“So, where are you guys going to live?” Akina asked.
I looked at Allen.
“We’re looking very closely at Colorado,” I told her.
“I’m happy for you guys. I really envy you, Nya. I used to look like you. I wish I had taken better care of myself. Whatever you do, don’t get fat.”
Don’t worry.
“Akina, there seems to be a lot of things about yourself that you don’t like. I just want to give you this piece of advice: You can achieve anything you want. You have to believe that in your heart and soul. You can’t let anyone tell you anything different. Remove all of the negative people out of your life and you can have it all. That’s what I did. I was right on the verge of making all my dreams come true. There was one negative thorn in my side. It was Kenny. As much as I loved him, I had to let him go. Now, I have it all. I have the man of my dreams and nothing can stop me now. You can do it, too. No matter who it is, your mother, your sister, your baby’s daddy - if they are negative, tell them to go to hell and get out of your life. Get rid of all of the negative influences for good. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t be. You can have it all.”
Allen looked at me like he wanted to applaud.
She sat back in her seat as if she were really giving it some serious thought. She looked like she had been waiting her whole life for someone to tell her that.
We stopped at a gas station to fill up. Allen was very conscientious about keeping the car full of gas. We already had over half a tank of gas, but he liked to see the needle all the way over on F.
Allen got out to pump the gas and Akina went to use the bathroom. I sat in the car and after Allen got the pump going, he walked over to my window and stuck his head in.
“I’m really proud of you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You are so secure, so unthreatened.”
“What are talking about Allen?” I asked, coyly.
“That was some good advice you gave Akina. I know she is going to think very deeply about it.”
Allen finished pumping the gas and Akina got back in the car.
We continued on our way and soon we were in New Orleans. We took Akina by her grandmother’s house and dropped her off. The whole family rushed to the screen door because a small child had run inside and told them there was a Tahoe outside dropping Akina off.
“It shole is,” one lady stated, “It shole is a Tahoe!”
“Kina, that yo’ man? That’s that boy you used to go wit’?” her mother asked her.
“That’s him, momma, but he’s married now.”
She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
“Naw, momma, she’s cool.”
Her mother changed the looked on her face to a smile.
“How you doin’?” she asked me.
“I’m fine, it’s nice to meet you.”
“You White?” she asked me.
“No,” I told her.
Her mother walked back into the house, explaining to another lady, probably an aunt, “That gal is White.”
Allen and I laughed and began to pull off.
“Where do you want to stay?” he asked me.
“The Royal Sonesta,” I told him quickly.
“What do you know about the Sonesta?” he wanted to know.
“I had a real estate conference there one year. It was really nice. It’s right near the French Quarter.”
“The Sonesta it is, my lady!”
We drove to downtown. After we checked into the hotel, we went to the casino across the street and had dinner. We were gazing deeply into each other’s eyes and enjoying a fine meal when my cell phone rang.
“This is Nya,” I answered, seeing the area code and number on my caller I.D. display.
“Nya, I hate to bother you on Thanksgiving, but Haily is trippin’.”
It was Dee Dee.
“What did she do?”
“Yesterday she started telling me what to do in front of her clients at the office. I told her that I didn’t work for her and if she wanted me to do something for her she needed to talk to me with a little bit of respect.”
“What did she say?”
“She said I was a low-budget secretary who worked for anybody that worked in that office. I was about to kick her ass, but I remember what you told me about fighting on the job.”
“I’m glad you didn’t kick her ass. Save that for me to do. Don’t worry, Dee, when you see her tomorrow, it will be briefly while she cleans out her desk. If she bucks, then you have my permission to kick her ass.”
“You’re going to fire her? What about all the money she generates for the company? You would do that for me?”
“Dee, I would do it or anybody who was in the right. But you’re my girl and Haily has lost her ever-loving mind. I don’t give a damn how much money she makes, I’m the only star at Reilly Realty and Brokerage Services - she better recognize.”
“What are you going to tell her?”
“I’m going to tell that bitch she has to go! What I need you to do is call me tomorrow after she gets all of her shit out of there so I can have someone come and change the locks and codes. ”
“Is that it, Dee? Other than that, how is your holiday?” I asked her.
“It’s fine.”
“Alright, well I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I assured her.
“Nya, I really appreciate you standing up for me.”
“Not a problem,” I told her.
I hung up the phone. Allen looked at me smiling. He had heard most of the conversation, given the fact that Dee Dee was a loud ass ghetto girl.
“Look at you, you are handling things!” He reveled.
“Give me one second, Allen, I have one more call to make.”
I pressed the number on my speed dial that corresponded with Haily’s name.
“Happy Thanksgiving,” she answered, in her most cheerful, goofy ass tone.
“Haily, what happened with Dee Dee yesterday?” I asked her, skipping the formalities.
“Hey, Ny. That little rag-a-muffin doesn’t want to listen to me. She is so lazy.”
“Haily, do me a favor. Go to the office, get your shit, and get to stepping! Dee Dee doesn’t work for you. We’ve been through his before. You’ve been warned before and now it’s time hit the bricks.”
“You’re making a big mistake. When I get my broker’s license, I’m going to put you out of business.”
“When being the operative word. You don’t have the heart to compete in my market and I’m certainly not threatened by some fake ass bourgeoisie wanna-be. If I wasn’t a seasoned professional, I would let Dee Dee kick your ass like she’s been dying to do! Get your shit out of my office or I’ll throw it out!”
I hung up the phone. How dare that wench threaten me?
Allen was still staring at me, smiling. I continued to eat my meal. Before long, I was calm again, and I was able to concentrate deeply on Allen. He was so strong and sexy. I was getting aroused just being at the same table with him. Then something hit me. I invited him to New Orleans to spend the night and not once considered our sleeping arrangements. I wasn’t ready to start a physical relationship with him at this point. I wanted to wait until we were married. I know that we had accidently had sex, and as wonderful as it was, I didn’t want it again until we were bound by holy matrimony. I really believed very deeply in the sanctity of a virtuous woman and even though I would love nothing more than for Allen to fuck my brains out, I just couldn’t let it happen until we got married. I started tensing up, thinking about how I was going to tell him. As a man of chastity himself, I was sure he would understand. But as a man who has had some of this good, tight pussy, I was sure he wouldn’t. We finished our meal and walked back to the hotel. We cut down the back street into the quarter, and walked down the street, passing many suggestive sex shops. My body was raging with passion, thinking about how we could just ravish each other’s bodies with
little regard for the consequences. But, what would we have to look forward to once we were married? I mean once you fuck someone every way imaginable, what else do you have to look forward to on the wedding night? That’s why men are less eager than women to get married. They have nothing to look forward to. We give them all the goodies before the big day. Some people say, ‘Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free?’ I say, ‘Why buy the bakery when you’ve tasted all the donuts?’ I wanted Allen’s body right now, but I wanted his heart and mind for the rest of my life.
When we got to the hotel, I shook nervously like a virgin in the elevator as we rode up to our floor. Even if I wanted to do it now, I didn’t know where to start. I felt awkward and unsure of myself. I certainly didn’t want to appear more experienced than I really was by showing him all of the things Kenny has taught me over the past few years. I knew Lisa was probably a prude and she didn’t know how to turn him out. Kenny, on the other hand, was straight up freak. He was a well-seasoned veteran when we got married. He wanted me badly, too. He longed for the opportunity to deflower a virgin. Where he grew up, girls were having sex at very young ages. By the time he got to them, they had already been plucked. So, when he found out I was a virgin, he wanted it badly. He knew the only way to get it was to marry me. So, fast-forward four months after we met, we walked down that aisle. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on me. He tried to fuck my brains out. I was a little trooper, though. I only cried a few times. Now, here I am three years later, faced with the same situation. This time, it’s different. Allen took me without my permission only a few days ago, so now he knows exactly what he’s not going to get.
He opened the door for me and I walked in. I felt like I was walking The Green Mile. I was scared and nervous. I didn’t know how I was going to tell him.
I walked into the room and sat on the couch by the television. It sort of reminded me of being in Denver. The only difference now is that we are actually together. It seems kind of harsh to deny him this physical pleasure.
“Ny, I need to run out for a while. I’ll be back in little bit.”
He left and I felt sure he was gone to get condoms. He was gone for some time. After an hour or longer, he returned.
When he got back, he went and sat on the King sized bed. I felt my body tighten.
“Ny, chill. I’m not going to hurt you, unless you want me too,” he joked.
“Allen, I have to admit, I didn’t think this thing through.”
“Ny, it’s ok, nothing has to happen that you don’t want. I want you, but if it’s not the right time, I understand.”
“You’re ok with that?” I asked, surprised.
“Ny, I’m used to waiting, remember? You and I are a lot alike. I just want you to know that I will respect you, either way. I want to marry you as soon as I can, regardless of what happens here today. I’m just sorry that I made a terrible mistake and took something that wasn’t mine to take.”
I looked down with regrets.
“But honestly, Ny, If it hadn’t happened do you think we would be here now? Ny, physical passion is what drives us as humans. It may not always be right in every circumstance, but it is an innate need that must be fulfilled. My love for you runs so deep, the only thing making love to you now would do is make me want more. I could live inside your warm, inviting body.”
How could I say no to a man like that? He had it all. It was so perfect; we were here in good conscience, no ugly clouds of respective mates hanging over us. We had taken the steps necessary to ensure that we could be true to our authentic selves and not have to live a lie. What was wrong with fucking each other all night long and waking up in each other’s arms?
“What do you want to happen?” I asked him.
“I don’t care what happens. I’m just glad to be here with you, Ny. You have to believe that. I have the rest of my life to make love to you. I wouldn’t mind starting right now, but if I have to wait, that’s fine, too.”
“Well, let’s just see where the night takes us, then. If it happens, it happens, if it doesn’t then we will just wait.”
I got off the couch and went to sit by Allen on the bed. Suddenly I wasn’t nervous anymore. He made me feel relaxed and at ease. I was sure now that he really was interested in more than my physical existence. He turned the channels and everything seemed to be related to something sexual. At first we laughed as he tried to find something suitable to watch. But, after we had flipped through all of the channels, to no avail, we began to get concerned. We finally decided to let nature take its course, wherever that lead to. We settled on what seemed to be an appropriate movie for a first date. It started off funny and then it ended up where most of the others did - in the bedroom. Allen reached over and lightly kissed me on the forehead. I felt my whole body tingle as I felt like that same little school girl standing at the airport with his huge jacket on my tiny body.
“Ny, I used to fantasize what it would be like to sit you on my lap and fuck you from behind,” he told me, as he gave me short kisses on my lips.
“I always wondered if your dick was a big as your feet,” I confessed.
“Ny, let me fuck you from behind,” he offered.
I started getting nervous again.
“Ok,” he said, “We don’t have to. I can see you getting scared.”
I tried not to let it show.
“Ny, I really hurt you the other night, didn’t I?”
“Emotionally or physically?” I asked.
“Either?” he asked.
“Both, but the physical I got over. I’m still dealing with the emotional.”
“I know what I did was stupid. It was just that my fantasy was right there in my clutches, even though it was not mine to have, I couldn’t let go.”
“Allen, forget it, you don’t have to pay for that mistake for the rest of your life. I just never realized how deeply it affected me.”
“Let me erase that memory, Ny. Let me make love to you the right way.”
Then it hit me. ‘The right way.’ The only ‘right’ way is in the bonds of marriage.
“Allen, the only right way to make love to me is to be married to me when you do it.”
He hung his head.
“You’re right, Ny. But, baby, if I can be honest with you, I am about to explode. My dick is rock hard and I can’t get it to go down.”
I knew exactly how he felt. My pussy was so wet, I felt it seeping through my panties. It was such a shame to waste such a perfect opportunity. I decided that I could turn this negative into a positive. If I did it right, I could turn him on, satisfy him and still guard my virtue, all at the same time.
“Allen, do you know what I used to do when I got really aroused?”
“What?” he asked, grabbing his dick.
“I would do this.” I pulled up my dress and pulled down my panties. I laid on the bed and started rubbing my clit.
“I just rub my clit until I reach my climax,” I told him.
He started massaging his dick.
“You can masturbate yourself until you reach yours. I’ll let you shoot it on my breasts.”
He began to jerk himself quickly and with lots of force. He climbed on the bed and straddled his legs across my chest. He was jerking himself faster and faster. I continued to rub my clit. Soon I reached my climax and was whimpering like a puppy. The sounds I made caused him to become very excited. He began to explode all over my chest. It was squirting high in the air and it seemed as if it would never stop coming out. After several seconds, I was covered in his semen and yet more was still emitting.
“Put it in your mouth,” he instructed me.
Instinctively, I grabbed it and complied. The semen continued to erupt in my mouth. I swallowed and more came out. It was like he had been saving that one. After a few swallows, I couldn’t take any more. I pulled it out of my mouth, and yet semen was still coming out.
“Can I squirt it on your face?” he asked politely.
I answered in a heated passion.
He continued to emit fluid until there was no more. I grabbed it and licked the tip. He began to shiver.
He got off of me and lay helplessly on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling. I looked at him and smiled.
I really didn’t know if what we had done was just as bad as having carnal knowledge. One thing I know for sure is that it felt great! It was official, he was now a freak. He was trying out all of his little fantasies on me. He is new to this, but I am true to this!
We fell asleep on top of the covers, still sticky from Allen’s ejaculation. We slept that way for most of the night. I woke up at around 1:00 a.m. and decided to take a shower. I went in the bathroom and took my shower. When I came out, Allen was awake. He was waiting with his towel and when I came out, he went into the bathroom to shower also. I got under took the bedspread off that we had ruined, and placed it neatly in the corner of the room. I got under the covers and dozed off. I was awakened by the touch of Allen, getting into bed with me. He pressed his body close to mine, and we went to sleep in each other’s arms. This felt right. This is what I had dreamed of my whole life.
The in the morning, we got up early and started on our way back to Oxford. We stopped along the way and had breakfast at one of those waffle spots. We were acting so carefree for a couple of people who had disgruntled spouses waiting for us. When we got back to Oxford, the first thing I saw was the hatch to my Jeep up. As we pulled into the driveway, I saw Kenny coming out of the house with luggage. We pulled up to the house.
“What are you doing,” I asked.
“I’m packing my shit, we’re leaving.”
“We weren’t supposed to leave until next week.”
“Next week is this week! I’m ready to go. If you’re riding back to Alabama with me, you need to get your shit! You think you’re going to have me sitting up here looking crazy while you go off and lay up with my brother, you’ve lost your mind!”
“Kenny, this is not fair. I’m not ready to leave.”
“Well, tell your little boyfriend to fly you back to Birmingham. Just make sure you don’t have a layover. You might fall in love with some other motherfucker!”
Layover Page 18