Arlo (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 4)

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Arlo (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 4) Page 22

by Arcadia Shield

  Juniper let out a relieved sigh. This had all started by destroying a single communications hub, but they’d found so much more. They’d destroyed State experiments, discovered how scarily close the State were to breeding a dragon, revealed the State for who they really are, almost killed Emperor Endrir, and found Arlo’s sister.

  As she looked up into Arlo’s face, Juniper realized she’d found so much more. She’d found a new family, a new home, and a soulmate.

  Chapter 23

  It was late the next evening. Arlo had spent a deliciously long amount of time in bed. He was only half awake, his arms wrapped around Juniper. The room was dark and peaceful. He felt a rare sense of calm.

  Their injuries were well on the way to healing thanks to the dragon serum Sophia had given them when they’d returned to base. In a couple of days, the physical injuries they’d experienced would be gone. As for the mental shock, well, that might take some time. Especially for Juniper. She’d gone head-to-head with Emperor Endrir and somehow survived.

  Juniper’s eyes opened, and she blinked at him. They looked at each other in silence until she shifted closer. “Is this real?”

  Arlo narrowed his eyes. “It is. But I’m still angry with you.”

  She paused from stroking the scar on his jaw. “What for?”

  “For putting yourself at risk. It was madness going after Emperor Endrir.”

  She shrugged. “It was worth the risk.”

  His fingers curled around her arm. “No, it wasn’t.” Arlo pressed a fierce kiss on her lips. “I almost lost you. I had so much of your blood on my clothes that I had to burn them.”

  Juniper’s gaze lowered. “I had to try.”

  “You can’t keep thinking about just yourself,” said Arlo. “You’re not alone anymore. You have all of us here at the base. You have me.”

  She ducked her head until her forehead rested against Arlo’s bare chest. “I’m sorry.”

  “What did you say?”

  She raised her head. “I said, I’m sorry.”

  He pressed his lips together to stop from smiling. “Are you even sure you know what that word means? I think it’s the first time you’ve used it.”

  She scowled at him. “Of course I do. And you’re right. I stopped listening to reason. I saw Emperor Endrir and just wanted to destroy him. I was thinking about myself and what I wanted, not what the group needed.”

  Holy dragons, what was he going to do with this woman? She would always put herself in the firing line to protect others. He’d have to make sure she had the best equipment possible and knew how to defend herself. She wouldn’t want him standing in front of her trying to take away the danger. If he stopped her doing what she loved, that would be wrong. They’d figure it out, together.

  Arlo wrapped his arms around Juniper and pulled her closer, feeling her chest rub against his. She’d changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt before they’d slid into bed and fallen into an exhausted sleep. Suddenly, he wanted nothing more than to remove those clothes and have her naked next to him.

  Juniper’s fingers traced down his back, sending sparks of desire along his spine. “I was only looking out for you.”

  “I don’t want you to stop doing that, but look out for yourself as well.”

  She raised her head, and their lips met. At first, the kiss was tender, but as Juniper’s mouth opened and their tongues clashed, the passion grew.

  As Arlo’s hands skimmed over her hips, he knew she was all woman. Juniper was experienced, determined, and as sexy as hell. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d wanted anyone more. He’d never get tired of her.

  Without saying a word, she slid out of the bed. Standing in front of him, she pulled off her T-shirt. There was nothing underneath other than smooth flesh and beautiful purple scales. She let him watch her, her hands by her side and her chin tilted. She slid her shorts down and kicked them to one side.

  Arlo’s mouth opened, but no words came out. She was his everything.

  He yanked off his own shorts and gestured her toward him.

  She took a slow step forward and smiled, her scales glowing an iridescent purple and the color in her eyes flaring.

  “Stop teasing and get over here,” growled Arlo.

  Juniper took another step toward him. Her hands slid down her sides.

  That was it. He couldn’t resist her any longer. He jumped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back onto the bed. His lips met hers in a bruising kiss as she moaned into his mouth.

  His hands ran over her bare flesh as their tongues met again. He pulled back from the kiss. “I’m yours. We’re in this together.”

  She looked up at him from the tangle of sheets on his bed, desire clear in her eyes. “I can live with that, bomb boy.”

  REACHING HER HANDS toward Arlo, she ran them over his bare chest. He was so raw, hiding nothing as desire flooded his gaze. His long, thick cock stood to attention against his belly. It was all hers.

  He lowered himself slowly on top of her, their bare flesh sliding together. She felt her scales heat as her own arousal grew. No man, or dragon hybrid, had ever made her feel like this before.

  Juniper trusted him. He would never hurt her. He’d always be there, looking out for her, loving her, making her feel alive.

  His mouth covered hers and their tongues met. He groaned as the kiss deepened, his hands lacing with hers and pulling them over her head.

  Normally, she liked to be in charge. With Arlo it was different. His touch electrified her skin, making her want to wrap herself around him, be covered by his strong, hard body, and feel his cock buried deep inside her.

  “You’re so damn perfect.” Arlo stared down at her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” She smiled seductively, her fingers playing down his abs and circling his cock. He was big, he tested her limits. She loved it.

  Arlo groaned and dropped his head to her breasts as she slid her fingers up and down his cock. He grew even harder and jerked in her hand.

  His tongue and teeth teased her nipples, making her gasp. She stroked a hand across her scales. Arlo’s mouth followed her fingers, his warm breath on her skin only making her scales hotter.

  He slid farther down her body, his cock sliding from her hand.

  “Not fair. I want to feel you.”

  He grinned up at her, his mouth brushing down her stomach to the soft down between her legs. “Trust me, you’re going to feel me.”

  Her breath hitched as she watched Arlo dip in between her legs. His breath on her hot center made her shake with desire.

  She groaned as his mouth covered her clit and he sucked, alternating his tongue with his fingers, driving waves of pleasure through her. “Oh. My. Dragon. Never stop doing that.”

  Arlo responded by sucking harder, his speed increasing.

  That was all it took. Juniper’s thighs spasmed and shook. She clamped her legs around Arlo’s head as a frisson of heat flooded through her. His name ripped from her lips as the orgasm kept on going.

  He didn’t pause, sliding two fingers inside and stroking another orgasm out of her almost straight away, his mouth never leaving her clit.

  If she died right now, she’d be content. Arlo was incredible. He was everything she’d ever wanted. He slid up her body, pressing electric kisses to her skin, pausing to taste a droplet of sweat or tease a nipple. She was gasping with pleasure again when he finally kissed her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

  The kiss was long and deep. Their bodies tangled together in a hot, sweat-slicked jumble.

  She stroked her hands down his back, before grabbing his ass and pulling him closer.

  He pulled back from the kiss. He positioned his cock by her ready opening, his gaze not leaving hers as he thrust in. A deep groan of pleasure slid out of him.

  “Juniper, you’re incredible.” He grabbed her hips and fucked her hard. “I can’t control myself with you. I want to taste every inch of you, be in you so de
ep I forget my own name.”

  She kissed him long and hard, their tongues clashing as her desire rode through her in waves. He was her everything.

  Arlo slowed and opened his eyes. “Come with me.” His fingers slid to her clit and he stroked her.

  Heat flooded her body as tremors spread from her center. She kept her gaze locked to Arlo’s as his cock plunged in deep, his maddeningly hard fingers coaxing and teasing her sensitive clit.

  “Come with me, Juniper.” His voice was thick with desire.

  Her name on his lips was so sexy. She bucked her hips up, meeting Arlo’s fast rhythm, grabbing every inch of him, wanting to feel all of him inside her.

  “Oh! Yes!” The orgasm hit her and she cried out as Arlo pounded into her, riding her orgasm, his rhythm stretching the tingling heat throughout her stomach and into her limbs.

  Arlo groaned and thrust in deep. “Juniper. Juniper. Juniper.” He whispered her name over and over as he came.

  She pulled him down against her sweat-covered skin. She kissed his neck and ran her tongue down his throat, tasting him, listening to his short, sharp breaths, loving the feel of his racing heartbeat drumming against her.

  Juniper felt his muscular arms scoop her to him, keeping her safe. She smiled and relaxed. No one could hurt her now.

  JUNIPER COULDN’T BELIEVE they’d spent the whole day and night hidden away in Arlo’s quarters. That previous night, they’d spent hours enjoying each other. She was obsessed with him. Her dragon side felt sated and smug.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about Arlo. When she’d been in the shower, eating breakfast, when she’d been getting dressed. He was always there, in the back of her mind, reminding her he was hers. He’d said it himself. Whatever they’d face in the future, they’d do it together. The thought sent a warm tingle through her stomach.

  Ever since they’d first mated, the intensity of her feelings had grown. Juniper had tried to dismiss them, but she couldn’t hide the fact that she was part dragon. That part of her wanted Arlo and no one else. Who was she kidding? Every part of her wanted him.

  Her lustful dragon-possessed thoughts were pulled back to the briefing room she sat in, along with Heath, Arlo, Lincoln, Ranger, and Jude. Danni was also there, standing in her usual position at the head of the table, her arms clasped behind her back.

  Juniper shifted in her seat and felt an ache in her thighs. It was a good ache. Arlo was incredible in bed. She’d lost count of the number of orgasms he’d given her. She wanted to do it again. Forever. And only with Arlo.

  She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and saw a satisfied smile on his face. Yes, he was feeling the same. He was hers. She reached under the table and squeezed his knee.

  “The castle has been destroyed,” said Danni. “Your bombs were effective.”

  “Any reports as to what happened to Emperor Endrir?” Lincoln looked over at Jude.

  “It’s been worryingly quiet,” said Jude. “It’s as if what happened at the castle is being ignored. The usual prerecorded broadcast went out this morning, but that could have been created days ago.”

  “There’s still a chance he died,” said Juniper.

  “There was no body at the castle,” said Heath. “Unless he dragged himself out of that room and died elsewhere, there was no sign of him. We have to assume he got away.”

  A murmur of unhappiness went around the room.

  “Jude, double the number of people on the communications rota for the next week,” said Danni. “We need as many ears on this as possible.”

  “I’ll get on that,” said Jude.

  Danni looked at Juniper. “Have you experienced aftereffects from your encounter with Emperor Endrir?”

  “A few unpleasant flashbacks. Nothing serious. I found out how strong he is and how much he hates dragon hybrids. He wants the human population under his complete control. He’s not going to stop until that’s happened. He hates everything we’re doing.”

  “That’s good news.” Lincoln looked at the group and smiled. “If we’re pissing off Emperor Endrir, then that’s a win as far as I can see.”

  “At the very least, it might make him think twice before he makes his next move,” said Danni. “We continue our interference on State communication hubs. It’s not impacting the general population, but it is making the State less effective. We use that to our advantage.”

  “I still think that theory could work. Maybe all we need to do is bring down enough hubs,” said Jude.

  “Keep working on it,” said Danni. “Now that we know for certain the State want a dragon of their own, that needs to be a top priority. We can never let them get their hands on a dragon.”

  Everyone in the room nodded.

  Danni looked around at everyone. “Since the State are licking their wounds, we deserve a few hours off.”

  Arlo sat upright in his seat. “Are you serious? We’re getting time off?”

  Danni scowled at him. “You make it sound like I’m the one who’s a tyrant. Everyone needs downtime.”

  Arlo grinned at Juniper.

  “How’s Izzie doing?” Danni asked Heath.

  “She’s still unconscious,” said Heath, his own smile vanishing. “Sophia is taking care of her. She’s hopeful she’ll make a full recovery.”

  “She has to,” said Lincoln. “She’s been through a lot, though. It might take time.”

  “We’ll be here for her, whatever she needs,” said Arlo. “Now that Izzie is back, she’s not going anywhere ever again.”

  “She won’t like that,” said Juniper. “You can’t keep her here against her will.”

  “Yes, we can,” said Lincoln.

  “But you won’t,” said Juniper. “Izzie will have been through a lot, but that doesn’t mean you treat her like something broken or fragile. Your sister will need your support, but you can’t treat her any differently. Make sure she knows she’s loved but also has her freedom.”

  “She knows that,” said Arlo.

  “She won’t if you keep her trapped in here like some broken creature,” said Juniper.

  “We won’t do that,” said Arlo.

  “No, we’ll just make sure someone is always keeping an eye on her,” said Heath.

  Juniper groaned. “I give up. She’s your sister. Don’t blame me if she sneaks off one night because her infuriating brothers won’t give her any peace.”

  Heath and Lincoln grumbled under their breaths. Arlo and Jude both shrugged.

  “What about you?” Danni asked her.

  “What about me?”

  “What are your plans for the future?” asked Danni. “This is your second stay with us. How long will you be here this time?”

  Juniper felt Arlo stiffen in his seat. “I’d like to stay for as long as possible.” She heard him let out a breath. “I mean, if that’s okay?”

  “It’s fine by me,” said Danni.

  “I don’t want to stay in the bunker all the time, though. The last time I was here, it drove me crazy being underground. I need to be on active duty. I want to join one of the new squads you’re putting together.”

  Arlo frowned and looked away but made no comment.

  “That’s a good idea,” said Danni. “You have shown yourself to be fearless. You will need to get used to taking orders, though.”

  Juniper wrinkled her nose. “I can do that.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Danni raised her eyebrows. “What do you think, Heath?”

  “Juniper will be a good fit in the squad I’ve got ready to go. Brett and Ranger are in that squad, along with Malachi. Juniper’s worked with them.”

  Juniper nodded, liking that idea. Malachi was a quiet but a talented dragon hybrid. She didn’t know Brett or Ranger all that well, but they were fast and accurate and they’d have her back.

  “Very well,” said Danni. “Welcome to the team, Juniper. It’s good to have you on board.”

  The debrief ended, and Juniper walked alongside Arlo as they left the room
. “What do you think?”


  “Me joining a squad?”

  Arlo was silent until they reached the end of the corridor. He turned and wrapped an arm around her waist. “I hate it.”

  “Wait a minute—”

  “Let me finish.” Arlo placed a finger against Juniper’s lips. “The idea of you going out and risking your life makes me sick. But I’ve always known you as a fighter. I’d never be the one to keep you in here knowing how much you hate it. I don’t expect you to change now you’re with me.”

  She looked into his open face. Her gaze traced along the scar on his jaw. “I worry about you, too. I know how much you love to make things blow up. I promise I’ll take better care of myself when I’m out on a mission if you promise me one thing?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Stop standing so close to your bombs.” She smiled. “I quite like you with eyebrows.”

  Arlo grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Now that I’ve got something worth coming back to the bunker for, I’ll be sure to do that.”

  “Make sure you do.” Juniper stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay in the bunker full time?” Arlo’s fingers tightened on her back. “Maybe as you mellow, you might like becoming a housewife.”

  “A housewife! Does that mean you’re going to propose?”

  Arlo’s eyes gleamed, and he leaned closer. “Never say never. I’ll make an honest woman of you one day.”

  Juniper’s heart fluttered as she kissed him again.

  “Besides, I’d love seeing you in a naughty housewife outfit, one with a short skirt and a frilly apron. I can imagine you, on your knees, willing and obedient as I boss you around.”

  “That will never happen.” She shook her head and shoved against Arlo’s chest, but he held on tight. “As if you’ll ever get me being submissive to you.” Juniper didn’t hate the idea, though. Now that she had Arlo, she felt like there were no more barriers to keep up. She would trust him with anything, her life, her heart, and any of the fantasies they had about each other. She would hide nothing from him and knew he was the same with her.


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