me?

  After I got out of the shower, I changed the sheets on the bed. There was no way I was going to sleep on sheets that he had laid his disgusting body on! I took the dirty sheets to the laundry room and came back to my room. I had put on my favorite lounging pajamas. They made me feel safe, like I was at a slumber party. I couldn’t sleep, because I felt nervous and afraid. I turned on television and sat up on the bed. I sat there looking at the TV, wondering what I had done to deserve this. Maybe I led him on in some way. Maybe I made him think it was okay. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough to get away from him. I was even angrier at myself than I was at him. I actually stood up for this man and defended him when that crazy girl came over and said he fathered her child. I put him up on a pedestal, even thought he was nobler than the man I married. Now I hated him. I feel like such a victim because I couldn’t even protect myself. I couldn’t even get him off of me.

  I sat up for what seemed like hours, staring at the television. I heard the front door open once again and I was sure it was Kenny this time. However, I couldn’t be certain about anything now. I sat up on the bed, tense, waiting for someone to open the bedroom door. Finally, I heard what sounded like Kenny’s footsteps walking down the hall. He opened the door and looked at me.

  “What are you doing up? Were you waiting up for me?”

  “Yes,” I lied.

  “Oh, you want to get a little freaky?” He asked.

  “No,” I told him, “I was just worried about you driving home from New Orleans.”

  “Oh. Did Allen and Denise make it back?”

  “I don’t know,” I said defensively, “I was asleep earlier.”

  “Did you hear anybody come in?”

  “No, I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Well, I’m going to bed. Do you mind if I turn off the TV?”

  “Go ahead, I’ll go in the living room,” I told him.

  I went into the living room and turned on the TV. It was already 4:30 a.m. and I was wide awake. There was no way I could sleep after what just happened. I felt horrible and I didn’t know what to do.

  I eventually fell asleep on the couch and woke up about 5:45am. I was the only one in the living room. On a typical morning, Allen would have his raggedy ass up at 5 o’clock, but I guess he decided to sleep in since he got some a few hours ago. Maybe that’s why he gets up so early in the morning, because he wasn’t getting any from Lisa. I got up to make a cup of tea, when I heard footsteps in the hall. I got nervous and angry, all at once. I knew it was Allen. When my eyes made contact with his, I turned my face and walked as far away from him as I could, trying to pass him in the kitchen and get to the hall so I could go back to my room. I didn’t want to talk to him or have anything to
do with him. The sight of his face made me sick. As I tried to pass him, he reached and grabbed my arm.

  “What are you going to do, rape me again?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Ny, you know I didn’t rape you,” He defended himself.

  “Well, I didn’t consent to it, so what does that make it?”

  “An accident, mistaken identity.”

  “And at the point you realized who you were fucking, you couldn’t stop? You couldn’t just get up, apologize profusely and leave my room?”

  “Ny, I was about to burst, did you really expect me to stop?”

  “Hell yes! Allen you violated me. How dare you?”

  “Nya, I have dreamed of that moment since I met you. I couldn’t control myself.”

  “Well, I hope you enjoyed it, it will be the first and last time you ever touch me. I thought you were special, but now I can see the family resemblance between you and Kenny, you’re both selfish motherfuckers!”

  “Ny, you don’t mean that. Look Ny, I love you. I would do anything for you, you know that. I want you to be happy and follow your dreams. That’s why I gave you the money.”

  “Oh, now I get it. The money was payment, in advance, for services rendered. Is that what it was worth to you? Fifty thousand? Damn, at least Demi Moore was a One Million Dollar whore, I’m a fifty-thousand dollar ‘ho!”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it. I came into your room by accident. I was drunk and I’m used to sleeping in the big room. I forgot you and Kenny had that room this time. Nya, I swear I thought you were Lisa right up until you called me Kenny. But Ny, I needed to reach that climax so badly. I haven’t had sex in months! Lisa cut me off some time ago. I never meant to hurt you, but it was like I was dreaming, I didn’t want to let you go. Now that I’ve done it, I feel terrible, but I can’t take it back. Ny, I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

  “You can’t. You took something special from me. I didn’t want our first time to be like that. I wanted it to be right. I wanted us to be married to each other. I didn’t want some stolen moment in your mother’s bed. That’s low-life and disgusting! You can’t make it up to me. I don’t want anything else to do with you. And one more thing, if I hadn’t already lied to Kenny, I would tell him exactly what happened!”


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